Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Toddler Days

So Pria is two now. With a lot of personality...

Toddlers are a very fun but can be strong willed to put it nicely. I constantly have to remind myself that at this age she is trying her hardest to communicate her needs to us and we are trying to communicate back to her. And she gets frustrated because she either can't express what she wants to tell us or she doesn't like what we are thinking she is trying to communicate. It becomes a difficult battle. Thus the reason people call it the terrible twos.
Thank goodness for naps otherwise I would go nuts. Nap time is my break time where I can unwind, relax and calm my nerves at times.

Pria was able to say about 100 words by her 2nd birthday. A lot of them other people don't understand or hear what she is saying but I know what she is saying.

Her top favorite animals are horses and dogs. Cows and cats come in second place.

Pria is doing gymnastics. She did an 8 week session this summer and Roger bought her another 8 week session for her birthday that we are still doing.
She is excellent at jumping. Very balanced and keeps her legs together. The trampoline is her favorite activity. She is also very strong when it comes to the bars and climbing up things. The kids also do balance beams, walk up ladders, somersaults, hand stands, tuck n roll, tunnels, and other fun things. Every other week is different with her. One week she is super happy and follows the other kids/teacher. The next week she is fussing and doesn't want to listen to anything anyone wants her to do haha. Oh well.
She is definitely learning from it though. She practices at home all the time and has even started to climb cupboards...Erg...

Pria eats everything. Although she still hasn't taken a liking to potatoes or fish. So I give her DHA or Omega 3 medicine/drops in the morning to make sure she gets those nutrients missing from fish.

She is still sleeping with us. Sleeps through the night. Goes to bed on average around 8:30 and gets up around 6:45/7am. I immediately have to get up with her. She pulls my eyelids open and pulls my hand. In the middle of the night if she is restless she always calls for momma. I hug her closer and she wraps her little arms around my neck and goes back to sleep. Dustin has it easy when it comes to sleeping.... Grrr...

We also got rid of Pria's pacifier when she turned 2, that she started having when she was about 9 months old. Such a relief to have that gone...

Next project is weaning her off nursing which I have just started. Fun.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lil boo boo stuff

I am losing interest in writing on a blog more and more but I know I need to write on it for a journal to keep track of Pria's growth. So here I am doing it again almost 4 months later...

*Pria starts gymnastics this weekend. I am pretty excited. It is going to be Dustin and Pria's daddy daughter date time on Saturday mornings.
*Pria has 11 teeth now, including her 4 molars in the back. When she got her first molar she had a high fever of 102 for a couple days, which was a little scary but she handled it well. She slept a lot and was very snuggly and attached.
*Pria loves using her utensils to eat. She mastered them well at like 15 months. She waits very patiently for us to bring us her fork or spoon if we forget to put it on her plate. She likes to sort and organize her food on her plate. She nibbles on her food in between organizing. She eats everything now except lettuce (hard to eat) and of course any sugar desserts.
*Her sign language is still going strong. She knows a lot of signs and sometimes figures them out before Dustin and I have the chance to learn them ourselves from her Signing Time dvds. She kind of teaches us haha. She says words very well too. We try to challenge her with new ones every day.
*Her favorite toy is still the ball. If she sees one she has to run over to it and pick it up right away. She tries to gather as many as she can carry, hoarding them around everywhere.
*Reading time is very important to us and we do it every night before bed and throughout the day. Pria loves her books and gets very happy when we read to her or look through them and let her point to things basically asking us what everything in the book is.
*Pria still nurses. She does so on average 4 times during the day. She still nurses once at night but occasionally forgets
*She knows what potty means and where the potty is, but hasn't figured out that she can actually go in the potty. It is ok. No rush. She will figure it out on her own time.
*Pria is in nursery now at church and it is growing on her. I still go in with her on Sunday so I can gradually put her in. I have gone in with her about 5 times now and she does better and better each time. She's getting more familiar with the idea of playing around 10 other little kids who don't typically like to share their toys or the little slide that is Pria's favorite... Sharing is also a very new concept and at that age it is difficult with every kid but I am in there to try and help her get comfortable with it and so I know how to handle it too. She isn't the only one learning. I am learning how to do it too! How to help her and teach her. Depending on if kids are really sick or if the energy in nursery is crazy I may or may not keep her with me in Sunday school while my dad is teaching. She behaves really well in the adult class reading her books or listening to my dad teach.
*I am in no hurry to have her be on her own away from me. She is an angel child and I don't mind having her hang out with me. Some of the moms in church give me the vibe that I need to let her go. Mind your own business. I know my child better than other parents and I know when to leave her without her parents on her own time. I don't get other parents sometimes...

