Friday, January 24, 2025

It's warming's already 20 degrees out this morning with a high of 30 today.  And the low last night was only 11...that's 11 degrees above zero, not below!

No precipitation is forecast for the next ten days with most of the temperatures in the high 30's and low 40's but with two days in the teens.  January and 40 degrees just did not go together in the northeastern part of the states, but I guess with global warming, it does now.

Do you make daily and/or weekly to-do lists?  I make both.  To-do lists help keep me organized.  The lists can also help me prioritize my activities.  And it's always a nice feeling to cross off items on the to-do list.

But, on the other hand, being a slave to to-do lists is not helpful.  If something else comes up, I can easily change my activities but not everyone can change and that can present problems.  

I remember reading, several years ago, about an executive who had a to-do list of daily activities so extensive that every moment of her day was accounted for.  That sounds like a recipe for disaster for me but it may have been the best way for her to accomplish what she wanted.  

I like to keep my weekly lists to between four and five major items and my daily lists between six and seven.  Enough to feel good about accomplishing something without being overwhelmed with what needs to be done.  

There are both good things and bad things about organizing your activities with to-do lists.  It's up to each of us to decide how best or even if we should use them.

The last ephemera that I want to share with you is another snippet role, but this time with fabric.  Check out the picture...

Begin with any piece of fabric, then using a drop of glue add the fabric snippets.  As you can see, I wanted to have strips.  If you only use a drop of glue, then you need to sew the fabric to secure it.  If you do not want to sew the fabric, then you need to glue it on securely.  A craft glue stick will adhere the fabric well.  

You can use these snippet rolls on the cover of your journals or on the front of cards or pockets.  You can cut them into tiny pieces or large ones.  I like to add some fabric details to my journals as it gives another dimension to the project.

The last weekend in January begins tomorrow!  Can you believe that we are almost into February?  Well, I have posted three prompts from 'Getting It Together' for you to use.  We are coming to an end of this 30 Day project.  I hope you have found the prompts useful.  And, I will keep the entire project on the sidebar under 'Pages' if you want to try it later.

Have a great weekend.  Be sure to include some 'you time' in your schedule.  And stay warm!

Talk with you on Monday...