Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Time!

This is the first year we have not been around family for the Holidays.  At first we thought it might be nice to do our own thing, but it was a little sad not to have family around.  We miss everyone!  Here is our Christmas...

This is how I find Leif playing most days.  He loves to be Santa with his reindeer.  And then he will shout, "Dash away all!" 

Most All of my Christmas decor is back in Washington in my moms attic.  I really wanted a nativity so I bought this fisher price one this year.  The kids really loved playing with it!

We have been enjoying Hot Chocolate!  Callie will drink her cocoa but Leif eats the marshmallows and is done.

Callie's kindergarten teacher gave them reindeer food to spread out on Christmas eve.  You sprinkle it in the grass so they have a nice snack while Santa is inside.  It was really oatmeal and I'm pretty sure it was strawberry flavored!

She thought it was so cool!
Christmas prizes from Grandma Mills!

Christmas prizes from Grandma Jensen!

We decorated a ginger bread house on Christmas Eve.

For dinner we did cheese fondue and special reindeer root beer.  The kids never have soda so they loved it.

We played a reindeer game!  You roll a dice and then depending on the number you draw a part of Rudolph. 
Christmas Eve Jammies!

Christmas morning!

This is probably the coolest drawing kit I've ever seen!  You have special paper and the pen is like a laser.  It glows in the dark!  Seriously!!!  Everyone should get one!  So FUN!

I love Leif's surprise face in this picture!  He loves trains!

If we ever get snow this year we will be sledding!  For right now it makes a great Santa sleigh!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

I can't believe it!!!  Callie was brave enough to sit on Santa's lap this year! This is the girl who runs for the hills if we near the Santa at the mall.  But when she found out Leif wanted to do it, she couldn't let her little brother be braver than her!  The locals said to go to the Bass Pro Shop in Massachusetts.  When we got there it was pretty much a Cabella's outdoor store.  The Santa was great and then they had toys set up for the kids to play. 

The kids posing after putting ornaments on our tree.

Santa Claus!

Leif wouldn't smile but at least he wasn't crying!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!  We had a great time with friends and food.  We did a potluck style feast and I made the Turkey.  I've never made one before but I think I'll do it again.  It turned out well!

Callie drawing a giant apple and wearing a Native American hat.(PC)

Kid table!  They only wore the hats for a minute.

We got a photo of the "4 families".  Our husbands are all in the same program and we all live in the same apartment complex.

And then our couch broke!  You heard me...busted, kaput, nada, BROKE!  I like Andrew's reaction the best.  Andrew and the guys will be fixing it today!

I forgot to get a picture of my Turkey but this will do.  Its the picture from the recipe I followed and it looked very similar, minus the stuffing!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy 30th Birthday!


We Love You!  
Thanks for all your hard work and for loving your family!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!  We went trick or treating twice this year.  Some friends invited us to their neighborhood on Halloween night.  It was cool!  The whole neighborhood set up tables in their yards and passed out candy and some had fire-pits. Our friends also passed out goodie bags to the kids when we were done trick or treating.  Then on Tuesday we had our ward trunk or treat.  It was supposed to be on Saturday but was cancelled due to the unseasonable snow storm we had.   Most of the snow is gone now.  Just the lingering snow plow piles.

The kids bundled up and ready for candy!

These are prizes from the goodie bags!  Scary!

Our trunk or treat!  The kids had a great time this year. 

While trick or treating I would ask Leif if he was cold or wanted to put on his gloves.  He would look at me like I was crazy and say, "NO! More trick or treat!"
When people asked Cal if she was a witch she would respond, "I'm not a witch, I'm your WIFE!"  Not really but I thought that would have been funny!  Who can guess what movie that is from?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grandma Visits!!! Hooray!

My Mom was able to come out and visit with us for a week!  The kids had a great time and were sad to see her leave.  We made caramel apples, chocolate lollipops, went to Cal's last soccer game of the season, carved pumpkins, ate a Lobster Roll (Mom's request), attended the Zoo Pumpkin Spectacular, and went to a baby shower!  I wish I had pictures of all our activities!  Thanks for coming Mom!

The kids liked making them, but didn't want to eat them!

We still have a bunch of these in the fridge.  The kids love them!

Daredevil Leify.

Cal with her coaches!  Good season!

He's my little cheese ball!

Cal thought the gunk inside was gross.

Finished product!  Leif really wanted a happy face.  Every time he passes the pumpkin he'll say, "Leif. Happy face!"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Uncle Bert Visits!

My big brother Bert came out to Boston on business and was able to visit us for a weekend.  We really enjoyed having him come out.  The kids absolutely had a blast playing with Uncle Bert. Cal had him playing everything ...I think they even had chairs set up in the living room and played school bus.  We ate good food, visited Newport RI, played Boggle, bid at a dessert auction and watched Cal play a soccer game!  Thanks Uncle Bert!

Eating a Lobster Roll in Newport.

Admiring the local art!

Can you tell we're siblings?  I'm going to be just as gray as him in a few years.  No offense Bert!  If you look you can already see a ton of gray on my head!

Uncle Bert became our photographer for the day.  I think I'll hire him again the next time he comes out!

The kids laughing at funny Uncle Bert!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's October Already?!?!

Pumpkin season has arrived!  We took the kids to Adam's Farm in Cumberland, RI.  We went on a hayride, fed goats and turkeys, walked through a haymaze, navigated through a cornmaze and picked out our pumpkins.  The weather was perfect...around 82 degrees with a nice breeze.  What a fun day!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soccer Season

Callie started soccer a few weeks ago and has been loving it.  She has practice every Tuesday evening and games every Saturday.  The program out here is super organized and AWESOME!  I'm glad we signed her up!

Here's Cal starting the game with her Team!

She got to kick the ball back in after the other team kicked it out.  Last Saturday Cal actually scored a goal and she was so excited.  Fist pumping and jumping in the air!  This game she tried hard and really helped her teammates.
I love her face in this one.  You know she means business!

Cal was weary of this kid because he kicks the ball high.  Earlier this kid kicked it and it slammed into her belly.  She was so shocked that she just stood there for a minute then the tears came.  She sat out for a bit but then came back strong!
Go Callie!
After the game!