Anyway thats all for today. I'll write again in like 6 months! Haha

Monday, February 17, 2014


Updates on whats up with Pria:

She loves coloring (with a LOT of supervision of course because she gets it on her body, clothes and other things you shouldn't color... But it is a learning activity.
She climbs on everything. Can climb on the chairs, get on the table, crawl from couch to chairs next to each other and her bed in her room she climbs up to jump around on.
She is pretty good with balance and most the time we trust her but well she is 16 months and isn't a pro yet so we have to be near her all the time. Speaking of balance we went by a gymnastics place to check it out and see if Pria liked it. She is still too young for it but we wanted to check it out. She sort of joined in on the baby class for fun. She doesn't listen yet so we are waiting until she is 18 months to join a 8 week class. She liked the trampolines a lot. She is so funny when she bounces really fast with a big smile on her face. I want to get her one of those little workout trampolines with a bar kids can hold onto when they bounce ha.
She uses forks and spoons and won't eat unless she has her own haha. She likes to do most things on her own now. It makes a huge mess but she loves it and learns how to use utensils better every day.
 Books and her toy balls are her favorite. She has so many books but her her few favorites she likes us to read over and over and over and....over. She should be able to form sentences by the time we see Jelina next. Her language right now is taking off. Dustin and I understand what she is trying to communicate but other people can't understand what she is saying. I need to video her saying 'cheese' lol. Funniest thing ever.
She has figured out how to use our phones and Dustin's iPad.... She swipes and then does what we do on our phones. She has called Sierra quite a few times haha. Once I was sitting on the couch by her and I heard someone in the distance saying "hello? hello? You there?" I looked all around and saw Pria running with my phone and Sierras face was on the front. Haha.
Pria's molars are coming in right now so she is really whiney. I can tell it hurts her :(
Prias absolute favorite activity is playing hide'n'seek and tag. She loves being chased and having us creep around corners to sneak up on her and roaring like a lion... She squeals and runs as fast as her tiny feet can go.
Oh the things you could never catch me doing before Pria... What we will do to entertain her and make her laugh. Although you may find it more entertaining seeing my dad do it... We were hanging out in the living room one Sunday and Pria ran into the kitchen from the hallway squealing with delight. Next thing you see is my dad crawling fast on the floor after her growling LOL. Dad gets so happy hearing her laugh. Dustin was making her laugh so hard one night tickling her and dad was like, "That is the best sound in the world..."
She is so smart its not even funny. She figures stuff out so fast. You can' sneak anything passed her.

 I am starting a garden in the backyard. Like a legit one. I am just hoping my veggies will grow. Majority of the things I buy at the grocery store are produce and it adds up. Food is not cheap here. So I am going to try and grow stuff myself. If we had a bigger yard I would do more because things like cauliflower, squash, and potatoes take up a ton of room. So I can only grow the small plants unfortunately.
 Silly but fun news. We got our first green egg yesterday from one of our chickens. Her name is Sofia haha. I may have said already but we named our chickens after celebrities.
We have 6: -Reba (our red one)
-Goldie Hawn (our gold one)
-Beyonce (mixed colors with a huge butt)
-Lil Kim (she's black)
-Phoebe "Friends" (our white crazy chicken)
 -Sofia Vergara "a latina actress we like" (looks like a mexican chicken lol)
 Dustin wants to get another chicken that lays dark dark brown eggs with white spots... Dustin loves the chickens...

Next project, potty training. Sigh.... I know it will be a lot of work but I need to start it now. Pria hates diapers and she has her own little pink potty she knows is hers. She sits on it whenever one of us goes to the bathroom haha. She just doesn't know to pee in it yet.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Let's get social.

So Pria is at a point in her life where she needs to get more involved with other kids. At church she will be joining nursery in a couple months and she is pretty shy so I want to be around her with other kids to see how she will be. On Wednesdays, there is a baby reading time for ages 0-24months which Dustin and I went to with her and it was cute. Pria just didn't know quite what to do with all these other loud hyper kids kids. It was similar to when we were in Nebraska and there were a bunch of kids and she just sat, watched, smiled and slowly moved closer to the other kids.
I don't mind that she is shy. Really I don't. I was shy and still am at times around other new people. Sometimes it bothers me a little and I know everyone always likes a more social butterfly around than a quiet person. So I do want her to get the opportunity to be around other kids and can make what she wants of the situation. If she is shy she is shy. But I can't keep her all to myself anymore...

It is not just Pria either. I have a goal this year to try and be a more social mom. Not my favorite thing... But I know Dustin would be happy if I did and its healthy I guess. Not that Dustin minds if I am not a social butterfly. But I know he would like it.