Monday, October 25, 2010


My friend Ammie made this darling blanket for Brianna. I LOVE it! She is totally talented and amazing....thanks Ammie.
Check her out here.


It was time to update the kids' pictures in the living room. Wow they've grown.

Soccer Pix

Soccer is finally over for the season. I feel bad I didn't take more pictures but here are a few with the boys in their uniforms. They loved dressing up and getting the snacks after each game.Cameron's team is BLUE THUNDER

Brigham's team is called the GREEN DRAGONS!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010


I love having a newborn. They are so little... sweet, cuddly, and they smell soooo good! My favorite is when they snug on your chest and their little head is in your neck. Oh I love it!!! I love the little sounds they make and how they arch their back when they stretch. I wish they could stay this way a little longer.