This weekend has passed by in a blur, and thank goodness for that. I had a rough week last and i was dreading a child free weekend as they are the quickest and easiest way to keep my mind and body busy. But thanks to some great friends it has passed by in a blur. It started with a friday night out with Beks, to the local noodle house (yum yum!) and followed by watching this..... Absolutely funny film although it is oh so violent, lmao so not what i was expecting. very taranteno ish!!!! Then sat, lorna and me headed to lakeside for retail therapy, what do i clothes i could not find anything for me even with next vouchers, oh sorry i fib, i spent a whole £1 on a vest top in primark, oh get me!!!!! Then we headed back and then into to town to watch this west end show. OMG! so not politically correct but oh so funny!!! And a bargain at £15 a ticket for a west end show on a saturday night :) Then Sunday chilling over at nik's catching up with her . So now its sunday eve...