Friday, February 26, 2010

Roller Coaster Emotional Morning

I was on my way to an appointment and I saw people lined up by the street - for like two miles - I was wondering WHY? I thought, these people need a sign for their cause! I saw a lots of American flags. And a group of soliders and vetreans and school kids. ??? Finally I heard on the radio that a funeral procession was moving it's way down the road for a 20 year who died in Afganistan. WOW - May the Lord comfort his family! Well I started to cry as I got to the procession. and I continued as the hearse drove by,
and all the way to my appointment. Why was I crying??? I didn't know him or his family or his friends. Was it because it's death and a young guy and it's still so recent with Ben? or was it because it was a soldier and he died so far away for our county's freedom? for the display of love and respect shown on the street? or was it because I was emotional and on the brink of having D leave for the weekend? Who knows - but I was thankful I chose that route to drive at the last minute so I got to see all those flags flying at half mast and have a dose of thankfulness feelings. God is in charge and works in mysterious ways - I could have heard it on the radio and it wouldn't have affected me like it did SEEING it - little dose of feeling the spirit helps put your day in perspective. Hard to descibe.

WELL - onto more cheery things of the day:
At Cradle School: Z did a good job of cutting out an opening in the paper plate.
They glued tissue paper to the plate and other pieces of tissue paper to make a
"stained glass" window craft! (:
Then AJ stopped on her way through - which is always a FUN thing - especially when she has a little time to play. Today it was do a puzzle!!!

Story Hour Party!!!

We missed our Valentine's day party - twice due to snow - so this may seem late . . . but you have to have a Valentine's Day Party once you've told the kids!!! (: The kids got to decorate bags with stickers for a few minutes (then they came home and colored on them) - then they got to pass out their Valentines!
Cute girl and cute bag to hold her Valentine's in! (:
Then we got to eat some treats!!!
And then look at all the Valentine's from our Story Hour Friends.
Thanks Ms. Linda for a fun party!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thomas the Train Birthday Party

Last week we were invited to a birthday party for a little girl turning 2 who loves Tomas the Train!!! The parents created a fun themed party!First, the kids cut out train parts and pasted on a bag (to later take home goodies in) to look like Thomas the Train.
Then pin the face on the train/Ak! (:
Ak went first and did the best!
B tried 3rd to last and you can tell a little height disadvantage. (:
Each child was given these hand-made cute crayon roll up to take home. (I still have 4 to finish that I started a year ago - help me MK please!?!?!) (:
The birthday girl didn't want to blow out the candle! (: Her g-pa had to help her by trying to catch her breath in a book and him shutting the book close enough to the candle to blow it out. (: I had never seen that done.
The frosting that I don't encourage but allow at parties.
Z didn't actually want to finish his icing - but he took second's on the fun ice cream cups!!!
Ak enjoyed both - icing and ice cream!
Pinata time - pull a string and get goodies to add to the sacks!
We had a great time - thank you for inviting us!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ak's First Day of Joy School

We had a kid move away last week and since Ak is now 3 - she gets to do Joy School with us! She hasn't been disappointed she hasn't gotten to do it with us, but she seemed mildly excited when we told her she now gets to participate. I was the teacher today - so she helped me get out some things . . . I showed her the weather wheel and explained this would be her job for today. She had her share bag and was ready . . .
But when the other kids arrived and were TRYING my "new" activities before we officially began - I was a little surprised to see that Ak sat on the side and watched. Then she left for the room for our opening song.

