Thursday, February 26, 2009

Story Hour

We had "Wear A Fun Hat Day" at our local story hour! We have a small class.

We also had "Show and Tell" - Z brought a toy car - although he didn't want to go in front of the group when it was time, so Ak went up in the front with me, but then she got shy too.

B brought the book Aunt E made for her about her trip to Colorado back in October 2008. Ms. L LOVED it!!! (: And the other helpers asked questions about it afterwards - they were impressed with the bound book quality with pictures of her in it! B sat up there and did a good job. She chose a few pages to describe. She did really well showing and telling!

We always do a craft after the story. But with Show N Tell - there wasn't time to work on it during Story Hour - so it was a take home craft. We were given 2 pages - one page of a snowman and one page with 5 different hats to color and then pick one to put on the snowman.

B decided to color all the hats and then draw snowmen for each of the hats. She got so into it that she drew a couple hats of her own and added them to the collection. Thanks Ms. L for a fun day and activities to do at home too!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good Times Working

D got to go with me to work/usher a show this time. Jerry Seinfeld came to town, so my parents agreed to have the kids spend the night. It was nice to ride up there and see a show together (even though it was from opposite parts of the theatre.) I didn't realize Jerry is 54! I enjoyed his opening about congratulating on everyone for getting "out" - "you did it, you made it out" "everyone talks about 'let's go out' or 'what do you want to do? I don't know, but I want to go out.'" "This is OUT." "Despite everyone's different schedules, work, chilren, phone calls, emails, traffic, car issues - deciding who's driving, when you are leaving, are we stopping to eat, do we know where to park, who's got the tickets ------- you all made it here. This is OUT." (: He was funny! Afterwards we stopped and got something to eat with friends and my sister-in-law and I were sitting next to our "boss" and saying "wasn't it funny when Jerry said this or that?" (giving just a topic or one line) and laughing!!! Our boss was a little lost at our comments . . . She said, "Some of us have to WORK during the show and I didn't hear that." (: So she was lost in our laughter since we can't retell the jokes and make them sound as good as he does - that's why he earns the big bucks!!! Sold out show!

Then . . . . . I just got to work the CELTIC WOMAN show!!! (: I got to see them last year with my parents. I didn't know what to expect then and my mother wasn't expecting it to be a concert - so she was not happy with the experience due to bright lights and loud music (don't ask her about it, she may cry on you! Seriously not the best night of her life) - but obviously I liked it enough to want to go back! I had forgotten how much I enjoy their percussion guys - they are AWESOME!!! The fiddle player and them MAKE THE SHOW!!! Sorry ladies, you can sing, but so can lots of ladies. Without the musicians there would be no Celtic Woman in my opinion. The piano player - AWESOME!!! Other musicians up there - AWESOME! Those 2 percussion guys - AMAZING!!! I hope they know they are lucky to have that job and I hope they get paid well!!! And the girl that plays the fiddle while dancing and jumping around - REALLY AMAZING!!! I'm glad it worked out that I could go. On the way home, my friend commented how we've lucked out and have enjoyed ALL the shows we've worked so far. It hasn't seemed like WORK yet - just that we get to see shows for FREE! (Although we all admit - standing through the whole thing is the worst part of the job! That does feel like work! So we'll take our check.) (:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dress Up

Z dressed up and looked like a nice plain cowboy - then he saw B with carrying things and he added to his costume! (:

B said she was Indian Ballerina Supergirl Cheerleader Explorer Mom
Cracked me up!!! (: I didn't ask what prop was the "mom" - the purse???

Ak had to join in in the dress up fun too - she was satisfied with minimal dress up attire!

Craft Day at Hardware Store

So, on Valentine's Day, I was brave and took 3 kids, by myself to Lowe's! We have done the Kid's Clinics at Home Depot - I drop off D with B and Z and take Ak on errands. But due to circumstances and my desire for B to have this craft - I had to take all 3. I forgot my camera. There were no tables or bucket stools like we were used to, there everyone sits on the floor. It's free and Z said it didn't hurt when Ak hit hin on the head with a hammer!!!! Ahhhhh!!! We didn't have time to get Ak's done - so we brought it home! (: B made a jewerly box (w/ a mirror inside) and Z made a mailbox. I'm glad we went!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One Day D

D's Dad and a brother came to help clean up after the ice storm that made our backyard into a jungle. His brother brought his new purchase:
D was happy to drive it around while they were visiting!!! Sorry D, it's not time to own your jeep again.

