Saturday, November 27, 2010

project 365 #139 - green tags

the last of the scraps from the piece of tree paper....

project 365 #138 pink tags

some tags with the leftover strip

Project 365 #137 - tree tag

used the extra trees that i made for this the accidental leftovers....

Project 365 #136 - tree cards with bows

more from the same slab....entering it in the Die Cut Dreams Christmas Challenge - use a die cut : cut these on the cuttlebug and then embossed them with the embossing folder...I forgot I even had that folder until I was digging in the bottom of the Cuttlebug box and came across it...and so could it get forgotten?

Project 365 #135 - tree cards

This paper is from the same it...I am going to enter this in the Paper Cutz Challenge - anything goes:

Project 365 #134 - peace tags

I copied these from an idea in the paper crafts magazine...I like them though...simple but effective.

project 365 #`133 birds and bows 2

this is my third set of cards with the same sheet of paper....

Project 365 #132 more birds

This is my second set with the same sheet of paper....they are pretty simple and I feel that they may make a good masculine card?? I an entering them in the Bah! Humbug! challenge - feeling the blues:

Project 365 #131 bows and birds

This is my first set of cards with my new paper slab...hope you like them

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Project 365 #130 - some more tags

whipped up 12 more tags last night...they come close to qualifying for the Opus Gluei color challenge, so I think I will throw them in for fun:

Project 365 #129 - cherry Christmas tags

whipped up these with the extra bling that was leftover...can't let it go to waste now...

Project 365 #128 - Cherry Christmas

Cherry this bling a Michael's and decided not to hoard

Monday, November 22, 2010

Project 365 #127 - Fall coloured Christmas tags

I did these tags for the Opus Gluei challenge, using the specified fall colours...brownish cranberry, green, yellow and orange... . My tags have them all in small amounts for some and larger for others...I would have done something Thanksgivingish, but for us, that has been over for a month and it is hard to do a fall card when the ground is snow white, so Christmas tags it is....this also makes 529 projects for me this year...wahoo

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Project 365 #126 - sugarplum girls

I whipped up these cute little cards last night...I sure like the non-traditional colours for Christmas time....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

project 365 #125 - plumber butt cards

I decided to jump in on the opus gluei challenge: with a "Manly" type card...a good break from the bazillion christmas projects i have been doing...these are nothing special, but kind of cheeky...get it? ha's late and snowing, that leads to the bad the phrases that went with these ones are "no cracks about your age...promise" and on the inside it says "bummer" and the other one is "birthdays are like wedgies, they just keep creeping up on you"...gotta love the funny birthday cards, even if the embellishing is weak....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Project 365 #124 - tree tags

Whipped up 12 of these babies last night...with the hubby on evenings, I sure get lots of crafty stuff done....I thought these ones turned out quite to do some more tags tonight....they are so cute and pretty and quickly finished...that's the way I like my projects!

Project 365 #123 - more snowman tags

just can't get enough of these cute that
I made 4 more....

Project 365 #122 - Button tags

I made these cute little tags, so simple, yet I think they are so pretty...I made 15 of them last is beginning to feel more like winter here every minute...we have lucked out so far this year, but that is all ending miserably tonight....bbbrrr, here comes the cold and snow...can only hope for a snow day now! Wait, that doesn't seem to happen here...just have to make your way to work either way....i am entering them in the stamping 411 colour challenge here:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Project 365 #121 - reindeer tags

I made 5 of this kind...they turned out okay too...kind of like the aged look about them...

Project 365 #120 - naughty or mice tags

These ones are hard to see in the pictures, but look kind of cute and rustic in real life....I made 4 of this one...

Projet 365 #119

two more joy tags made tonight

Project 365 #118 - 15 joy tags

A few gift tags I whipped up tonight...15 of these ones....

Friday, November 5, 2010

project 365 #117 - cookie mouse

these are the house mouse cards that i made for the opus gluei challenge this week:
...trick or treat, smell my feet....the cookie is the treat...the mouse eating them on santa is the trick, and i can smell those little feet all the way from here!
and for the raise the bar challeng: show us your curves:
Everybody Art: non- traditional Christmas:
I hope you like them....i thought they turned out okay in the non traditional christmas colours of orange, green and blue.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Project 365 #116 - card making night

This is a spattering of the cards we made on Thursday night at our card kit much fun...came home with about 24 cards ready to go for Christmas....sweet....everyone has such interesting creations in our circle of card making buds and it is a great way to get some wonderful new ideas...cardmaking night is fun...we will have to do another one later in the spring for the all occassion cards again!

Project 365 #115 - another tree card

I think this is my most favorite Christmas card that I have made this season...super simple and still elegant....and again, purple and green and silver bling...
I am entering it in the following challenge:
christmas stamping all year long: purple and silver:

Project 365 #114, nestablities snowflake

I cut these snowflakes out with my new nestabilities die and double sided tape...then covered it head to toe in glitter....glitter is fun...sooo much fun!

Project 365 #113 - snowflake card

Just a snowflake card...who can't use a snowflake card?

Project 365 #112 - coredinations and cuttlebug

I sanded the coredinations paper after
runnuing it through the cuttlebug...really like the effect!

Project 365 #111 - purple cards

There is just something I love about the purple and green Christmas combo....not sure what it is, but the peacock colours just work with me!

Project 365 #110 - reindeer card

Another card made with that paper kit...yikes!

Project 365 #109 - tree card

This one started out so boring, so I added some string, then some
bling, and somehow bling makes everything better!

Project 365 #108 - more red and green

This is the second wave of red and green from that same kit...can't believe how far it went! They are kind of simple, but still effective.

Project 365 # 107 - red and green

My first group of red and green cards...made them all from a paper pack I had lying around last year that I forgot about! Made 15 cards out of 5 pieces of paper and some embellishments....

Project 365 #106 - reindeer card

I just thought this reindeer looked really the stamp at croptoberfest as well....was a good shopping these nestabilities as well, so I just had to experiment with them :)

Project 365 #105 - Penny Black cards

I made these super cute cards with my new Penny Black stamps that I bought last weekend...I am entering them in the following challenge:
Allsorts: Penny Black: holiday card:
color dare: purple, green, pink and vanilla:

Project 365 #104 - cool box

We made this super cool box at Croptoberfest last weekend...easy and adorable

Project 365 #103 - snowman cards

These are a few snowman cards I made while I was at croptoberfest with my new nestabilities and my new snowman mom liked the stamp too...she used it for her tag template too...