

Friday, March 15, 2013

Photohunt: Footprints

Kauri dieback: how you can help


This webpage is the home for information on kauri dieback for the whole of New Zealand. It has information on what kauri dieback is, the symptoms of the disease and how you can help stop it spreading. You can also find our fact sheet, technical documents and links to the organisations involved in the management of the disease.
What is Phytophthora taxon Agathis?

Commonly known as PTA, Phytophthora taxon Agathis is a microscopic fungus-like plant pathogen (a disease causing agent) that only affects kauri. Recent research has identified PTA as a distinct and previously undescribed species of Phytophthora.
What does it do to kauri trees?

Symptoms include yellowing of foliage, loss of leaves, canopy thinning and dead branches. Affected trees can also develop lesions that bleed resin, extending to the major roots and sometimes girdling the trunk as a ‘collar rot'. PTA can kill trees and seedlings of all ages.

Kauri are among the world’s mightiest trees, growing to more than 50 metres tall, with trunk girths of up to 16 metres and living for more than 2000 years. Kauri forests once covered 1.2 million hectares from the Far North of Northlanhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifd to Te Kauri, near Kawhia and were common when the first people arrived around 1000 years ago.

Kauri dieback: a disease that kill the trees.


I left my footprints on the shoe scrubber and the sprayer, not many people bothered.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grandma and Jane

This is a lovely photo of Mum with niece Jane Kallang Akup. She is a special baby to me because when I stayed with her mum, Sister Elizabeth was at the clinic when Jane was coming. Unfortunately just before Jane was born, Mum drove me home. I had wanted to stay and see her being born. I often teased Jane that it was likened to running the marathon and then deprived of the prize.

"MOTHER" (Moms, Grandmas, Animals, Families, Babies,...)
Next Week: GREEN (Food, Trees, Clothing, Food, Vehicles,...)
roseThursday Challenge is a place for photographic fun and learning.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ABC Wed: I for icing on the cake

Without  the icing, cakes will just be cakes, plain cakes.

I have two stories, one was from long ago. Mum had twins, a boy and a girl. For their birthday, mum made two cakes, and she used a thin layer of water icing before she put on the royal icing. Because we were in the tropics, the icing sweated.

Mum's idea was to dry them in the sun.

Can't remember which of us older kids was told to keep an eye, that wasn't important.

Next thing, when Mum went to check. The kid on dutty was no where to be found.  Dog had bitten a big hole at the side of Boy Twin's cake.

Mum was angry with Dog, and the child who was on duty.

We told her, just use one cake for both. But mum won't hear of it.

On the birthday, she produced two beautiful cakes. She quietly told the Older Child when she was cutting to serve the cake to make sure not to cut the section where she had "cemented" with a big lump of royal icing. Mum is really smart.

I have another story.

My friends had twin dogs, we were having a pot luck dinner. She bought an apple cake and left on the table. Her Twin Dogs had eaten the to part of it.

They bought another, and don't know why, the baker had spread icing on it. ( Not usually done.)
Friends joked," Are you sure you didn't ice the dog eaten cake?"

I told them my mum's dog eaten cake. LOL


Friday, March 8, 2013

Weekend Reflection: Purple Cake day, 8th March

 The reflection of my scarf is darker than the scarf.

Purple Cake Day is a charity event that supports children to get the education they need to break the poverty cycle and create a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Purple Cake Day is about kids helping kids. The activities celebrate and connect children around the world, helping them learn about their role in the global community, and grow their sense of compassion, respect and leadership.

I spent the past week teaching my students what we could wear for our Purple Cake day. For the seniors, I taught about why we donate. My school chose Kenya, Nepal and Haiti. The first two are very close to my heart. In Singapore, at NTU, with my girl friends for 16 years, we raised funds for the Deaf in kenya. In 1999, I spear headed the donation funds in NTU to help separate a pair of con-joined Siamese twins. The Haiti earthquake is something our students are able to identify with.

Most of the kids wore purple and gave a gold coin. Some classes made purple cupcakes.

Purple was my favourite colour, and a quick check in my wardrobe showed many items of purple. I wore 3 items to school yesterday.


24 hour curfew

            In 1970, we moved to our own house in Embang Road, Off Queensway. We became neighbours of Dr Wong Soon Kai. Our Road borders his house. This house was also on stilts with a void deck downstairs.

In August 1971, we were rudely woken from our sleep. I was in Form five, and Mother thought she heard the voice of Mr. Lau Tieng Sing, my principal over a loud megaphone. The message was in English and Mandarin. It was something like all households were to stay inside the house. The Government had imposed a 24-hour curfew. The young ones cheered the next morning when we did not have to go to school. But the reality sunk in when it meant we were not allowed to go even downstairs.

Our house was not fenced in and two sides of our house were abandoned rubber gardens. The Communists could hide inside, and so could the soldiers. In our garden, only the ducks’ area had a low filmsy chicken wire fence to keep the ducks from coming to the house but they were free to roam in the rubber garden. The other part of the big garden was unfenced. Mother was worried about the chicken with no food and water. She asked me to discretely go to the chicken coop to feed the chicken and the ducks, but Father said no, the soldiers might shoot me. 


Monday, March 4, 2013

ABC Wednesday: Letter H for Hospital

This is a medical centre, but to the lay person, it is a hospital.My student Tang Ing Bing is one of the management team, and he gave me a grand tour. There are two blocks and have facilities for most like of ailments and even a residential care for senior citizens.
