Saturday, May 15, 2004

SAPs Under Wraps: A Game of Craps?

How a secret Pentagon program came to Abu Ghraib.

EXCERPTS (Headlines mine):

The roots of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal lie not in the criminal inclinations of a few Army reservists but in a decision, approved last year by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, to expand a highly secret operation, which had been focussed on the hunt for Al Qaeda, to the interrogation of prisoners in Iraq. Rumsfeld’s decision embittered the American intelligence community, damaged the effectiveness of élite combat units, and hurt America’s prospects in the war on terror.

According to interviews with several past and present American intelligence officials, the Pentagon’s operation, known inside the intelligence community by several code words, including Copper Green, encouraged physical coercion and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners in an effort to generate more intelligence about the growing insurgency in Iraq. A senior C.I.A. official, in confirming the details of this account last week, said that the operation stemmed from Rumsfeld’s long-standing desire to wrest control of America’s clandestine and paramilitary operations from the C.I.A.

The senior C.I.A. official, asked about Rumsfeld’s testimony and that of Stephen Cambone, his Under-Secretary for Intelligence, said, “Some people think you can bullshit anyone.”

The Abu Ghraib story began, in a sense, just weeks after the September 11, 2001...

Rumsfeld reacted in his usual direct fashion: he authorized the establishment of a highly secret program that was given blanket advance approval to kill or capture and, if possible, interrogate “high value” targets in the Bush Administration’s war on terror. A special-access program, or sap—subject to the Defense Department’s most stringent level of security—was set up, with an office in a secure area of the Pentagon. The program would recruit operatives and acquire the necessary equipment, including aircraft, and would keep its activities under wraps...

They carried out instant interrogations—using force if necessary—at secret C.I.A. detention centers scattered around the world. The intelligence would be relayed to the sap command center in the Pentagon in real time, and sifted for those pieces of information critical to the “white,” or overt, world.

“We’re not going to read more people than necessary into our heart of darkness,” he said. “The rules are ‘Grab whom you must. Do what you want.’”

One Pentagon official who was deeply involved in the program was Stephen Cambone, who was named Under-Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in March, 2003.

Cambone’s military assistant, Army Lieutenant General William G. (Jerry) Boykin, was also controversial. Last fall, he generated unwanted headlines after it was reported that, in a speech at an Oregon church, he equated the Muslim world with Satan.
Rumsfeld and Cambone went a step further, however: they expanded the scope of the sap, bringing its unconventional methods to Abu Ghraib. The commandos were to operate in Iraq as they had in Afghanistan. The male prisoners could be treated roughly, and exposed to sexual humiliation.
Cambone says, I’ve got to crack this thing and I’m tired of working through the normal chain of command. I’ve got this apparatus set up—the black special-access program—and I’m going in hot. So he pulls the switch, and the electricity begins flowing last summer. And it’s working. We’re getting a picture of the insurgency in Iraq and the intelligence is flowing into the white world.

Cambone then made another crucial decision, the former intelligence official told me: not only would he bring the sap’s rules into the prisons; he would bring some of the Army military-intelligence officers working inside the Iraqi prisons under the sap’s auspices.

The military-police prison guards, the former official said, included “recycled hillbillies from Cumberland, Maryland.” He was referring to members of the 372nd Military Police Company. Seven members of the company are now facing charges for their role in the abuse at Abu Ghraib. “How are these guys from Cumberland going to know anything? The Army Reserve doesn’t know what it’s doing.”

“The White House subcontracted this to the Pentagon, and the Pentagon subcontracted it to Cambone,” he said. “This is Cambone’s deal, but Rumsfeld and Myers approved the program.” When it came to the interrogation operation at Abu Ghraib, he said, Rumsfeld left the details to Cambone. Rumsfeld may not be personally culpable, the consultant added, “but he’s responsible for the checks and balances. The issue is that, since 9/11, we’ve changed the rules on how we deal with terrorism, and created conditions where the ends justify the means.”


They told him that, with the war on terror, a fifty-year history of exemplary application of the Geneva Conventions had come to an end.

The abuses at Abu Ghraib were exposed on January 13th, when Joseph Darby, a young military policeman assigned to Abu Ghraib, reported the wrongdoing to the Army’s Criminal Investigations Division. He also turned over a CD full of photographs. Within three days, a report made its way to Donald Rumsfeld, who informed President Bush.

The most vulnerable senior official is Cambone. “The Pentagon is trying now to protect Cambone, and doesn’t know how to do it,” the former intelligence official said.

“We’re giving the world a ready-made excuse to ignore the Geneva Conventions. Rumsfeld has lowered the bar.”


anonyMoses @ Daily Kos

anonyMoses @ Daily Kos

Including such hits as:
- The Right: The Ambitious Mediocre
- Bush's "crusader prisons"


by Neal Pollack
You are full of shit, Rush. So shut up. You too, Coulter. And Lieberman? For the love of G-d, shut your fool mouth. Everybody just shut up.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Tracking the lies of lying liars

Claims vs. Facts Database - Center for American Progress
"The Center for American Progress has launched this new database project to chart conservatives' dishonesty and compare it with the truth. In this database, each conservative quote will be matched against well-documented facts, so that users can get a more accurate picture of the issues. And we need your help. If we're missing a lie or distortion you know of, please submit an entry. If it checks out, we will gladly add it to the database."

News from BushWorld

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Citizens or Consumers? The Zen of Citizenship.

Citizens or Consumers? The Zen of Citizenship.

Bill Moyers asks...which are we?

During an interview today with Terry Gross, Bill Moyers reiterates a point I have often made. Bush, the GOP, treats Americans, and indeed, the consumers. I swear this is true.

John Kerry must make it damn clear that he does not. He must make it damn clear that he treats us, and other peoples of the citizens.

The business of America is not just business.
This is just a trick of language.

But what business is the people's business...should be good business.

Bla bla bla...

Rumsfeld: "I stopped reading the newspapers." GET HIM LENNY!

Rumsfeld: "I stopped reading the newspapers." GET HIM LENNY!

Now that you publishers know that Mr. Rumsfeld is not even reading you...stop pussyfooting! Get him, Lenny! And you know that Bush doesn't read you either. Quit walking on rice paper. They are not Lao Tse. Quite the opposite, sadly.

Both Bush and Rummy would fail miserably at Sim City. Why do we think they would do any better with the world?

Rush Contra Rummy : Watch the Ad by David Brock's Media Matters

Rush Contra Rummy : Watch the Ad by David Brock's Media Matters
Media Matters for America Television Spot Reveals Controversial Iraqi Prisoner Torture Commentary
Ad Cracks Down on Limbaugh's Outburst

Whistleblower, David Brock, is blowing the whistle ever louder with his latest project, Media Matters [].

