Monday, March 19, 2012

Mom when will football start again?

It is only March but Spencer can't wait for football already.
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As promised .... Sociable Video

Special Thanks to Aunt Dixie who made the Crazy Flimingos a reality!!!
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Sociable Time!

The boyz tried out for the Children's Sociable again this year.  They made it!  It has been so fun to see them this year.  To explain what they are doing see photos with captions

The flamingos are puppets.

The Boyz and their couzins are in black.

It looks a little crazy until......

The lights are out and the black light are turned on.

Then you have dancing crazy flamingos.

The pictures don't do it justice.
We will post the video soon.
To cute for words.

Chinese New Year

Max and Ben in traditional Wigger attire and sweet Liddia in her Chineese dress.

We had problems with the camera so there were only a few picures that turned out.
This is durring the Dragon Parade.

We were only able to stay for a short time, because seeing all of the Chineese girls and decorations and language was hard for Liddia.  Her anxiety was very high so we left early.  My heart hurts for her loss.

Learning To Be A Man

One of the reasons we bought our home was to teach our Crazy Boyz responsibility (small farm), and to help them learn that they Can Do Hard Things.  One of these "things" is our basement.  With our growing family (not in number just in size) we have decided to finish our basement.  Brendon has taken this opportunity to teach the boys this "Can Do"  approach.  What you see is the fruits of our labors.  Spencer and Ethan just have taken off with the project and have learned so much.  Spencer even framed a room by himself.  Ethan has learned to wire with his Dad.  I'm so grateful for a hubby that is daring to do "Hard Things".  If it were up to me I would have much rather hired it done.  Thank goodness it's not always up to me.  It has been fun to see the boyz enjoy this project. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Ethan turns 14

Ethan wanted to go for a night snowmobile ride and have a fire for his b-day

Max wanted to drive himself but opted to go with the big machines

B-day boy and the fire!

Fire in the snow!  So Fun!

14 candels oh my!

When you don't have any wrapping paper duck tape works great!

Thanks Biga C!