Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lets Catch Up!

Blogging hasn't been happening lately...can you tell?!  Here's my attempt to catch up a bit. 

Callie was on a Softball team this spring.

She had a great time! 

The first few weeks after school the local high school track coach puts on an event for 12 and under.  You run races, long jump and throw a tennis ball for distance.  We loved it!  Leif RUN!

Callie saw her Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Scully at the track event!

I have to get this girl on a track team!  She thought it was so fun!

They won ribbons!

Long jump!

This is how Leif is always playing.

Callie turned 6 this summer.  We had a pool party with friends from school and church.

BBQ and cake!

Happy Birthday Cal!

Leif and is friend Addie.

Callie, Kinsey, Addie and Leif.  I took these pics the last day they were here.  They just moved away and we are so sad about it!

Callie's chooses a pose

Kinsey's chooses a pose

Today Callie started 1st grade!  I let her choose whatever she wanted to wear.  Girl loves denim!
This summer we also flew back to Vancouver to visit family!  All my photos are on my phone and I still don't know how to download them.  But we had such a wonderful time with Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Grandparents! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday!

On Thursday Leif celebrated his 3rd Birthday! Thank you to all who sent a gift or card. He was so excited when he got mail and packages! Leif thinks he's a pretty funny guy and when you ask him how old he is, he'll answer, "Um...H!" Then laugh. He had a great day and keeps talking about the fun he had. We took him to Chuck E. Cheese and had a cake and ice cream party at our park with friends. Those pictures are on Andrews phone and I will soon figure out how to post those. But for now I have a few photos on my camera.

Leif enjoying his new fishing game from Grandma Mills!  Thank You!

Waking up to prizes!

Birthday Breakfast.

So excited to open presents!

Easter and Riding Bikes

Spring is here and we are loving the warmer weather!  We attended our neighborhood Easter egg hunt and then dyed our Easter eggs.  Some how I didn't get any pictures of the kids on Easter with their Easter clothes or goodie baskets.  Oh well...

Leif proud of this loot!

All the eggs were found!

This is our first time dying eggs.  The kids loved it!

They got to decorate the eggs with sticker faces.

This is Leif on his bike!

Cal has recently started riding without training wheels and loves to ride her bike.

Monday, April 2, 2012


It's been a little while since I've posted.  Here's a few picture of the last couple months.

Leif still enjoys playing Santa Claus.

Callie has become very enthusiastic about reading and I will find her reading Leif stories!

We did a day trip to Boston and went to the Boston Aquarium. 

This is downtown Boston at the Faneuil Hall Market Place.  It was so COLD!

We finished the Freedom Trail and visited the Bunker Hill Monument.

At the top of the Monument.  These two climbed all 294 steps up and all 294 steps down!

Fun at home.  This is what little brothers have to deal with....dress up!

Callie loves to take pictures and this one is a beauty!  Love it!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Our sad little Snowman.

The kids have been dying to build a snowman.  We have a cute snowman building kit that comes with everything you need...thanks to Grandma Jensen.  But the snow is too dry!  You can't even make a snowball.  So this was our attempt to build a snowman.  He's still cute ... right?

Saturday, January 21, 2012


It's starting to feel like winter here in Rhode Island!  This is us sledding in our back yard.  It took Leif a long time to muster the courage to go, but now he loves it.  These are the only pictures I got before the battery died on my camera.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Time!

This is the first year we have not been around family for the Holidays.  At first we thought it might be nice to do our own thing, but it was a little sad not to have family around.  We miss everyone!  Here is our Christmas...

This is how I find Leif playing most days.  He loves to be Santa with his reindeer.  And then he will shout, "Dash away all!" 

Most All of my Christmas decor is back in Washington in my moms attic.  I really wanted a nativity so I bought this fisher price one this year.  The kids really loved playing with it!

We have been enjoying Hot Chocolate!  Callie will drink her cocoa but Leif eats the marshmallows and is done.

Callie's kindergarten teacher gave them reindeer food to spread out on Christmas eve.  You sprinkle it in the grass so they have a nice snack while Santa is inside.  It was really oatmeal and I'm pretty sure it was strawberry flavored!

She thought it was so cool!
Christmas prizes from Grandma Mills!

Christmas prizes from Grandma Jensen!

We decorated a ginger bread house on Christmas Eve.

For dinner we did cheese fondue and special reindeer root beer.  The kids never have soda so they loved it.

We played a reindeer game!  You roll a dice and then depending on the number you draw a part of Rudolph. 
Christmas Eve Jammies!

Christmas morning!

This is probably the coolest drawing kit I've ever seen!  You have special paper and the pen is like a laser.  It glows in the dark!  Seriously!!!  Everyone should get one!  So FUN!

I love Leif's surprise face in this picture!  He loves trains!

If we ever get snow this year we will be sledding!  For right now it makes a great Santa sleigh!