Sunday, January 30

the family.

Spent a week in Utah.
The kids loved it!
And... Ben came in town, we haven't seen him for 8 months!
He brought a puzzle for Jack.... CARS of course!

Sunday, January 23

funny things....

Jackson has been such a riot lately.
His comments crack me up, so I thought I would share a few:

mom : "how was school today?"
jack: "good, we learned hokey pokey and the number twenty-six thousandish."

we were in bed almost asleep.
jack: "mom, i really need cereal tomorrow."

Tony's dad was in town the other day.
Jack: "papa?"
papa: "Ya jack?"
Jack: "your hair is really white!"

I gave him a glass of juice this evening.
Jack: "mom, i'm really full, I need to put this back in the fridge."

The other day talking to Nana on the phone.
Nana: "hi Jackson."
Jack: " Hi Nana, where are you? I miss you, bye."
pretty sure he has that sentence memorized and says it every time!

It's fun watching him grow up and learn new things. He has only been in preschool 3 weeks but has already learned so much. We love our little Jackson boy!

And, completely out of the blue...
Jack: "mom, the sun is going down right now!"

Thursday, January 13

as of late...

*had to have my glucose drink... yuck!
*trying to throw away stuff
*freezing my bum off in Rexburg
*love watching Kensi playing dolls in her room
*barely making it through an hour of zumba
*tired of my husband being out of town
*miss my old body
*love watching Jackson in preschool class
*still putting away Christmas decor
*ready for baby boy
*loving reading at night with hubby
*excited for our anniversary

Sunday, January 9

proud father.

My dad just had his birthday this week.
As a surprise we gave him a frame with all 5 of his kids college diplomas.
How awesome is that!
And who would have thought we would all graduate from BYUI.
I think he was pretty proud when he tore off the wrapping paper!
Ali (the youngest)just graduated last month, and it was so fun having everyone in Rexburg for the weekend.

Tuesday, January 4

Jackson has been looking forward to the New Year.
Why? Because he started preschool!! He think he is so BIG now.
He chose his outfit, did his own hair and practiced saying his name over and over today.
I don't think he'll miss us at all the 3 hours he's away.

Saturday, January 1


Happy New Years... from our party to yours!