Almost a year and a half has passed since my last post here. So much "life" has happened since then...mostly good and pleasant, praise the Lord, but with a couple of sad events too.
My beautiful mother went Home to be with the Lord on the first of September. She was quite well for her advanced age of 101 and 7 months, but declined in the last 2 months which were a great trial as she became bedridden and dependant on others to do everything for her. Still, she maintained her gentility, sense of humour and dedication to her family right to the last and had her fervent prayer answered beautifully as she quietly slipped away at home surrounded by her loved ones. We miss her every day.
Just a month ago my gentle father-in-law also took his final journey to Heaven after a year of dementia and heart and kidney failures. He would have turned 95 next month. We are all feeling the effects of losing him and I still expect him to phone me and ask what day it is. His legacy of firm christian faith and devotion to his family are things we hold near and dear.
Life goes on..but with new aspects to it and new lessons learned and new personal aspirations to "end well" after the example of our dear ones awaiting us There. With God's grace..we shall not be ashamed on that great and glorious day of His return..and in fact, are eagerly anticipating His soon appearing as we watch the encroaching darkness and ungodliness grow at astonishing speed all around us. 'Tis time to keep looking won't be long before all the saints are gathered together again..and we shall be with Him and our loved ones in that place of unending joy and Good!
Blessings, Trish