Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Fun with 4-letter words

Fun with 4-letter words

Some days seem like they came from Hell...

Some contributions:



-Kerri Quinton

- Dan Jarman


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Kim Sung Il dead because of our misguided administration

Some US businessmen get rich while people around the world are beheaded

Had the Bush Administration done it's homework, none of these people would have died. Nick Berg would still be alive. Kim Sung Il would still be alive.

How many more innocent people will have to be sacrificed to American greed, and the handful of people who are benefitting from this stupid, convenient "war"?

New Democrats: "What's new is seldom good..."

New Democrats Online: "What's new is seldom good..."

What's new is seldom good...
for if it is good, it is, but for a short time, new."

- Arthur Schopenhauer

In the book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence", Bob Pirsig ruminates on the following anomaly of contemporary life:
People ask "What's new?"

Pirsig wondered why people didn't ask instead, "What's good?" "What is quality?"

It's time to start asking the question.

It's time for the DLC to start asking it as well...because some people are "New Democrats" just because they think newness is a virtue in and of itself. And it frankly ain't.

Do not confuse what is new with what is good, and remember Schopenhauer's words. For if you are new, you may not be much good for long.

What ain't good is the current administration, and much of what they stand for. It's going to take New Democrats, Old Democrats, Independents and quality-minded Republicans to unseat the misguided Mister Bush. We needn't squabble. But we do need to remember the good, and prize it.

Button-Down Hitchens: The New Dennis Miller

Christopher Hitchens finds someone more slovenly to pick on

Need money? Lie for the Right!

And from Dennis Miller to Chris Hitchens, the call of the whore has found willing johns.

Here we see Chris (who used to call himself "Hard Left") beating up on the one man who dresses even worse than he does.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Idea Consultants

Idea Consultants

Idea Management
Actual Thoughts

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Bloomberg: 27 top officials call on defeat of George W. Bush

Bloomberg: 27 top officials call on defeat of George W. Bush.:
June 18 (Bloomberg) -- The statement by 27 former diplomats and military officers on Wednesday calling for the defeat of U.S. President George W. Bush may be unprecedented.

``Their prominence and seniority and influence when in their diplomatic or military posts, and their number, is really remarkable,'' said Richard Kohn, the Pentagon's chief Air Force historian from 1981-1991 and chairman of the University of North Carolina's peace, war and defense curriculum in Chapel Hill.

The group, which includes Democrats and Republicans, said Bush's foreign policy and the war in Iraq have damaged U.S. security...

Group's Statement

``From the outset, George W. Bush adopted an overbearing approach to America's role in the world, relying upon military might and righteousness, insensitive to the concerns of traditional friends and allies, and disdainful of the United Nations,'' said the group, Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change, in a statement Wednesday. They said Bush should be defeated, without explicitly endorsing Kerry, 60.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Religious fundamentalists such as Hezbollah flock to Moore film, Fahrenheit 911

Right Wing Hezbollah offers Michael Moore help in distributing controversial film


The drug-addict apopemptoclinic media mogul, Rush Limbaugh (Adipose Rex), has joined Hezbollah to help promote Michael Moore's award-winning film, "Fahrenheit 911" (Farenheit 911, Farenheit 9-11, Farenheit 9/11), which proves Bush is connected to the Bin Laden family through shady financial deals. Not a day goes by when Rush is not mentioning Moore's masterpiece. And now the Hezbollah wants to join Rush.

Do these Rightwingers never get tired of their own breath?

Of course Rush does not intend to be conspiring with Hezbollah, but neither is Michael Moore...which Rush is trying to lead you to believe.
He takes your gullibility to the bank each and every day. He has to. Guido will whack him if he doesn't. Even if Guido is Rushkolnikov himself.


This is an arcane but related subject. It has to do with Sataniel and 911.
When all the horror was happening in lower Manhattan, I was throwing I Chings on a porch in upper Manhattan and snapping pictures at clouds that would drift by...when not watching the events unfold on TV. The stench had not wafted north.

Two clouds in particular caught my attention. One looked like a dead man on his back, but also quite reminiscent of "Towing Jehovah". The other one looked like, well, the angel of death. And it was facing the tragedy in lower Manhattan. Very strange. I only wish I could have captured their presence on film, better than I did.

The picture on the right (above) is that second image...after being run through a Photoshop filter. The one on the left is a pictoral representation of Sataniel...and is not entirely unlike what I may have been seeing above Manhattan on that ill-fated September morning.

As many people were looking up in the sky that day, I suspect many others saw the strange "cloud formations". Please let me know if you did, and if you captured them on film.


t r u t h o u t - More Incriminating Enron Tapes

t r u t h o u t - More Incriminating Enron Tapes

More on those disgusting Bushite robber barons.
Texas has declared war on California, and California seems to be rolling over... - 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Gets Standing Ovation - Foxlife - Fox411 - 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Gets Standing Ovation

A brilliant film. Eisner's death knell.

Guardian | Oil chief: my fears for planet

Guardian | Oil chief: my fears for planet: "The head of one of the world's biggest oil companies has admitted that the threat of climate change makes him 'really very worried for the planet'.
In an interview in today's Guardian Life section, Ron Oxburgh, chairman of Shell, says we urgently need to capture emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, which scientists think contribute to global warming, and store them underground - a technique called carbon sequestration. "

The blackhole iraq

The blackhole iraq

Here Comes Everybody

Here Comes Everybody

Lance Phillips . CORPUS SOCIUS . Ahsahta Press

Lance Phillips . CORPUS SOCIUS . Ahsahta Press


Tag-Board Smilies

Tag-Board Smilies

Tag-Board Message Board aka TagBoard

Tag-Board Message Board aka TagBoard: " is the original free Tag Board service that allows you to provide your visitors with real-time discussion without the complexity of forums. "

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Local blogs

Thanks to Aubrew for compiling this list of local bloggers. I am far too lazy to have done so:

Drunk In A Midnight Choir by Gene G. McLaughlin

hitched to everything by Robert Stribley

Nomenclature's Randoms by Nomenclature

Snapshots of Life by CPuddy

Fresh Cut Grass by Brittany Wolff

The Labyrinthine Mind by Beltane

Distressingly Cynical by Mithearwen

Feelin Me..Feelin You.. by Kyria

broken and molded by sarah jewett

yes...i am that pretty by Laura-Nelle

Michael's Journal by Michael Utsman

Dijurido by Tim Cobb

Blog Sisters by Jennifer Schulz Medlock

View of a JenXer by Jennifer Schulz Medlock

anonyMoses by anonyMoses

Chuck's Modern Life by Chuck

blackletter by standingontv

From the Ashes by Meishi

The Nintendo DS News Blog by Jeremy Olson

in a station of the métro by Carole

Stormy by Regann

Matthew's Stuff by Matthew Davis

My GIS Lab Notebook by John Nagel

ZhunZi by ZhunZi

Sam's life by dreadman

Brand New Me by jeremy kinser

Coursing Public Thought by Lance Phillips

Moment of Clarity by Mike Garvey

The World that is Mine by Peachez

A Measure of Growth by Ken Webster

The blackhole iraq by plasma_leak

The College Life by Emily

Disenchantment by Emily

Deuce(r) by deuce

the confession booth by Josh Acuff

Miblog Weighs a Ton by Nordy

Special K by Kevin Linfors

Blog by Hannah Green

in a station of the métro by Will

Too Spaced Out by JD Mills

way down in the hole by ann

15 lies of Sean Hannity

15 lies of Sean Hannity : The Document Sean Hannity Doesn't Want You To Read - Center for American Progress

Liars suck.

Daily Kos || Bush on the Couch

Daily Kos || Bush on the Couch

Yellowdog discusses Justin Frank's psychoanalysis of GW Bush...


