Monday, March 25, 2013

What do I do all day?

Many people ask what I do staying at home with Pria all day or what is new with me?

I hang out with my daughter. She has 4 naps during the day. In between naps I play with her and do activities with her.

During her naps I try to catch up on a couple projects I am doing such as:

  • Making albums of last year and this years photo albums. Believe me that takes a lot of time. Especially when her naps are 30-45 minutes long. Not very much time to edit photos, organize them by month and event, putting captions/text on each page with dates, and figuring out the look I want.
  • Blogging and writing thoughts and about what we have done lately (again takes some time)
  • Combining ALL of Pria's home videos because I want to make a video of them all combined from 0-6months. (HUGE project! because at the same time I am trying to figure out how to edit video clips and make a video).
  • A big twin size quilt for Pria's room. Again, something I have never done before and takes time haha.
  • Always cleaning up...Always.
  • Visiting family
  • Grocery shopping/errands
  • Cooking new recipes I find on Pinterest and trying to feed my family.
  • Figuring out how to make baby soft books like these.
Those are specific ones I am always working on little by little. I am not just sitting at home on the couch with Pria on my lap all day. I may be comfy in sweats or pjs but I am doing stuff. I don't mind it one bit. Hanging out with the cutest baby girl all day is the greatest blessing in the world. SOO grateful Dustin is making it possible for me to do this. Love him. Thanks babe!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A walk in the redwoods

Last Saturday we went to the Redwoods since it was such a nice day and Pria enjoys going on stroller walks. We invited my mom (grandma) to join us and she of course loved playing with her and being goofy.

"Look at me sitting on this log all by myself with no help whatsoever mom!"
Haha.... Wouldn't that be funny... 

My Little Leprechaun...

 Holy crap doesn't he look yummy here :D
And doesn't Pria share a similar smirk?? Lol

 It was a beautiful St Patty's Day and Pria enjoyed playing in the clovers with mom and dad :)
 St. Patricks Day was on a Sunday so of course we were at my parents for dinner. Pria isn't eating solids yet, but she likes to gnaw on everything and wants to grab whatever we put in our mouths. So we thought a carrot cant't hurt. She loves gnawing on them haha.
 Playing with grandma...

Tummy time and push-ups

Every morning Pria has tummy time and she is getting more and more into it. It took some time because she did not like it at all in the beginning. As long as she has distractions and I am right there next to her she does fine. Here are a few pics of her doing push-ups and being so proud of herself haha. 

 Isn't she so freaking adorable!!??!!!

Daddy Time

 I love to watch Dustin play with Pria. Last week he was playing with her and making her giggle, in turn making himself laugh as well. Here are a few fun pics... :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I have already found myself saying, "I wish I could go back to...." Pria is growing rapidly every day. Her 5 month old birthday is coming up and I am like, "Wait! No! Stop!" haha.

There are days when I am excited for her to make accomplishments in her growth like grabbing things, sitting up, doing a push-up, giving us a hearty laugh along with a squeal. (Love those :))
Then there are days (more and more of these days), where I just want her to be %100 helpless and tiny again. Those first few days went SO quickly.

Yeah I was tired and getting no sleep and in some recovery pain, but I miss the surreal moments of holding this tiny tiny little bundle making newborn grunts and being absolutely unable to do anything herself.
I miss being able to put her inside my robe while I was wearing it and tying the tie around to keep her tightly inside (it was a convenient baby carrier at the time hah) as well as really warm in the winter months.
I miss being able to hold her every minute of every hour without her getting bored or crying.
I miss the tiny.

Each new moment is bittersweet. Bitter because it means she is changing and growing, and sweet because it means she is changing and growing.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Walks with Daisy

Meet our friend Daisy... She is a neighbors dog that comes out from their yard to join us on our walks down the road. Yesterday I took some pics of her strolling along with us. If we stop she stops too and waits until we start going again. It is kind of cute. 
 Now that it is getting warmER, I plan to go on walks with Pria once a day. She seems to enjoy getting outside. She looks around, chats a little bit and usually falls asleep towards the end. I also enjoy it too. I could use some exercise after being inside a lot this winter. I need to get back in shape!

Girls wear camo too...

This last weekend we went to my dads cabin just for the heck of it. Just the three of us and my dad. Pria wore her camo outfit that my mom bought her and of course looked adorable. Dustin helped my dad cut some large pieces of redwood that my dad uses for house projects and furniture. Dustin also cut wood for our fireplace as well. 

 Men at work... :)
 The chainsaws were really loud but didn't phase Pria at all. She actually fell asleep during the process haha. The weather was great for being the beginning of March and Pria loved walking around and exploring nature. 
It was a nice little quick getaway and wish we had more time to just hang out.