Take in the moment of this sight. Understand. Relish.
It’s like an eyelid beginning to flinch.
It’s one of our three “ Kay Gray “ Grape Vines - very first sign of awakening.
We’re expecting our first round of true clusters of grapes this year.
These little guys began showing up all the way back in November.
Had me a bit concerned. They’re not supposed to begin popping until now.
But that’s how far - “ Off “ - our winter season has been.
With them coming up way too soon - the threat was there for losing them - had we been hit with a winter like we had last year.
Aren’t they absolutely precious! I could sit and stare forever. So delicate. So bright. So intense. So pretty!
And when I saw the first couple of Muscari blooms pop…
I knew!
Old Man Winter has been told to pack his bags and get the heck outta here!
Today is the celebration of Leap Year! And I’m participating in a Global project at Google+!
Everyone involved is taking photos of - whatever is happening around them in their area - and posting them to the same area at Google+. The end result will be one - absolutely humongous - digital scrapbook in pictures telling a story of one day in the life of the world!
Anybody can do this! Anybody can upload photos taken today ( make sure to activate the date function on your camera. ) and submit them. I can help you get there.
Go to Google+ and open an account for yourself - ( If you don’t already have one. )
Click here to find the link for getting to the Main Circle that’s been set up as - ly2012.
On the top right side of the page - look for the red box with “ Follow “ - and click on it.
Go to YOUR Mainstream to upload your photos. ( You can hit the Shift key for multiple photos, too. )
Share it Publicly .
Tag the photos with G+ LeapYear 2012 - Day in the life of G+ .
And if you wanna hook up with me - kick my name into the search window for Google+.
Teresa Schoellkopf
Because the date begins earlier in other regions of the world - the photos had already begun coming in last night.
And there are some wonderful - absolutely wonderful photos coming in!!
Gonna be fun!