In the book, to be released Tuesday, Justin A. Frank, a clinical professor at George Washington University Medical Center, claims President Bush exhibits "sadistic tendencies" and suffers from "character pathology," including "grandiosity" and "megalomania" -- viewing himself, America and God as interchangeable. "
Frank, who has practiced for 35 years, told us he began noting Bush's mannerisms in the fall of 2002. "I was really very unsettled by him and I started watching everything he did and reading what he wrote, and watching him on videotape. I felt he was disturbed." In the book, he writes that Bush "fits the profile of a former drinker whose alcoholism has been arrested but not treated."

Andrew Sullivan on Bush's Incompetence, etc...

Andrew Sullivan on Bush's Incompetence, etc...
Mr. Sullivan takes on Jonah Goldberg of the National Review by showing just how bad Bush has been...and would be.

"Could it be that Bush has not governed as a conservative in critical ways - and hasn't even governed competently in others? Let's list a few: the WMD intelligence debacle - the worst blow to the credibility of the U.S. in a generation; Abu Ghraib - a devastating wound to to America's moral standing in the world; the post-war chaos and incompetence in Iraq; an explosion in federal spending with no end in sight; no entitlement reform; a huge addition to fiscal insolvency with the Medicare drug entitlement; support for a constitutional amendment, shredding states' rights; crusades against victimless crimes, like smoking pot and watching porn; the creeping fusion of religion and politics; the erosion of some critical civil liberties in the Patriot Act. I could go on. Is there any point at which a conservative might consider not voting for Bush? For the editor of National Review Online, the answer is indeed 'fairly obvious.' But for people not institutionally related to the G.O.P., the only question is: where would that line be?"

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Bloomberg: John Edwards preferred choice for VP

Bloomberg: John Edwards preferred choice for VP.

The Nazorean Way Monastery - Abel Baruch

Melchizedek (from the Nag Hammadi codices)


But all the tribes and all the peoples will speak the truth who are receiving from you yourself, O Melchizedek, Holy One, High-Priest, the perfect hope and the gifts of life. I am Gamaliel, who was sent to [...] the congregation of the children of Seth, who are above thousands of thousands, and myriads of myriads, of the aeons [...] essence of the aeons, aba[...] aiai ababa. O divine [...] of the [...] nature [...]! O Mother of the aeons, Barbelo! O first-born of the aeons, splendid Doxomedon Dom[...]! O glorious one, Jesus Christ! O chief commanders of the luminaries, you powers Armozel, Oroiael, Daveithe, Eleleth, and you man-of-light, immortal aeon Pigera-Adamas, and you good god of the beneficent worlds, Mirocheirothetou, through Jesus Christ, the Son of God! This is the one whom I proclaim, inasmuch as there has visited the One who truly exists, among those who exist [...] do(es) not exist, Abel Baruch - that you (sg.) might be given the knowledge of the truth [...], that he is from the race of the High-priest, which is above thousands of thousands, and myriads of myriads, of the aeons. The adverse spirits are ignorant of him, and (of) their (own) destruction. Not only (that, but) I have come to reveal to you the truth, which is within the brethren. He included himself in the living offering, together with your offspring. He offered them up as an offering to the All. For it is not cattle that you will offer up for sin(s) of unbelief, and for the ignorances, and (for) all the wicked deeds which they will do [...].
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, O Father of the All, who truly exists, [...] do(es) not exist, Abel Baruch [...], for ever and ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, commander of the aeons, man-of-light, Daveithe, for ever and ever. Amen.

Reagan's Family Criticizes Use Of Reagan In Anti-Kerry Ad - News - Reagan's Family Criticizes Use Of Reagan In Anti-Kerry Ad: "Reagan's Family Criticizes Use Of Reagan In Anti-Kerry Ad
Family Says Group Does Not Have Permission To Use Reagan's Image"

Move America Forward...into Happy Lies!

Move America Forward !

Are you tired of the constant stream of America-bashing from the shamelessly liberal news media and left-wing politicians who use every negative news story to launch a political attack against our military and our chimpy in chief?

Then join with the millions of Americans who are uniting to “Move America Forward” to win the War on Terrorism. Join our effort to stand up and support the continued deaths of brave men and women of our Armed Forces who are coming under constant lies and bullshit from journalists and rightist pro-war activists. I changed thw wording a little.

Happy Bloomsday!

Celebrating the life and works of James Joyce...

James Joyce
(February 2, 1882 - January 13, 1941)



-- Bloody wars, says I, I'll be in for the last gospel.

But as luck would have it the jarvey got the nag's head round the other way and off with him.

-- Hold one citizen, says Joe. Stop. Begob he drew his hand and made a swipe and let fly. Mercy of God the sun was in his eyes or he'd have left him for dead. Gob, he near sent it into the county Longford. The bloody nag took fright and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell and all the populace shouting and laughing and the old tinbox clattering along the street.

The catastrophe was terrific and instantaneous in its effect. The observatory of Dunsink registered in all eleven shocks, all of the fifth grade of Mercalli's scale, and there is no record extant of a similar seismic disturbance in our island since the earthquake of 1534, the year of the rebellion of Silken Thomas. The epicentre appears to have been that part of the metropolis which constitutes the Inn's Quay ward and parish of Saint Michan covering a surface of fortyone acres, two roods and one square pole or perch. All the lordly Tesidences in the vicinity of the palace of justice were demolished and that noble edifice itself, in which at the time of the catastrophe important legal debates were in progress, is literally a mass of ruins beneath which it is to be feared all the occupants have been buried alive. From the reports of eyewitnesses it transpires that the seismic waves were accompanied by a violent atmospheric perturbation of cyclonic character. An article of headgear since ascertained to belong to the much respected clerk of the crown and peace Mr George Fottrell and a silk umbrella with gold handle with the engraved initials, coat of arms and house number of the erudite and worshipful chairman of quarter sessions sir Frederick Falkiner, recorder of Dublin, have been discovered by search parties in remote parts of the island, respectively, the former on the third basaltic ridge of the giant's causeway, the latter embedded to the extent of one foot three inches in the sandy beach of Holeopen bay near the old head of Kinsale. Other eyewitnesses depose that they-observed an incandescent object of enormous proportions hurtling through the atmosphere at a terrifying velocity in a trajectory directed south west by west. Messages of condolence and sympathy are being hourly received from all parts of the different continents and the sovereign pontiff has been graciously pleased to decree that a special missa pro defunctis shall be celebrated simultaneously by the ordinaries of each and every cathedral church of all the episcopal dioceses subject to the spiritual authority of the Holy See in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so unexpectedly called away from our midst. The work of salvage, removal of debris human remains etc has been entrusted to Messrs Michael Meade and Son, 159, Great Brunswick Street and Messrs T. C. Martin, 77, 78, 79 and 80, North Wall, assisted by the men and officers of the Duke of Cornwall's light infantry under the general supervision of H. R. H., rear admiral the right honourable sir Hercules Hannibal Habeas Corpus Anderson K.G., K.P., H.T., P.C., K.C.B., M.P., J.P., M.B., D.S.O., S.O.D., M.F.H., M.R.I.A., B.L., Mus. Doc., P.L.G., F.T.C.D., F.R.U.I., F.R.C.P.I. and F.R.C.S.I.

You never saw the like of it in all your born puff. Gob, if he got that lottery ticket on the side of his poll he'd remember the gold cup, he would so, but begob the citizen would have been lagged for assault and battery and Joe for aiding and abetting. The jarvey saved his life by furious driving as sure as God made Moses. What? O, Jesus, he did. And he let a volley of oaths after him.

-- Did I kill him, says he, or what?

And he shouting to the bloody dog:

-- After him, Garry! After him, boy!

And the last we saw was the bloody car rounding the corner and old sheepface on it gesticulating and the bloody mongrel after it with his lugs back for all he was bloody well worth to tear him limb from limb. Hundred to five! Jesus, he took the value of it out of him, I promise you.

