Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

On Easter Sunday we spent a lovely day at Dustin's sister Taylor and her husband Austins home. We started off watching Dallin (1 year and 8 mo.) go on his first egg hunt. Later we had a very yummy dinner with family and friends.

And the hunt begins...

Taylor decorated a beautiful center piece with these really pretty purple that they picked from their yard.
The desserts were amazing as always in this family.

Austin's younger sister Gene and Taylor decorated cupcakes for each person. Yum!
Afterwards we enjoyed time sitting out on the porch watching Dallin and Willow run around in their adorable yellow outfits.
Kristin & Kellen Kimble with their daughter Willow
Austin and Taylor with thier son Dallin
That one looks yummy! :) Note Dallin's face..
Little Willow is so cute. I love her little smirk :) I think they were dancing to primary songs that the moms were singing to them.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Chellis Bridal Shower

Tonight, my good friend Michelle Ampuero had her bridal shower/bachelorette party and I had the pleasure of putting it together for her. I love weddings and planning for it and all the good stuff so I was excited to help out. We had a good turn out of people and had a lot of fun laughing and talking girl stuff. :)

Here is Michelle very excited for her cupcake from Sweet Tooth Fairy. If you haven't been there you should check it out! It is on University Ave in Provo right next to KMart and across from the mall. Yum!I am not very good at taking pictures of food and not to mention I didn't take this picture until after people had eated most of it the fun finger foods. Of course we had to have Michelle's bagel bites :)
Here is a cute lingerie top I got for Michelle and there were cute panties to match along with some sexy accessories for her to have on her wedding night...She has a cute booty :)This was hilarious when she opened this present. She was 'woah what is this!' and was nervous to open it haha. It actually is a very interesting book about aphrodesiacs and good recipes that are...good for..the relationship....hee heeI loved the wrapping of foil on this present from Brittany Gevas. She got some cute kitchen stuff that Chellis will soon need to know how to use ha.We played a fun game that I also played at my bridal shower where we asked questions to Michelle about her fiance and if she got the questions wrong she had to put a marshmellow in her mouth each time. We were laughing pretty hard at her answers with a bunch of marshmellows in her mouth! She did better than I did at mine. I gagged pretty quick. But she still was happy to spit them out...
We gave advice and asked her about her wedding plans and stuff which was very fun to hear. We were sad that her mom and other sisters could not make it as well as other close friends. It was a fun girl's night and I am very happy for Michelle and her exciting day.
Congrats Chellis!!!