Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last of MD!

There is about a million more pictures I want to put on here and maybe someday I will get to it but for now this is all I have the time for. Yes we have now been in Ohio about a month and I am just getting to this post but better late then never is what I think.

Yes the last of our time in MD was full of packing, playing, goodbyes and more packing. Before all of our families left we spent the day down in Baltimore and it was such a fun day!

We toured all of the boats in the harbor and ate lunch at Rusty Scuppers. It was such a fun day! Here is Gpa and Liam on a submarine. I could NEVER live on one, everytime I walk through one I am in shock at how small they are for me let alone a man!

Barrick went on the Dragon Boat with Gma and Gpa Stewart. As you can see he LOVED it!

Another one of the ships we toured.

We decided to take a little rest in their sleeping quarters and the kids could have played on them all day!
Don't you love Liam trying to pick his nose:)

Just some more cute pictures!
The kids also spent a lot of time at Devin and Nicoles house while we were packing. They basically adopted our kids for a couple of days. I think we would still be packing if it wasn't for their help.
Here is the kids at their house playing in the water. I think Barrick carried the sprayed the house at least a couple of times they had a blast!
Here is Lilly braving the outside with the water I had to add this because I LOVE her diaper wedgie.
Of course lots of good byes! :( We miss all of you so much! Here we are with Todd and Emily.

Nicole, Emily and I heading out for our last girls night at Dianas house.
We also had a goodbye bbq with a bunch of our friends. Thank you so much for your friendship and for your support over the last four years. We love all of you and miss you so much!
I am sad the picture is too big so Ben and Di are cut out. I will keep trying to fix it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Captain Scott Stewart M.D.

Well I have a marathon of posts but of course the first and most important GRADUATION!!!! Yes folks we are done!!! After 8 years of school together (add 2 more for high school if you want) Scotty is officially done and WOW I could not be more proud! We have been through so much during these 8 years I cry just thinking about it all. Here are some of a few.

Lost 3 loved ones
Almost 4 years of infertility treatments
ectopic pregnancy
7 surgeries
2 years of Scotty working a graveyard shift and 4 years of Scotty working full time and going to school full time
Going through so much drama with his medical school application it still makes me sick to think about it! Yes Weber State I have officially forgiven you.
1 car accident while I was pregnant
1 baby being born 3 weeks early
The twins being born 5 weeks early and spending about 3 weeks in the hospital
2 weeks in the NICU with a two year old and another nursing infant at home
Spending 4-6 weeks at a time in 5 different states for rotations
4 ER visits and a 1 hospitalization for our Liam boy

This is just the ones I can remember off the top of my head, but having gone through all of this I wouldn't change a thing. This is our life and I have loved it!! I am so lucky that we shared this journey together. Yes it was hard at times but that is what life is about trials and challenges but enjoying life while you go through it. Scotty has taught me so much about finding joy in everything and to see him get up and receive his diploma was one of the most amazing experiences of my life because we did it together.

Scotty you amaze me and I could not be more proud of you! Thank you for being my best friend and partner through this life I am a better person because of you, and you are going to make one amazing Doctor!

To start off the celebration we had a dinner with his graduating class at the DC zoo, it was so fun to see all of his classmates one last time and just enjoy an evening out with family. Thanks Devin and Nicole for watching the babies we were worried they would end up in the Lion pit!

Here is some of the crew who came to support us.
Of course we had to let the B man come.

Here is the cake amazing right. Ace of cakes did it for the party. Also Scotty was awarded the most kids born in Medical school and he got a gag gift full of contraception methods. (Little do they know) haha!

Then of course the big day. There is about a million pictures but I couldn't leave any of them out. We are so grateful for all the support we had their it was such an amazing day!
Here we are with my parents.
One with Gpa Joe and Pat.
One with Scottys parents.
Of course the Bahrs. We met on orientation day and were together ever since! We did everything with them and were inseparable all four years! We went through so much together became parents together and became family. We love you guys and miss you so much!

This is how we started Med school just the four of us and now four kids later,

here we are!
Scotty and Brady! I will never forget your study sessions together that always ended in a Madden game on playstation.
Last our little family! These three little munchkins deserve their own diploma!
Barrick was so proud of Scotty he was taking pictures of everything!!
Our two rows of supporters!

Scotty taking his oath of office and being promoted to a Captain. Earlier they also recited the Hippocratic oath which is always my favorite! Yes I shed tears a couple of times!

And last but not least receiving his diploma! WOW just looking at these pictures again makes me all emotional! Scotty we are so proud of you! You are an amazing person and we love you so much! Congratulations Doctor Stewart!