Anak saya sekarang dsh 19 bulan..alhamdulillah saya masih dapatully breastfeed anak saya...wee~
Sebagai suriumah saya dapat ikuti perkembangan anak saya all the time..which is the best gift from my husband..(tq dear!)
Dari bgn tdur, breakfast, learning, play time, nap time, dan waktu mandi..suma i ready for next baby? Um...maybe...hehe...
Skrg anas dah pandai sebut 30 clear words..which for me really good enough...hehe. i dont know about other kids, maybe rmai yg dah blh ckp byk...but i am really proud of his progress... ^^
Dah setahun lebih kami di kl..not sure about next year..sabah maybe? Whatever it is we will fully enjoy our time in kl, in semenanjung this year and hope for the best next year..aaamin..