When, lo, there came about them all a great brightness and they beheld the chariot wherein He stood ascend to heaven. And they beheld Him in the chariot, clothed upon in the glory of the brightness, having raiment as of the sun, fair as the moon and terrible that for awe they durst not look upon Him. And there came a voice out of heaven, calling: Elijah! Elijah! And he answered with a main cry: Abba! Adonai! And they beheld Him even Him, ben Bloom Elijah, amid clouds of angels ascend to the glory of the brightness at an angle of fortyfive degrees over Donohoe's in Little Green Street like a shot off a shovel.


O and the sea the sea crimson sometimes like fire and the glorious sunsets and the figtrees in the Alameda gardens yes and all the queer little streets and pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down Jo me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

MaxSpeak on the Right Blogosphere of the Brain

MaxSpeak on the Right Blogosphere of the Brain

Here, I'll let Max speak:
We also observe in these quarters the sophomoric desire to shock liberals. The quoted bloggers express a desire to win the vote. They think their viciousness is a badge of machismo, like suburban white boys who affect ghetto gangsta postures. We had the Beastie Boys, and now we have the beastie bloggers. They try to act dangerous, but all they really want to do is become commodities, and they don't even know it. There is no reason to fear nameless little people with keyboards. Rather, the approach is clinical, like the study of bugs.

The Mark Byron (2nd place) fantasy about murdering high officials of the U.S. Government is the quieter, equally demented side of this same dementia. His post seems to attain about 90 percent of the threshold for a visit from the Secret Service.

InstaPundit is a horse of a different color. His style is passive-aggressive, the way of the weasel. The attack is not direct and forthright, but delivered by innuendo, often through third parties. Criticism is more in sorrow than in anger. Plausible deniability shrouds his posts. If harm should befall the objects of his disapproval, it's really too bad but really their fault. They should have known better or somehow rejected bad leaders.

The quote submitted in the contest typifies this logic: genocide is a misfortune, not a crime. A crime has perpetrators, but for the enemies of America to be victims of genocide, the criminals would be the West, or the U.S. But that cannot be. By definition, the U.S. is good and cannot commit crimes. All references to crimes committed by the U.S. Government bespeak hatred of America and alignment with the Enemy.

This is a recipe for the production of cannon fodder. Watch the ticker.

MarketBanker - The Internet's Ad Marketplace

MarketBanker - The Internet's Ad Marketplace

Browsing around the Mahablog, I stumbled upon a new thing. And maybe a new thing I'd like to use and share with fellow blognocenti (sadly taken). Charge people to be on your blogroll, basically.
Need to look into...

Thanks, Mahabarb!

Bush: "I am a optimist." Bush's Optimism and a Quarter will almost buy a phone call

Bush: "I am a optimist." Bush's Optimism and a Quarter will almost buy a phone call

"I am a optimist!

Little Savage

I wish I had a big one! Powered by StreamSage

Search a database of keywords and topics from campaign-related Audio / Video content; created 100% fully automatically via StreamSage technology.

Creating Community, On-line and Off

Creating Community, On-line and Off

Monday, June 14, 2004

Iraq: This is not a pipeline

Iraq: This is not a pipeline

Concerts for Kerry

Concerts for Kerry

Jack Black rocks for Kerry

Thanks to Atrios for the link...

The first Korean reporter into Fallujah tells of the smell of death wafting from every direction

OhmyNews International: "
U.S. Slaughter Fills Iraqi Cemeteries
The first Korean reporter into Fallujah tells of the smell of death wafting from every direction"

Yahoo! News - Bush pays rare tribute to Clinton

Yahoo! News - Bush pays rare tribute to Clinton: "'Bill Clinton showed incredible energy and great personal appeal. As chief executive, he showed a deep and far-ranging knowledge of public policy, a great compassion for people in need, and the forward-looking spirit that Americans like in a president,' "

Kudos to Mister Bush by showing that the nay-sayers were wrong about President Clinton.

Bush Satire - The Bushiad and The Idyossey - In the style of The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer - The epic battle of testosterone

Bush Satire - The Bushiad and The Idyossey - In the style of The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer - The epic battle of testosterone

Thanks to Tom Burka for the excellent link!

Fragmenta Philosophica: HEPTAPARAPARSHINOKH

Fragmenta Philosophica: HEPTAPARAPARSHINOKH

The Grail Code : Laurence Gardner

The Grail Code : Laurence Gardner: "The Holy Grail Code was established in the 14th century as a precept of chivalric service. In essence, it is a parable for the human condition in that it is the quest of us all to serve and, by serving, to achieve. The problem is that the Holy Grail Code has been overwhelmed by an avaricious society complex based on the notion of the survival of the fittest. Today, it is plain that wealth, rather than health, is a major stepping-stone towards being socially fit."

The Ugly World of George W. Bush

The Ugly World of George W. Bush

Call me crazy, but this world, this new millennium, that has been ushered in by George W. Bush and cronies... sure is ugly! Gives a new meaning to "bad Feng Shui". Even the followers reek of the stench. Just listen to what comes out of their mouths! Or observe how they treat their brothers and sisters...all God's cheerdren.

Now count to 17. Backwards.

Observe the flesh that has gathered between your teeth. This is called "sausage". Do not allow it to pass.

It too is ugly. And shouldn't be digested.

Bring back the artists! Send in the clowns!

Waste lagoons are for pigs. We needn't swim in it to know it is toxic.

Vote out the bastards.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Petition: Change name of United States to "Ronald Reagan"

Petition: Change name of United States to "Ronald Reagan"

"United States" is such a stupid name. Like "United Kingdom", or "United Arab Republic". It's like "Building 17" or "Stalag 13". Not very descriptive, and maybe even deceptive.

What if, instead of "Colorado", "California" and "Carolina", we had "State #32" "State #47" and "State #12"?

Maybe this is why we like to call the United States..."America".
And yet, truth be told, America spans both hemispheres and is much larger than the mere United States.

Maybe we should take it all over, both hemispheres of greater America. Then we can justifiably call what we have: America.

OR...we can save our blood and treasure, and simply call our bit, "Ronald Reagan". But why name it after something dead?

America is moribund enough already. So liven it up a tad by changing the name of the United States to "George W. Bush".

If money needs to change problemo!

Then, that accomplished, we can start naming waste treatment plants, nuclear waste dumps and brownfields after Ronald Reagan.

The Ronald Wilson Reagan Hog Waste Lagoon.
Got a ring to it!

Jimmy Carter's Funeral

Jimmy Carter's Funeral
Millions attend Jimmy Carter's simple yet tasteful funeral

May Jimmy Carter live a long and happy life!
But when he goes, may he have a simple, tasteful funeral...

BlogRunner: BlogRunner Top Weblog Authors

BlogRunner: BlogRunner Top Weblog Authors
Thanks to Josh Claybourn (182) for the link.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Hopsingalong Cassidy : Taoist Texan

Hopsingalong Cassidy : Asian Cowboy

Not that many Asian cowboys anymore. But not to fear! Hopsingalong is here! And he will provide occasional commentary on the current American political shenanigans...for the viewpoint of a Taoist Texan -- of which he is only two.

So I ask him...

So Hopsingalong. Who do you like in November?
I like many people, during many months.
Well isn't that special...
Yes. It is.
Anything else?
Nope. Not today.
Good. I'm glad.
Back to you, Dan.
Thanks, Anon. Now back to Rupert.
Thanks Anon. Now back to God.
Thanks Rupert. Now back to...
... .... ... ..... .....

Matthew Yglesias: On Social Conservatism

Matthew Yglesias: On Social Conservatism

Bush's problem, in other words, isn't that he moved to the right of where Reagan was and thereby lost California (and New Jersey and Connecticut, etc., etc., etc.). Bush's problem is that the bulk of the country is drifting further and further away from the demands of conservative evangelicals. Nowadays, a position that's substantively more moderate comes across as more conservative. The gap between bourgeois (or, perhaps, bobo) morality and evangelical morality is simply growing too large to bridge.

