Monday, September 20, 2004

Eugene Armstrong beheaded

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A video posted Monday on a Web site showed the beheading of a man identified as American civil engineer Eugene Armstrong. The militant group led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi claimed responsibility for the slaying and said another hostage - either an American or a Briton - would be killed in 24 hours.
The grisly decapitation was the latest killing in a particularly violent month in Iraq, with more than 300 people dead in insurgent attacks and U.S. military strikes over the past seven days. Earlier Monday, gunmen in Baghdad assassinated two clerics from a powerful Sunni Muslim group that has served as a mediator to release hostages.

Kerry on Letterman, Jon Stewart on Leno

Guess I'll be using the flipper tonight...

Bush and Abel: Ownership Society & The Cainization of America

George W. Bush is MegaCain. He kills many people's brothers. Well...he has others do it for him.
And now he is calling for an "Ownership Society". As Norman O. Brown once pointed out..."Cain means Ownership".

Are you a Cain or an Abel?

You needn't be either.

Bush is a Cain.

Vote for Cain if you must. But know that blood is on your hands.
Lots of it.

The Bible teaches lessons. Whether or not you learn the lessons is up to you.

Here are some thoughts I had on the matter, prior to hearing of Bush's new designs.


None Dare Call it Armageddon
None dare call it crusades, None dare call it Armageddon...
Time for a little peace, love and truth-tellingI just watched a History Channel video on The Crusades, just to gain a little information on that period for a dollar...the rental charge on the video.Turns out Damascus played an important role. I flash forward to the present news of Israel bombing Damascus and shake my head. Will this madness ever cease? Why can't we all just get along? Is God that deranged that he or she would not allow a sort of wise tolerance to enter into the souls of these endlessly warring peoples? I googlesearch the matter and stumble upon a page which bears this quote:The Prophet (pbuh) said: The place of assembly of the Muslims at the time of the Armageddon (al-Malhamah, the great war) will be in al-Ghutah near a city called Damascus, one of the best cities in Sham. (Abu-Dawud)...this makes me feel no better. No better at all. Even a little anxious. Bush's poll numbers are falling, badly, and when that happens...someone has to be kicked. Kicking dogs is illegal. Vicariousness is an intriguing concept, and one wonders if such things do not still go on among world leaders. We don't need no stinking religious war or religious victory. Blessed the peacemakers. All people are created equal. It is the handful who act otherwise. And sadly, it is that handful that currently rule the world.If mothers ruled the world, less children would die.Women...rise. Gaia is calling her daughters to save her from the rapists and child-killers. Sheesh! And to think Google caused all this!Let us make a detour around Armageddon. Let our children live.Winning is not everything. Possession is overrated. Cain means ownership.Peace is disarming.
Posted by:
HyperLincoln / 10/7/2003 10:13:30 PM


Cain Means Ownership
The Onerous Onus of Ownership
"Love's Body is a modern Thus Spake Zarathustra. Professor Brown is affiliating himself to a major line of nineteenth- and twentieth-century prophets, such as Nietzsche, Carlyle, D. H. Lawrence, oddest of all, Emerson. . . . Norman Brown has the same apocalyptic imagery, fire, resurrection, the judgment, the body, and a very similar apocalyptic message."--Martin Green, CommonwealThe other day, I was talking to my bud, Woody, and he informed me that he would have to evacuate his domicile, since he could not come up with the money to pay the taxes on the house. Among his main concerns was this: What to do with all the stuff accumulated over the years. It was almost as if he were enslaved by the things that weighed him down...namely things, nouns. While ruminating on the situation, a line from a book I had read long ago popped into mind. "Cain means ownership."It is from the book, "Love's Body", which was written just before the 60's began to take hold, in 1966 to be exact, by Norman O. Brown. I had read it in the '70s, and certain parts still inhabit portions of my not nearly so protean mind. This was one of them.But then, I found myself seeing how this "Cain means ownership" thing, could also explain many of the troubles currently infecting the globe. Not just Woody...who is an innocent victim of its clutches.Cain, as the story goes, killed his brother, Abel. There are, though, various iterations of what actually happened, and what is to be taken from the story. Laurence Gardner, for instance, talks about Cain's having been spawned from a different confluence of parentage than Abel, and that he had descended from the Annunaki, and was thus superior, by birth, to his entirely earthly half-brother, Abel. Things like that.And if this is to be taken to be the meaning that Norman Brown meant to convey, well then one must surmise that ownership is a right of children of Annunaki. Or maybe that these good folks have an onus to maintain the nouns of the earth. Something like that. But I don't think he was talking about esoteric understanding of the story of Cain and Abel. I think he is talking about the undergraduate view of the story, namely that Cain slew Abel, bla bla bla... And in this view, it seems well to explain how we, as contemporary Westerners treat property. We will kill our brother for it and over it.We at Anonymoses think this is a misprioritization. God's Children should always take precedence over Man's Things.That said, I still don't know what to tell Woody...
Posted by:
HyperLincoln / 7/1/2004 02:47:11 PM

