,hl=en,siteUrl='http://0ldfox.blogspot.com/',authuser=0,security_token="v_SeT2Tv8vVdKRCcG9CCW-ZdIfQ:1429878696275"/> Old Fox KM Journal

Thursday, June 20, 2002

messd up the comment code and i don't see why./ tried to fix it testinmg
tell me more more more. gotta have your love babe. more more more
testing once agian ole man
pay the dr, refil Rx.
vacuum, call steph, cellphone
oh yes i bought the clipmatre program and need to learn more of the functions. it iseems well worth the 20 $.
trying got get the netsol problems solved. what a hosing!
switching citesite and fuelgauge over to register, that's risky but there are two groups over there now.
netsol stil ahs the main problem one and the two ro 3 tvs.

Thursday, June 13, 2002

so we got hit with a virus evidently via ermail and i ran trand micro's free virus scan. It found "malware" names reg_seeker.c which I warned steive about.
okay that's it. you need to type some test and then make it intoo a link. a naked link won't do.
testtsttest click here
something wrong.
it does not seem to want to display a url from th4e hyperlink icon.
lets try typing it right in http://oldfox.com
over and out.
url posted here.
okay, thios is the start of the oldfox blog. oldfox.blogspot.com is taken by someone writing purely in arabic characters, it seems so I have begun here as 0ldfox. with a ZERO. One will have to check with blogger to see if ownership fo the oldfox.com domain name gives any rights to the oldfox.blogspot.com space.

meanwhule all i need to do is think of soemthing to write about beides myself.
and ,my poor spelling