summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, September 20, 2024

a question answered, and too much fun...and SURPRISE!


But first, just a few steps down memory lane...Miss Cam and Miss Char...not too long ago!

Old Ms. Suri...look at that graying muzzle and those gray brows!  
Little Miss Sunshine...

Two little grandchildren are spending four nights with of our friends suggested putting up a tent, it's been a grand idea...
In a tent in the house!  

Wulf and Tennyson like waffles!

And snickerdoodles.
Rhys was here for a visit today too, didn't get a pic of Achilles and Jamie...

Surprise!  Jonathan is engaged to Rosi!

She is the younger sister of Darius and Adrian, husbands of Kathryn and Margaret.  She's been here from Canada, staying with Margaret and Adrian, and...she fell in love with Jonny...and he with her.  So, surprise!  

Our answered question:  I was going to ask my bloggy friends for mattress recommendations, but then Kathryn had a suggestion, so we just ordered one.  We've had a Sleep Number for several years, bought it when I was expecting one of the kids, so at least 17 years ago, probably more like 20 or more.   

Let's see, we had a simple dinner here tonight.  Paul and I, Kathryn and her three little ones, Camille, and the two little boys.  I made oven roasted stuffing, with some cajun chicken leftover from yesterday, then some hot dogs, and some hot sausage with peppers and onions.  I sliced up a honeycrisp apple too, oh it was good.  I picked up my mystery produce box from a local farm/orchard, it was a half bushel of fun and goodness:  red and green peppers, sweet corn, honeycrisp apples, acorn squash, a few pumpkins and a butternut squash, and some New York grapes.  It was $20, and worth it.  

Our pear tree is dying.  I read years and years ago that pear trees do better when there is more than one, but we never got a second one.  There are just a few pears scattered on the ground, and most of the branches are dead, we need to cut it down.  (I took a bite out of one of the ground pears, so good, but there are only a dozen or so, and most have black spots)

I made a spray for the stinkbugs:  peppermint oil, Dawn, and water.  They don't exactly fall down dead but it slows them down, and there are fewer around the door.  I do hate and detest them, I do.  In the house I have the vacuum plugged in at all times...ugh.

Tomorrow, we might go to a park or a playground with the boys...then Sunday after church, we'll have the family over and lament the first day of fall ha.  I have ribs for the smoker...

Apologies for the scrambled post...the day has been quite busy, and I'm beat.  I didn't go to my water aerobics class today, I was going to attempt to bring the boys with me but they were intent on waffles, and I didn't want to rush things and wasn't sure how it would go anyway.  

Kathryn watched them outside for a while today, even took them in the road to ride their bikes for a bit.  Jamison was so tired, I had rocked him to sleep, so poor me, ha, had to sit here with a sleeping baby in my arms while she chased the kids!  (It was wonderful, ha!)

Ah well, have a good night!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

summery autumn weather, we'll take it!


The mums are getting almost too much sun!
These mums are out of control!  Paul planted them in the planter box a few years ago, thinking it was a lavender plant that survived the winter in a pot under the deck.  

This fine morning, I have puttered around...does anyone else get stinkbugs in the fall?  I hate them.  They are disgusting, but at least they are dumb and slow.  I keep two vacuum cleaners plugged in and ready at all times.  I also have the wax warmer going with pumpkin spice, because there is no pleasant aroma when you vacuum up a stink bug.  ugh.  But, it's part of autumn here these days.  We have sprayed, they don't seem to mind pesticides. 

Kathryn was going to the library today, so Cam and I joined her.  They have a new play area for the kids.  

Achilles likes the dollhouse
Rhys was "working".
Jamie liked the stairs
Imaginations!  Achilles was the captain, and Rhys was on the phone with Sonic...

We also took a quick trip into Aldi, which is one of the nice things about Aldi, how long can it take?  We got apples for only $1.89, a bag of frozen mixed veggies, still under a dollar, a bottle of lime juice for $1.99,  two pounds of butter (ouch!), a pizza dough, fresh mozzarella, and various other things that added up to $47.  You don't get much for your money these days, but at least things are cheaper at Aldi.  And, I discovered their habanero lime sauce, so good but not too hot.  Mmmm.  

Home again, ahh, I puttered around a bit more, but my knees were subtly suggesting I sit down for a bit...when I ignore their promptings, they start yelling at me, then punish me by not bending when I do go to sit, mostly the right one. The left one is giving me the gift of not hurting as badly, and bending more easily. 

So the cortisone shots, a huge amazing gift, took the edge off, but that edge is wearing off quickly for my right knee.  Dang it.  It was too good to be true.  

One thing I'm working on is losing some weight.  We all know how that goes, but I'm not giving up.  The weekend away was a bit snacky, that's all I'll say about it, could've been worse, could've been better, it was enjoyed, but now I'm being more serious again.  

