Sunday, October 9, 2011

In a Relationship?......Yes!

So now that I feel like I actually have something to blog about, here we go.

I know I gave a brief summary of things in the previous blog but here is what has happened in more detail...

So I was living in Texas and things were fine but I pretty much hated my job and was needing a break. I love to travel and check flights just for fun all the time. I found a good flight to Salt Lake City so I called my sister who lives there to see if it was ok to come over Easter weekend. She said that was fine so I booked the flight. I posted it on facebook and had some friends say they wanted to get together. Among them was Chad Luke, which was weird because I hadn't really talked to him for a couple years. Anyways, We ended up meeting for lunch the Saturday I was there.
(Just a little backround on me and Chad, we met at Icon back in 2007. Went out a few times in 2008, didn't really a have a connection, at least on my part)
This time around though, it was very different which was really weird because it was Chad Luke. haha
Anyways, back to the present, so things were different this time around. We ended up seeing each other everyday the rest of the time I was there. Well I went back to Texas and we started talking almost everyday. I was planning another trip out to Utah for a friends wedding the middle of June. Talking to Chad one night, he expressed that that was way too long. (this was the beginning of May) So the next day,I naturally started looking for flights to go back as soon as I could. There happened to be a really good deal for a flight 2 weeks later. I booked it and came up with a plan to look for jobs while I was there. I applied for as many jobs as I could and had a few interviews set up while I was there. In my head, my plan was to come out, find a job, move out and start work 2 weeks later. Crazy, I know! Thing NEVER work out the way you plan it. Well, for some reason, they did this time. I came out, found a job the first day I was here (Chad, who works at Pinnacle, found out that one of the departments was hiring and the manager of that department was my boss at Icon. So I went in and met with Justin and was hired that day.) So then I was able to just enjoy the rest of my weekend with Chad. I was super stoked because I could now go home, quit my job and make the move back to Utah. It all happened so fast but everything worked out! Chad ended up flying out to Texas to help me move back to Utah. Met my whole family which wasn't overwhelming at all. haha (just a little bit of sarcasm)
 Since the move we have been busy busy busy. I don't think I have ever been this busy....ever! haha Just a few things we've been doing.....

Road trip to Sacramento to visit Steve, Jen and Olivia Clegg:

Hiking, Red Rock Relay (that was Chad, not me. I was there for support)

Concerts, family stuff and the list goes on and on!!
Life is wonderful and busy and I am so incredibly happy with where my life is at. Things with Chad are great and no Chad and I aren't engaged (in case you were wondering) We just love getting to know each other and are enjoying our time together and all the stuff that keeps us busy!
there is definitely a lot more but Hopefully I will start keeping this up to date! That;s  all for now!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

for anyone who might still be reading....

so, alot has been going on....
-took a few trips the first part of the year...mainly to Utah.
-those trips to Utah turned out to be a really good thing.
-started dating a really great guy who happens to live in Utah.
-so naturally I found a job in Utah
....and MOVED back to Utah.

Who would have thought?? haha anyways, life is fantastic!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

So i'm not very consistent with writing on my blog. I've had a ton that has gone on but getting on here to share just hasn't been a huge priority. Anyways, this is what's been happening....

I'm still in Texas and am definitely liking it more than I was. A lot happened last year, good and bad but I know that this is where I need to be so I'm resigned to the fact that I might as well like it.

I feel like this year is going to be a good one. I've decided to stay really busy with good things this year. It sure has started off with a bang. My plan is working almost too well. I am working full time and going to school full time. I am loving being back in school. I am more motivated to do well and just to learn in general!

My sister Dani and her family moved back to Texas too which I'm so happy about! It's nice to have kids around again and my mom is just eating it up! Colton (Dani's son) keeps all of us laughing. He is so full of energy all the time. Cadance (Dani's daughter) is so chill and such a sweet little angel!! I just love those kiddos so much!

Life is wonderful and I have so many things to be so grateful for!

Monday, November 8, 2010

It's about time!

So it's been a little while (to say the least) since I've blogged. I guess i just haven't really felt like there was anything worthwhile to write about the past few months. Or if i did, it didn't seem like that big a deal to actually put it in words. This being the month of thanks, i decided to write down the things that i am grateful for (and hopefully jump start my blogging again)

I feel like it's been one of those years that when it's over it'll be like a big sigh of relief. Ok, so it probably was not THAT bad. Right now feels like a "downtime" in my life and it's given me time to look back and reflect. I DO have so much to be thankful for!

My family is amazing! Granted, you probably wouldn't hear me say that everyday (or during a period when i've lived with ANY of them) BUT they are pretty amazing! I have been blessed with good parents who love me and definitely show it in different ways. They've tried their best with me and man, i sure have given them a run for their money. I think i've turned out ok though. ;)

I couldn't ask for better sisters!
Michelle- the oldest, such an inspiration to me and a huge example! One of the most selfless people i know and i get to call her my sister! How lucky am I?!
Julie- haven't always "understood" each other but as we've grown older, our relationship has also grown! Always so positive when i talk to her and between us, a little jealous of all the places she's lived and the cool things she's done!
Danielle- such a fighter! i admire her strength. literally, she could probably kill me! haha i guess being in the marines kinda does that. but really, she's amazing!
and then there is the baby-Caitlin - man, she amazes me and if she only knew how much of an example she is to me! I wish i was more like her! So gifted and talented and she actually does something with those!! That girl is going places and meant to do great things.

