Showing posts with label ill health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ill health. Show all posts

October 04, 2010

Autumn flurries, autumn squalls Timbertops wheels for sale

 It has been a squally week or two chez moggie, very wintery weather and much colder than normal.
I've also been feeling pretty grotty and have now been diagnosed with late onset asthma. This particularly affects me more in the morning which is a nuisance as I struggle to move around then anyways. I've been prescribed steroids, Now steroids and I have a long long history we go back over (well over) half a century. I know they are excellent for some diseases/ailments but I hate the side effects of them. It would seem now that they prescribe them in a different way than previously and I have been given a two week course. This apparently stops all the weaning off and the side effects. I hummed and aahed about taking them because of previous problems but decided it wasn't going to get better without the help of these tiny pills.
I'm feeling somewhat easier(except in a morning) and the pills plus inhaler appear to be helping.
Watch this space.
It has made things rather fraught for us both but yesterday Mr Mog reorganised one of our altars as you will see below and that has lifted my spirits:) I love the effect of floating candles when they reflect in crystals.

Now onto the wheels. I'm destashing my 2 timbertops wheels as I am getting a suzie pro.
These are original Williamson wheels from the 70s. Both numbered/dated and in excellent working condition. The first is a timbertops Leicester in yew
Timbertops Leicester in Yew
 second is a Timbertops thurmaston 18inch wheel in oak. Both spin beautifully but in a small house I need a smaller wheel so these have to go.
Thurmaston 18inch wheelPlease leave a comment if you are interested in either of them

Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

  The Lake Isle of Innisfree BY  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay a...