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Genevieve, Clarissa
Both fourteen.
101% anti-scam and trustworthy :D
Currently supplying 3 blogshops.



Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @ 9:02 AM

Hello all,
We're really sorry for all these inconvenience but we've closed down this blogshop due to not enough time to juggle these and our other stuff.
Furthermore, our business has not been picking up lately, thus we decided to close down this blogshop.

For all those who placed their orders but haven't paid, sorry for the inconvenience but we will not be selling them to you anymore.
As for those who already paid, if the item is ready to send in, we'll proceed with the pre-order. But if it isn't ready, your money will be refunded back.

However, dear customers, if you would like us back, kindly drop us an email, and if there is overwhelming response, we'll definitely bring this blogshop back up.

Thank you for all your support all these while. Enjoy.

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