Here is their latest contribution; a TV ad showing Rush contradicting Rummy, and showing just how shallow and mean-spirited a man he really is.

RUSH! Dull mind think alike! Better snap to, boy! We'll pull the funds!

Hizb Allah (Hezbollah) condemns beheading

Hizb Allah (Hezbollah) condemns beheading

The Lebanese political group Hizb Allah has condemned the beheading of an American hostage in Iraq as an ugly crime that flouted the tenets of Islam.

IRAQ GONE WILD: "Almost everybody was naked all the time"

IRAQ GONE WILD: "Almost everybody was naked all the time"

American soldier and namesake of coalition partner, Lyndee England, is a real gangbanger! Or so says those who have seen her latest videos...soon to be available on the Internet, if my prediction that this is just another money-making scheme by the Oil-Drugs-Porn-Guns cartel comes pun intended.

Advice to Kerry: An Administration of Giants

Advice to Kerry: An Administration of Giants

David Ogilvy, upon hiring a new manager, would send them a set of Russian dolls, one inside the other. Inside the smallest doll was the note: "If you hire people less than you, you will wind up with a company of midgets. Hire people bigger than you, and you wind up with a company of giants. Hire giants."

I paraphrase, but the meaning is the same.

Pick your VP and Administration carefully. Create an Administration of Giants.

Nick Berg's family business on Right-Wing Hit List. Are you?

Nick Berg's family business of Right-Wing Hit List. Are you? :: HERE IS THE ENEMY -- they have posted their names

The McCarthyites have their panties in a wad.
Further proof...dull minds think alike.


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Don't behead us! Rape us and sick dogs on us!

Don't behead us! Rape us and sick dogs on us!



We are better than them.
We are better than them.
We are morally superior.
We are better than them.
Repeat it enough and you'll believe it.
We are better than them.

Rush, filled with rage, call Americans "blockheads"

Goofball, Rush Limbaugh, waxes religious as he describes the hate that welled up within him as he saw the beheading of Nick Berg. It was quite moving, actually, but the problem with Rush is that he then goes on to talk about moral equivalences, nuking them, and so on. Devilthink. Satanspeak. Take your shoes off.

He wants people to take out their rage on political opponents, and some probably will.

Rush needs to watch "Fisher King" before he, with his millions of dittoheads, create Hell on our precious soil.

Nick Berg and Freepergate

Nick Berg and Freepergate

Graphic images of the first beheading

Graphic images of the first beheading


Will Mr. Berg be the only American beheaded in retribution for American misdeeds in Iraq? Or is he only the first one?

My hope is that he is the last one.

But we've got to quit digging the hole deeper. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq in the first place, since the reasons for our going have turned out to be bogus. No WMD. No Nuclear threat. No Al Qaeda connection.

As we are witnessing, or supressing, images of our own atrocities, our own inhumanity to man, and woman, and indeed child...we are shown an image of one of our own suffering the consequences of ill-conceived visions, basically, and suddenly we want to step up our violence against those who perpetuated this horrible deed.

There is no either/or. We have both been shown to be capable of atrocious behavior. So stop! And maybe they will!
At least we will not be going our own standards of decency, regardless of the fact that a relatively small minority of others act otherwise.

Greatness is having the power, but not using it.
Store up for true emergencies.
Don't exhaust your resources, especially not frivolously, with mere profit in mind.

In Falluja, they killed 4 Americans, and in retaliation, we killed hundreds. Both them and us.

"Paths of Glory" comes to mind...

How many of us and them will we kill because of this one man's death?

And how many more Nick Bergs will that insure?

If we are truly on a path of Peace...let us be on a path of peace, and stop the warring already.

99.9% of the World are fed up with Powerful People throwing poor schmucks to the proverbial dogs of war, while nothing but Oil pours, nay, trickles, from the other side.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

New Images from Iraq!

New Images from Iraq!

Flag-burning American Style :: Every flag but US to go up in flames

Flag-burning American Style :: Every flag but US to go up in flames

While it is illegal to burn a US flag, it is not illegal to burn the flags of other nations. To celebrate this fact, we at Anonymoses Inc. suggest we have a bonfire, and burn the flag of every other nation.

It is our right. It will make you feel important.
Your girlfriend will look at you cross-eyed.

But be that as it may...we think you should obey your inner voice
and, so to say, throw in the flag.

Our next project is to study the viability of a map-burning.
What are the ramifications of burning a map?
Is it against the law to burn a map of the United States?

So many important things to think about...
And they say stuff is going on overseas!

Monday, May 10, 2004

Tao te Ching, Chapters 30 and 31

I am always reminded of chapters 30 and 31 if the Chinese classic, Tao te Ching, when War raises its awful head. So, once again, I bring them to you, my dears with ears and tears...

Chapter 30

1. He who would assist a lord of men in harmony with the Tao will not assert his mastery in the kingdom by force of arms. Such a course is sure to meet with its proper return.

2. Wherever a host is stationed, briars and thorns spring up. In the sequence of great armies there are sure to be bad years.

3. A skilful (commander) strikes a decisive blow, and stops. He does not dare (by continuing his operations) to assert and complete his mastery. He will strike the blow, but will be on his guard against being vain or boastful or arrogant in consequence of it. He strikes it as a matter of necessity; he strikes it, but not from a wish for mastery.

4. When things have attained their strong maturity they become old. This may be said to be not in accordance with the Tao: and what is not in accordance with it soon comes to an end.

Chapter 31

1. Now arms, however beautiful, are instruments of evil omen, hateful, it may be said, to all creatures. Therefore they who have the Tao do not like to employ them.

2. The superior man ordinarily considers the left hand the most honourable place, but in time of war the right hand. Those sharp weapons are instruments of evil omen, and not the instruments of the superior man;--he uses them only on the compulsion of necessity. Calm and repose are what he prizes; victory (by force of arms) is to him undesirable. To consider this desirable would be to delight in the slaughter of men; and he who delights in the slaughter of men cannot get his will in the kingdom.

3. On occasions of festivity to be on the left hand is the prized position; on occasions of mourning, the right hand. The second in command of the army has his place on the left; the general commanding in chief has his on the right;--his place, that is, is assigned to him as in the rites of mourning. He who has killed multitudes of men should weep for them with the bitterest grief; and the victor in battle has his place (rightly) according to those rites.

