We had such a good time, I think I want to go up there again when it gets just a bit cooler. Of course I need to borrow a camper with heat or reserve a cabin. Anyone who wants to join us is welcome.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Silver Creek Plunge
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Comings and Goings
This past week I have been trying to come up with "new" meal ideas for us. I've been so tired of the same-ol-same-ol, so I've succeeded at some fabulous BBQ Pork ribs, with creamy scalloped potatoes. I guess the key to ribs is the "Dry Rub"....who would have thought??? Then you wrap them in tin foil and slow cook them before throwing them on the grill and smother them with sauce....yum! Yesterday I used the fruits of my Dad's labors and made SALSA! It was Fab!! My Dad has this HUGE garden. It is overpopulated with many vegetables, so I can take advantage whenever I go there. They also have fruit trees and grape vines. I have a box of yummy peaches that I need to do something with.
The past couple months I have been READING. Can you believe it? Well I can't, I'm not a big reader, but I love a good book. I finally finished reading the Twilight series. I loved it! But now its over and I am finding myself "craving" a good book. Any suggestions???
During my "comings and goings", I've also discovered the game called "Ticket to Ride". So Freaking Fun! I've also started watching "Dancing with the Stars". Ok, I'm not the biggest fan, but when your TV choices are limited, you do what you can. It always starts off so slow, but if you don't watch it from the beginning then you don't get the full effect of the show. This year they have hired on Lacey from "So You think You Can Dance" to be one of the instructors! So theres a few dancers I'm pretty interested in.
Alex has been SO busy with work and his Masters! Busy Busy Busy! At least he's home during homework. Well that's about it. I'll try to get pics up soon.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Headache that Never Ends
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Girl Drama!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Success...Then...Not So Much
The first night I put the girls together in one room went really well. Except when Dejah and I tiptoed in to put Dejah in bed, Mycah got up and started fussing. I put Dejah down, calmed down Mycah, then she went right to sleep....NO Problems!!! I was completely shocked! They both slept great and Mycah still slept in later than Dejah. The next night....mmm...not so good. Again she woke up when Dejah went in to bed, but around 10:30 Mycah started fussing and just looking at Dejah. It woke her up and she was crying too. I told Dejah we'll just put her back in her own room. She didn't want to, but I'm just going to have to keep them separated until Mycah gets a bit older. Now with the Nuk thing. I still haven't gotten rid of it, but I'm trying to do better at just letting her have it in bed. Its working ok so far, but sooner or later I'm just going to have to get rid of it.
Today we took a drive to my Mom's house. She had the day off and had some time this morning before her hair appointment. We went over and helped her cut her concord grapes off one of her big grape vines. She says it takes a long time to make jelly so she is just going to juice them. It was fun. I like doing stuff like that. I wish I had a real garden and the "know how" on canning and storing food. Maybe when my kids get a bit older I'll have more time to learn. Well all...that's it for today.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Gutter Rat!!
Happy Birthday Ladies' Night
Ballerina Babies
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Beauty Treatment Tag!
Ok. First off, I am not a beauty queen. I don't know the latest and greatest in beauty secrets. I've never had a spa treatment or makeover. You could call me a "tom boy" of sorts, but I do like to look good, and hope someday to become "fashionable". I found this tag on someones Blogpage and I loved it! I would love to see all your beauty secrets. So I wanted to start spreading it around. Have fun!
My Foundation- I know this is odd, but Christy introduced me to spray-on nylons, and I've loved them! I rub a little on my hands with lotion and spread over my face for a nice natural glow. Before that I was using a product called Jafra. I really like anything lightweight, that covers my blemishes and doesn't make your face "stand out" too much.
My Blush- I don't use blush, but I do use Mary Kay face bronzing beads.
My Day Cream- I wish I could say that I had some "majic" cream, but since I suffered with acne so bad growing up, I use what my dermatoligist recommended....Cetyphil Day Lotion.
My Lipstick- Again...no lipstick, but I love lip gloss. And I like my lips to be a light pearly pink. Too bad lip gloss doesn't stick around.
My Essential Beauty Product- Eye shadow and mascara! Most of the time, I don't wear makeup, so then I would have to say Sun and Moisturizer.
My Favorite Product- Again....Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs.
My Perfume- Sorry. I don't like perfume, but I do love a good smelly lotion!
My Nails- I wish I could say that I had pretty nails. I think I have pretty hands because my fingers are long and extremely skinny, but I've never had a manicure and my nails crack and split when I grow them out. One time I grew them out and really cared for them. I did a french manicure on them and LOVED it.
My Feet- I love soft feet. I can honestly say I've never had bad calouses. I definately moisturize my feet. Cetyphil Cream. I love keeping my toenails painted. They are currently colored a chocolate bronze.
My Hands- Back to the "Hands" comment.
Three Beauty Items to take to a Desert Island- A Razor (I don't think I could stand hairy armpits). Tweezer (again..hair on the face...not so pretty). Aquaphor for my lips (I can't stand dry cracked lips).
Women I admire for their beauty- My mom is always looking her best and usually won't leave the house without doing her hair and makeup. My Sister-in-Law Christy...even when she thinks she's not "top notch" I think she always looks Beautiful.
Women with the best sense of style- My freind Andrea always has really cute clothes. Again, I have to say Christy. Jessica Simpson is my favorite for style, she always looks so cute.
My personal Beauty secret- Excersize and Diet. Eat right, treat your body good, you will look and feel better than any product could ever do for you. (Now I need to live it)
My Ultimate Beauty Dream- To have long georgous hair, naturally tan skin with no freckles or moles, no vercose veins....and......Lazer Hair removal! Need I say more?
Tag?>>>>>>Every Lady who reads this....consider yourself TAGGED!