Fafblog: A tribute to the tributes

O Reagan My Reagan: A Tribute to the Tributes
This week has been hard on Giblets, with Reagan being dead. I wasn't actually in America per se while he was president, or even while he was cogent. But watching him on television I feel as if I know him as well as any random stranger watching endless tributes and funerary coverage for days on end. That was the magic connectivity of Reagan, you see.

And what more fitting send-off to the president we sometimes knew and all loved than with a week-long mediafest? I am currently fliping between "Reagan: The Legacy," "The Reagan Legacy," "Reagan: The Man, The Legend" and the funeral with the delicious-yet-tasteful pun, "Mourning in America." If I flip superfast I can see caskets on five networks at once!

Republican Election Tendencies: Intimidation, Fraud, and Bribery

Republican Election Tendencies: Intimidation, Fraud, and Bribery


At the same time, the Republican returning boards in Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina left themselves open to reasonable charges of conflict of interest and even corruption. The members of the boards were appointed state government officials whose self-interests were vested in Republicans retaining control of their states and the White House. Before the enactment of a merit bureaucracy, patronage was the lifeblood of the party system, and this was especially true in the South where Republicans were fighting for their political lives. The returning board in Louisiana rejected over 13,000 Democratic ballots and nearly 2,500 Republican ones, thereby delivering the election to Hayes and the state governorship to the Republican, Stephen Packard.

Outright corruption was even more of a concern than conflict of interest and, in fact, it undermined the notion that the boards were resolutely loyal to their party. The head of Louisiana’s returning board, James Madison Wells, tried to sell the state’s electoral votes locally at a price of $200,000 for each Republican board member, but both parties rejected the corrupt deal. He then sent his associate, Colonel John T. Pickett, to Congressman Abram Hewitt, chairman of the Democratic party, with an offer to sell the votes for $1,000,000. Hewitt and Tilden refused the offer. However, Tilden’s nephew, Colonel William Pelton, did negotiate with Wells and with Republicans in Florida in an attempt to buy an Electoral College victory for his uncle, allegedly without the nominee’s knowledge, even though he lived in his bachelor-uncle’s house. The negotiations lasted too long to produce results, except for a series of incriminating coded telegrams, which were later used as evidence in a Congressional investigation in 1878.

See also Gore Vidal's book, "1876" for fuller development of this recurring anti-democratic practice.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Condensed Reagan Funeral

Condensed Reagan Funeral

Cars, umbrellas, big church, greeter.
Music by Emerson, Lake & Palmer sung by kids and folks in robes.
Talking in microphones. Marge, Mulrooney, George Herbert, Dub, Danforth. Trumpets. World leaders in audience. Lots of canned footage. God-talk. Trumpets. Various other forms of garrish overstatement.

Seriously, the last part, where they marched to coffin out, was among the most beautiful things I have seen and heard. And the speeches were all quite fine.

Virtually every significant problem facing the American people today can be traced back to policies and people from the Reagan administration

Virtually every significant problem facing the American people today can be traced back to policies and people from the Reagan administration

Some lines from the article:

He sold the American people a lemon, and they drive it to this day as if it was a Cadillac.
Mainstream media journalism today is a shameful joke because of Reagan's deregulation policies.
Today, Reagan's old bosses at General Electric own three of the most-watched news channels. This company profits from every war we fight, but somehow is trusted to tell the truths of war.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Greg Palast & Bob Weir on O'Franken Factor

Greg Palast & Bob Weir on O'Franken Factor

Greg Palast

Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead

"The Cute One"

During the Floridageddon phase of Amerigeddon, Greg Palast was doing his job. While many other reporters and journalists were licking their wounds on the way to the bank.

Greg joins Al, Katherine and Bob Weir on today's O'Franken Factor.

Monday, June 07, 2004

"If you seek Liberalization, open up this gate" -Ronald Reagan

"If you seek Liberalization, open up this gate" -Ronald Reagan

Transit of Venus - June 8th

Transit of Venus - June 8th

*Thanks to Wilson's Blogmanac for the link/art

Fair and Balanced: The Stupidity of Ronald Reagan - by Christopher Hitchens

Not Even a Hedgehog - The stupidity of Ronald Reagan. By Christopher Hitchens
: "Not Even a Hedgehog
The stupidity of Ronald Reagan.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, June 7, 2004, at 10:03 AM PT "


One could go on. I only saw him once up close, which happened to be when he got a question he didn't like. Was it true that his staff in the 1980 debates had stolen President Carter's briefing book? (They had.) The famously genial grin turned into a rictus of senile fury: I was looking at a cruel and stupid lizard. His reply was that maybe his staff had, and maybe they hadn't, but what about the leak of the Pentagon Papers? Thus, a secret theft of presidential documents was equated with the public disclosure of needful information. This was a man never short of a cheap jibe or the sort of falsehood that would, however laughable, buy him some time.

The fox, as has been pointed out by more than one philosopher, knows many small things, whereas the hedgehog knows one big thing. Ronald Reagan was neither a fox nor a hedgehog. He was as dumb as a stump. He could have had anyone in the world to dinner, any night of the week, but took most of his meals on a White House TV tray. He had no friends, only cronies. His children didn't like him all that much. He met his second wife—the one that you remember—because she needed to get off a Hollywood blacklist and he was the man to see. Year in and year out in Washington, I could not believe that such a man had even been a poor governor of California in a bad year, let alone that such a smart country would put up with such an obvious phony and loon.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Republican Discussion Forum / RDF

Republican Discussion Forum / RDF

Interesting discussion. Join in!

Lying liar, Neil Boortz, caught live on O'Franken Factor

Lying liar, Neil Boortz, caught live on O'Franken Factor

"Abu gah rabe abu gaaa rabe ahb ahb abuuuu gaaaaaah

iddybud: "Abu gah rabe abu gaaa rabe ahb ahb abuuuu gaaaaaah

Oh, please, please listen to this!
*..the first two minutes are all I'm asking!*

Thanks to Iddybud...

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of Rape - PRAVDA.Ru

Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of Rape - PRAVDA.Ru: "Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of Rape
11/12/2003 16:37
Margie Schoedinger dies as a result of a gunshot wound to the head
Margie Schoedinger, the woman who allegedly filed a lawsuit against George W. Bush in December 2002, claiming that she had been raped, has died of a gunshot wound to the head, registered officially as 'suicide'."

Old news, granted. But interesting, as the corporate media has still maintained a blackout of this story...

Black Woman who accused Bush of Rape-Found Dead

Court Info


Former President Ronald Reagan Dies at 93

Yahoo! News - Former President Ronald Reagan Dies at 93

What is a Liberal

What is a Liberal?
Of the top of my head I'd say...

We are the keepers of the Grail Code, stewards of the world and it's inhabitants, and protector of the common well, i.e. environment.
We are in the world, but not of it. We are angels hovering above, protecting and healing and spiritualizing.
We are not in awe of people "higher in rank", and do not succumb to the mammonical tendency to treasure material wealth over natural and spiritual and communitarian wealth.
We also treasure education, information, knowledge, wisdom and creativity. We are creative, not reactive.
We stand up for the poor and underprivileged, and are more comfortable among them. We do not wall ourselves off from them.
We know that dull minds think alike, and as such, tend to have more diverse views on all subjects.
We cherish Peace and abhor War. War is Hell, and Peace is Heaven. We thus are more Godly and less Satanly...although we do not wear our religion on our sleeve.

All the greatest humanitarians have been, in essence, Liberal, including Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Lao Tse, and Michael Moore.

We choose love over fear. Life over death. Freedom over domination.

We know that arrogance is a disease that can be cured by a macrobiotic diet, and our music and art is light years ahead of the conservative counterpart.