Tao Te Ching

Chì mi na mórbheanna


O Chì, Chì mi na mórbheanna
O Chì, Chì mi na córrbheanna
O Chì, Chì mi na coireachan
Chì mi na sgoran fo cheò

Chì mi gun dàil an t-nàite 's d'rugadh mi
Cuirear orm fàilt' 's a' chànain a thuigeas mi
Gheibh mi ann aoidh gràdh 'n uair ruigeam
Nach reicinn air thunnaichean òir

Chì mi ann coilltean, chì mi ann doireachan
Chì mi ann maghan bàna is toraiche
Chì mi na féidh air làr nan coireachan
Falaicht' an trusgan de chèo

Beanntaichean àrda is àillidh leacainnean
Sluagh ann an còmhnuidh is còire cleachdainnean
'S aotrom mo cheum a' leum g'am faicinn
Is fanaidh mi tacan le deòin


Oh I see, I see the great mountains
Oh I see, I see the lofty mountains
Oh I see, I see the corries
I see the peaks under the mist

I see right away the place of my birth
I will be welcomed in a language that I understand
I will receive hospitality and love when I reach there
That I will not trade for tons of gold

I see woods there, I see thickets
I see fair, fertile fields there
I see the deer on the ground of the corries
Shrouded in a garment of mist

High mountains with lovely slopes
Folk abiding there who are customarily kind
Light is my step when I go bounding to meet them
And I will remain there willingly

Played at John F. Kennedy's funeral in Arlington, Virginia, 1963, this was one of JFK's favorite songs.

Called "one of the most hauntingly evocative gaelic songs", it is beautifully rendered by the great Talitha Mackenzie. A family name on the distaff.

One to own and treasure...

Fox Fux with Faux Fax

Fox Fux with Faux Fax

In a scathing critique of Fox News and some talk show hosts, such as Bill O'Reilly, Carroll said they were a "different breed of journalists" who misled their audience while claiming to inform them. He said they did not fit into the long legacy of journalists who got their facts right and respected and cared for their audiences.

Carroll cited a study released last year that showed Americans had three main
misconceptions about Iraq: That weapons of mass destruction had been found, a connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq had been demonstrated and that the world approved of U.S intervention in Iraq. He said 80 percent of people who primarily got their news from Fox believed at least one of the misconceptions. He said the figure was more than 57 percentage points higher than people who get their news from public news broadcasting.

"How in the world could Fox have left its listeners so deeply in the dark?" Carroll asked.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Book: "Kiss My LEFT BEHIND" on Amazon

Book: "Kiss My LEFT BEHIND" on Amazon

First there was "LEFT BEHIND".
Then there was "No Child LEFT BEHIND".
Now the trilogy is complete, with...

Folks, there are people out there who are trying to scare you.
Some of them do it because they are able to make money off your fears.
Others do it because they are fearful, and want to make sure they are not the only ones.

But some people want you to be afraid for both reasons.
This is the "Go Right Ahead" crowd. They hail from the halls of Righteousness, or perhaps it is really just a mixture of self-righteousness mixed with Right-wing ideology. They want the Left to be Left Behind when their famous Armageddon comes to 'copter away The Elect.

They simply will not give it up.

They promised us a good old fashioned Armageddon at the turn of the century, and you might think that when it didn't happen, they would admit they were wrong. But instead, they simply move the date up. Just like they've done for centuries.

These people fear going to Hell. They fear it because they have been such bad people.

Phat Robertson writes a book and calls it "Common Sense". Bush starts talking about 'common sense" government. These are all products.
And we are all customers, guinea pigs, suckers.

That is why it is important to buy, read, and memorize "Kiss My Left Behind". The wisdom that may or may not be contained therein, may possibly be just the thing you need in order to become a better shlamazl. And after all...YOU deserve it!


The Taguba Report : On Bush's Reich Wing Concentration Camps

The Taguba Report : On Bush's Reich Wing Concentration Camps

The following is the text of the executive summary of the Taguba report with only the names of some witnesses removed for the sake of privacy.
The report was prepared by Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba on alleged abuse of prisoners by members of the 800th Military Police Brigade at the Abu Ghraib Prison in Baghdad.

Chechen President Killed in Explosion at Stadium while celebrating the defeat of Nazis

Chechen President Killed in Explosion at Stadium while celebrating the defeat of Nazis

GROZNY, Russia (AP) -- The Kremlin-backed president of Russia's warring Chechnya region and a top Russian general were killed Sunday when an explosion tore through a stadium in the Chechen capital where they were attending Victory Day observances marking the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, the republic's Interior Ministry said.

President Akhmad Kadyrov died about 30 minutes after the blast, likely caused by a land mine planted under the stadium's VIP seats, a ministry official said on condition of anonymity. Col. Gen. Valery Baranov, a top regional commander, died at the scene, the official said.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

New Catholic Times: Pope fears Bush is antichrist

New Catholic Times: Pope fears Bush is antichrist

More on this astonishing development...

"Coalition Gone Wild" video of sadism at its most perverse

"Coalition Gone Wild" video of sadism at its most perverse

The world is discovering that America and our mighty coalition of banana republics and torture manufacturing companies is not entirely sweetness and light.

New pictures and videos of humiliating, murdering, torturing, and raping Iraqis are soon to hit the street (unless the Eisner censorship machine has its way) and poopoo is about the hit the air conditioner, soda speak.

But guess what? The I CHing told me long ago that this administration, this usurpation of democracy, this aberration, is darkness rising, light going into hiding. But the light will reemerge, just as the darkness is exposed for what it is.

Is the darkness too pervasive, too systemic, too high up the chain?

I guess that is what we will find out soon enough.

I'd say we have had quite enough darkness, thank you!

Here comes the sun!

House Of Leaves :: Forum for discussing the book

House Of Leaves :: Forum for discussing the book

Friday, May 07, 2004

avant-garde blogs

avant-garde blogs

Where are the avant-garde blogs? This is today's question. I'll gather up a few. Let me know if you have a few...


ABC "Always Being Censored" : Jeb tells Eisner to have Jennings shut it down

ABC "Always Being Censored" : Jeb tells Eisner to have Jennings shut it down

As soon as the questions get tough, ABC shuts down its airing of Rumsfeld confessional. Tax breaks? Jebbie working his magic again? Is ABC also losing credibility?

``There are a lot more photographs and videos that exist"

``There are a lot more photographs and videos that exist"

More photographs and videos from BushWorld due out soon!

Now the world will know...

Aljazeera.Net - 'Bin Ladin' offers gold for killings

Aljazeera.Net - 'Bin Ladin' offers gold for killings

A statement attributed to Usama bin Ladin has offered rewards in gold for the killing of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and US administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer.


The statement also offered one kg of gold to anyone who kills a US or British soldier, or civilian working for the US-led occupation, and 500 grams of gold for the killing of their allies such as Japanese or Italians.

Capitalism at work...

