Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 14: September 21-27

I actually have some stuff to share this week... and they're exciting!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008: I moved my voter registration from Boone County to Greene County.

Friday, September 26, 2008: I got out of the newsroom for once to help cover a news story... Bob Barker Boulevard. I got to meet Bob and help interview him!Saturday, September 27, 2008: Participated in my first ever Beer Olympics. I didn't have any pictures from the events, so instead I have this picture from later in the night. We lost a lot, but in the end everyone's a winner right?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week 13: September 14-20

Alright, for the first time I didn't really do anything interesting this week. If I did, I didn't take a picture or I just can't remember it. However I did hang out with some work people Friday and took one picture there. So in lieu of my "picture of the week" I'll share this one instead...

Friday, September 19, 2008: Vance's Goodbye party at Brew Co. Kevin and Mike wore matching shirts!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Homecoming Here I Come

Homecoming will truly be Homecoming this year at Mizzou. Just about all my friends from college will be there. I absolutely cannot wait for October 25.

Man what timing... my TiVo just went back to live TV the moment ESPN started talking about Chase Daniel. I am so excited about this year's football team. They've been building momentum the past two years and this year it will hit its peak. And it will be amazing. So far so good obviously, but I know not all the games will be blowouts like the past two. While those are fun, it's more exciting when the games are close.

That's another huge reason why I'm so excited for Homecoming weekend... I'M GOING TO THE GAME! It will be my first one of this season, but definitely not the last.

I can't wait to tailgate. I can't wait to cheer on my Tigers. I can't wait to make the Tiger "roar" sound. I can't wait to chant Z-O-U. I CAN'T WAIT!

I'm pretty excited about the football season. Can you tell?

PS-Thank you Cardinals and Rams for getting me even more pumped for college football.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Look-A-Like: Palin/Fey

Ok, so I already had this one in the bag, but now there is even more proof of this Look-A-Like. Behold video proof of one of the best Look-A-Likes so far... Actress, Tina Fey and Vice Presidential Nominee, Sarah Palin.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 12: September 7-13

Wow, it's already been three months!

September 9, 2008: Enjoyed a Cardinals victory over the cubs with my Mom!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back to the Daily Grind

Here I am, back in Springfield and back to work. In the back of my head I was hoping to have a cushy day at work since it was my first day back from vacation... a nice, easy day to ease back into the work mode. What the hell was I thinking?! The News Gods didn't know I had a break. Anyway, there's no such thing as an easy day in television news.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. At least it will be Friday.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Week 11: August 31-September 6

Hello from St. Louis! I'm taking a mini-vacation of sorts from work and am enjoying my time off back home in the Lou. So far so good, it's just going by way too fast. Anyway, here's a couple pictures from the last week.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008: Watched Sarah Palin make history by accepting the Republican nomination for Vice President.

Saturday, September 6, 2008: Enjoyed lunch at the Boathouse in Forest Park. The ducks also enjoyed our lunch.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Billy Bob's Got Hope

HEY ALL CARDINALS FANS... you gotta watch this video from last night's Leno. I caught the tale end of the conversation between Jay and Billy Bob Thornton. They were talking about Thornton's love of the CARDINALS! Jay tried to get him to give in and say he would like to see the cubs go all the way since the Cards are "out of it" (as Jay put it). But, like a true Cards fan, Billy Bob wouldn't give in.

To watch it click here, then click on the Sept. 3 episode, then Chapter 4.

Billy Bob's got hope.

Happy 1 Year

Today is my 1 year anniversary of working in Springfield. I guess it's gone by fairly fast. It definitely hasn't been a piece of cake moving down here. There's been ups and downs and a lot of adjusting, but I guess you can expect that with moving to a new place and starting your first job. All and all it hasn't been that bad. The past year definitely could have gone a lot worse.

Now, it's time to think about the future. In the TV business it's hard not to, especially when you're young and at your first station. I have a year left in my contract, which sounds like a long time, but really it's not. It's never too soon to think about what's next. It takes time to get a good resume tape together and once your tapes are sent out it could take a news director a while to get back with you or contact you to begin with. Last year when I was looking for a job, everything happened at once... literally. I was offered two job interviews in one day... and within a month I was employed. That was lucky. Being a producer will definitely help me get a job fairly quick, but I have a feeling my first experience wasn't typical.

There are some things tempting me to stay in Springfield, and other things tempting me to leave. Right now, I have no clue what I'm going to do. In the next couple months I'll have a better idea. For now, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing in Springfield.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Week 10: August 24-30

I had a visitor this weekend, hence the tardy post...

Thursday, August 28, 2008: Watched Barack Obama make history by accepting the Democratic nomination for president.

Saturday, August 30, 2008: Watched Mizzou football make history by starting the season #6... the highest start in school history. The Tigers beat the Illini in the Arch Rivalry game.