We tend to wind up in places like Harvard and Berkeley and Chapel Hill, rather than Bob Jones and the laughable Liberty U.

We don't suck at governing. We don't steal, cheat and lie to get our way. We are not "in it" for ourselves. We are here to help.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Gore stand up for America against Bush's rapine and mismanagement

Gore stand up for America against Bush's rapine and mismanagement
Gore: Bush a "moral coward"

Former Vice President Al Gore stepped up his slashing attack on President Bush on Friday night, accusing the administration of ruining the economy, destroying the nation's standing with its allies and waging a war in Iraq based on lies and deception.

"Those policies came out of the White House and no matter the wrongdoing of individual troops, they were ordered to wade into a moral cesspool and given ambiguous, conflicting instructions and then praised for doing things they shouldn't have been doing," Gore said. "I believe the abuse of those prisoners came directly from the abuse of the truth in the run-up to the war."

If the United States re-elects Bush, then American citizens share the blame, Gore added.

Bush has "looted" the economy and turned projected multitrillion-dollar surpluses into deep deficits, Gore said.

"In the last three and a half years, this administration has tragically and recklessly squandered our legacy, while the special interest people were advising him behind closed doors," Gore declared.

The Bush administration's "single objective is to help the wealthy and powerful," he said, adding that the president likes to act tough but "whenever he is in the presence of a wealthy contributor, he is a moral coward."

Is Bush going insane? Or is this nothing new?

Is Bush going insane? Or is this nothing new?


“It reminds me of the Nixon days,” says a longtime GOP political consultant with contacts in the White House. “Everybody is an enemy; everybody is out to get him. That’s the mood over there.”
In interviews with a number of White House staffers who were willing to talk off the record, a picture of an administration under siege has emerged, led by a man who declares his decisions to be “God’s will” and then tells aides to “fuck over” anyone they consider to be an opponent of the administration.

“We’re at war, there’s no doubt about it. What I don’t know anymore is just who the enemy might be,” says one troubled White House aide. “We seem to spend more time trying to destroy John Kerry than al Qaeda and our enemies list just keeps growing and growing.”


"Tenet wanted to quit last year but the President got his back up and wouldn't hear of it," says an aide. "That would have been the opportune time to make a change, not in the middle of an election campaign but when the director challenged the President during the meeting Wednesday, the President cut him off by saying 'that's it George. I cannot abide disloyalty. I want your resignation and I want it now."

“The Attorney General is tight with the President because of religion,” says one aide. “They both believe any action is justifiable in the name of God.”
But the President who says he rules at the behest of God can also tongue-lash those he perceives as disloyal, calling them “fucking assholes” in front of other staff, berating one cabinet official in front of others and labeling anyone who disagrees with him “unpatriotic” or “anti-American.

Telling Times: Chalabi, James Bath & the Iraq War

Telling Times: Chalabi, James Bath & the Iraq War

Ahmed Chalabi
James R. Bath
Salem Bin Laden
Osama Bin Laden
George W. Bush

June 1977
June: After a failed attempt to win a US congressional seat, George W. Bush sets up his own oil firm, Arbusto Oil in the same Midland, Texas Petroleum Oil building that his father used to work from. One of his backers is James Bath, a Houston aircraft broker who represents bin Laden family interests in the US. Salem bin Laden, eldest of the bin Laden sons, is another major partner in the firm. Salem bin Laden will die in an unexplained flying accident near San Antonio in 1988. The 50 investors who put up $4.7 million to start up the company are, in Bush's words, "mainly friends of my uncle" who "did pretty good," although they lost most of the money they invested in the company. Jonathan Bush, George W.'s uncle, raises money for Arbusto from political supporters of the Reagan-Bush administration. The time is not propitious for startup oil companies; many quickly die off, but Arbusto stays afloat due to large cash contributions from family connections and international contributors interested in building relations with the Bush family. (In These Times, Project Censored, Consortium News, Bushwatch, American Free Press/Killtown)

December 1979
George W. Bush's Arbusto Oil receives $50,000 from James Bath, a close family friend who is also the sole US business representative for Salem bin Laden. It is suspected that the money came directly from the bin Laden family, but efforts to conceal this connection are successful, so no proof is forthcoming. After 9/11, the Bush administration harshly denied any connection to the bin Laden family. Bush first stated that he didn't know Bath at all, then backtracked and admitted that he knew Bath well and was aware of his ties to the bin Ladens. Bath also has deep ties to BCCI, the scandal-plagued Arabic bank with ties to terrorists, drug trafficking, and arms dealing. (In These Times, Project Censored, Killtown)

August 1988
Salem bin Laden dies. His business interests are inherited by Khalid bin Mahfouz, a powerful Saudi financial figure and BCCI partner. Bush family friend James Bath runs a business for Mahfouz in Houston, and joins a business partnership with Mahfouz and BCCI frontman Gaith Pharoun in Houston's Main Bank. (In These Times, Bushwatch)

June 1992
June 4: The FBI is purported to be investigating the connections between George W. Bush and James Bath. Bath was Salem bin Laden's official representative in the US, and is intimately connected with bin Laden's financial successor, Khaled bin Mahfouz, who is now known to be a prime source of Al-Qaeda funding. Bath, and by inference bin Mahfouz, are accused of funneling money to the Reagan and Bush administrations in order to influence American foreign policy. Allegations of the bin Laden family's attempt to influence President Bush through his son are made, but before proof can be collected, the investigation is quietly throttled. (CCR, Project Censored)

Following Bush's executive order of mid-1991 ordering the deposal of Saddam Hussein, the Rendon Group, a public relations firm with extensive experience working in Iraq for the CIA and the Pentagon, organizes the Iraqi National Congress as an eventual replacement for the Hussein regime. The head of the firm, John Rendon, gives the INC its name, coordinates its strategy sessions, lines up meetings with powerful GOP officials, and channels $12 million in covert CIA funds to the new group. In October 1992, Rendon names Ahmed Chalabi as the head of the INC. (Chalabi left Jordan in 1989 in the trunk of a car after a bank he ran collapsed; he was subsequently charged in absentia with embezzlement and sentenced to 22 years in prison.) Internal dissension all but destroys the group and ruins Chalabi's reputation with US intelligence. After Clinton's election, the US ceases supporting the INC and helps form its own opposition group, the Iraqi National Accord (INA). Both groups are severely damaged when Hussein's internal police captures and executes many members of both groups. Chalabi, dubbed by many a "limousine insurgent" who draws "more support on the Potomac than the Euphrates," according to one Middle East expert, continues to be trusted and wooed by Pentagon and other neoconservatives, some of whom privately dub him the "George Washington of Iraq." In 1997, Chalabi's fortunes improve when many of his Washington supporters form the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which advocates the overthrow of Hussein and Chalabi taking his place as Iraq's leader. "Were it not for Rendon," a State Department official later reflected, "the Chalabi group wouldn't even be on the map." Nine days after the 9/11 attacks, the PNAC sends a letter to President G.W. Bush advocating not only the destruction of al-Qaeda, but the overthrow of Hussein as well as measures to be taken against the governments of Syria, Iran, Lebanon, and Palestine. (In These Times, Asia Times)


Friday, June 04, 2004

Back-door Bush creates "Back-door draft", abusing American soldiers' freedom and liberty

Back-door Bush creates "Back-door draft", abusing American soldiers' freedom and liberty
"I'm a back-door man!"

The funny little man who first entered our White House through the back door, butled in by a white man called Scotus, has now found a way to expand the back-door to include our fine men and women who are living up to their contracts in our fine Military edifice. But while they are living up to their ends of the bargain...the goalpost keeps getting farther and farther away.

These good people are, in essence, being drafted back into the Military quite beyond their control. John Kerry has aptly named this phenomemon, a "back-door draft"...a term I feel sure will find a thousand tongues.