Thursday, May 06, 2004

The Cult that's Running the Country

t r u t h o u t - Joseph Wilson | The Cult that's Running the Country

Bush needs to fire the entire PNAC cabal whose bloodlust and greed got us into the mess we are now witnessing.

The Pope asks: "Is Bush the Anti-Christ?"

The Pope asks: "Is Bush the Anti-Christ?"

Whether Bush represents a dangerous right-wing ideologue who couples his political fanaticism with a neo-Christian blood cult (as I believe) or he is either the anti-Christ or heralds one, the Pope should know he has fought the good battle and has gained the respect and admiration of many non-Catholics around the world.

Sorry to piss on you! Now we'll get back to killing you.

Sorry to piss on you! Now we'll get back to killing you.

Just days after getting caught torturing and demeaning Iraqis, the Bush Machine marches on Najaf...

She got off the plane

-`On listening to Franken, NPR and Rush at the same time.

On listening to Franken, NPR and Rush at the same time.
by Anonymoses

Gawd! I have just discovered a new way to make yourself insane.
Simply listen to Al Franken, NPR, and Rush Limbaugh at the same time.
Left, Center and Right.
Surefire results!

So far, NPR wins on the information scale. "The End of Oil" is the topic.
Al is frying Bush, and Rush is frying Kerry and liberals, sounding very nervous and apologetic, and promoting some book.

NPR has the distinct advantage of having no commercial breaks.
Al, at least, has interesting commercials.
Rush is the same old gutterhead.

NPR: We are fast running out of oil, and hydrogen is not a viable alternative.

Franken: Oy oy oy! Iran going nucular. Oy oy oy oy!
David Brock coming up. But when??

"The Facility"?

Rush is spewing prurience. A sick, sick bastard whose mind and heart is in the gutter.

NPR has now shifted to a book called "Why we Buy", speaking with the author.
"The Daily Howler" coming up on Franken! Yay!

Franken admits he got much of his info from the Howler...

I better focus...

Images of BushWorld: Coming to a Theater near YOU!

Anger fuels calls for revenge
"our anger and revenge will not be appeased until we pierce the eyes which saw the sexual organs of the Iraqis and until the Americans, British and Israelis are castrated on the banks of the Tigris and Euphratus rivers."

This is the new gulag

Bush has created a global network of extra-legal and secret US prisons with thousands of inmates

New Prison Images Emerge
Graphic Photos May Be More Evidence of Abuse

A Wretched New Picture Of America
Photos From Iraq Prison Show We Are Our Own Worst Enemy

What Christian Theologian Are You?


"It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is."

You are Desiderius Erasmus!

You have great love for others and will do just about anything to show it to them. You are tolerant
and avoid confrontations, so people generally are drawn to you. You are more quiet and reserved in
front of strangers, but around some people you open up. When things get tough, you like to meditate
alone. Unfortunately you often get things like "what a pansy," or "you're such a liberal."

What theologian are you?

A creation of Henderson

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

We. Must. Learn.

t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | Tin Soldiers and We are Coming

There is language, and there is truth. The truth, for me, is this: Those who fell here on this day were patriots, and the wheel has come round. The truth, for me, is this: I blame George W. Bush for our wretched estate today. I lay the bodies of our dead, and all the Iraqi dead, at the doorstep of this White House. This war, conceived in darkness and doomed to fail from the beginning, has been lost. All we are doing now is stirring the ashes. We. Never. Learn.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Newsworld International

Newsworld International

Sex-Crime Concentration Camps? or Liberation Ashrams?

Sex-Crime Concentration Camps? or Liberation Ashrams?

As an average American, I am appalled by what I am seeing is happening during our vaunted "liberation" of Iraq. Liberation, schmiberation! Is this proof God is on our side?

In North Carolina, we have is called, a "prison-ashram": a place where detainees come out as better people.

This is more God-like.

Get with the program!

I am embarassed by the behavior of our "liberationists".

Bush Administration Booed by Sims for failure to read the news

The Bush Administration are being booed by Sims for failure to read the news, and for failure to be on top of the information chain. For those who don't know, Sims are virtual citizens of SimCity, and they give feedback in response to conditions and actions of their "mayor"...who is the person playing the game.

One thing one learns while playing this game, based on sound planning principles, is that one needs to read the newspapers, and listen to your council members. Gather information. There is a storm brewing in the horizon! You must prepare.

But many in the Bush Administration brag about not reading the newspapers.
Even their top brass fail to read crucial documents.

And we, the Sims, are beginning to boo.
Fellow Sims are losing their lives, and we are discovering that, were you more informed, it never should have happened.

There was no urgent threat, as you swore there was.
Blood on your hands.
Bad Mayor!


Monday, May 03, 2004

David Brock launches "Media Matters for America" A real-time blowback of Right Wing Lies

David Brock launches "Media Matters for America" A real-time blowback of Right Wing Lies

Letter from David Brock, Founder of Media Matters for America

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Media Matters for America, a new Web-based, not-for-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. Because a healthy democracy depends on public access to accurate and reliable information, Media Matters for America is dedicated to alerting news outlets and consumers to conservative misinformation -- wherever we find it, in every news cycle -- and to spurring progressive activism based on standards and accountability in media.

In the mid-1990s, as a conservative media insider, I saw firsthand (and participated in) the damage done to our democracy when conservative misinformation masquerades as journalism. In my book Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative (2002), I revealed how this misinformation -- deliberately bought and paid for by covert political forces -- enveloped the media, poisoned public discourse, and nearly toppled a president.


Some headlines from the premiere issue:

FOX's Chavez called Kerry a "communist apologist" -- and then lied about it

Backdating the Recession: A Report by Media Matters for America

Conservative pundits wrongly claimed Kerry lied about Vietnam decorations

Novak distorted Kerry's defense record, denied that Cheney cut defense

The Federalist's Alexander suggested Kerry responsible for soldier deaths

FOX's Hannity falsely stated Kerry's record on military funding ... again

Limbaugh lied about Republicans undermining the Kosovo war effort

Unsubstantiated Drudge rumor echoed through the media

FOX's O'Reilly engaged in same "pathetic rambling" he decried

Limbaugh dismissed questions about Bush's National Guard service

Insight, WorldNetDaily, FrontPage reported that Iraqi WMD have been found

Coulter lauded discrimination against Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim passengers

FOX's O'Reilly fabricated evidence of success of purported boycott of French imports

Weekly Standard's Kristol falsely claimed Kerry and Bush even on campaign funds

Drudge, Talon News distorted Kerry's abortion stance

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Tell me Lies about Iraqnam

Tell me Lies about Iraqnam
by anonyMoses

I was run over by an SUV one day.
Ever since the Selection I've walked this way
So stick my legs in Hummers
Tell me lies about Iraqnam.

