Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 months...FLEW by

okay, i always posts these backwards, every time!
in the last few months here are some highlights:

Swim Lessons - Carly doing her windshield wiper action every time she comes out of the water
Shannon's Wedding - Fly, Drive, and tons of fun! Including Maine, Lobster and family time...Carly did amazing.
Carly slowly talking - recently she will say stuff like...oh, i'm so pretty or Oh NO! what are you doing? Then back to baby jibberish?!? Trying to decipher her language.....
Yo Gabba Gabba - we got to do a quick visit to the set and when we tried to leave, it was meltdown central. I'm pretty sure we made a scene as we exited with my hand covering her mouth. Poor thing, she just wanted to be there the rest of her life.
Halloween - pumpkin carving with Grandma & Grandpa, visiting all the Grandparents and wearing her FAVORITE foofa costume and she did try to hug the mirror when we put it on her. She was so excited, it was so funny. Thanks to Carla who made it happen and her reaction was priceless.

oh, and we moved?!?! We were very sad to leave Brea and loved how much time we got to spend there in our favorite house (The Ward's), but we did find a little home in Yorba Linda that we are slowly getting acquainted with. It is a fun adventure for us...but we couldn't be more thankful for our Brea house and our second family the Wards for letting us be there for so long.