She joined us for our story - but then when I had an activity where they had to TRY and throw a beanbag in it's matching color bowl at varying distances - do you see her?!? She is over on the side watching. Mabye it's because she didn't get PURPLE until 3 other kids had a turn with it . . .
Then for craft time - see her again? Nope. (: She's over where I was standing - just watching the others. (This time it could have been because she wanted to sit in the same seat as V in the red shirt. But she wasn't distracting - and I was able to go on with my instruction - so that was good!)
She wanted to join in at the end of craft time but we were running short on time - so she said she'd do it later and went to "free play time"!!! (:
She didn't want to sit at the table with all the other kids for snack (she sat in her high chair like she does at meal time.) I wish I had taken a picture of their plates I prepared with home baked bread cut up with different things on top to TRY. (More kids liked the orange marmalade than I expected. Z and Ak did not like it. (: I don't either.)
Ak participated in the rest of our rushed activities - I needed more time today! (: She showed her items starting with a "W" during our "Share Bag Time." So she ended participating with the group!!! As her friends were leaving - she finished her craft:
We made lace up cards. They got to TRY cutting out a shape, TRY using a hole punch, then TRY lacing it up. I think they all did a good job.
Z wanted RED cardstock - I told him everyone was getting white. He said, "I want red." I said, "then color it red." So he did. (: He laced it up then unlaced it and decided he liked it better as a kite. (: I think it was inpired by the other boy's cards - they did theirs in the shape of a diamond. (: I'm eager to hear the report next week from the next teacher. Ak usually is a social little girl - so I was a little surprised by her behavior - especially since she knows all these kids but mabye she felt comfortable with me to act that way. But she's growing up. (:

President's Day Cradle School

Last week, here is Z using water colors to paint a log cabin in rememberance of Abraham Lincoln!Ak had all the "right" answers for the teacher at the beginning when she explained the crafts, "what color might you color the tree?" Ak said, "green." The teacher asked, "What color might you color the trunk?" Ak answered first again, "brown." But as you can see - she went with the favorites: pink & purple!!! But she did want to glue on the bits of paper on to represent cherries in honor of George Washington! And this time at Cradle School they had a tub that was filled with rice that the kids could play with toys in - cleaner than a sand box in my opinion!
Ak said this was her FAVORITE part! (:
As we walked to the car - she said in grow up matter of fact kind of way, "THAT was so fun today!" I asked what was fun? And she said the whole thing, but especially playing in the rice. Z agreed. I'm glad they thought so!!!

P.S. This was us walking to the car in the snow before the above comment. Then 48 hours later it was sunny and warm - about 60 degrees! And today - 48 hours later - back to low 40's!

Friday, February 19, 2010

February Music Makers

This month our theme is Love, Hearts, and Family. Z is holding up a "great big valentine" for singing time.

Ak in marching time with friends.

Trying to get Z to walk or march during MARCHING TIME is a challenge sometimes. (:

Put your heart on your . . . . elbow!

Put your heart on your . . . . nose! (:

Doing some excercises good for your heart - like stretches!

Yesterday after MM we had our monthly Lunch and Linger Potluck. One lady brought this YUMMY cookie!!! (: It's made with ground oatmeal for 1/2 the flour! Good idea! She said she researced online how to best make black icing. It recommended using chocolate so you don't hae to use so much dye. Then add some black coloring but that it will first look grey - so to put it aside for a bit and when she pulled it out the next morning - it was black! (: Interesting what people do!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Volleyball Game

D is the girls volleyball assitant coach again this school year, so we went to his first game. It was an "away" game.
We packed a picnic dinner.
It was in a brand new school building.
Luckily lots of room at the top to play while watching the match! (:
Ak didn't want to show any school spirit and wear red. (: Sorry D!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

V Day Weekend

B got to exchange Valentines Day Cards at School. She was excited to show us what she got.Found Ak "reading" out loud to herself. (: I love that!
D gave me flowers! Wonderful surprise! D's mom came and watched our kids so we could go dancing last night at our stake dance!!! (This is afterwards while they were about to clean up - I had to wait till the lights came up for my camera phone to work to show the "tent". The decorations are always nice and they rent a chocolate fountain with things to dip in it - I didn't dip one thing! But I ate my share of strawberries and brownies!!! I had a couple pieces of banana and pinapple and they also had marshmallows, cookies and pretzels to dip.) Thank you Mammaw! We had a great time!
Today we made treat bags for our Nursery kids - D being the artist he is, naturally made the twist ties even look festive. (: I didn't expect anyone to notice - so I took a picture to remember. (:
As a last minute thought, I made these to add to our Valentine's Day lunch - and was pleased with the results!