Heard the Wingnut screaming with hate
Couldn't find myself so I went back to Slate
So fill my ears with Limbaugh
Stick my legs in Hummers
Tell me lies about Iraqnam.

Every time I shut my eyes all I see is Plames
Made a blog entry and I carved all the names*
So coat my eyes with football
Fill my ears with Limbaugh
Stick my legs in Hummers
Tell me lies about Iraqnam.

I smell someone learning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping daisy-cutters and daisy-chains
So stuff my nose with cocaine
Coat my eyes with football
Fill my ears with Limbaugh
Stick my legs in Hummers
Tell me lies about Iraqnam.

Where were you at the time of the crime?
Down in Camp David drinking slime
So chain my tongue with Coors Lite
Stuff my nose with cocaine
Coat my eyes with football
Fill my ears with Limbaugh
Stick my legs in Hummers
Tell me lies about Iraqnam.

You put your bombers in, you lock your conscience out,
You take the human being and you pissed it all about
So scrub my skin with Oil
Chain my tongue with Coors Lite
Stuff my nose with cocaine
Coat my eyes with football
Fill my ears with Limbaugh
Stick my legs in Hummers
Tell me lies about Iraqnam.


*Iraq Honor Roll created and maintained by blogmeistress, Iddybud, for whom, along with Adrian Mitchell, this is dedicated...along with the thousands who have died and will die.

Based on this poem...

Joseph Wilson: "Ah, you did it, Bob!"

Joseph Wilson: "Ah, you did it, Bob!"

NEW YORK In his new book, published today, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson gets a chance to slam his nemesis, columnist Robert Novak, and he hardly holds back.

Novak, in a column last July, named Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, as a CIA operative, blowing her cover, after he'd received tips from two White House sources. The incident is now under federal investigation.

anonyMoses Predicts

David (Letterman) & Goliath : Stupid President Tricks

David (Letterman) & Goliath: Stupid President Tricks

Jay Leno is a mere lover of money and popularity. A teenager at heart.
David Letterman, however, is an adult. And as an adult, he shows no deference to money or popularity. He seeks, and exposes, the truth.
He slays Goliaths, rather than coddles and protects Goliaths.

Here is an article that show why Dave has more class and balls than that pathetic Jay Leno...and that even more pathetic George W.

Will Ted read the names of the thousands of dead Iraqis?

Will Ted read the names of the thousands of dead Iraqis?

Against the wishes of the Right Wing, Ted Koppel read the names of the fallen dead Americans. 721 so far. The thousands have yet to appear. The thousands of Iraqis, as well as the thousands of future American deaths. Will your son or daughter be one of them?

Rather than lash out at Ted 'bout lashing out at George W, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and the others who insisted we trade children for corporate profits.

Anyone who invests in those companies who are reaping the rewards from these sacrifices...have blood on their hands. Lots of it. And I'd suggest you rethink your portfolio.

Pissing on Muslims

A British Soldier pisses on captured Iraqi

Pissing on Muslims

Call me crazy, but I don't think this is a good idea. In fact, I think it is a bad idea. I even think killing people is a bad idea. Is it unAmerican to think killing and pissing on people is a bad idea? Should I rather glorify it?

We need to pull out of Iraq. We have proven to the world that we are a bunch of schmucks. They are holier than us. And have more respect for life and humanity. At least it certainly seems that way.

They kill 4 (four) contractors, and we kill thousands of them, and sacrifice a few hundred of our own men and women's lives in response? Is this sane?

Quagmire. That is what it is. Hell on Earth. BushWorld. Hell on Earth.

And who is the leader of this Hell on Earth? THis BushWorld?
Well, that would be Mister Bush. The magnificent cowboy. The killer president.
And we're playing cowboys and Iraqis. And we're losing.

Lying, cheating, stealing, killing... Not a gentleman's gestalt.
Bush is not a gentleman. Nor are his cronies.

But they are rich! And that must count for something.
I hope it can buy them some fire-proof suits, because they will need it in Hell.

Don't let them drag us further into their Hell.
Impeach the bastards. At least vote them out.

Kinder, gentler my ass...

Bring back George Herbert! At least he was a gentleman!
And didn't piss on people.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Bush Creates Hell on Earth: Falluja - "a severe humanitarian crisis"

Bush Creates Hell on Earth: Falluja - "a severe humanitarian crisis"

Save Bob Edwards

NPR's Bob Edwards

Save Bob Edwards: NPR's Bob Edwards is on his last day as host of Morning Edition...after 25 years. Perhaps it is time to try out Morning Sedition...
I'm listening to both right now.

Thanks for the memories, Bob! So nice to have a calm, honest voice during these strident days of bloviators and lying liars.

But Bob...remember...always look on the bright side of life!

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Secret Video of Bush, Cheney confessing to 911 Panel

Secret Video of Bush, Cheney confessing to 911 Panel could happen!


Bush to America: "Watch Sports! Everything's Fine!"

Bush to America: "Watch Sports! Everything's Fine!"

The less you know, the better he looks.
Bush/Cheney '04

Bush? God's Messenger? Give God More Credit!!

Bush? God's Messenger? Give God More Credit!!

Was not your high school teacher more lucid than Mister Bush? - Surreal McCoy

Al Franken Plays Rush Lies on Show. Will Rush Play Al? Is he an Al Truist?

Al Franken Plays Rush Lies on Show. Will Rush Play Franken? Is he an Al Truist?

A Challenge: Since you dittoheads have given Rush millions of your hours, can you give Mr. Franken a hundred?

"Right Wing Non-Lie of the Day"...I love it!

-Air Ration Guard member and Al Truist,

PS: Bless that caller!

The Right is Square

The Right is Square

There are Republicans who are actually quite hip. Chaffee, Leach, Johnson, Spector and Shays come to mind. But those who have hijacked the Party are, well, square, unhip, bassackwards. I mean look at it! Tom Delay? Phat Robertson! Jerry Foolwell???
And get this! GEORGE W. BUSH!!!!!! Bwaahahahahaha!!!! What a hoot! He can't even string together a simple sentence!

I'll have to come back to this...

Wilson exposes Bush Admin. in new book

Joe Wilson, a former ambassador, will this week reveal the name of the government official who "outed" his wife - revealing her identity as a CIA operative in apparent revenge for his role in proving the White House made false claims about Iraq's efforts to develop nuclear weapons.

CBS: U.S. military police stacked naked Iraqi prisoners in a human pyramid

U.S. military police stacked naked Iraqi prisoners in a human pyramid, and attached wires to one detainee to convince him he might be electrocuted, according to photographs obtained by CBS News which led to criminal charges against six American soldiers.

