Friday, August 29, 2008

Mount Timpanogas Temple

For Family Home Evening this week we went to the Temple and walked around. It was a beautiful night and the kids had a great time. We absolutely love the Mt. Timpanogas Temple...that is where Darin and I were married almost seven years ago. We are so blessed to live so close to the Temple and that we can have special moments like these with our family.

Darin and the kids are waving
I thought this was a neat shot...Cameron is in this picture...look hard and you can see him.

We tried to keep the kids from running and climbing all over the Temple...I'm sure there is some sweet understanding and I think Heavenly Father loves the children and wants them close to his Temples.

I love this shot of Cameron

Darin and Jason
I put the camera on the ground and self timed this shot...luckily we got everyone in. We all had a great time and love being together as a family.

Brigham's TWO

Sweet little Tig, I'm so lucky you are a part of our family. You are so feisty yet so loving and tender. I love your great big hugs and snugs. I love it when you rub my arm to go to sleep and how you snug in tight every morning when you get in our bed. You make us happy!!!


Yeah ...Little People Ramps and Garage

Thanks for the fun car mat Cameron...will you play with me.

Lets make a cake.
Cameron was my big helper while the boys played.For Brigham's birthday he got to have Andrew his cousin over to play. They had so much fun! They played in the sink for over an hour and got completely soaked. We had a little flood in the kitchen, but I couldn't help but watch them...they were so cute.
Andrew liked spraying the window and was very sweet to let Tig have a turn too.

Andrew gets to lick the beater and Tig gets the spatula
Yum chocolate....can we have more?

Cameron found some new pants and was so proud of them. He danced around and modeled them for me ....what a nut!

Jason just hung out in his swing...he's getting so big! He likes to reach for anything that is in front of him and laughs at anyone who pays attention to him.
We love our Jason!
Gotta love the Tonka Trucks...they're great for everything.

Happy birthday to you.....

Hope you had a great birthday Tiggy!!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Silver Lake Flats

We went to Silver Lake Flats and roasted hot dogs...the kids had a blast throwing rocks in the stream, chasing each other, eating, and hiking through the tall grasses. I love Utah, the mountains and lakes..... there is so much to do and enjoy. We are truly blessed to have all this in our backyard.

Brigham threw rocks in the stream most of the night

Gotta have the cruiser shot

What big eyes you have are so cute!

Who can help me build a fire?

The boys really liked being able to put sticks in the fire. They liked to watch them burn. I'm sure someday they'll be great scouts.

Rebecca is always so dang cute.

Love the happy smirk

kids in their element

Cameron and James got to roast their own hot dog

I love how all the kids crowded in the love worked great!

Had to end the night with smores. I love these summer nights.


We watched the NBA Finals on the deck. We love summer, hanging out, staying up late, and partying.
Gotta love the outfit. Cameron was ready for bed but to protect his little feet he put his church socks and shoes on. He showed us how he could hop around on one foot.

James thanks for cleaning up buddy

Blue Acrylic Paint

Cameron and Brigham found some acrylic paint in my office. They were able to get the lid off even though it still had the safety seal on. It was all over the their clothes, carpet and on the couch. I guess it could have been worse. Isn't it great that kids have so much fun and no worries....what a wonderful world."sorry mom"

Good bye clothes

blue handprints = blue water