CBS admits errors. When will FOX, NBC, ABC, etc.?

The one network that has the nuts to stand up to power made mistakes, and admits it. The other networks and news orgs are essentially PR tools for power. When will they admit their errors?

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks

or how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event

"This (9/11) was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder." --Stanley Hilton

Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people


Stanley Hilton falls on a hand grenade for America

From William Rivers Pitt, 2002

Truthseeker interview with Mr. Hilton on Sept. 10, 2004

Stanley Hilton Sues Bush Cabal for 9-11 Conspiracy

Mike Ruppert Names Cheney Prime Suspect in 9/11

FBI Conspiracy Cover Up by 9/11 Commission by SIBEL EDMONDS

Dov Zakheim: The Mastermind Behind 9/11? by STEPHEN ST. JOHN

What? And Why? The 9/ 11 Conspiracy Continues... by JOHN KAMINSKI
I've said it over and over. The US government planned, executed, and then covered up the 9/11 caper, covered it up with layers of clumsy lies and false leads, like pseudo hijackers with phony names and heartwrenching cellphone calls that couldn't have possibly been made. As Barb Honegger recently wrote on the Conspiracy Planet website, they covered it up by piggybacking the whole plot on a military exercise that was being conducted that very day, so that the air defenses would hesitate intercepting the hijacked airliners, so that the practice exercise could become real, and the rich oil pigs could get their way playing hog-in-trough with all the coins in the U.S. Treasury."

"9/11 was no attack by Islamic malcontents. It was a deliberately scripted terror event to turn America into a police state and simultaneously make billions of dollars for the richest people in the world, some of whom live in this country, many of whom live in Europe, Arabia and elsewhere. They were the same friends of the Bush family who stole all those treasures from the Iraqi museum."

Tipping Point: Bush Bad for Business Bottom Line

Whilst perusing Daily Kos, I ran across a discussion on how bad things will suddenly become if Bush is "re-elected".

Here is a point I made. Tell me if I am wrong!

Tipping Point: Bush Bad for Business Bottom Line

"It's the world, stupid!"
We are all in concurrence here, I believe. And I also believe this is the biggest issue of all, ultimately.
Business is starting to catch on too. And I think it might well prove to be the tipping point. Businessmen and women are ashamed to say they are American. They call themselves Canadians...perhaps thinking of the future.And when the world hates you...your bottom line suffers, if not your very existence.
This is what should be talked about in the Big Media...because they too are going to suffer by having dwindling world opportunities.


Many a poor man and woman lament the plight of those even less fortunate around the globe. They can hear the cries.

But when Business begins to listen to the World -- even if only for their own self-interest -- major changes may more rapidly occur. Let us hope we can spare the world of more of the same, nay, worse. And may we spare ourselves of the world's wrath at our poor judgement.

Kerry '04: Because World Democracy is Vital

Kerry/Edwards: Spreading Democracy the Right Way

Do we want to spread democracy around the world, as George W. Bush has claimed?
If the answer is YES...the question then becomes:

What is the fastest way to achieve it?

Here's how...

Honor the votes and wishes of the world.

Well, the world has spoken, and the message is overwhelming and clear.