It is bad enough to have to fight an unnecessary war, and kill or be killed by people with whom there should be no the case of most Iraqis. But to have to keep doing long beyond the time you thought you'd be done! Is this not a form of torture?

As I have stated in previous catechisms, the soldier's fate is worse than that of a slave AND a prisoner. And now to rub salt into their gaping wounds...

Here's a better idea. Bring them home. Right now. Give them massive sums of money, if they behaved honorably, and let them return to their families...who, after all, need them.

Their life is more important than someone else's death.

You are pro-life, aren't you?

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Kerry says Nuclear. Bush says Nucular. Who is the dummy?

Kerry says Nuclear. Bush says Nucular. Who is the dummy?Kerry also speaks scriptlessly, unlike the Dummy.

John Kerry was talking about Nuclear threats today. Yes, that's right. Nuclear. Not that garble Bush keeps kecking. And when they debate the issue...a more risible time can ahardly be imagined.

Kerry should continue to speak scriptlessly. Bush simply cannot compete. He is, yes, incompetent.

How Bushies Really "Think". Enron laughs as California Burns

How Bushies Really "Think". Enron laughs as California Burns

Learn how filthy rotten these scum really are...

(CBS) When a forest fire shut down a major transmission line into California, cutting power supplies and raising prices, Enron energy traders celebrated, CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports.

"Burn, baby, burn. That's a beautiful thing," a trader sang about the massive fire.

Four years after California's disastrous experiment with energy deregulation, Enron energy traders can be heard – on audiotapes obtained by CBS News – gloating and praising each other as they helped bring on, and cash-in on, the Western power crisis.

"He just f-cks California," says one Enron employee. "He steals money from California to the tune of about a million."
"Will you rephrase that?" asks a second employee.

"OK, he, um, he arbitrages the California market to the tune of a million bucks or two a day," replies the first.

The tapes, from Enron's West Coast trading desk, also confirm what CBS reported years ago: that in secret deals with power producers, traders deliberately drove up prices by ordering power plants shut down.


"This is the evidence we've all been waiting for. This proves they manipulated the market," said Eric Christensen, a spokesman for the utility.

That utility, like many others, is trying to get its money back from Enron.

"They're f-cking taking all the money back from you guys?" complains an Enron employee on the tapes. "All the money you guys stole from those poor grandmothers in California?"

"Yeah, grandma Millie, man"
"Yeah, now she wants her f-cking money back for all the power you've charged right up, jammed right up her arsehol- for f-cking $250 a megawatt hour."

And the tapes appear to link top Enron officials Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling to schemes that fueled the crisis.

*Slightly edited by yours truly. Bold, italics, and changing "f-----g" to "f-cking" (for those with an inability to fill in blanks.)

Edwards working the hardest for Kerry

Edwards working the hardest for Kerry

"It's unclear who the favorite is within the Kerry campaign, but Edwards, a lame-duck senator, has been lapping all of the others in terms of travel time campaigning for Democrats and popularity with voters. Since March, he's been to Colorado, Illinois, North Dakota, Washington state, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Minnesota and Ohio. Coming up this month: Texas, Louisiana, Iowa and another stop in Florida."

Josh Marshall exposes David Brooks' BS

Josh Marshall exposes David Brooks' BS
The signs of economic downturn the country faced in the spring of 2001 weren't the reason the Bush White House pushed through such massive tax cuts. They were simply a convenient rationale the White House chose for a policy embraced for entirely different reasons.

The evidence for this claim is, I think, inescapable.

The Bush tax cut was passed in the spring of 2001. But the policy was promulgated more than a year earlier, at the beginning of December 1999 -- long before the warnings signs Brooks mentions appeared, and while the bubble had yet to burst.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Virtual Bohemia : Liberal TV has arrived!

Virtual Bohemia : Liberal TV has arrived!

This summer, we at anonyMoses Research & Humor Labs will be covering a host of new and indelible topics.

Here is a preview of our Summer offering:

Click here for show descriptions.

-Telling Times: All the news that's shit to print
-Up From The Bog: The Tom Delay Story
-Conservative in Bed: a study in necrophilia
-Is your husband...conservative? Help is on the way!
-Achieving Nevada: ...Stays in the White House
-At Night We Shine: Bootblacks in Tandem

The Clinton Biographies
The Clinton Biographies, Part One: "Jefferson"
The Clinton Biographies, Part Two: "Johnson"
The Clinton Biographies, Part Three: "el BJ"

-Carpe Noctem
-Time Invaders
-Bleak Condo
-Apes in Costume
-Arnold the Robopig
-Tobacco Company Execs
-Advanced Tones of Voice
-Life After Money
-Green Witch Village
-Seeing Godot Out
-Inane Platitudes from the Deep
-Taboo Quest
-Freud's Banana
-Imperfect Weekend
-Food Chain Gang
-Corporate Busing
-Earth Muffin
-Ricecakes of Men
-Rapid Ear Movement
-Pick-up to Paradise
-Killer Mules of Tokyo
-Idea Management 101
-United States of Earth
-Vehement Behemoth
-Unusual Hair Parts
-Sexual in your Window
-Look Away if You Want Sex
-2 Ways Air Escapes the Body
-Undoing the Hydrant
-Sleep Smiling
-Relatively Cute SwampThang
-The Fastest Way to Bathe
-The New Way to Kiss
-Avant-Garde Lovemaking
-Horse Operas to Adore & Obey
-History of Mentalities
-You are what you upload
-When the Waldoes Emerge
-A Million Years Ago Today
-We Fit Together Like Dogs
-Dreams Are for Sissies
-A Glacier in Hell
-Finnegan's Wake For Cats
-Being-for-Itself Meets Godzilla
-The Horripilation

Pushing War is Bad Journalism : The New York Times Confesses

Pushing War is Bad Journalism : The New York Times Confesses

NEW YORK (AFP) - Institutional failures, not individual ones, allowed the New York Times' pre-Iraq (news - web sites) war coverage to be manipulated by people bent on pushing the United States into war, the paper's ombudsman said.
"Some of The Times's coverage in the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq was credulous; much of it was inappropriately italicized by lavish front-page display and heavy-breathing headlines," Public Editor Daniel Okrent said in the paper's Sunday issue.
"The Times's flawed journalism continued in the weeks after the war began, when writers might have broken free from the cloaked government sources who had insinuated themselves and their agendas into the pre-war coverage," Okrent said.

Doonesbury: In Memoriam

Doonesbury : In Memoriam...

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Kafkaesque Creative Non-fiction by Maud Newton

Kafkaesque Creative Non-fiction by Maud Newton

"The Thing in My Pants"

Note the publishing possibilities at Eyeshot...

Washingtonienne Archives

Washingtonienne Archives

This is an exact reproduction (from Internet Explorer cache) of the Washingtonienne blog that was featured in stories at Wonkette, Wizbang, and Swamp City.

Who created it?

The author is Jessica Cutler (Wonkette interview, WaPo interview, pictures, links).

Who restored it?

The archive was saved from the dustheap of history by Kevin at Wizbang and restored to it's original (unedited) glory. To set the record straight, the original Washingtonienne page was NEVER cached by Google.

The President looks like Al Gore in "The Day After Tomorrow"

The President looks like Al Gore in "The Day After Tomorrow"

It gets butt cold, and the President looks like Al Gore.

Weird though how long it takes this stuff to hit the mainstream...

Europeans love a Southern Accent!

Europeans love a Southern Accent!

Straight from the mouth of Eurotrash...

The reason we Europeans don't like your accent (apart from you southerners, we love that one) is that you sound like you are talking out of your noses to us. All we hear is a kind of twangy WAAA WAAA WAAAAAA WAAAA WAAAA WAAAA WAAAAAAA thing, which has the same effect as scraping a fork down a plate to our ears.

Surely she is not talking about our pResident... John Edwards maybe...

Bloggers are getting book deals. Hey! Call ME!!!

