Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 2008

It's Finished!!!
(Only One Thousand more projects to go!?!?!)
Note to self: Do not try this again with all five children at home......It was CRAZY :~O AHHHH!

Our beloved Grandma Mary passed away on April 2nd just shy of her 97th Birthday.
Adam's family was all gathered together for the first time
since his dad and step-mom were married...

Back Row (Left to Right): Adam, Scott, Rell, Vince, Mike & Gary
Front Row (Left to Right): Candice, Sadie, Colette, Peggie, Devri, Callie & Marindi

Now Presenting our Ever Creative MCKADEN!!!

I'm a ROBOT!!!

Who are you???


The Volcano Eruption was AWESOME!!! (I'll try and post a video!)
The kids have decided that we must build a jungle next for their
lion, tiger, elephant, hippo, etc. But there must be a volcano, too!!!


Now on to the story of my life...



Now on to the other Beautiful Crofts Babes...

Marissa got to donate her Hair to LOCKS OF LOVE and she loved it!!!


Need I say more!!!


I didn't want to feel left out!!!

We Love You All!!!
Until Next Time...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 2008

We enjoyed camping out in the beat camping in the snow in our back yard! (Yeah, Idaho's slow to understand the meaning of SPRING BREAK!)
ANJOELI has eight teeth now!!! She has a beautiful smile!!!
KARVER has no fear. What he can't see can't hurt him!!!
I've seen this picture before...
Adam you look lovely in my lime sun dress!!!
YES!!! ANJOELI has conquered the stairs!!!
ANJOELI is 10 months and taking steps...AHHH!

We had a Happy Easter Egg Hunt! The kids will never give in to my plea to look at the camera when Candy is present!!!

It was an early Easter Morning...very early!!! Again, candy present!!! We love you all!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Idahoans Now!!!

We are now in Twin Falls, Idaho and FREEZING!!! We moved at the end of July and are loving it here! The weather really isn't that bad. Twin Falls is considered the desert of Idaho and so has pretty mild winters compared to the rest of the state. I don't think these people have ever even seen a real desert, but I guess we'll take their word for it. We have actually gotten more snow this winter than Twin Falls has gotten in years (it snows a couple of inches about every other day lately), but we can't complain because we are in desperate need of the moisture to replenish our reservoirs and the sun comes out each afternoon and the kids go out after it. They love sledding and building snowmen!!!

Adam is now in his second semester teaching at the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) and loving it. His boss is an old music buddy of his from back when he attended CSI and his fellow colleague was his Spanish Professor so, needless to say, he loves the people he works with. He also has rekindled his love for playing jazz. He has had some great opportunities to play with the best jazz musicians in the state and recieving a little supplemental income has been nice, too.

I am truly loving it here. I feel busier than ever, but loving it. I keep busy with running every morning at 6am with a group of over zealous and dedicated women (it was -5 degrees this morning), playing a little volleyball every Wednesday mornings and some city league night games, teaching McKaden and Elayna's preschool on Thrusday mornings, and running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to scramble to get all that I need to get done for the Young Women's Program (which I am thoroughly enjoying being a part of).

We have met such great friends here. We have the kindest neighbors and the most awesome ward family. Consequently, we have had a very smooth transition to our new place in life. We do, however, miss all of our family and friends in Arizona and hope this little blog will help link us a little closer to you!

Random pictures of the last few months

this couch was given to us by one of Adam's friends at work. It matches our "disco room" perfectly! Now we just need the mirror ball and Saturday Night Fever on 8-track.

Elayna likes apples.

Anjoeli and Grandpa Vince.
Sledding with the family in Firth:
Anjoeli getting sleepy:
Karver gets sleepy sometimes, too.

McKaden and his robot:

Marissa has a beautiful smile!

So does Elayna.

Karver is always a happy boy.

Maybe this blog isn't the best place to show our "dirty laundry", but...