Our ward had a goal to get more people to the temple. What to do with the children was discussed . . . I suggested an activity that my sister has done twice where the kids have activities right on temple grounds.
So that's what we did! My kids were so excited to go. I was surprised but I was happy they wanted to go!
They got a tour around the temple from a Bro. Knight who is in the Temple Presidency. He was great and pointed out things I didn't know. Like there being 3 windows and 3 circles above them . . . all symbolic.
We wanted the the children to physically touch the temple - so "it can touch them."
We took an individual picture of each child in front of the temple.
We put the pictures in painted frames that said, "I love to see the temple" on the front and then on the back of the frame we put cards that the kids had filled out about how they felt that day. We passed them out the next day - the kids were very excited to see them. It was worth the effort!
This is my attempt at a Rice Crispie Treat Temple - we ate as it as part of our snack.
We had some games, relays, songs, and a short video for them to watch the rest of the time (like build a block temple relay, temple memory, temples around the world bean bag toss, build a marshmellow temple, etc.). We didn't have as many children attend as we had first thought - but those that came had a great, memorable time. I have awesome ladies in our Primary Presidency that helped do this successful activity and I am so thankful for them.