Virtual Bohemia: Liberal TV comes to America

Liberal TV comes to America: The Virtual Bohemia Channel
Watch the VBC!

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Punctuation Sweeps the Globe!

Punctuation Sweeps the Globe!:

"Her sticklers' guide to punctuation is a publishing sensation, topping the British bestseller list for 18 weeks. Now Lynne Truss has pulled off something even more remarkable: her book, Eats, Shoots & Leaves, has gone global. And like JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, Truss's international success looks set to make her a millionaire.
The slim volume, subtitled The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, is storming bookshops in country after country, entrancing pedants everywhere from Saudi Arabia to South Korea. It has soared to number one in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Africa. "

Kerry's VP: John Edwards is the only real hope for Kerry Gephardt, Edwards Undergo Checks for Veep

Listen to Right Wing Radio, and you will hear them talk about how nice it is that you know that Cheney, the VP, is not angling to eventually become if it is preferred to NOT have a potential successor waiting and prepared in the wings.

This is bullshit. They are saying this BECAUSE they fear Kerry will pick John Edwards...whom everyone can recognize as the kind of person America can actually rally around and enjoy serving. They see in him a good an honest steward, whose heart is in the right place, and whose very presence inspires confidence and hope. A sort of new improved Tony Blair...only without the stain of having colluded with Chimpy.

Face it. John Edwards will be President of the United States...some day. Maybe even sooner than we think. If Kerry doesn't choose him, maybe Kerry should step aside, as some have already suggested, and let Edwards have at Bush. This is not a time for pussyfooting.

No Pussyfooting

Gephardt is a pussyfoot. No offence. He is still a good man. A ricecake, but a good man.

The other unknown quantities Kerry seems to be courting are likely to draw even less support than Gephardt.

Don't listen to the turncoat Dick Morrises out there. And they ARE out there. Use a little logic for a change. Who got the most votes...other than you, Mr. Kerry. What does that tell you? It should tell you that he would be a valuable asset, and would bring large numbers with him.

He is also better looking than you. Practically as good-looking as me!
And as shallow as this may seem...look at Joe Lieberman. His own greed, arrogance and envy are written in his face. These are not attractive traits.

Edwards is not so encumbered.

Granted, it might be cool to get someone like Robert Redford to fill the 2nd slot, but people might bemoan his lack of political experience, in a world of complex terrors. But who knows?

Of the usual suspects vote goes to Edwards. And after your 8 years, Mr. Kerry, my vote will then go to your successor, who, by then, will have gathered enough wherewithal to become the greatest President this country has ever produced.'s North Carolina's turn!

Buying Scalia: Cough it up for the Scotus, Dunce!

``If it is reasonable to think that a Supreme Court justice can be bought so cheap, the nation is in deeper trouble than I had imagined,'' Scalia wrote.

It costs a lot to buy one of these celebrities. Millions and Millions.
And I hope some ambitious journalist is following the money trail...

More on Cheap Scalia

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

The Ironic Bush Forward Running Watch

The Ironic Bush Forward-Running Watch

Remember the Clinton Backwards Running Watch? As if Clinton was somehow backwards, as if Bush is somehow futuristic! God help us if HE is our future!!

The Bridge to the 21st Century was usurped, detoured...and wound up back at 20th century...with it's typical warring, oil and pre-post-modernism.

As you will note from this Rush site...the Clinton backward running watch is no longer valid. Proved wrong, as is always the case with genetic the truth that always find its way to the surface.

On Arianna's blog: Hope, Idealism and...Humor

Go say hello to Arianna...before she becomes inundated.

Anyone But Bush: I've seen the best minds of my generation...

Feedster :: Anyone But Bush: I've seen the best minds of my generation...

Newsfeed from "Anyone But Bush".

Monday, April 26, 2004

Why Clinton was better than Bush: Information, Matter & Energy

Why Clinton was better than Bush: Information, Matter & Energy

Whilst ruminating over all the reasons why the Clinton years were so much better than these Bush II years, one that nearly slipped my mind, just came back back to me. It is based on Living Systems theory, and is quite simple:

The principle is this:

The survivability of a system is directly proportional to the degree that it is involved in information processing over matter/energy processing.

In other words, it is better to have a big head and little body, than big body and little head.

The Clinton Administration was focused on what? The Internet, The Information Superhighway.

And the Bush Administration is focused on what? Energy. Matter/Energy.

The Information that the Bush Administration is involved in, is really largely misinformation, disinformation. Oh yes. And hunches. And higher fathers.
Herbert's not all that high.

The Bush Administration is a lumbering dinosaur; a relic of the last century.
We need to get back to this century, which is information-based. Not misinformation-based.

Bush makes yet another bad Falluja

Goofball faux president, Dub Bush, unable to maintain sanity for more than a day, has resumed the madness in Falluja, causing even more deaths in response to the deaths of 4 (four) American contractors.

Time for Chimpeachment...

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Bush never got any medals, but says he wouldn't have thrown them if he had.

Bush never got any medals, but says he wouldn't have thrown them if he had.

Meanwhile John Kerry may well have thrown his medals, which is, of course, a perfectly acceptable thing to do with what can rationally be thought of as a glorified gold watch. Hell, the first time I carted a pocket full of coins to school, the greed of the other kids caused me to throw it all over a fence...seeing it as an imperfect compensation. And surely Kerry's work was more difficult than cleaning up a bedroom.

This is just another trite non-issue, like flag-burning. A substitute for thought.

Sprung From the Bushworld Archipelago

Sprung From the Bushworld Archipelago - by William Powers - August 8, 2000

Once you're inside, it's like the whole world has been reduced to four or five story lines, all of them prewritten by The Party

"It's a goddamned prison camp."

Prescience at work.

How Smart People Vote

How Smart People Vote

Where in America will you find the greatest concentration of smart people? Tulsa, Oklahoma? Waco, Texas? Nashua, New Hampshire?
Well, maybe, but probably not. No reason for it.

The smartest people are most likely to be found in and around the smartest universities and/or smartest corporations and organizations.

As it happens, they all converge in the Boston/Cambridge axis, largely because of the intellectual capital at Harvard, MIT, Brandeis, Tufts, BU, BC, and so on...with the very greatest concentration radiating from Harvard Square.

Here is a map which shows how people are voting with their pocketbooks in the Boston/Cambridge area. The large circle in the middle (Memorial Drive) is Harvard Square.

As you will is overwhelmingly in favor of the Democratic candidate for 2004.

Of course, voting smart might not be a priority in your life, and if this is the would do well to stay home on voting day.
We need an infusion of brains at the top...where it should be.

