Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy baby kangaroos...


So, I'm at work Friday, and we're expecting this guy to come in and pick up knives that Chuck signed for him, and he calls & says he's bringing his baby kangaroo with him... aaaaahhhh!!!!! Needless to say I was excited about it, and so was the rest of the people working that day! I was beyond happy to be able to hold her! It was so cute when he had her on the ground & she was ready to go. He held out her pouch & she just did a forward roll into it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

18 months old...

Time for yet another doctor's visit, so new vitals! Yay! Adrian is 31 1/2 inches tall, and weighs 23lb. Creeping up to the 25th percentile for height & around 15th for weight.

He's got to be the cutest kid on earth. He loves to toddle around. I think he's saying at least one new word each day! His current favorites are: "gogo" for any food, "cars" (said at a whisper most of the time) for anything with wheels, he says "hi", "mama", "daddy", "kitty", "puppy", "tetoo" (which means Thank You), he can say diaper too, but it sounds more like "bopper", can't think of any others off the top of my head, but he's really starting to say a lot of stuff. He still likes to share everything with us & loves to give us kisses. He loves being outside & even braved a big slide with me! Just growing like a weed & getting cuter every day. He's addicting... seriously... I wish I could just keep him up & be with him 24/7 so I won't miss anything he might do! :)

Friday, April 9, 2010


Moving day...
At least I'll be a whole lot closer to work. Almost makes up for the actual hassle of moving. Here's some pics to get you acquainted with our new home...



Entry... stairs to left, hall to kitchen (on right), 1/2 bath (on left) & living room & dining room straight ahead


Living room

Dining room

Bathroom at top of stairs (straight ahead)

Two bedrooms at the top of the stairs (after you turn left)

Hall to Master bedroom (straight ahead) & laundry area (behind those doors on the right)

My AWESOME closet (#1)



There's also a bathroom in the Master... sooo cool!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Adrian's 2nd Easter was much more fun than his first, and involved a lot less of him wanting to eat the grass in his basket, and more of him wanting to eat everything else in there! He had fun finding all of his eggs in the backyard too, and made light work of shelling them because he literally threw them each into his basket! :)