So pretty much, my sisters are amazing and I am so grateful to have them in my life!

I am thankful for my J.O.B. considering it took me awhile to find one when i got back to Texas, I sure and grateful i have one. (oh, and i don't work at Sears anymore. got a full time job elsewhere)

I am thankful for the good people that I have met in my life and the few that i get to call my best friends! (you know who you are). I truly believe that certain people are meant to come into your life for a reason. whether it's for an hour, day, month, year or lifetime.

I am last but certainly not least grateful for the knowlegde that i gain of the gospel and of my Savior. I know that there have been, are and will be trials in life but by knowing Christ and living through him, I can grow and become the person Heavenly Father meant for me to be.

I love this time of year and this Season!

Monday, March 29, 2010


I finally got a job!! Yay for me! It's at Sears as a cashier and it's only part time but hey, some money is better than no money! I'll still be looking but I'm glad something came along in the mean time!

I really do feel so blessed! It's been hard to stay positive but I think I did ok....granted, I did have my days...ask Jen! (thanks for putting up with my complaining!)

Everything seems to be looking up though.

PS...can't wait for SUMMER!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dallin H. Oaks

So we had the wonderful opportunity to have Dallin H. Oaks come and speak to our stake today! He was coming to speak at a leadership training for all the bishops in the DFW area. He called our stake president a few weeks ago to ask if he could come and speak to the Denton, TX stake! Naturally it was. President Petersen (stake president) asked for the institute choir to sing. I decided to be apart of it and I'm so glad I did! It was an amazing experience!
The meeting started at 10 am but we were asked to be seated by 9:30. I drove my parents up there at 7 am so they would get a good seat. A few people had the same idea. I had to be there by 8 for choir to practice. Elder Oaks came in around 9 am and started shaking hands with EVERYONE! I took him a good 45 min. to do so! The meeting started a little before 10 and WOW! It was so wonderful to hear from such great leaders!
President Petersen
Sister Thurston (Tx, Ft Worth Mission President's wife)
Elder Thurston (Tx, Ft. Worth Mission President)
A memeber of the quorum of the 70 (i forgot his name) :(
Dallin H. Oaks.

All in all, it was an experience i don't want to forget.
Elder Oaks spoke on SO many different topics that it was sure to have touched everyone in some way or another!
He spoke about being clean. He spoke about the different roles men and women have! He spoke about D&C 38:42 "And go ye out from among the wicked. Save yourselves. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord."
I was great to listen to him explain this scripture and to hear from an apostle! What a blessing it was to be in the same room as him and to shake his hand and to hear his message for us from the Lord!
I love this gospel and i know that we do in fact have a living prophet on the earth today. I know that we have apostles and I know that they are called of God! What a beautful Sunday and great preparation for General Conference in 2 weeks!
I can't wait to hear more from our great leaders and most importantly, I can't wait to continue to learn more about my Heavenly Father and brother Jesus Christ to become more like them!

Monday, March 15, 2010

My list of wants

I thought I would sit down and write out a list of things I really WaNt. Here it goes...

  • job
  • Fly to Sacramento to see my best friend Jen and my niece Olivia!
  • Fly to Utah to see my sister Michelle and her family (extended too)
  • Go visit Camille and family in Houston!
  • Take a trip somewhere just for fun ie: Mediterranean cruise, Italy, Greece (i could go on and on about where)
  • get more healthy which along with that lose some of this stupid weight!
  • do something really fun and maybe a little is a bit boring right now to say the least.
  • make out with a cute guy! (it's been awhile! haha) it's my list so get over it! ;)
  • finish school as fast as I can
  • maybe go to beauty school after i finish my bachelors (I've always wanted to go)
  • did I mention a job?!!
  • JOB!! maybe is i write it enough, I'll get one....wishful thinking, i know!
ok, so it's really not that long....really i just want t a JOB and to travel. No big deal right?!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not much has been going on hence the lack of blog posts. Life is good though. School is going really well. I'm enjoying all my classes and am learning so much! It's been great being at home and being here for my little sister Caitlin. She was basically an only child before i moved back. So it's been great getting to know her better!

I like my singles ward for the most part. It was a little strange at first since it's like all the younger, younger siblings of everyone I grew up with. I have a good calling though that I enjoy and it's been good getting to know the people in my ward. I do get to go out with the sister missionaries a lot and I honestly love it! They are so great and we get to talk to so many people about this wonderful gospel!

Like I said, nothing too exciting right now but I thought I would write a few things down anyways!

Monday, January 25, 2010

So i haven't had my hair done in 8 MONTHS!!! EEK!! Since i can't really afford to go get it done, I had to do it myself. This is the result (my face looks dumb so excuse that)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Grateful for the small things

This has been the longest i have ever gone without a job. It's a bit frustrating and probably the worst month ever. Sorry to be a little pessimistic but i have never claimed to be an optimist 24/7. I don't want to be a grouch though so I have really been trying to find the positive things in my life to focus on. Heavenly Father has blessed me in so many little ways. Instead of thinking about all the things i want and sometimes need, I look and see what i do have and things get a little brighter. I do have school to focus on which i know will better my life. I have a family that lets me stay with them for free. i have a car that works and somehow enough money to pay the bills that i do have. Hopefully a job will come along soon because i don't know how much longer i can hold out. So if any of you know of ANY jobs around the Denton area, please let me know! :)