Monday, March 3, 2014

Looking Ahead

To be installed beginning this week at the Modern Fuel

Intrigued? Confused? Oh, good!

I had a fantastic meeting yesterday with a smart young woman who is going to take time out of her busy life to write a piece on my work. I am moving forward in my goals to reach a new audience and grow as an artist and these are exciting steps. Nothing like feeling like you are in control of your own direction and being clear where you want to go...the last part being vital, of course!  In the quick hour + that we met she tossed out a handful of names and bits of information/resources that fueled lots of research today. I had a list of things to follow up on and calls to make and while I have sat on my ass all day, it has been very productive!  

This week, I will be schlepping my new 7 ft. sculptures over to the Modern Fuel gallery to complete assembly and installation. This is a new process for me as I don't usually (o.k., ever) complete work on-site. Not sure how long it will take, but I know I am in good shape.

Ah, Yes! Easy for YOU to say. Looking ahead for me right now feels a bit like the start of a marathon. I have a Crayyyzeee travel schedule ahead in 5 countries that will take me to the end of June. In between I will do my best to get other work done and reintroduce myself to my children! Either they are going to starve or learn to be very self sufficient. This all begins next weekend then a break and then off to Yellowknife....

Isn't it lovely.

Maybe, just maybe I will see the Northern Lights. I will keep you posted.

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Back on Track. A New Track.

How many months have I been saying I have been in limbo? Many.
How many months have I been in this annoying holding pattern waiting to share? Many.
How happy am I to be over the hump and have this show hung and shot? Very.

The opening of "Transformation" at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum was yesterday and in spite of the snow the turn out was great. I had some wonderful conversations and it was nice to speak to some people with some fiber and art knowledge. I love hearing how people view my work as I then see things with a new twist. I is also nice to know that my work makes people think and reflect and that they relate to it in a personal way.

Bulbi II on the right is sold :o)

Curator, Michael Rikley-Lancaster speaking about the work

Chatting in front of "Seeds"

A collector in the making (nice job, Mama)

 As soon as I received images from my new friend, Shawn De Salvo
I had a long list of things I needed them for. A few deadlines were promptly met such as sending them to Russian felt magazine "Felt Fashion". This is a very nice magazine...well done. Will share once it is out with a link (in a month or so) where you can get this. I also sent images to a woman who I am hoping will write about my work for some other submissions. I was also contacted by a couple of enthusiastic young curators in NYC that have submitted a proposal for exhibition based on their vision, a specific space and my work. I love how that process evolved and it was fun to do the back and forth meeting deadlines with someone else...I am usually solo in the process! That in itself was fun. If it proceeds, even better.

I applied to an Artist in Residence call in a far away land of mist and sheep...a long shot, but was really (really) drawn to the prospect. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I have another call to apply to, but need "new", not shown before work. hard to fudge that with my work and practice of sharing everything ;o)  This will be on my agenda this week along with working on my 3 large (7 foot) sculptures for the Modern Fuel Gallery here in Kingston for March. I think they will need to be assembled on site mostly, so I have decisions to make in this case! No wool, if you can believe, but definitely fibre. I now have website updates to tackle, a proposal and a grant application to complete.

I am fielding teaching inquiries and filling up my limited spaces. 2014 is largely full as I am leaving some space open waiting for some confirmations that hold my priority as well as time for my own work with a solo coming at the Canadian Guild of Craft (2015). Once the schedule is settled in the next couple of months, I will fill you in on the website.

So...that said, I have a lot of things going on. not only am I feeling back on track, but I am also on a new track and am feeling that my career is in a period of "Transformation" in such a positive way.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Well, finally....for me, anyway. I have been waiting to have this work shot to feed half a dozen commitments/application/proposals and can now *finally* move forward. I am a very sharing person and love to share with my fellow makers and students what I am doing and being in this holding pattern has been difficult for me.

My work is in seems appropriate that the new work is themed "Transformation" because I am at a stage of transformation professionally and personally. I have new pared down work incorporating unexpected materials and seeking a broadened audience, I am experiencing changes personally as my oldest is paving his way and I am feeling reflective, confident and strong as I am moving forward. I will not lie...I have suffered recent doubt and insecurity, but having come to the other side, stronger than ever in my art practice and direction. I have never shied away from a challenge and this is no exception. As my photographer sends images, I will share. In the meantime, I will share what I took while he shot!! The opening at the Museum is Saturday Feb 1st from 2-4 p.m. I hope to see you there.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Work. New things on the horizon...

