Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving at the cabin

Just about every year my family goes to our cabin over Thanksgiving with family and friends. We shoot pumpkins leftover from Halloween and throw eggs as far as we can over the hillside. I usually can't throw them very far...
This year our wonderful friends the Hardisty family came along with us and they are just hilarious. My uncle Alan and our family friend Jeff as well as my dad's buddy from Wyoming also came up (he currently lives in So Cal however). He has just been relieved from being a "spy sniper dude" in Afganistan. I thought it was pretty cool that he spoke a bunch of the Afgani languages and dressed up looking like one to get secret info. He was a sharp shooter.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Touring the wine country...

Since Dustin had become a concierge at a hotel in an area he didn't know too much about, we felt the need to tour around nearby wine country so he could be more familiar.
We started at Ferrari-Carano Winery which owns both Vintners Inn and John Ash.
VERY nice grounds.

A lot of the wineries have dogs or friendly cats hanging out in their lobbies or on the property. I always have to pet them and say hi haha.
This is a photo of one of the wine cellars at Bella Rose winery I believe. They had a really cool cave for a tasting room.

Some had some really cool views that we got to enjoy.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Photos of our workplace...

So here are a few pics of where we work... in case you are unfamiliar with the area or have not heard of Vintners Inn or John Ash & Co.

Vintners Inn and John Ash are right next to each other. So we get to see each other a lot. It helps with carpooling at the same time to work.
Here is a photo I pulled off the internet to show a little bit of the restaurant...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Safari West

A few miles from us is a safari zoo where they have a bunch of african animals as well as some others from all over. They mostly have giraffes, all kinds of deer, birds, and zebras. But they also had some rhinos, cheetahs, monkeys, porcupines, and a couple other small cats.
It is not like a typical zoo where the animals are kept in small cages so people can see them easily. Here you drive around in this safari jeep and search for them on their large property. It was fun to ride on the top of the jeep even though it was a little chilly.
We were lucky enough to get a free VIP pass from our managers at our work (because we're cool like that) who also know the owners of Safari West. Normally is is like $100 per person to go there.
My favorite was of course the giraffes. I have an obsession with them.
They are so cute!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gotta love the coast.

We love hanging out at the beach and going just to chill together. We have been exploring new beaches and taking lots of photos of course of our days watching waves and shells wash up on shore.
We usually like to get clam chowder bread bowls and bring them to the beach with us and have a little picnic. The seagulls stalk us for the bread and it gets to be kind of funny.
Dusty also provides entertainment...

I always thought rock stackers were pretty talented. I envy their patience...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I LOVE this commercial. So excited. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Funny Thanksgiving Quotes

So this year I will be having thanksgiving with my family which is kind of weird because I have spent the last few years at Taylor and Austin's house in Spanish Fork, Ut. (Going to miss that by the way! I loved all of Taylor's good cookin'!)
Some of you know I re-decorated my dad's chiropractic office this last month, it looks so much better haha. Anyway, he has a quote board in his office that needs to be updated more, so I looked up a bunch of quotes for me to write for this month. I found the motivational ones of course but then I came across a few funny ones that I won't post in his office but I thought I would share with you....Haha.

"Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants." -Kevin James

"I love Thanksgiving turkey. It's the only time in Los Angeles that you see natural breasts. -Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often." -Johnny Carson

"The thing I'm most thankful for right now is elastic waistbands." ~Author Unknown

"You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out."
~ Jay Leno

"Here I am 5 o’clock in the morning stuffing bread crumbs up a dead bird’s butt."
~Roseanne Barr

"I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land." -Jon Stewart

"May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey plump, May your potatoes and gravy, have a nary lump. May your yams be delicious, And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs." -Anonymous

Creative Project Ideas

So on my search for cork ideas, I found some other fun ideas that would be so cool to make. Here are favorites that I found...
Burnt lightbulb vases
Push Pin decor balls
Outdoor twister
Cupcake decor balls (You know, the ones you usually see hanging over a crib)
Jewelry Holder
Curtains with a little acrylic paint/stencil
Good use of an old crib for a bench
Coffee filter lamp

Put a cork in it!

So being back in the wine country, you see a lot of corks n' bottles. At my work, John Ash restaurant, they sometimes decorate candle holders with corks. This week they were throwing out a bunch of them and I asked if I could take them instead, and of course they gave them to me. So I am trying to make the letter "G" out of them. I made a search of cool projects and I found some really fun ones. I already am using mine for the letter, but I thought I would share some fun ideas maybe I could do eventually...

Cork Bath mat
Cork chalkboard
Cork Stamps
Cork "note" cake (Guests post notes to the cork cake) So cool!

Cork card holders