And another thing
I've gotten quite a few emails & a couple of comments about the post below ("My privileged white ass"), and I've talked to a few people about it in person. I'd like to add a couple of things:
It occured to me later that one of the biggest reasons the whole scene irked me so much was that I've been actually hassled and/or felt threatened in public places before and only one time in recent memory has a bartender or proprieter ever thrown the offending asshole out (thanks, Andy!). In this case, however, I was having a pleasant conversation with a decent human being, and he got singled out for -- well, for what, exactly? He was not substantially more scruffy or grungy than the sweet young boy playing guitar. He wasn't acting nutty or hostile or violent. He wasn't scrounging for spare change.
He was black. He was apparently broke.
I feel like I have to say right out that here I am not an idiot when it comes to my own safety, and I will not hesitate to be rude to people who squick me out for any reason whatsoever. Any person with good intentions and half a brain will not be insulted if I err on the side of being, or even seeming, rude (and if they do, fuck 'em, they need to get a clue somewhere).
For all I know this guy had a reputation in that particular neighborhood for being annoying or trying to scam money, or whatever, but the fact is I've spent plenty of time shooting the breeze with homeless crazy folks on the street or on the bus or in the buildings where I work -- here and in other cities where I've lived. I've spent time helping out at homeless shelters and answering crisis hotlines and stocking food shelves and serving food in soup kitchens. I always make a point of speaking to, or at least acknowledging, the "regular" homeless crowd in any neighborhood I'm in because 1) they are fellow human beings and we're neighbors in a sense; 2) they are often pleasant company and frequently highly entertaining; and 3) they are present at all hours and have saved my ass many many times simply because they know who I am and don't want to stand by and watch some asshole steal my purse. Or worse.
Plus, I very often have a dog with me when I'm out and about, and she's a pretty good judge of character.
I frequently go to certain bars by myself and I am rarely hassled and almost never fear for my safety. Sure, there are some really "nice" places that you couldn't pay me to go to on my own because they are chock full of assholes, but I don't go to those places by myself. The place I was talking about was not someplace I go regularly, and it is certainly not a place I will go to again. Even though it is right across the street from places I've gone to alone and will certainly continue to patronize.
And for those of you who think I was being brave and noble (as opposed to stupid and naive), please understand that what I'm trying to say is that there is quite a lot of ground between the brave/noble -- I am certainly not that -- and the stupid/naive (see above). You too can learn the difference.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll have more to say about this, but in the meantime, thanks for your comments and emails, etc.