Bloggers are getting book deals. Hey! Call ME!!!
Two years from now—give or take—Elizabeth Spiers, the founding editor of the gossip Web sites Gawker and The Kicker, will publish her first novel. Around the same time, Glenn Reynolds, who writes the political Web log Instapundit, will also have a book in stores. So, too, may writers from the blogs Hit & Run, The Black Table, Dong Resin, Zulkey, Low Culture, Lindsayism, Megnut, Maud Newton, MemeFirst, Old Hag, PressThink, I Keep a Diary, Buzz Machine, Engadget, and Eurotrash. Suddenly, books by bloggers will be a trend, a cultural phenomenon. You will probably read about it in the Sunday Times. And when that happens the person to thank—or blame—will be Kate Lee, who is currently a twenty-seven-year-old assistant at International Creative Management.

Why neocon? : "more money and less intellectual competition"

Now we know what 'neocon' means: "more money and less intellectual competition"

or in other words..."ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie"...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Kids wearing Rubber "sex bracelets"

Kids wearing Rubber "sex bracelets" Is this, as some say, an urban myth? Or is it a case where an urban myth became an urban reality? Alice Cooper really is Eddie Haskell, ya know.

(NYP)-- A bizarre new kids' sex craze is sweeping the city's elementary schools.

Girls as young as 11 are stacking colorful rubber "sex bracelets" up their arms while their parents are unaware that each piece of the cheap jewelry represents a different sex act, according to a secret-code the kids share.

Some symbolize an invitation to kinky get-togethers, several kids told The Post.

The kids play a game called "Snap" associated with wearing the bracelets. In the game, girls wear the bracelets around their wrists, and if a boy runs up and rips one off, he gets a "coupon" from the girl to perform whatever sex act the color stands for.

And to think...the best my generation could do was "red on Friday"...

Abu Grub, er, Grabe, er Grube... Posted by Hello

Friday, May 28, 2004


Thursday, May 27, 2004

Ambition makes them greedy : A googlepoem

Ambition makes them greedy : A googlepoem

I dunno. Great breakdown of the newspeak by the way, too.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
We can only observe his acts, and they condemn him as incompetent to lead.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
Would Lee Greenwood stand a chance against the Beatles?
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
My suggestion is for an open thread every 6 hours at minimum.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
back to the return counter for a full refund.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
more consistently, but would be unelectable.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
Maybe I underestimate the American public. I hope I do.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
people would get electrocuted if they tried.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
America. Spalding Gray Swimming to Cambodia, 1987
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
matter how good their methodolgy may seem to you.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
crap that gets passed would have no chance.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
marginalized people of America something to vote FOR.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."

They still don't rule the day, but they're mostly not so nice.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
premise. It's related to a circular argument.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."
blog, in the view of this cautious optimist.
"Ambition makes them greedy, and mediocrity makes them cheat and lie."

Arnold Voted Most Famous Governor in Recent California Memory

Arnold Voted Most Famous Governor in Recent California Memory

Arnold Schwarzenegger, famous movie actor, is now being celebrated for being the most famous governor too. At least in recent memory...and we know how burnt out the California memory is.

Jerry Brown still reigns as the coolest and hippest governor, but there are still people who think fame is a virtue, and so let's pander to them, shall we?


"The Nihilist's Holiday" by Tom Simoneaux

"The Nihilist's Holiday" by Tom Simoneaux




from the book:

"...I do not belong, anywhere, to anything. Any attempt to dig myself a toehold in the social upslope succeeds only in shoveling my coffinhole a little deeper. Nearly twenty-five, and all the people I know are strangers, ciphers, ghosts. I have held apart from others and kept silent and gone cynical and avoided lowering myself into the messy ordinariness of life. Hours, days, months and years slink past in solitude. My ears buzz with the silence."
- "The Nihilist's Holiday" by Tom Simoneaux

Letterman: The Gayest Show on Television

Letterman: The Gayest Show on Television

Leave it to Dave to flout the current hypocrisy.
Gays are the "niggers" of today...and the gay-bashers and homophobes are the KKKlan of today.

Where would these ne'er-do-wells be without an enemy to have a culture war against?

President Gore's Historic Speech

President Gore's Speech


Remarks by Al Gore
May 26, 2004
As Prepared

How did we get from September 12th , 2001, when a leading French newspaper ran a giant headline with the words "We Are All Americans Now" and when we had the good will and empathy of all the world -- to the horror that we all felt in witnessing the pictures of torture in Abu Ghraib.

To begin with, from its earliest days in power, this administration sought to radically destroy the foreign policy consensus that had guided America since the end of World War II. The long successful strategy of containment was abandoned in favor of the new strategy of "preemption." And what they meant by preemption was not the inherent right of any nation to act preemptively against an imminent threat to its national security, but rather an exotic new approach that asserted a unique and unilateral U.S. right to ignore international law wherever it wished to do so and take military action against any nation, even in circumstances where there was no imminent threat. All that is required, in the view of Bush's team is the mere assertion of a possible, future threat - and the assertion need be made by only one person, the President.

More disturbing still was their frequent use of the word "dominance" to describe their strategic goal, because an American policy of dominance is as repugnant to the rest of the world as the ugly dominance of the helpless, naked Iraqi prisoners has been to the American people. Dominance is as dominance does.

Dominance is not really a strategic policy or political philosophy at all. It is a seductive illusion that tempts the powerful to satiate their hunger for more power still by striking a Faustian bargain. And as always happens - sooner or later - to those who shake hands with the devil, they find out too late that what they have given up in the bargain is their soul.

One of the clearest indications of the impending loss of intimacy with one's soul is the failure to recognize the existence of a soul in those over whom power is exercised, especially if the helpless come to be treated as animals, and degraded. We also know - and not just from De Sade and Freud - the psychological proximity between sexual depravity and other people's pain. It has been especially shocking and awful to see these paired evils perpetrated so crudely and cruelly in the name of America.

President Bush set the tone for our attitude for suspects in his State of the Union address. He noted that more than 3,000 "suspected terrorists" had been arrested in many countries and then he added, "and many others have met a different fate. Let's put it this way: they are no longer a problem to the United States and our allies."

George Bush promised to change the tone in Washington. And indeed he did. As many as 37 prisoners may have been murdered while in captivity, though the numbers are difficult to rely upon because in many cases involving violent death, there were no autopsies.

How dare they blame their misdeeds on enlisted personnel from a Reserve unit in upstate New York. President Bush owes more than one apology. On the list of those he let down are the young soldiers who are themselves apparently culpable, but who were clearly put into a moral cesspool. The perpetrators as well as the victims were both placed in their relationship to one another by the policies of George W. Bush.

How dare the incompetent and willful members of this Bush/Cheney Administration humiliate our nation and our people in the eyes of the world and in the conscience of our own people. How dare they subject us to such dishonor and disgrace. How dare they drag the good name of the United States of America through the mud of Saddam Hussein's torture prison.

We desperately need a national security team with at least minimal competence because the current team is making things worse with each passing day. They are endangering the lives of our soldiers, and sharply increasing the danger faced by American citizens everywhere in the world, including here at home. They are enraging hundreds of millions of people and embittering an entire generation of anti-Americans whose rage is already near the boiling point.

We simply cannot afford to further increase the risk to our country with more blunders by this team. Donald Rumsfeld, as the chief architect of the war plan, should resign today. His deputies Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and his intelligence chief Stephen Cambone should also resign. The nation is especially at risk every single day that Rumsfeld remains as Secretary of Defense.

Condoleeza Rice, who has badly mishandled the coordination of national security policy, should also resign immediately.

George Tenet should also resign. I want to offer a special word about George Tenet, because he is a personal friend and I know him to be a good and decent man. It is especially painful to call for his resignation, but I have regretfully concluded that it is extremely important that our country have new leadership at the CIA immediately.

