Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Babysitting our niece and nephew

Last weekend we babysat Addie and Dallin Gardner while Austin and Taylor went on a little marriage retreat with their ward.
Chillin in the hammock.
Dallin enjoyed Dustin pushing him super fast around the yard. It made Addie crack up too.

She was telling him something in sign language and
Dustin didn't quite understand haha.
We made an awesome fort to watch Monsters Inc.
Dustin liked it just as much as the kids did :)

In the morning we had yummy fruit shakes and then
went outside to do some sidewalk chalk and play in the sandbox.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fat Cats

So there's this pretty cool bowling place here in Provo we like to go to and it's called Fat Cats.
We went on a Friday night because they turn on the black lights and the music is on loud :)

Dustin is such a good sport. He is always goin' out with the girls and I know he loves bein' the pimp. He tends to do a lot of stuff with the girls because my sister and best friend live right next door and his friends are flakes. That's all there is to it.
Afterwards we walked over to Earth Fruits which is our favorite natural yogurt place.
SO YUMMY!!!!!!
Sierra really likes food...

Shooting in Provo Canyon

So Dustin and I finally got to shoot clay pigeons with our shotgun my dad got us for Christmas two years ago. We went after we went camping with Braden Hardisty (who also had a gun from my dad) Jelina and Emelia (one of Jelina's former roommates). Emelia and I shot the first pigeons and were pretty proud of ourselves haha.

Saggy buns. lol.

Camping with good company

Last month we got together a group of people to go camping with us before school started and everyone got busy. People were already busy enough so we missed some people...:( But we had a lot of fun. We camped up Provo Canyon up past squaw peak if you are familiar with that area :)
It was Dustin and I, Jelina, Sierra, Cyndi, Emelia, Braden, Chance and Emily, heather and Kara and a new friend Tristan from Sierra's work.
Our happy little group :)
We had a lot of laughs with 'funny' scary stories, roasted starbursts, of course s'mores, and then played a few hours of Mafia. We liked it so much we played until 3 in the morning! I ended up being the Mafia 3 times during the game and there was a lot of funny arguing during that game haha. You learn who can lie well and who really can't. :)
We had some fun setting some things up... Braden, Emelia and Cyndi were pros at setting up tents... and Dustin and Chance were getting creative trying to find wood for the campfire...LOL!
Sierra only brought this tiny pathetic blanket to sleep with and on, so we shared our awesome mattress and two person sleeping bag...that can apparently sleep 3.
In the morning we had yummy Costco muffins and clementine oranges and then we played ladder golf which we were all so good at... :/

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Slackin on the bloggin...

It has been so long since I have even looked at a blog. I am not sure where time went but geesh I need to update on here BAD.

In a large nutshell:
We went to Vegas for my birthday, went through 3 verrry stressful weeks of preparing for the new fall semester with new tenants moving in ( it is a lot harder than you would think...), at the same time trying to remember that we too were going to school and needed to prepare ourselves, photo shoots of a bunch of people, struggling to exercise and work towards our goal with our new membership to the gym, Jelina moved back to Utah, bowling with friends, camping in the canyon, Utah State Fair, new car, new hair cut, and already struggling with math...

My list of things to do is very long on my calendar (majority it being apartment complex stuff and then school)... I make a to-do-list every day and yet the next day the list seems to be the exact same but with a few more things on it.


The complex always has a list of to-dos... We were blessed with a really old complex that always seems to be falling apart in a different way every single week. On top of real problems there are always the little reminders from tenants asking for many small awesome things like, 'can you tighten our kitchen table leg?' or 'can you come plunge our toilet, it seems to be overflowing and we don't know why because girls don't poop...'

I really do like a few of these people but I do wonder sometimes what their parents teach them and what they don't...

On the bright side, Dustin is learning new maintenance things (as I learn patience...), and hopefully he can use them later down the road when we have our own house...