The world wants John Kerry to be the leader of the free world.
NOT George W. Bush.

In all the countries except three very small countries,
John Kerry was who they would vote for.

And these include our strongest allies.

The message is clear.

It was a landslide.

Trust Democracy. Trust the people of the world.

And trust John Kerry and the Democrats to restore America's trust and respect in the world community.

Vote KERRY/EDWARDS this November.

The John Edwards Media Blackout

Liberal Media?
Why, then, are they refusing to show John Edwards?

Saturday, September 18, 2004

anonyMoses predicted Iraq Water War back in May

On one of my "dump blogs" called "NUCULUS" (as yet developed), I predicted there would be a war over water in Iraq.

Well, here it comes...

BUSH: "You're Gonna Get Drafted"

Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest wrote a piece for us to share with our younger citizens. (via Matt Gross)
Distribute widely...

The Draft – A Reason to Vote if You’re Under 30

You already blew it: You didn't vote last time, or voted for Nader or Bush, and now you're gonna get drafted. There's no way around it now, the draft is almost a certainty.

You're hearing about Reserve and National Guard units being called up, and about people not allowed to leave the military even though their term is up. Have you thought about what this means to you? You KNOW this means they're having trouble finding enough soldiers to go to Iraq, right? Of course Bush doesn’t want to start the draft BEFORE the election. Duh! But what do you think happens the day AFTER the election?

I repeat, they are having trouble finding enough soldiers to go to Iraq. Think about it. Right, you're gonna get drafted.

Or, maybe you think they can't do that? Maybe you think the draft doesn't happen in America. Maybe you think they can't just grab your ass up off the street, stick a rifle in your hands and send you off to war? Of course not, that NEVER happens. Right.

WAR. Yes, that word. The word you have been hearing from Bush’s lips for months now. "I'm a WAR president", he says. Well, what did you think war MEANS? Somebody ELSE’S war? Did you think it means you get to watch a TV show with planes and stuff?

No, WAR means young people getting grabbed up off the street and sent off to fight. That. Is. What. War. Is.

And, by the way, women and students are NOT going to be exempt this time. Maybe not even rich kids. ONLY the children of politicians will be exempt. THIS TIME.

So, are you finally ready to do something about it THIS TIME? Which candidate do you think is more likely to grab your ass off the street and send it to Iraq? Which candidate do you think is more likely to start a war with Iran, or Syria, or maybe even North Korea? Like Bush says, we're at war, and that's the issue in this election. Well, THAT’S what you should be thinking about THIS TIME.

So vote. THIS TIME.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Oops Iraqalypse!

Mission Accomplished.
Bush can go home now.

Kerry/Edwards '04

Bush/Cheney & The Nightly News: Too little too late

What do the Bush/Cheney administration have in common with the Nightly News?
In a phrase: "Too little, too late."

After three years of sluggish incompetence, the Bush/Cheney administration is trying to calim any recent uptick as proof of their good works. But it is too little, too late.

The Nightly News, bless their hearts, has 15 or 20 minutes to funnel the world into a news capsule for popular consumption. But invariably it is too little, too late.
And they waste their 15 minutes on Michael Jackson and poorly cloaked pharmaceutical ads deguised as news.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

George W. Bush

Old and Irresponsible

Kerry/Edwards: Code Green

Kerry/Edwards will return America to Code Green,
a place it has never been under Bush.
One might even think he profits from it
being that way.
John Kerry knows that a fear-free society
is a healthy society.
And the health of the citizens
come before the wealth of the few
who would exploit fear
for financial gain.
And John Kerry knows that,
just like under Clinton,
America can live in a green world,
and not a code red, yellow or orange.
There is simply no reason why a farmer in Iowa
should have to live in fear,
when the likelihood for terror
happening in his fields
is actually zero.
Choose hope, not fear.
Choose John Kerry and John Edwards.
They will make America safer
and healthier,
and will get America's financial house in order.
You can help.
Learn how at

[This ad was written by Anonymoses Hyperlincoln, and may be used freely.]

Bush will burn your passport...

...and kill your business.

