"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved... Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows." ~President Thomas S Monson

Friday, August 20, 2010

Took me a while but I'm finally posting on Brenden's first day of Kindergarten!

I love his feet in this shot!

Just being adorable before they went to the bus stop!

Him and Corbin are checking out
Lego Starwars toys!

Here is the backpack shot!

All the school kiddos!
Chase, Corbin, Jacey, Brenden & Tanner!!

On the way to the bus stop!!

That's my boy!

Kids being kids!!

I love all these kids! I'm so glad Brenden
is surrounded by them on the bus!!

Just look at what I made!
He is my best friend!

...sniff sniff....

They never even looked back!

Here are the 1st timers!

SOO Cute!

"Show us your crazy faces!"

This is a "Butt" shot! I love that Brenden
is just doing his own little thing!

The infamous Butt Shake!

He is so grown up! I am so torn when I see pictures
of him like this! So glad he's turing out the way he is.....
and so sad he is growing up!


Then it sets in....this is school!

"walking the mile...
walking the Green Mile"
YAY!! Brenden's Apple!!!

Getting home!!

They were so happy to be home!

Brenden said the bus is "freakin hot mom"

Ammon & Trina brought him to surprise me
at work since I missed his first day!

This is him saying "Mama"

Then he RAN and jumped up on my
counter to give me a hug!!
Nothing beats that!
We ate a yummy lunch together!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We got invited to come help cook dinner for the Sportsman for Fish & Wildlife! It was a fun night! It was held by Enterprise at Dean Terry's ranch! It was fun being involved in the cooking becuase we got to spend time playing around with the kids and enjoying our surroundings before the party actually began!

My Sweet Peepers going for a walk with mama!!

My Big Boy was upset that we
weren't shooting bows yet!

Cason started trying to hide!

We peeled 100lbs of potatoes! Janiece saved the last
potato for Cason to peel! It took him forever but he
got the job done!! It ended up 1 skinny potato!

We got to go for a ride on the paddle boats!
For some reason my boys ended up with Shayler & Janiece

I couldn't get them to come ride with me and Keihin but
they were willing to smile for a picture!!

Me and Brenden during the dinner!

Cason & Keihin during the raffle drawing!
Cason is practicing how to snap his fingers!

Brenden won a knife during the raffle!
We also won a hat and a decal!

Brenden finally got to shoot his bow!

Look at that kill shot! He is amazing!

My poor baby picked up a hot charcoal and it
gave him 2nd & 3rd degree burns on his hands!
He just sat watching a movie and holding a
cold pop can when it didn't hurt too bad!

Monday, August 2, 2010

We never miss the Piute Fair & Rode in Circleville!! 9 straight years I have been attending!! We had an absolute blast this year. This year we had all the cousin's there as well as a friend that came to celebrate too!!

Cason did NOT want us to pin on his number!
He screamed and cried and threw himself on the ground.
I think he thought the pins would hurt!

I just love shots of little cowboys on fences!!

My sweet cowboys! I love it!!!

Brenden showing me his muscles while we
were in line for the sheep riding!!

Colby getting Brenden ready to ride!

Here is Cason! He was not excited about it!

Brenden getting ready for the
Dummy Roping competition!

Cason getting his loop just right!!

I love this shot of them concentrating!

Cason getting some last minute pointers from Daddy

Here goes Brenden...

...and now it's Cason's turn!!

Here is Cason on his Barrel Run!
He decided to go around the barrell twice.....
I asked but he didn't get any extra points for it!!

Brenden making his run!
Brenden had 1 of the fastest runs!!!

Brenden was soo pumped for the chicken run!!

He ran as fast as lightning!!

This shot is out of focus but I love the fact
that Cason is running and pulling his pants up at
the same time! My poor kids have no butts!!

My little Stud!!

After the rodeo Uncle Rowdy challenged Cason
to a Bike race!

Getting ready to do a little
Bunny Bow Huntin'

Colby did alot of walking through the sage brush
trying to stir up the bunnies!!
Cason got out of the truck and started jumping around
like the bunny he saw!!

While Colby was looking for his 2 lost arrows
we sat in the truck watching the storm clouds roll in!!

It was a beautiful night!!

This is a display from the Exhibits at the fair!
I Love Doc Holiday!!

Brenden & Spencer freaking out
because the parade finally started!!

Cason hanging out with Grandpa Todd

Me and my Peeps!

Me and my Hubby!!

Rick & Mollie Blackwell!

This tower was sweet! There were over
a dozen skeet shooters on it!

My boys on the playground at the fair!
This is an amazing blanket Brayden's mom made
with some of his old shirts and photos!
This is one of the squares! I love that Brayden
wrote "Walking Home" It just made me laugh!

Brenden trying on some "flamin' hot" sunglasses

Brenden and his noisy putty!
He looks discuted but he actually LOVES it

Uncle Rowdy really earned some points towards
Favorite Uncle this weekend!!

Playin on their guitars they won at the fair!

It is soo hard to keep this kid off his bike!

Aunt Krissy caught a huge moth!!

Me and my beautiful littlest sister getting ready
to go up Beaver Mountain

Me and Brenden on the mountain

Kristin and Cason watching deer at Labaron Res

My Beautiful Boys!

Some nice bucks! We were pretty far away
so the pictures aren't that great!

I personally think Doe's are ugly!

My Sweet baby boy lookin' for deer!

Brenden pickin' his mama flowers!!

He loves his mom!!

My Beautiful family on Beaver Mnt!!
And this is my crazy family

I should have made this amazing lady get in my
family shot....but she was busy taking the picture!
Still watchin for deer!

Too cute!!

Me and my Brenden riding in the back!
It was pretty cold up there!

The storm clouds made the sunset up there absolutely
beautiful wherever we looked!!

The sun was actually GONE 2 seconds after I took
this shot! I pulled the camera away from my
eye and there was no sun left to see!!

This is our family brand "T Lazy S Ranch"
I hadn't seen this one framed yet!
I want one!!!
Cason is never too happy getting on horses at first.
Once they start walking he does fine but he
hates when the horse stands still!!
On his walk with Aunt Krissy

Aren't they adorable!!

Kristin multi tasking!

Rowdy stepped up and saved Kristin
from dealing with both horses at once!
Uncle Rowdy getting back from the ride!!

Ah....how special!

Me and my Sista Friend!!

This is the announcer booth at the family arena!
They don't use it anymore but they used to have
rodeo's there every weekend when Colby was growning up!!