Monday, September 15, 2008

Cycling Merit Badge

This past Saturday Royce and Chase completed their Cycling Merit Badge by riding a 50 mile bike ride. They had to complete this ride in 8 hours. They met at the church at 5:00 in the morning with 4 other scouts and their leaders. The boys were so excited they even got to wear "sissy shorts" as Calvin calls them. They did awesome! It only took them 6 hours to complete the ride. As they rode their last 8 miles all the scouts met and rode across the finish line together. This experience has taught them that they can do hard thigs if they put their mind to it. I am so proud of all of them. After the ride Calvin took them to Fudruckers to get a burger and milk shake. They all ate like it was their last meal. When they got home they crashed hard. I am so proud of them.

Disneyland 2008

What a blast we had. Our favorite ride of all times is Pirates of the Caribbean. We start off every trip with that ride. This year Cody was big enough to go on lots of the rides. Calvin was not happy because he is the one who likes to sit with the kids that are to little. He is kinda a scardy cat when it comes to rides that go too fast or are in the dark or too high ;-)

Crystal Cove Beach 2008

We had so much fun at the beach. On this trip we also went to Disneyland, while we were at Disneyland the boys asked if we could leave and go to the ocean. Little did we know they would rather play in the ocean than go to Disneyland. Cody was so funny because he did not like to go into the watter he just ran right up to the waters edge then ran away from it and he was running like he was in a race non stop.

Lacrosse Tournament Newport, CA 2008

Royce and Chase patricipated in a Lacrosse Tournement in New Port Beach this summer. Their team won UNDEFEATED! They both had so much fun. I can't believe how much they love lacorsse. We love to go and watch them it is a fast and exciting sport.
Royce and Chase had so much fun with Jason. This is a picture of them right before they went with Jason to change the sprinkler pipe that was irrigating their pasture. When they can home they were wet from head to toe. I don't know who had funner Jason or the kids. Jason was always teaching ;-) them some new technique of farming. They had a blast! Thank you Jason.

Oregon 2008

We are true "city slickers" ! We all helped my uncles and cousins gather 120 cows and their babies off a big mountain then lead them up a road in hopes of getting them to their new grazing spot. After many hours in the hot sun and cows darting off everywhere the cattle drive was NOT successfull. I am sure it was all the rookie help they had. It was decided it was best to leave the cows and let them "Mother Up" this means let the baby cows find ther moms and rest. Two days later the real cowboys went up and finished the job. As you can see Cody had so much fun and worked so hard that he couldn't stay awake on the ride home. We all had the time of our lives. REALLY!