The World Likes Americans, but dislikes Bush.
If we re-elect Bush, the world will dislike Americans too.

Want to go overseas?
Want to do business overseas?

If your answer is YES...

Vote for John Kerry.
Show the World that we care what they think.

You do not have to burn your passport.
You can travel and do business overseas.

It's easier if you are welcome there.
Bush has sadly made us unwelcome.
And to rehire him would spell universal unwelcome.

Think outside the box.
Travel outside the box.

Vote John Kerry in November.
Give yourself a passport to the world.

We can repair the damage.
It's as simple as a vote.

Vote wisely.
Indeed, vote worldly.
Vote Kerry/Edwards in November.
The future is our friend.
And Peace is better than War.
[This ad was written by Anonymoses Hyperlincoln, and may be used free of charge.]

RNC to change name to RNBC

Republicans Not Colored (RNC) have decided to absorb their media unit (NBC) and call the new entity RNBC. This, they say, will provide "balance" to their Conservative media arm, CNBC.
Back to you, Dan.

Angry Bear asks: "Where's my Recovery?"

It's time to take stock of how the US economy has recovered from the recession of 2001. Unfortunately, the scorecard is not good; the current recovery is the weakest recovery from a recession in recent history.

John Sayles: Infotainment at the RNC

John Sayles is the director of Silver City which opens nationwide September 17. He also directed Matewan and Return of the Secaucus 7.

Here, he takes on the RNC.

Harvard B-School Prof Outs Bush

Harvard Business School

A professor of GW Bush tells how Bush told him of his connected pussilanimosity.

"What I couldn't stand -- and I told him -- he was all for the U.S. to continue with the Vietnam War. That means he was all for other people, Americans, to keep on fighting and dying."

The Curse of the W

CHARLOTTE--During the preview show leading to the game between the Panthers and the Packers, one Charlotte talkinghead repeatedly said" We need a W" "Bring us a W". (He meant "win" but also meant "Bush".


I think he cursed the game by trying to tie a win to a Bush.

Thanksalot! W doesn't mean "win". It clearly means "wrong".

Paul Wolfowitz found to be weird composite of Bush and Alfred E. Bushman

Image Hosted by
Paul Wolfowitz

RAW STORY columnist, Avery Walker, on the Blogosphere

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Iddybud in 3-D

Now, I love oxblog, wonkette, iddybud and American Amnesia as much as the next guy. More, in fact. These people find stories that have otherwise slipped through the cracks and follow them with a tenacity that print journalists sorely lack. But we have to remember that these people have some of the best blogs out there.

Mister Walker makes some good points about how to keep your blog from being moribund and shallow. Although I disagree with his condemnation of stream-of-conscious writing, I find that most of what he says rings true. An enjoyable read for bloggers and those who want to know more about blogs...


Monday, September 13, 2004

Exposing more 9/11 lies: The Things We Breathed

I knew they were lying to us at the time, and now, after time has passed, the truth starts to come out...

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anonyMoses, spaced

On the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the air was not so bad. Nothing like what the folks at the tip of the island had to suffer. But it was bad enough to kill the flowers. It was bad enugh that we had to put wet towels over our air conditioners to keep down the particulates. But it was "perfectly safe" least according to the official reports at the time. Some people actually believed it. I was not one of them.

I knew I was breathing asbestos, burnt human remains, and all manner of horrible substances. And I knew I was just one of millions who were also told to stay put.
Were the truth known, there may well have been a total evacuation. That is, if you weren't leaving by plane. They were grounded.

The fires burned for weeks and weeks, and there was an occasional respite, when the wind shifted directions and blew the smoke, pollution and burnt remains away from the bulk of the island.

I once tried talking a walk through Central Park, a few days after September 11th, but the air was so unsustaining that I had to lie down and fall asleep...which I did for Lord only knows how long.

But look. Rather than trying to make people afraid, let me say instead that most people survived. And some may walk away entirely unscathed.

And surely people in, say, Tulsa or Phoenix or Butte, Montana needn't worry about terrorism, as the likelihood of it reaching them is microscopically thin indeed. And small towns should worry even less.