 Last week I delivered work to the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum and first priority was the installation of "Rescue".

I knew how the pieces needed to be executed and assembled and in the couple of days prior I set to work with finishing the components. Silicone needed to set, connections sealed, tubing filled. It all seemed "relatively straightforward", which if you have ever used the term, you know is the kiss of death and a determiner that it will just not be so. In the end it was a success piece and I am very happy with the completed work (The image here was a quickly, but will be professionally shot next week)

You would NOT believe the mess my studio was in. It seriously looked like a crime scene. Feeding the coloured water into the long tubing with one end sealed was a exercise in patience and buffoonery. I would try to straighten the tube to allow it to glug down only to turn around and see a red shower from the other. Fine if it happened only once, but it happened repeatedly. I really needed an extra set of hands. When I clamped the other end, I carefully positioned the clamp and collar, holding the tube in one hand and the clamping tool in the other only to realize that I needed 2 hands to get enough leverage to squeeze the collar shut with the tool...the tube that was filled to the brim was quickly emptied of the last 8 inches. Add this to the fact the kitten was fascinated and Patti was very thirsty for red water and the mess was ridiculous. Even I did not take a picture because I was freaking out that the mess could not be cleaned up. I did not want this red mess on my floor (table, arms, ceiling, etc.) for the spare second it would take to capture. You will have to imagine!

The rest of the work was left in the capable hands of the curator and his assistant and I shall see it all hung soon!

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Home Stretch

It took a full day and a half, but the studio is all organized
shooting just for the purpose of thumbnails for my image list for the Museum. The show will be shot by a photographer once installed.

shooting a piece I had not intended for this show, but I think now it fits. Pleased.

New piece, "Mumia"

I will deliver about 20 pieces to the Museum in just over a week and am looking forward to seeing it all hung in the space together!!

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Upside Down

Upside down? studio, my life!
It's all good, however. No cause for concern!

I am up to my eyeballs in last minute details for the upcoming exhibition that I have mentioned at length. I have scheduled a fantastic photographer to shoot some work from the show...Shawn

I have some logistics to work out involving lots of tubing, a menacing hook and a felt piece that I l-o-v-e. Stay tuned for an image in situ...can't wait!

A few hanging details and crating it all up for the drive. Also, "Ghost Trees" will be installed, so need to unpack them and assess their state. They have been stiffened with 50/50 glue and water and have likely settled into an undesirable form...they will most assuredly need some tweaking. It is all coming together...

This coincides with a son home from University...2 other fantastic-man/boys, their social calendars, baking, making and preparing for all the family traditions. Simultaneous to travel details, proposals, entries, materials list and scheduling for all the upcoming international travel and my U.S. work visa application. So many hats we all wear, but I would not trade a moment of it all.

I will keep you posted in greater detail very soon. Once this show is hung I will relish in sharing many details of the work. It has been difficult not to share all my usual process-stuff. With new work, I have to hold it a bit close and with no production-scarf-hat-bag thing this year, I feel like I have had you in the wings and it does not jive with what I "do". I will keep you posted. xxoo

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Sunday, December 8, 2013


Hello All!!
Ahh, what does December conger up? Mistletoe? Sugar Plums?

Not for me...strange pods, organs, tubes, and lead....THAT is December in Casa Andrea!

I am so excited about my upcoming exhibition at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in January, I can barely contain myself. I love the space and my statement came together quickly...well, what seemed quick. This is work that has been percolating for some time and mulling over the concept and my conflict over the work was a struggle. I find this is so important in the process. From a few hours of stream-of-consciousness notes came a few sentences that sum it up. That took 15 a lifetime. That is the way it is, no? The statement for the new work is being previewed here...

"Transformation- Statement
Life cycles silently occur and often go without notice. We acknowledge these cycles at times of transformation which can elicit feelings from awe and reflection to unease and denial.  These transformations remind us of life’s dichotomy of persistence and surrender.  Whether we neglect or intervene, we are at the mercy of these processes.  In expressing these transformations utilizing humble materials and simple form, I seek to bring about these primal emotions we feel at these pivotal moments."

Following the tension comes a release and I am pleased. I am in a zone and feeling confident. Now I am feeling like there is not enough time...time to produce what is spilling forth. This process is so cyclical and I have learned to trust in the ebb and flow...the sloth and the manic production that follows those restless nights. I will keep you posted.

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time to relax

time to relax
Liberatio Captivus