Vote smart. Or don't vote at all.

Chinese blogger, Jian Shuo Wang & Cartoon Pictures with Home Style+

My Own Cartoon Picture with Home Style+

I ran across the Wangjianshuo blog while googling top blogs. Mr. Wang is in Shanghai, and here shows us a few tricks on how to turn your own photo into a cartoon...

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Should the Vatican be Excommunicated?

Should the Vatican be Excommunicated?

As a protestant, I'm going to protest the Vatican and their attempt to usurp Prince Bandar's role of fixing the American election for waspy George. Are they insane? (Don't answer that. It may disturb your sleep.)

Why the Church uses Fear as a tool is beyond me. They should be using Love, like Jesus and the Sufis. I have serious reservations about whether Jesus would approve of what his namesake corporation has become, and indeed, what it has under its belt. Not the best of records.

Granted, Protestants are no better, especially if you look at the slowhead cults like those lead by weasels like Foolwell and Phat Robberbaronson. But like most moderate and liberal Catholics, many of the Interfaith protestants are not nearly so eager to marry Church and State.

From what I have heard lately, there are more than a few people who are ready to leave the Church behind...and the more political they become, the more the desire to leave. And, I should add...take their money with them. And the Church can't afford that. Not with all their sex crime bills coming due.

What we have here is Churchianity, not Christianity. And no sheister has the magic to send you to Hell. Leave that to the Bushies. They created Hell. Maybe the only one there is. Except the one in your mind, the one in your heart. There because of the vacuum.

Fill your heart with God. Wash out these ne'er-do-wells. They are only trying to frighten you. And take your money.

Say no to the Church's cruel tithe and spend policies. It's YOUR money. Not theirs.
Walk, no run, from their greedy clutches, their evil Church & State. Their cross of gold.

(You will notice that gold, not God, is what is being sold on this NewsMax shitpaper.)

In the room women come and go, talking of anonyMo...

In the room women come and go, talking of anonyMo...

I have seen the blogs already
seen them all...

Punk Rock Orchestra

Punk Rock Orchestra as heard on NPR.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Sharon the Bully is doing a disservice to Jews

Sharon the Bully is doing a disservice to Jews

All my life, I have felt a deep sympathy for the Jewish people for having to suffer the evil deeds of that bastard and misanthrope, Adolph Hitler. In fact, I have had a hard time forgiving the German people for having hatched such a monster.

But Ariel Sharon is doing his level best to squander the goodwill and sympathy of much of the world, by his bullying, his throat-slitting past, his own murderous deeds, and his cowboy swagger.

Mr. Perez, Mr. Barak, and Mr. Rabin are far more worthy representatives than the adipose and threatening Mr. Sharon, for they conjure to mind people like Albert Einstein, Martin Buber, Hillel, and the life. Not, sadly to say, Mike Tyson.

But we have a sort of pussilanimous Mike Tyson in the Oval Office ourselves, and yet we all know he is a paper tiger and a wuss...and will be replaced by a much better human being very soon indeed. You fellers ought to consider getting rid of your own monsters. After all...Peace is better than War. And killing is declasse and rude.

Admittedly, Arafat is no better. But why lower yourselves? Think with the top of your intelligence, as you have done for millennia. But never forget your heart...which all people have. Even your supposed enemies. And maybe, hopefully, they will consider your hearts as well.

I pray that Peace will come to the Middle East and to the World. But it first has to exist in your hearts, our hearts. All our hearts.

Fear not. Rather love...with all your might, and all your heart. Pray for your enemy as well.

Remember David and Goliath. And don't side with Goliath.

May Peace, alas, descend to all peoples.

Books by North Carolina author, Jim Sauls

Jim Sauls booksincluding: "Helga and the Whiffenpoof", "Lauderdale Shorts", "The Boo! Game", "Children of the Same God", "The S in Ju$tice", "Operation Youngblood", and "Ricky and the Bees".

Tell me lies about Iraq

Adrian Mitchell

Listening to all the lies, hearing about all the tragedies, I am reminded of a poem by Adrian Mitchell...

I was run over by the truth one day.
Ever since the accident I've walked this way
So stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.

Heard the alarm clock screaming with pain,
Couldn't find myself so I went back to sleep again
So fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.

Every time I shut my eyes all I see is flames
Made a marble phone book and I carved all the names
So coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.

I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
So stuff my nose with garlic
Coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.

Where were you at the time of the crime?
Down by the Cenotaph* drinking slime
So chain my tongue with whisky
Stuff my nose with garlic
Coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.

You put your bombers in, you put your conscience out,
You take the human being and you twist it all about
So scrub my skin with women,
Chain my tongue with whisky
Stuff my nose with garlic
Coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam

*Cenotaph - war memorial in London

First read out in Trafalgar Square in 1964. Read again Saturday 13 October 2001 at the Anti-War demonstration in London .

"It is about Vietnam , But it is still relevant. It's about sitting faithfully in England while thousands of miles away terrible atrocities are being committed in our name.''

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

"Writing for money has been the death of literature." - Schopenhauer

"Writing for money has been the death of literature." - Schopenhauer

...and then I woke up.

Chapter One: Why Bloggers are GOD

Conservatism is Comformatism

Conservatism is Comformatism

by anonyMoses

Q. Why did the shorthair cross the road?
A. Somebody told him to.

Q. Why did the longhair cross the road?
A. Somebody told him not to.

- Firesign Theatre

Dull minds think alike. - Arthur Schopenhauer

Civilization began with an act of disobedience and is likely to end in an act of obedience. - Erich Fromm

Why do people shun information and soak their minds with the likes of the entirely biased, partisan, partial Rush Limbaugh? Because they are conformists, lemmings, sheeple. Dull minds. Fixed. Hard-headed. Hard-hearted. In other words, stupid.

Conformity should be the sole domain of soldiers, who have opted to hand over their freemind in order to carry out the will of someone else. Some say the pay is good, but I don't think any soldier would agree.

Plantations & Prisons

Consider. Consider a plantation. Little to no pay, in the harsh midday sun, day after day after day. But from a plantation, a person may actually escape.

Consider a prison. Similarly harsh conditions perhaps. Perhaps not. But no chance of escape.

Sadly, our soldiers are living in a condition where plantation meets prison. They work all day in the hot midday sun, day after day after day. But can they escape? No. They are also basically imprisoned.

For this handing over of the mind, and plantational imprisonment...they should be paid dearly indeed.

But their condition is even worse than this...

Were slaves under a condition of permanent terror? Some maybe, but most, probably not. Are prisoners under a state of permanent terror? Let us hope not.