The best way to beat terrorism is to never fear. Once you fear, they have won.

There should be classes in fearlessness, like happens amongst Buddhists. If no one feared, terrorism would dry up. So again...there is nothing to fear but fear, itself.

I will probably write more about Fearlessness education, as I do think it is a low-cost way to win and even having fearlessness is a virtue in and of itself. Like Patience.

BushMedia Pushes Mushroom Cloud Bullshit

Careful, or I'll hit you with this!

They are simply trying to scare us again, so we will vote for Bush. Don't believe them this time... They are known to lie about such matters.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Business Abandons Bush

The World is too Important for Business, and the World says no to Bush

Business people are beginning to realize that Bush is bad for their future, and are starting to shop around. I think this will become a winning avenue of opportunity for Mister Kerry...


They are "they"

The New Media Elite and why they hate you

The Fearful Cloister

by Anonymoses Hyperlincoln

The fearful cloister at The Fearful Cloister...

Poland, Nigeria and The Philipines favor Bush

Only 3 countries in the world want Bush to win.

It's the World, Stupid - Part 4

Saturday, September 11, 2004

John Edwards: "Walk with me through this day"

John Edwards spoke this morning at the Congressional Black Caucus Prayer Breakfast about the triumph of joy over sorrow on the third anniversary of 9/11.

Good morning. Today, on this day of remembrance and mourning, we have the Lord’s word to get us through. “The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place.”

And let me show you how we are building and putting cedars in those three hallowed places—the footprints of the Towers, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. Walk with me through this day and you will see that this is a season of hope.


The Alan Colmes Story

by Anonymoses Hyperlincoln

Friday, September 10, 2004

"Very September 10th"

Whilst performing "automatic writing" upon a blog comment window today, I stumbled upon a notion that was "very September 10th". It is that anything that happens today can be so adjudged. And as I am writing today, so too may it be so adjudged and ascribed. (There are still scribes, aren't there?)

Baruch! Git in here!

Anyway, here is said utterance, in its entirety:


Bush Explained, Part One

What the Corporate Apologists for Bush are doing is muddying the waters...a thing they are very good at. They are also experts at muddying the air...figuratively and literally. It they could only put their sucking to good causes, they might suck up the pollutions they constantly spew into the world.

As long as there is a DOUBT (about the documents, for example), their lemmings can always say:

"well that's debatable..."

...and carry on with their pussilanimous deference toward this most inept executive. (Or do they all suck?)


anonyMoses Homepage 09.10.04 - 7:21 pm #

Bush Explained, Part Two

It is tantamount to the hundred types of chad...

"Oh! Chad is complicated! Too complicated for ordinary people! There is dimpled chad, pregnant chad, hanging chad, shrimp chad...".

Chaos and Confusion.
What they do.
Enemies of light, truth and clarity.
Pollution itself.

The world knows.

Less than half of one small country finds him at all worthy.
The only stage he needs to be on leaves in an hour.
If we can't do better than Bush...we are screwed.

[Uttered by anonyMoses, and said to be "very September 10th."

anonyMoses Homepage 09.10.04 - 7:24 pm #

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Sabra Callas to perform at Founder's Hall today!

Sabra Callas will be performing at Founder's Hall in Charlotte today, from Noon until 2:00.
Come check out this great local performer!

Monday, September 06, 2004

A Cure for Ye Hiccups

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Ahhh Choo!
Some people say that when they sneeze, they see God, or in some other way, lose their mind. And it has been said that when John sneezed, he became anonyMoses. We think this is an urban myth, even with photographic evidence. We just like being sceptical. Keeps us feeling manly.
AnonyMoses, other than being the person who is typing these words, is also the person who invented the cure for hiccups.
The cure involves no snake oil, no hokus-pokus, no standing on your head while throwing salt over your shoulder. But it does involve one of the few elements that are actually involved in said hiccup. Breathing.
Normally when you breathe, your breath runs along a track. Back and forth. But it needn't be on a back and forth track. In fact it is that moment when the inspiration becomes the expiration, and vice versa, which is part of the problem.
To remedy the problem, here is what you do:
1. Breathe in a slow, steady figure-8.
Simple enough, isn't it?
It usually knocks out the problem immediately, although you may experience one or two hiccups as you're getting the knack. You will find that it helps if you slow your breathing down as it rounds the turn from being an exhalation to and inhalation, and vice versa.
This type of breathing has many other uses, such as prolonging life, increasing awareness, relieving suffering and anxiety, and so on. But for hiccups, there is no better remedy.
And it's free. And prop-free as well. Not even a glass of water.
Please report your results, should you use this handy method by AnonyMoses, free healer.
Thanks, and have a very good tomorrow.