There's Activity Club tonight, we're playing on the playground, then making autumn wind chimes.  We'll have a snack and a drink and then they'll run around for a bit.  I do enjoy the kids.  

Did I tell you that I'm watching Wulf and Tennyson from Thursday to Monday?  Yes, they're coming for a few days, and I'm excited about it.  I'm thinking to let them help plan our meals for the weekend, then bring them to the store on Friday.  Paul and I are also planning to bring them to the playground or somewhere fun on Friday, we'll see what the rest of the weekend brings.  

Ah well, I think my break is over...I'm in an organizing mood, and we all know those don't come around every day!  Have a really nice day!

Monday, September 16, 2024

ahhh, home again...


Costco the other day...Christmas already?!
And, the nice

We did not use the jet ski.  

The Airbnb was quite nice, the upstairs was full of windows too.
The ducks, cute and annoying.  There were around 45 of them, quacking around together.
Emily and Camille, the oldest and the youngest...

This looks almost fake...

We spent the entire day outside on Saturday.  I didn't go swimming because it was quite rocky, and the rocks were slippery.  If there were a ladder on the dock I would have gone in, but I didn't want to slip and fall.  But it was lovely anyway, all sunshine with a bit of a cool breeze from the water.  

We grilled steak in the dark, grilled chicken in the late afternoon with the golden hour sun making everything look magical.  We had charcuterie on the comfy patio furniture, and lounged on it later for a nice fire, Miss Cam toasted marshmallows.  We had some wine, only a few sips for me, we laughed our heads off, and we relaxed. nice to see Paul, finally!  He's home from Ireland, and he brought me a Guiness chocolate bar, which I have not cracked into yet.  He is right back to being busy, he tarred the driveway yesterday.  (Good luck with that, with two big Labradors who don't understand Stay Off The Driveway.)(yes, Suri did walk right down it and come in to the house...)

We have yet to cover the pool, but shh, I might get in it today...this stretch of nice weather, some extra summer, so nice.

Now I'm heading to the pool, so have a good day!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

life is like candyland...'re young and happy and naive, skipping down the colorful squares, next thing you know - it's as if you drew the Gummy Forest card, and where did all those squares go?  You sped right over them!  Soon you'll be at King Kandy's castle, and hardly remember the details of Princess Lollipop or Queen Frostine.

But there is today, and that in of itself is a gift, through and through.  This fine day, it's been quiet here.  I've washed some dishes, made coffee, watered the plants, put my bedding in the wash, fed the dogs, let them in and out, puttered around, and here I sit in my comfy chair, while the sun shines and the leaves secretly plot their own beautiful demise.

Yesterday I went to the pool, then out to brekky with my pool friends.  We didn't get all the world's problems solved, but we had a nice time.  I stopped at the little store in town, afterward, to get turkey and bread and some apple cider, as I knew I was having grandkids over.

It was Lasagna Day, I put together some sauce with browned ground beef and mild Italian sausage, then layered it all with ricotta and cheese, with Rhys helping by eating little heaps of shredded mozzarella.  Two pans of lasagna, one for our dinner, and one to bring over to Karen and Hobie today, as she had her hip replaced on Monday.  Camille made some brownies with broiled marshmallow topping, so we'll bring some of those, with a loaf of fresh Italian bread.  Hmm, if I get up and move it, I can make some in the Dutch oven.  

Grace and her three joined us too, so there were six kids here.  The dinner was nice, I made some garlic bread too.  I didn't take any pictures, but there was plenty of cuteness, believe me!

Tuesday was my sister's birthday, so Linda, me, Cheryl (my sister!), our friend Cathy and our sister-in-law Mary, went out to lunch.  (two of Cheryl's daughters and five of her grandchildren were there too!).  Time just flies when spent with such dear good friends.  Cheryl is the most special lady in the world.  We only have to look at each other,  and don't even get us started on the laughing in a serious situation.  Weddings, funerals, oh dear.   She is hilarious, but also very kind and thoughtful and extremely thankful to God for all things, a huge example of faithfulness in her trials...cancer is not good or fun, but she battles fiercely to be at rest in the knowledge that God weighs and measures our trials and truly knows what's best for us.   

We have had so many adventures together, I really treasure her.  

Then there's this young lady who misses Paul almost more than I do...she knows when he gets his suitcase out, she diligently keeps watch for him to get home.

And, a random oldie here, Camille, Mariel, Miss Charlotte Claire...

Yes, life whizzes by...we were the young and dumb ones, now we're the old and dumb ones...I can't remember when we were just the right age, and very smart, ha.  Can I just say that being a grandparent is sometimes more difficult than when I was just a plain old parent? 

