It has been the best Mother's Day/week ever. Someone in church last week must have told the kids something about Mother's Day, because all week William has been trying to do nice things for me.
He tried to make breakfast. He set the table and planned the meal. He decided he would make one of his own recipes, "sour yogurt" (yogurt with lemon juice squeezed into it), and have it with berries and watermelon. It was so fun to see him looking so proud.
He wanted to pick some wildflowers for me. There wasn't anyone else to go with him so I went with all the boys, even though William was hoping it could be a surprise. We ended up with a beautiful bouquet.
William wanted me to take a picture of him pretending to eat the flowers.
He volunteered to turn around the laundry when I mentioned that I was going to do it.
He started setting the table for dinner without being asked.
One morning, I woke up to a wrapped present by my bed and breakfast in bed. The present had William's special blanket for me to hug, and about 8 pictures of hearts and various members of our family holding hands.
Another one of William's own recipes is "bread rolls", which are pieces of the inside of bread smashed up into balls. For my breakfast in bed he made "adult bread rolls", which are broken smashed up pieces of the heel. So cute.
This morning was the culmination, which was amazing, with support from Daddy. When I got up, I heard William say, "Mommy's coming down!" I didn't come down right away, and while I was doing things upstairs, I heard little feet running up and down and up and down the stairs, giving his reports: "Mommy's in the bathroom", "Mommy's getting ready to come down". Then I started to go downstairs, and a smiling William met me and told me to take a shower.
When I finally made it downstairs to a very clean living room and kitchen, I saw that the boys bought me some dark chocolate, a card, and pink roses.
The best part was breakfast. Justin said William had some strong ideas about what I would like for breakfast. I didn't want eggs, toast, and and orange juice. I wanted salad.
This was the yummy result:
Justin found the
recipe online.
This is what the boys looked like before church today.
William and Blaine have
always been too scared to go up on the stand during sacrament meeting, but today they did it! I think Justin bribed them with candy, and it worked! William even stood at the front of all the kids and sang. He said he liked it, and I think he'll be more willing to go up when the primary sings in the future. We'll probably still have to work on giving talks.
It was the best Mother's Day/Week ever. I didn't even mention all the hugs and kisses and smiles, and "I love you's" I got.
And, Justin has changed all the poopy diapers and accidents today (there have been a lot). Thanks, boys.