Intrigued? Confused? Oh, good!
I had a fantastic
meeting yesterday with a smart young woman who is going to take time out
of her busy life to write a piece on my work. I am moving forward in my
goals to reach a new audience and grow as an artist and these are
exciting steps. Nothing like feeling like you are in control of your own
direction and being clear where you want to go...the last part being
vital, of course! In the quick hour + that we met she tossed out a
handful of names and bits of information/resources that fueled lots of
research today. I had a list of things to follow up on and calls to make
and while I have sat on my ass all day, it has been very productive!
week, I will be schlepping my new 7 ft. sculptures over to the Modern Fuel gallery to complete assembly and installation. This is a new
process for me as I don't usually (o.k., ever) complete work on-site.
Not sure how long it will take, but I know I am in good shape.
Ah, Yes! Easy for YOU to say. Looking ahead for me right now feels a bit like the start of a marathon. I have a Crayyyzeee travel schedule ahead in 5 countries that will take me to the end of June. In between I will do my best to get other work done and reintroduce myself to my children! Either they are going to starve or learn to be very self sufficient. This all begins next weekend then a break and then off to Yellowknife....
Isn't it lovely.
Maybe, just maybe I will see the Northern Lights. I will keep you posted.
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