Sometimes you do say things, of course, but to be respectful of parenting and not be a know-it-all... Of course it is my house, but also I don't want to be too picky, so they're all comfortable here, because I WANT them to come here, I truly do, love them and the kids with all of my heart, they are what life is all about.  So we learn patience and forbearance and goodness, and learn when to say something and when not to, and give those kids lots of hugs and praise, and tell them how much they are loved.  

Maybe I was too strict with my kids when they were growing up.  Maybe, because there were so many of them, I had to be, so it wasn't chaos.  I know I didn't do everything right, and that parenting takes SO much patience.  Grand-parenting does too!  :)

Ah's good to be awake and in need of help, so we can hear that still small voice which God so lovingly sends.  Life is good.  Have a really good day!

Monday, September 9, 2024

showers of happiness, showers of rain...


Wedding shower for our Miss Suzanne Eleanor:  Camille, Emily (youngest child, oldest), Sonja, me, Suze, Molly Rose, her Lydia Eleanor in front, Margaret, Evelyn, Kathryn with Rhys, Mariel (nine of the girls were there, Abigail is in Delaware, Char in Germany)
Evelyn Joy, maid of honor, with Suzanne

Suze and her fiance, Zechariah...

Paul left for Ireland yesterday afternoon, for work.  Blythe wanted to help her Grandpa with his suitcase.
Auntie Evelyn with Jamie and Blythe, little double cousins!

Aunt Evelyn on the deck with Wulf, Elise, Achilles, Tenny
Jamie visiting Blythe...
Oh, too cute.

This fine day, after I came home from the pool, Cam and I went to the bank so she could open an account.  She got to pick two prizes, a speaker and some earbuds, her lucky day.  She will have her very own debit card.  

Kathryn messaged that she needed to go to the store, and yes, we would like to go.  I always like to see the kids.  We got home, and made soup...chicken gnocchi soup. 
I chopped and sauteed the chicken breast in olive oil and pepper.  She chopped celery, carrots, garlic, and onions, added heavy cream and chicken broth, rosemary and thyme, oregano, salt, and the gnocchi.  I'm telling you, this was excellent soup.  We ate while watching Downton Abby, then left to bring her to music practice.  

Emily was watching Kathryn's kids this evening, so I visited there. 
Aunt Emily with Achilles.  I got to read lots of stories, and play blocks, and tell Achilles again about the dump truck that tipped over on our road, true story.  It was a HUGE dump truck, ten wheels.  I heard a huge BANG, then the power and internet went out.  I didn't realize that it was a dump truck tipping over, until my sister sent me pictures from a news article.
Here they are with the winch truck, pulling it upright
It was lying right on it's side, right on our road, down a bit...

I don't know how it tipped over, but it was definitely the BANG I heard.

Achilles liked the story and the pictures.  

We had some really dark and rainy weather this afternoon, thunder storms too.  I do love a good dark storm.  It's stopped now, and the rest of the week should be warm and sunny....which is good, because I'm going on vacation this coming weekend!  Yay!!!

Random thought for the day:  the #1 reason I couldn't ever be the president of the United States:  if anyone was mean to me, I'd cry.  How on EARTH can anyone control when their mouth starts to quiver and have hurt feelings and their eyes start to water?  How could one stand there in a debate or whatever, and not cry?   The second reason is that no one would vote for me, followed by I can't wear high heels, who would vote for a fat middle aged woman in Birkenstocks?  Also, during the debate I'd have to ask everyone to wait a minute so I could drag over a chair and sit and put my feet up.  

Remember Amy Carter used to roller skate in the White House?  I was just a kid, and was so jelly.

I am continuing to be in love with my new vacuum cleaner.  
That is not me, not my dog, not my dog's hair...ha.  
That's not me either, but I also look beautiful and blissful when I vacuum.
This is my new vacuum cleaner.  I did not, however, pay that much for mine.  It was $150 at the bargain store which buys Amazon stuff by the truckload, and they had a 50% off sale, so I got it for $75.  One of the parts, a stair vacuuming piece, does not rotate, but I decided not to return it because I love love love the whole rest of the vacuum, and don't even need that attachment.  It glides along my floors, picking up all the dog hair like magic.  It's super light, and easy to empty, and has a 30 foot cord.  No, I am not getting a penny to speaking lovingly of it, I just happen to have a thing for vacuum cleaners, and am enjoying the heck right out of this one.  I mean, I vacuum every single day, may as well use a nice cleaner!

Tomorrow my very favorite and only sister has a birthday, so some of us are going out to lunch.  I am very excited about this.  :).   I will be sure to get some pictures.  

And...I am tired, very tired.  I am looking forward to getting into my nice snuggly bed, wish it would rain some more because going to bed with rain drumming on the metal roof, what could be nicer?    Have a good night, thank you for reading!