As a nation, our greatest export has always been hope: hope that through the rule of law people can be free to pursue their dreams, that democracy can supplant repression and that justice, not power, will be the guiding force in society. Our moral authority in the world derived from the hope anchored in the rule of law. With this blatant failure of the rule of law from the very agents of our government, we face a great challenge in restoring our moral authority in the world and demonstrating our commitment to bringing a better life to our global neighbors.

During Ronald Reagan's Presidency, Secretary of Labor Ray Donovan was accused of corruption, but eventually, after a lot of publicity, the indictment was thrown out by the Judge. Donovan asked the question, "Where do I go to get my reputation back?" President Bush has now placed the United States of America in the same situation. Where do we go to get our good name back?

The answer is, we go where we always go when a dramatic change is needed. We go to the ballot box, and we make it clear to the rest of the world that what's been happening in America for the last four years, and what America has been doing in Iraq for the last two years, really is not who we are. We, as a people, at least the overwhelming majority of us, do not endorse the decision to dishonor the Geneva Convention and the Bill of Rights....

Our world is unconquerable because the human spirit is unconquerable, and any national strategy based on pursuing the goal of domination is doomed to fail because it generates its own opposition, and in the process, creates enemies for the would-be dominator.

A policy based on domination of the rest of the world not only creates enemies for the United States and creates recruits for Al Qaeda, it also undermines the international cooperation that is essential to defeating the efforts of terrorists who wish harm and intimidate Americans.

Unilateralism, as we have painfully seen in Iraq, is its own reward. Going it alone may satisfy a political instinct but it is dangerous to our military, even without their Commander in Chief taunting terrorists to "bring it on."

Our troops are stretched thin and exhausted not only because Secretary Rumsfeld contemptuously dismissed the advice of military leaders on the size of the needed force - but also because President Bush's contempt for traditional allies and international opinion left us without a real coalition to share the military and financial burden of the war and the occupation. Our future is dependent upon increasing cooperation and interdependence in a world tied ever more closely together by technologies of communications and travel. The emergence of a truly global civilization has been accompanied by the recognition of truly global challenges that require global responses that, as often as not, can only be led by the United States - and only if the United States restores and maintains its moral authority to lead.

Make no mistake, it is precisely our moral authority that is our greatest source of strength, and it is precisely our moral authority that has been recklessly put at risk by the cheap calculations and mean compromises of conscience wagered with history by this willful president.


Monday, May 24, 2004

20 Minute Ovation for World Hero, Michael Moore

20 Minute Ovation for World Hero, Michael Moore

The festival hung a garland on Moore for his scathing denunciation of the President's dubious democratic credentials, the Bush family connections with the Bin Ladens and the diversionary war on Iraq. It was a spectacular rebuke to Republican and corporate America, a stunning exocet of scorn launched from the epicentre of old Europe.

A widespread cinema release could bring anti-war/anti-Bush opinion to the political tipping point. It might make a real difference to the Presidential election and perhaps even to the future of American and British troops in Iraq. It isn't often that Cannes juries have it in their power to change the course of history.

Carl Bernstein: Bush is another Nixon

Carl Bernstein: Bush is another Nixon

History lesson: GOP must stop Bush
By Carl Bernstein
Thirty years ago, a Republican president, facing impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate, was forced to resign because of unprecedented crimes he and his aides committed against the Constitution and people of the United States. Ultimately, Richard Nixon left office voluntarily because courageous leaders of the Republican Party put principle above party and acted with heroism in defense of the Constitution and rule of law.
"What did the president know and when did he know it?" a Republican senator — Howard Baker of Tennessee — famously asked of Nixon 30 springtimes ago.

Today, confronted by the graphic horrors of Abu Ghraib prison, by ginned-up intelligence to justify war, by 652 American deaths since presidential operatives declared "Mission Accomplished," Republican leaders have yet to suggest that George W. Bush be held responsible for the disaster in Iraq and that perhaps he, not just Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is ill-suited for his job.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Yahoo! News - 5,500 Iraqis Killed, Morgue Records Show

Yahoo! News - 5,500 Iraqis Killed, Morgue Records Show

The Day After Tomorrow - seeing the pictures makes it more real

The Day After Tomorrow

"Everyone knew this was happening...seeing the pictures simply made it all more real and tangible somehow." - Donald Rumsfeld

"From the scientific point of view it is now very likely that there will be again another Ice Age, quite soon, in the world, that we shall have the north part of the world all frozen like it used to be, and we're beginning to have natural disasters, from the scientists' study it seems likely that we should soon begin to have these great changes in the earth's climate so people will not be able to live where they have, and the oceans will rise, and many cities will be flooded, like London, and Calcutta, and so on. These things, they say, will happen, according to scientific theory, in about forty years at the most, but maybe even quicker." - J.G. Bennett

This fragment of a speech by Gurdjieff protege, J.G. Bennett was included on an album by Robert Fripp, "Exposure" back in the '70s. To many of us, this is nothing new...

A Conservative Case for Voting Democratic

A Conservative Case for Voting Democratic
Give either party complete control of government, and the vaults are quickly emptied.
By Doug Bandow

Conservatives, Republicans, Moderates, Independents...they are all bolting from Bush and his failed "presidency". They are not too happy about the administration or Congress either. And I think there may be a rare point of unity with Liberals, Democrats and Progressives on just this need to return Government to those who understand how to best govern. I have a newfound respect for those who are not so hoodwinked that they can see that Bush Inc. has been bad medicine for America, Iraq and the entire world.

But I think also that many are bolting just because they hate to be on the losing side. These people do not have my newfound respect. They are simply remaining opportunistic. Maybe they had best just sit on their hands election time, as we really don't want to go down the opportunism road. We want a return to simple decency, honesty, reward for work, a love for peace and tolerance, a cleaner and more healthy environment. Things we all, rich and poor, share.

I sense a new dawn on the horizon. A better 21st century is on the vision train!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Bush's Fear of Waffles

Bush's Fear of Waffles

The Bushies fear waffles. They talk about them all the time.
Waffling is bad. It's bad to waffle. Kerry is a waffler. Their linguistic inventory is not that advanced.

But why do the Bushies fear waffles and wafflers?

Well, I'm not sure about waffles, but when it comes to wafflers, I have a pretty good hunch: They want people (supporters) to stay the course, for to change one's mind means becoming a dreaded waffler. Who cares that new information shows that the whole Iraq war, for example, was fought unnecessarily?

This binds the hands of those who would otherwise make the necessary upgrades to their knowledge-base...even if it means reversing a decision. Waffling, if you will.

But those who have seen both sides often have the greatest potential for clarity, which is a rare commodity here in BushWorld.

The growing number of websites by traditional allies of Bush shows that they are not afraid of the syntheses their minds may have achieved from having seen both sides, and are now positing solutions to what they now know to be a real and gathering problem...that of a secretive, law-skirting, mammoniacal, arrogant throwback to mere nationalistic 20th century war profiteering and their pre-cosmic ilk, bulls among China, swine before pearls, lording over all, sporting overalls...and we're supposed to turn a blind mind...

Now I done gone and forgot the subject...subconsciously exemplifying the point.


Survey: Who reads blogs? Who writes them?

Survey: Who reads blogs? Who writes them?

Some people, over the years, have gotten the impression that blogs (or weblogs) were created by different people. But a new survey shows that all blogs (or weblogs) issue from a single source, in the basement of a duplex in Patterson, N.J. And yes, the guy is a nerd. Or is it geek?
And he has THE WORST case of Carpel-Tunnel in recent history.

More astonishing information about this man can be found at this link.

Most Influential Blogs (Top 100 blogs)

Most Influential Blogs (Top 100 blogs)

Conservatives for Kerry

Conservatives for Kerry
and other wonders of the world.
Republicans for Kerry
Kerry Republicans
Republicans Against Bush



If anyone out there has my missing copy, I'd appreciate your returning it. Thanks. -Dave