Thanks for all the help guys! This is the "hedge" they made by the street with stuff ALL from the backyard!!! It's quite tall in places! And goes the length of our yard - to the fir tree!
Looks a lot better!

Admitting to 3 Changes

I've been stuck giving the same answers for years, even though my opinions I think have changed. I felt loyal to those answers or thought since I once thought them, I should always think that way. I've already had to repent about things I thought about "moms" before I became one!!! And so I've realized it's okay to change your mind (about non-eternal mattering things) and life circumstances change one's needs, wants, likes and desires. So here are some things I am admitting to:

1. My favorite color isn't yellow anymore. It has served it's purpose as my favorite. It started because in grade school - everyone always said "red" and I wanted to be different - so I said yellow. I think I'll say Orange from now on. And Black. (but not them together - except on Halloween). I've always loved Black since middle school - it's my favorite color to wear. And orange is so fun and holds some excitement in my heart.

2. My favorite food isn't jello anymore. It too came about as liking that it was an uncommon "favorite" and plus I loved it at my grandma's house - but I rarely make it now and if other things are offered - I will not choose it - so I don't think it's really my favorite. I don't what is - I'll work on this one. Meatless Dishes, Cinnamon Rolls, and Ice Cream are high up on the list.

3. I've never really liked Mini-vans. I didn't think they looked very cool. I used to dream of owning a SUV - I thought they looked cooler to drive. And I never dreamed of owning 2 mini-vans, I actually talked against the idea. But when it came down to it recently - I've realized there are many pluses to the mini-van and with children, I like having one! I admit it. Am I less cool for that? So be it. It's a season - and I'm in it. But, after surviving most of the winter withOUT heat & defrost, we decided we would get a second car - and in the event our maroon van ended it's slow dying process - we didn't want to be without a van - so yes, we are not just owners of one van, now we are owners of two. (: Wecome Honda Odyssey to our family. (One of it's coolness features: it can seat belt 8 people! who needs an SUV?) (:

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

We LOVE fun times!

Joy School Craft: Painting Abstract Hearts! (: We painted the side of each of our fists/hands and tried to make the shape of a heart. It wasn't exactly like I intended - but they liked it. (:

Party at Story Time!!! We got to make our own Mailbox Bag to hold our exchanged Valentines!

Fun during Singing Time at Music Makers! We all love to be helpers!

Valentine's Day is Coming!

We've been making cards for weeks - it's been the fun craft thing to do everyday - B never tired of making more! (: She finally got to pass some out Sunday at church and this week at Story Hour and Music Makers.

B and Ak got to wear matching heart pants from Aunt E - thanks again! Z had to be part of the picture! And B found my big boots!
Got to pose as hearts!

We always have fun fooling around together!


This is Ak last year getting ready for Valentines Day - notice where her hair ends.

This is Ak this year getting ready for Valentines Day - notice how much her hair has grown!

Amazing to me!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Craft Date!

Although to some - this type of thing is normal and not worth blogging over - the experience made an impression on me and so I'm blogging about it.
My friend invited some ladies over to make some Valentine's Cards & Gift Bags and D offered to get a ride to school so I could have the van to go! So I did! She asked that we bring our own adhesive - but we could use all her other supplies. WOW! She had a lot of cool paper and stickers and stuff. I was overwhelmed with her generosity -- it took me awhile to not feel guilty for using her things. But she convienced me that she really would be happy to see the supplies used - by her or anyone! Then it took me awhile to just enjoy making something instead of trying to create THE best ever, amazing, awesome craft with all these supplies I never have - which was taking so much time thinking with that pressure! Once I got in the right mind set - I had a lot of fun and I didn't want to leave! Plus she had some yummy 7 layer dip and a beautifully decorated chocolate cake with strawberries and white chocolate drizzled over it. I had brought some cheese bread and cinnamon rolls too - and we were snacking on some yummy things on festive plates - it seemed like a party!
My kids were with me - playing in another room or watching a show in another room . They did well -and so we stayed 6 hours - can you believe it!?!?! Towards the end - after the school age girls came home and the other ladies had left - B even got to make a couple of cards with all of the supplies (I would have been mean and told the kids they only got scraps -sorry -B was very excited!) I got to make and FINISH 5 items! And I think I like them so much and the memory that I want to display them for myself!? Thank you for having us over!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I was looking on the computer at old pictures - so I thought I'd share one from my Pre-bloging days. Aren't they cuties! Now and then!

This was taken today:
(ages 2 & 5)
This was taken 2 years ago:
(ages 2 months & 3)