Our solders, children of yours and mine, are always in a life and death situation. That moment just before your last automobile accident.

It is not a state of joy. It is not Heaven on Earth, as you would wish them to live and breathe. Or be a part of or a party to.

But, as Bob Woodward says, it is Hell on Earth. Hell! Imagine that! And we though we were so Godly! So like Jesus!

Then add to this, the fact that many are getting killed, and many, many others rendered less than whole, and at times permenently dismembered and scarred, physically and psychologically...and I'd say you have an underpaid bunch of good folk on your hands. And this should be addressed immediately. Better yet, bring them back to the safety of their homes and save the future expense. But reward them, justly, for their tremendous sacrifice.

Time for a correction. Vote sanely.

No friends, the selection was a bad one. A very bad one. And a correction is needed. That's all. No big whooptie-doo. Nothing to get puffed up about, or wax arrogant.

A simple taking up of the mantle, and handling it -- meaning the world, and the fate of the world -- with such careful stewardship as would befit a bodhissatva of the first water.

The Lesson of 911

And learn the lesson of 911 and George W. Bush, namely that it is not good to overextend yourself. As the I Ching says: Better to be a low, wide mountain than a megalith in a desert. To achieve this, one simply gives as one receives. Nourishes those around you. Feeds your people.

Then they will rally around, and act as a protective piedmont.

But nooooo! Got to stand tall. John Wayne in a hall of midgets. Puffing out the chest even still! Which rhymes with Steven Still. Which is the singular of Steven Stills. Who is the Stills is Crosby, Stills & Nash. Who loved to smoke hash. And sing us the news and make cash.

Ah! To be in that boat again! Just me and the pygmy pony, over by the dental floss.


- anonyMoses

to be discontinued...

BOOK: Killing the Buddha : A Heretic's Bible

BOOK: Killing the Buddha : A Heretic's Bible
by Jeff Sharlet, Peter Manseau

Sufism and Me

Sufism and Me (the blog)

Jamie Gorelick as Harvard Overseer?

Jamie Gorelick as Harvard Overseer?

I got my ballots yesterday. They want alumnae to cast our votes for university overseer. Scanning the names and pics, I was amused to see Ms. Gorelick on the list.
Not sure what this means, or where it will go. Just thought I'd share...

"the Hell that has been created." - Bob Woodward on Bush's War

"the Hell that has been created." - Bob Woodward on Bush's War

On Charlie Rose last night, Bob Woodward described Bush's War as "the Hell that has been created." And to think...I thought that was the Devil's job!

People...wake up! Are you really into creating Hell on Earth?
What we should be doing is creating Heaven on Earth. This is the way of God.
This is the way of stewards. This is the way of Humanity.

Reject the devils. There is enough Hell already.

The Deleted Text

The Pentagon removed the following text from Bob Woodward's Oct. 23 interview with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld before posting the transcript on the Web:

Rumsfeld: We're going to have to clean some of this up in the transcript when you publish it. We'll give you a -- I mean you just said Bandar and I didn't agree with that so we're going to have to -- I don't want to say who it is but you are going to have to go through that and find a way to clean up my language too.

BloggerCon notes (Care of Jude at Iddybud)

BloggerCon notes (Care of Jude at Iddybud)

The Raw Story | Making Drudge look Infantile

The Raw Story | Breaking news with an edge | April 21, 2004

Monday, April 19, 2004

It's the flag-burning, stupid!

It's the flag-burning, stupid!

Sure the world is going to Hell in a proverb! But we've got some serious problems here. And thank God we've got those astute and precient Nostrodamuses to show us what might be haunting us around the corner.

Clinton said: "It's the Economy, Stupid!", and yet he was impeached. So screw the economy. My own inclination is to say, "It's the World, Stupid!", since, regardless of how Americans would feel were Bush to be removed from office...the World would be exuberant. And what America needs right now is a friendly environment in which to live, work and share the planet. Or maybe I would say, "It's the Peace, stupid!, since that is also glaringly true.

But when I see all those foreigners burning our precious flag...I don't know...some things are just too sacred to be treated in such an undignified manner. And then I am reminded why we have to kick their asses.

But I have come to realize that we are not actually kicking their asses.
We are actually killing them. With guns, missiles and bombs.
In their own country!

Is this not rude?

Much we behave so boorishly?

All we want to do is have them pull down their pants and bend over.
We will kick them with the tops of our discalced feet,
not even very hard, and we'll be happy.
After all...they are only flags!

So yes. If Kerry is looking for a campaign slogan, I'd suggest, "It's the Flag-burning, stupid!" So simple. Nothing all that complicated. No formulas to figure out. No weird countries with asinine names.

Then we can take our shoes off.
Kick some real ass.

Coalition of the Killing

Poland- 2,400
Albania- 71
Honduras- 370 (soon to pull out?)
Italy- 2,700
Ukraine- 1,650
Slovakia- 105
Portugal- 128 (rumors of pullout)
Great Britain- 12,000

From Iddybud

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Iraq: April is the cruelist month

Bush was never told, "Don't poison the well."

Homini tantum primi coitus poenitentia, augurium scilicet vitae, a poenidenda origine. - Spacius

Corn head. - Omnimom

...and the beans and the taters. - Surreal McCoy

Bush Admires Blair's Cojones

CBS News | Bob Woodward on "60 Minutes"

Bill Kristol found to be a reincarnation of Alexander Hamilton

Is Dubya a reincarnated soul?


Did Jamie Gorelick cause 911? Or is she Bush's fallgal?

Once upon a time, during the Clinton administration, a very mean woman built a wall, and that wall wound up causing 911.

And then came valiant George W. Bush, and he said, "Tear down this wall!" and the world lived happily ever after.

'The Wall' blamed for Sept. 11 failure
Barrier was not one legal policy, but a mix of statutes, philosophies, turf wars, other issues.

Olivier Martinez to star in "Bend Her Like Beckham": The David Beckham Story

Olivier Martinez as Dave Beckham

The actor whom Tamara Beckwith calls "yummy" and "the sexiest guy on the block", Olivier Martinez, is soon going to recruited for the role of David Beckham in the upcoming, "Bend Her like Beckham".

Tamara Beckwith says "yummy"

As all gossip-mongers know, Mr. Beckham is reputed to have been naughty with more than one female who is not his wife, the famous Posh Spice, of the London Spices, late of Bill the Conk. But no one was aware of the happenings of which I speak, and the main reason for that is that I am just making it up. Although I do think it would be a good idea for a movie, and not bad casting.

Sure to be an international success. Blockbuster even. Maybe even Erols. Or Errols!
Olivier and David.

So when you make it...I want to be above the line.

On second thought, maybe they should be given some privacy...