Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just Helping Out

Our friend and neighbor Lou had knee surgery a few weeks ago and JS and I
have been taking turns feeding cows for him. Now before you start thinking
what saints we are, Lou only has 5 cows, 3 calves and a bull.
I enjoy doing it, so I have the better end of the deal. Lou feeds grass hay
and the bails are soft, so he doesn't need to be walking on top
of them and messing his leg up.
Besides, look at this cute little guy, who wouldn't want to come here
every day to see him? "Full disclosure" I favor little red babies
with white faces and pink noses, but he'll do just fine.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Every Monday

I have to laugh, in my intro it says "Visits to the Orchard" and I've never taken
you out in my orchard! Every Monday is orchard day, the rest of the week
belongs to JS and I just fit my work were I can, but MONDAY IS ORCHARD DAY.
During the summer it's spent irrigating, walking water lines checking for leaks
and making sure every tree (about 700 of them) has water. Mowing and
spraying to keep the grass down every few weeks in the orchard and the rest
of the place is all part of it.
This year I'm doing something a little different, staking my trees.
The trees are heavy with fruit and their loaded
I already have two broken limbs, so just trying to keep the damage down.
We don't start picking till December. I think I'm going to have a lot more.
I love being out here by my self. It's quiet and peaceful , but I'm never
alone. Besides Ranch Dag, The turkeys, hawks, rabbits and the
occasional deer that will peek around a tree are pretty entertaining
I'll get you out here more often.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Redneck ?

I just stepped out on the front porch, the
wind is blowing and it's pouring rain.
No problem, I have a fire in the wood stove,
chicken roasting in the oven and
Dale Earnhardt Jr. is leading at Martinsville.
"Sorry Shane, I think your mother is a redneck"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sunday Stills, Fall Foliage

JS and I had planned on going to the mountains this weekend, but it's pouring rain..... :)
(Sorry Rice Guys). I was going to take pictures of the Dogwood trees and
their beautiful red foliage. Well since I seem to be on an oak tree theme
this week, I decided to stay with it. So, go and visit all my friends at Sunday Stills,
they live all over the world and will have beautiful Fall Foliage pics for you to enjoy.
You can also find them on my sidebar, "Other blogs to visit"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oak Trees

Since I started this blog I now carry my camera everywhere.
Constantly looking for interesting subjects, or for the
Sunday Stills challenges. For every one good shot,
I delete 10. I am not a photographer.
When JS asked me to take some things up to a job I was exited.
It's located up on top of a ridge above the rim rock and has
a great view of the valley and the Sutter Buttes. Once I got
there, I couldn't see the valley or the buttes. It was so hazy,
that all I could see was gray.
At the entrance to the job was this great oak tree and wagon,
so I took some shots. It started me thinking about all the big
Valley Oaks and how we're losing them to disease or "progress".
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a tree hugger I believe in
responsible logging and wood heat. But the big oaks are what
makes the California landscape.................."CALIFORNIA"
The big oaks were always apart of my growing up, like giant
guardians watching over my life. Before I started school, the
acorns and the oak balls with a few burnt wooden matches
were my toys. They became my play mates as I got older. The
big limbs hanging to the ground made for easy climbing to
imaginary worlds and day dreaming. When I was big
enough to ride with my Dad and Mom we would find the
cows shaded up beneath them. After high school, I started
traveling around the country side and when I came back to
California they were the first to welcome me home.
Now they are dear old friends and the keepers of my memories.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thursday's Thoughts

Every oak tree started out as some nut who decided to stand it's ground.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Stills, Cars .......Trucks?

Turning 80

Yesterday family and friends of all ages gathered to celebrate
La Verne's 80 Th birthday. She married when she was 18, starting
a life of trailing cows, kids and Bob. Over 60 years have past and
now trails cows, grand kids, great grand kids and Bob.

