Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts

April 21, 2010

Beltaine approaches

Beltaine is nearly here. Can you feel the energies rising?
I feel it as a pulse within that increases as the days draw nearer.

A drumming within my body that has excitement, energy and heat as part of it.

Betaine is a fertility festival and yes fertility has it's sexual side and that is a good reason to celebrate;)
But fertility can be a creative urge in other ways.
A need to make things, to plant seeds, to open ourselves to the rising energies and to welcome their effect up on us spiritually and physically.

When you see flowers and trees showing the earth's fertility doesn't it make you smile and feel joyous?
It does for me
Everything is awake now, it hears the Goddess calling. Wake up calls come to us as well.
We just have to listen for them.
Can you see the recumbent lady waiting for the Green Man to come and wake her? She has been sleeping away the winter but now is the time to don her spring gown and go out to play.
My favourite musical has always been Camelot and I love the May day scene. A nod to the pagan rites and something that I felt all those years ago when but a child. I knew Beltaine was a special part of me and my contact with the land.
Each time I am within woods or by the sea it becomes a ritual occasion. I can feel the Lady and the Lord around me. I can sense the great mystery and my small part within it.
This past few days have been like a return to the past in some ways. Clear blue skies, not a plane or vapour trail to be seen.

A return to the magic of wood and water, trees and earth.
Skies that go on forever, especially if one is somewhere such as beach or woods.
No cars then, no planes.
Magic is all around and touches us if we stand still for that touch.
If we are in the moment. Not thinking of where we go next or what we have to do.

Just being there, waiting for the magic that is never far away.
I look at the drums I have around me and I want to play loud, throbbing music. Something to try and emulate what is within me.
A slow beat, becoming louder, faster and more insistent.

To try and capture one fraction of what I feel.
I want to be on lonely beaches drumming softly as the tide comes in, barely heard sound, just a murmur here and there.

That is what the tide feels like to me.

I want to be on a mountain top as the sun rises and the breeze swirls around my face. Then I'd drum louder, louder as Sol rises. Feeling the power of the sun, the warmth and the energy.

I know that the mountain top can sadly only be a dream, no way for me to climb such heights now. But in my mind I'm there, I'm drumming and I'm dancing.

Because it is in my mind and not actually happening doesn't make it any less real.

How do you want to celebrate Beltaine?

October 26, 2009

Les femmes en masse:)

I thought you would like to see a picture of the femmes together, it gives a better representation of their true colour especially the red ones.
And a view of their cloaks.
I'm still buzzing with all the energy that came through to make these. I feel so lucky to have touched the magic and been allowed to create from it.

May 21, 2009


Drumbeat, slow, one beat at a time. Count the beats, feel the earth's heart beating slow slow slow.
Slow your breathing down, right down to tune into the mother's pulse.

Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Be one with the heartbeat of the earth.
Too fast the world today. Too many rushing to their journey's end with no thought for the actual journey itself.
We all need time in tune with the earth.

Time for her beauty, her sacred heart. She shares it oh so willingly with us despite the way we desecrate her.

Who can say they don't enjoy just being? But, who makes the time to do it on a regular basis?
I see the world anew when I stop and be.
I hear more in a conscious minute than I do all day blithely wending my way from moment to moment.
In one of my previous careers with a building society we had one of the, for then, new workshops or development days. All different team building games and role playing. You know how it goes, they seem to do that all the time. Back then it was something very new.
Much of it I have forgotten now. I do remember how bored I was. One thing stuck in my mind however.
The person running it asked us how much of our day to day activities we thought was done by habit or on auto pilot.
I can't remember the exact percentage(I'll see if I can find it on g$$gle later) but I believe it was something around 85%.
That is 85% of our day seeing nothing, doing nothing except by habit. We could be robots.
Get up, clean teeth, wash, get breakfast, go to work, come home. You know it goes and how easy it is to stay in the habit.
Wake up. Do everything consciously, be aware.
It is surprising what you will see, feel and notice if you make each act a conscious one.
Back to the drumbeats:-

I find drumming has a strong effect on me. I love music where drums play a large part.
I love drumming on its own.
I really love the evenings spent drumming, alone or with friends.
It is cleansing and exhilarating. It gives me a buzz. I can feel the energy coursing through my veins.
When I become aware of the earth's heartbeat that too gives me energy and gives me a feeling of being a part of the earth. Connected by a thread of rhythm.
Gordon MacLellan(Gordon the Toad) in his excellent book Sacred Animals has a wonderful quote.
" A pagan world is one of endless connection and communication between the individual and the inter-related, growing, changing, always evolving world that that person lives in"
Do you live in your world or just exist?

Some of my favourite music containing drumming:-
Drums of a nation John Richardson
Any by David and Steve Gordon.
Inkubus Sukkubus heartbeat of the earth.
Any by Peat Bog Faeries.
Any by Gabrielle Roth.

Phew , I do go on don't I? Something to do with the Beltaine energy rising methinks.
BTW the tulips remind me of orchids today as they twist and spiral towards decay.

Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

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