Sunday, September 15, 2013

Young's Dairy!

Another trip to Young's Dairy this summer was on the list of things to do.
 The kids were very excited to go miniature golfing!  They did really good and had so much fun!
 Lilly and Barrick showing off their skills!
 My little piggy family.
 Adding some lunch, and ice cream made for happy little kids!
 Then it was into the kids area.  They all had so much fun climbing the rock wall, Liam didn't want to stop. 
 Lilly and Briony couldn't get enough of the slides.

 And of course you cant go without feeding the goats.  Barrick really enjoyed it this year,  Liam would pet them but not feed them, and Briony couldn't get enough of them!!! 
She was fearless!  Briony and Lilly could not be more opposite!  
This is where Lilly was while we fed the animals!  It was a great family day!

Friends, friends and more friends!

We had a great summer full of many friend filled days! 
 and so much more fun!
 Our family has been so blessed to have so many great friends!

4th of July.

We had a great 4th!  It rained most of the day, but that didn't stop us from having a fantastic day!
 Popsicles and a picnic lunch at the church.  The kids LOVED it, and they looked pretty darn cute in their matching shirts.  (Thanks grandma)
 All four of my cute kiddos.  I am so lucky!

 Then of course ending the day with fireworks.  It was a fun filled day!

Random summer days!

We had a great summer!!  Here is a quick overview of some of our random fun days.
We spent a lot of time riding bikes!!  Briony could spend all day outside riding in the cars.  She only had one spill off the deck, but she is a tough little one.  I think having three older siblings has helped.

 Barrick got really good at painting fingernails.  He is such a good big brother!
 The kids LOVED jumping on the new tramp we got for them.
I had to get really comfortable at the grocery store with four little ones in tow.
We spent most of our mornings at the gym then most days  followed by playing in the water at home.

 As you can see they had a lot of fun!


 Barrick was very creative in coming up with many games to play.  Two of our favorites were boat races in the swimming pool, and his own version of pinball.
 Another highlight was catching fireflies.  Barrick asked almost every single night!  The record was 13 in his net at once.

We had a couple of days down at the Greene shopping center and let the kids play in the fountains>


 Lots of basement sleepovers!
 Bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles!!  I can't even count how many bubble containers we used.
 Movie parties are always fun!
 Fondue nights were our favorite.  Sorry for a naked Lilly she cant eat it without destroying her clothes.
Last, our very favorite was T-ball.  Barrick is a good little player and the other kids follow suit.  We  had so many fun nights playing into the late night!

Barricks preschool graduation!

In May Barrick graduated preschool and I couldn't be more proud!!  It may sound a little funny to be that excited and proud of a preschool graduation, but with this little boy he came a LONG way in his preschool class.  He started the year off on an IEP for his ADHD with focus on his behavior and impulsiveness.  His teachers were so amazing to work with!  They were so patient and truly loved him and because of that by the end of the year he was taken off of his IEP!
 Here he is with flower and diploma in hand!

 It was a whole family affair!!  We were lucky enough that out of Scottys four days off in May one of them fell on Barricks graduation day.
 These three crazies, or as Barrick refers to them.  "Me three Lilly and Liam"
One with dad!
Last of all Mrs. Donathan and Mrs. Lay.  Really the BEST teachers!!  I am so grateful to them for loving Barrick and helping him succeed. 

Briony 12-16 months!

I think my new trend of blogging is wait 3-4 months then catch up.  Well along with the entire summer I never blogged Brionys birthday.  She turned 1 four months ago and I am now getting around to blogging about it.  Scotty was on call the day of her birthday so we celebrated the 16th of May.  It was a fun night we went to dinner, played at the park, and did presents and cake.
She is quit the princess in our house.  She is a little crazy, active but most importantly is loved and adored by all of her brothers and sisters!
She did a great job eating the cake!
 Mom and dad with her on her birthday!
 Along with her birthday and the rest of summer came a lot of miles stones.  For one she started walking, but more important to her then walking was climbing.  I don't know what it is but Scotty and I really create monkeys.  Since before her birthday she has been climbing all over the furniture. 
 Obviously her favorite is the kitchen table!

We are lucky to have this crazy little one!!