La Vern was not a ranchers daughter and when Bob took her our
the first time to trail cows, he told her to just fallow the tracks.
She didn't want to tell her new husband that she couldn't
tell witch way the tracks were going. When she finally found a
cow, she studied the marks left be hind and now Bob will tell
you she's the best cow tracker he's got.

Friday the family had to gather cows and someone suggested
to La Verne the she didn't have to go, after all she was 80.
She replied, " What, should I just stay home and Drool?"
She "Walked" 6 miles that day trailing cows.

I know I speak for every one "We Love You La Verne".
Happy Birthday.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby Setting Wild Child

Meet George, he belongs to Oldest Son Shane. Shane had to
be gone all week for work, so wild child came to stay with us.
George is Ranch Dogs only blue boy from her litter in April.
He's a city dog now, with a small yard and smaller house.
Too much time and not enough to do.
Shane put him in charm school to help run off some of the energy.
So, when he dropped him off the other day, he brought the
"Operating Manual" with him.......I grew up with working
stock dogs and don't ever remember a manual ?
Ranch Dog and George go with me out in the orchard, doing
choirs and hang out in the house if I'm working inside.
They spend a good part of the day sparring with each other,
and when Ranch Dog gets tired of it, she just sit on him.
He's a good boy when he is here, he stays right with Mom,
has lots of room to run and comes when he is called.
He doe's have one bad habit, barking at Old Lady and Old Man.
I don't know how the operating manual would handle this,
but I've got my own ideas.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Cattlewomen's meeting was today.
Mom pick me up and we headed to Diane's out in the valley.
I love coming here. Drive out of the dry foothills, threw the walnut
orchards, cross the big irrigation channel to this green oasis.
Fat cows, long white fences and Diane's yellow roses greet you.
Every one parks out by the barns and as you walk threw the gate
up to the house, it's as if you've entered a park.
Diane always has it decorated by the front door,
for what ever the season to greet her guest.
We made a little money this summer for our scholarship fund.
Gave two $500 awards to graduation high school seniors.
One attending UC Davis and the other to Chico State.
November is already getting busy. Create A Cow
contest for the Farm City Week and two other events.
Their aren't a lot of us, but we manage to do quiet a bit.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Stills, Billboards

This weeks challenge is Billboards, the most annoying
ones we could find. "I think their all annoying ".
Just one of those things we could completely do with out.
So I skipped this weeks challenge.

I did have a nice surprise yesterday.
A few weeks ago I told you about Little Miss A, at the
Jr. Livestock Auction with her steer Buddy.

Little Miss A, younger brother and Mom and Dad stopped by
with this beautiful basket, stuffed full of all kinds of things.
I had already gotten the best gift of all that day at the fair.
Hanging out for the day with her and all the Great Big Hugs.
It was truly nice to have them stop by, don't get to see them
very often, and the best part of all!
I got another hug.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Not a Paying Job

At one time all the fences here were new.
Post in perfect lines, wire tight, and gates straight.
20 years of sheep, 4-H steers, horses, kids, construction equipment,
and a 9 foot flail mower has left them worst for wear.
At the beginning of this summer we tour out the fence going up the
gravel drive to move it over 4 feet, so the mower wouldn't catch it
as it gos around the end of the orchard rows.
I have to admit that I've been "Nagging" all summer to get this fence up.
With the usual response from JS "I have to take care of the paying jobs"

JS told me I could have a worker "All Week"
Maybe this wasn't the week he meant.

"I think I've been left hanging for a paying job".

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thursday's Thoughts

Deep inside each of us is someone striving to do, "Absolutely Nothing".

Maybe not that deep?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Speed Goats

"When theres lot to say, theres not a lot of time.
When theres lots of time theres not a lot to say".
Never thought I'd have that problem?

So I leave you with this picture of the Antelope,
I took up by Davis Creek on my trip to Modoc.
One of the Alberta Gals who's blog I read
calls them "Speed Goats"
That fits.