"George W Bush snorted cocaine at Camp David"

And wife Laura liked dope, says book
By Emma Pryer

GEORGE W Bush snorted cocaine at Camp David, a new book claims.
His wife Laura also allegedly tried cannabis in her youth.

Author Kitty Kelley says in her biography The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, that the US President first used coke at university in the mid-1960s.

She quotes his former sister-in-law Sharon Bush who claims: "Bush did coke at Camp David when his father was President, and not just once either."

Other acquaintances allege that as a 26-year-old National Guard, Bush "liked to sneak out back for a joint or into the bathroom for a line of cocaine".

Bush has admitted being an alcoholic but, asked during the 1999 election if he did drugs, he said: "I've told the American people that years ago I made some mistakes.

"I've learned from my mistakes and should I be fortunate enough to become president I will bring dignity and honour to the office."


Former student Torbery George says in the book: "Poor Georgie. He couldn't relate to women unless he was loaded."

Another says: "He went out of his way to act crude. It's amazing someone you held in such low esteem later became president."


What if George had not been treated as a medical case, but instead, as a criminal most people? Would his prison time have prevented him from voting, much less becoming the President of the United States?

He should come clean, and be glad that he was treated so kindly. He should also consider those who are now serving in his absence...just as in Vietnam. And he should lead a fight to begin treating addicts medically, and work toward their becoming a healthy addition to America, rather than a permanent liability.

Karen W

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Are George and Karen really the same person?

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Bush's War on Seniors

Endlessly greedy, Bush Inc. foists it's latest flip-flop on senior citizens, while telling them the opposite. But Seniors are not gonna take. They are smarter than this upstart.

Pat Buchanan: My New Hero?

Hooda Thunkit! The man who had me spitting with his talk of "culture war" at Republican Conventions past, has now risen to the mountaintop. He has finally said what should have been said years ago, but everyone was too chicken to say it...

Create the Winning Kerry Ad...and win a new President!

AnonyMoses is rolling out its new product line in time for Fall...which we hope will be Bush's Fall...

We will be creating the ads that, for some dumb reason, the Kerry folks are overlooking. And we want you to help.

Create the ad that will send Bush packing, and put the infinitely more sane, Kerry and Edwards, in the White House. Do it for your mother. Do it for America. Do it for the world.

One needn't be too clever with the design. Remember, a good ad is supposed to be your best salesman. It is supposed to make the reader act. I once saw a 50 year old ad for Postum in a collection of the world's best ads...and went out and bought some the next day. It was still working for the Postum people...50 years after it ran!

Most ads, which are based on how people generally scan a page, has this structure:





It could be that the illustration is all you need.
Show a picture of Bush having a tryst with Monica...and you've done your job.
Or maybe the caption seals the deal.
If not that...the Headline. Most people never get beyond the headline, so try to have the ad do the work without the need of body copy. But let the body copy flesh out and enhance the work of the more primary elements.

The coupon section at end could be a link to where people can donate to the Kerry campaign.

Good luck & have fun!


MSNBC is using Enron's Frank Luntz, proving they do not learn from their mistakes. DO NOT TRUST THEM!!!!!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Zell Miller: The Face of Conservatism

The Face of Conservatism

What is it with the Millers? The Strange Case of Zell and Dennis Miller.
Republican Party found to be harboring Conservatives...
but the Democratic Party is not without then either.
In fact they have harbored Zell Miller and Gary Condit...
...two strong Conservatives, who are really more Conservative than they are Democrats, and admittedly so.

