Friday, December 27, 2013

Some things you just can't capture...

I don't really blog any more. But I do think of writing on here little things that Pria is doing and stuff. I more want to write on here as a journal for me rather than sharing with others. But once I am on here I forget what I want to record! Ugh. We record a lot with our camera and video. But some things you just can't capture...

She learns everyday. She knows so much more than we think. We have to be careful sometimes. She is just now learning 'no.' Not the word. Just shaking her head. She hasn't shook her head to say 'no' however which is good. We try to say yes a lot or 'let's try this' or we don't do that' instead of saying the word 'no' a lot.

Pria definitely has a sweet personality. Very quiet most the time. She loves to just sit and read her little books. She will pick her favorite ones, bring them over and back into our lap to sit by one of us to read to her. Or sometimes she just back up slowly to just be by us.

She brings us specific toys when we mention them. Just last week it was so sweet. We said "where is the fishy?" She stood there for a second thinking and then ran into her room and brought us a book and turned to the page with a fish on it. It was sweet. She does the same thing with her shoes and socks a lot.

KISSES! Oh my goodness this is my favorite. Dustin taught her "kisses" in just ten minutes a month or so ago. When we say 'kisses' or make kissing noises she will pucker up her lips and lean in to our lips for a smooch on the lips. Sometimes her kisses have extra "juicy slobber" which you just gotta give in to haha. Or we even ask her to give her puppy or other stuffed animals kisses and she does it with a smile.
HUGS! She is very snuggly and loves big hugs. She won't do hugs on command to us yet like she does kisses, but she knows what they are. She will also give huge hugs to the cat, Nala and her favorite stuffed animals.

Other little people... Pria has been around more little kids and she mostly just observes quietly, but giggles sweetly when they smile and talk to her. We are out in Nebraska this week for Christmas and she loves Taylor and Austin's kids (we are staying at their house). Pria does this really cute "hee hee" laugh at them.

Getting scared. There are a few things that make her really sad making me sad a little bit too. She cries when someone is cutting up meat or fish. We walked passed the fresh fish deli yesterday in a grocery store and she just started crying when she looked at it. Some noisy moving 'creepy' toys freak her out and make her cry. People with a very negative energy make her cry. If our voices get too high she gets sad. A while back we brought my parents dog Jayda to the beach in our jeep. After leaving the beach Jayda jumped in the back seat where Pria sits running around getting wet dirt/sand everywhere with Pria and I in the jeep. I yelled a little for her to get in the trunk of the jeep and Pria really didn't like it... And the biggest one, when other kids cry she gets really really sad with a big pouty lip.

When she is nursing Pria likes to pick at my finger nails or poke my nose...Awesome. She does it to Dustin to when they are just sitting together or he is reading to her.

Sleeping. Not even gonna go there. I am pretty tired most the time let's just say that...

And speaking of sleep. She is awake now. Later.