Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Where's Bentley

Bentley is so weird. She loves to lay upside down in her bed and stick her legs straight out while she sleeps. If you put her on her back while she is awake, she freaks!!  What a funny dog.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Red Velvet

I've never really liked Cake that much, but this past year I tried Red Velvet cake and I love it.  Last night we went down to Newport Beach Temple and Johnny had to work, so I hitched a ride with my folks.  He was waiting for me after I got out, which was nice of him to come down and pick me up.  Not only did he not forget about me, but he stopped at sprinkles, the cupcake shop down in Corona Del Mar and picked me up a Red Velvet cupcake.  Perfection & bliss, in a simple cupcake and spending some time in the temple.  I think it needs to be a monthly prescription.  

Christmas is coming

I went to the Target and usually I can make it out without buying stuff, but I had to get this sweater for Bentley. It was only $5, so I put it on her. She curled up in her bed later that night and it was cute.  As you can see, we are very excited about the Holidays coming up.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Here are some pictures we took in the last two days of the fire. Our table is full of ash and it is constantly falling around us.  The sun was orange red yesterday as the whole area is filled with smoke.
This is the palm tree in our neighbor's backyard.  The fire is through the canyon heading towards Diamond Bar.  One fire jumped the Freeway yesterday burning the hill in Brea.  Brea High school was partially burned. We are grateful for the firefighters.  You can hear the planes and helicopters  above us and we are hoping the wind dies down today.  Bentley looks like she is basking in the Sun as it sets.  It is actually rising with very limited visibility this morning. 
We are glad that no fatalities have been reported, but a lot of people in our stake & ward have been evacuated. 


Thursday, November 13, 2008

I was Tagged by Amanda

8 TV Shows I like to watch:
1. Bigges Loser - please vickie be gone next week.
2. The Office
3. SVU -
4. Jon & Kate
6.Whale Wars - thanks Kelsey
7. If Johnny would let me get DVR, we could fill up this list ;)

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Work Work Work
2. Cleaned pooh off of Bentley's bum, typical
3. Won a raffle at work, 2 days in San Diego
4. Played Raving Rabbids with Sydney
5. Went to Dinner with Jim and Stacy
6. Lost my voice again
7. Watched The Shining with Johnny
8. Feel asleep watching the Shining

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. Vickie getting kicked off the Biggest Loser
2. Using my Disneyland Pass
3. San Diego
4. Turkey day, I love Turkey
5. Legally Listening to Christmas Music
6. Johnny's Birthday....26
7. Eatting Red velvet cake
8. Falling on my face surfing on Saturday

8 Things on My Wish List
1. A big Sonic Cherry Slush
2. Bentley learning how to wipe her own bum when she poohs on herself
3. My Wii fitt to stop telling me to quit eatting my late night snacks
4. Weeds to turn into flowers magically
5. another dog, bentley needs socialization
6. coordination skills for saturday and a heated wetsuit
7. Chocolate with zero calories
8. Pedicure at My friend Jessica's place

People I tag:
1. Amanda (i know, no tagbacks)
2. Kelsey
3. Kara
4. Lindsay
5. Ruth
6. And Ruth
8. Kim

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


LA TIMES is reporting that Prop 8 is passed????!!! Cross your fingers!  

In the meantime, someone punked us good last night!!! We had at least 75 signs on our front lawn this morning!!! So whoever, you are, we loved your note and we love PROP 8!!!!  We love you guys! 
theory - Kelly and Jordan (looks a girl's handwriting)
theory - Kelsey and Jason - Kelsey said she was in bed, sleeping
Theory - Sarah - nah...Sarah was probably sleeping
theory - Jayme & Max, ultimate pranksters and very involved in politics, but they would have to travel from Colorado
Theory - Kara and Chad - you guys were suppose to say "Hi" next time you were down here

Well, whoever did it. We loved it!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


The Blog has officially gone private....sad day... not because people were stealing pictures of Bentley because I'm sure they were.  So, I'm trying to send out invites...not really sure how this works, but I'm not blog savy.

I spent most of last night helping Johnny out with staking out our Prop 8 signs.  I had a really great time catching people and chasing them down until the Police caught them, but I think it is a boy thing to do.  We caught the same girls twice, twice!!  

Can't wait until Wednesday!

Get out and vote!!!