I haven't been on here for ages, mainly because I haven't done as much training as I should and becuase work has been so hectic in the last month or so.
NHS surveys.........................................need I really say more?
So, a new month, a new regime, up at 4.35am today (thanks Zenbo), ran a bath, hadn't put the plug in properly so no water, so grabbed a change of clothes and caught the train and showered at work.
Had an immediate funny conversation - why is the new reception sign going to be blue and white, well Will Howells and I thought it was funny, it was one of those you had to be there moments really.
Have a campaign meeting today and then a quick trip down Brighton to do a site visit for the venue for the conference London Mayoral Hustings (Wednesday 1pm to 2pm) and then back.
The Joy of Six 1330
Vince Cable gives it both barrels: "Our secular and liberal values; our
diverse society; our democratically elected government. All are
antithetical to t...