Zell Miller complains about "his party leaving HIM". Well, what would you expect when the feller acts like an adolescent hothead? What is a gentleman to do? Respect the man for acting like a boor and a madman? This sort of behavior might be fine, even de rigour, for Conservatives, but frankly it is too intolerant, too illiberal, for the mainstream of America, and it is certainly over the top for the gentle and kind Liberal.

But now that I have had time to think about the matter, I am glad that he exposed not only the content, but also the style of today's Conservative. It may well prove to be the very tipping point where people realize Liberal is not such a bad thing, and Conservative is not such a good thing.

After, the real fringe, the real radicals, are on the Right, not the Left. The Left are really only just those with the backbone to stand up to the Right. In every other way, they are the center.

The Left is the defender of the center in more ways than one. The Left defends the common well; air, water, peace... the things we all cherish and, usually, share. The Right, however, is trying to privatize water, in fact they already are, and they have privatized not Peace, but War...and it won't be long before they privatize air. But some things should be geyond mere purchase by the highest bidder. It is this sharing of the common well that has been where politics end. But no longer. And it is time to become a little more traditional in this sense of protecting the well.

And the Center should not resent the Left for fighting to protect it. It is their children and grandchildren who will most benefit, or failing the help, suffer its loss.

It really is a time for a kinder, gentler America. At home AND abroad. Zell Miller ain't it. Pat Buchanan ain't it. Rush Limbaugh ain't it. O'Reilly certainly ain't it. And the Conservatives, of which these are all big stars, ain't it.

Republicans should think twice about harboring these hothead, intolerant, illiberal radicals. The Democrats, you can bet, will. Mean-spiritedness may play well in certain televangelized congregations in holdout haunts in the Deep South, but it cuts against the grain of common decency most everywhere else. The world certainly finds these intolerant cults to be atavistic and counter-productive.

Friday, September 03, 2004

"Most people only read the headline."

More than 85% of your readers will only read the headlines. Since this is true, it only makes sense to make your the headline. Therefore, from now on, I am only going to write headlines.

Here are some of the next ones. Consider it a case of looking into the future. You may also feel free to use them for your own purposes.

- BushWorld: Corporate Fascism at Work
- Moderate Magnet: The Democratic Party - Big Tent for Moderates, Independents and Progressives
- Are Soldiers Not America?: America is NOT safer
- How Bush Stole Your Passport: World Removes Welcome Mat
- Voting to re-hire Bush? Are you really that cruel?

Bush Fatigue: Deflating the Bush Bubble

It doesn't pay to be smart or educated in today's America. It is the gullible and the stupid, who drink the koolaid and pass it around for others to be poisoned, who are pullulating in the cowshit.
But these braindead automatons are easily bored, and soon they will be bored with their lunkhead messiah in the Honkey House.

Judge a country by it's fruit. Our latest offering is the new George Wallace, Zell Miller.
Eat it if you like.

I shant be joining you.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Millions of Floridians miss Bush Speech.

Is this a sign from God?



Bla bla bla...I know nice people.
Lies about Medicare and Medical benefits.
Lies about releasing energy with tax relief.
"Nothing will hold us back" is the tagline so far.
Hyperbole about terror not happening on his watch.
More compassionate conservative bullshit.
Lies about offering clear and steady leadership.
He looks like he is on drugs.
Lies about expanding liberty in an expanding circle.
"We will extend the frontiers of freedom"...meaning look out world, we are coming to take over.

Workers...suck it up.

Threatens to take away social security, etc. Old Europe, as it were.
Licking business' ass.
Reduce regulation.
Make tax relief permanent.
Bla bla bla
Stealing Kerry's idea about empowerment zones.
Bla bla bla
Sticking it to lawyers.
Plagiarized Al Gore line about doctors and patients having say so instead of:
BUSH: Government

"Ownership Society."
[see: Cain means Ownership]

Empty promise to America's schools.

Local people in charge of their schools.

Screw the moderates.

I'm reminded of what David Ogilvy once said:

What else is on...




PBS seems more reliable in coverage.

Bla bla bla...lies about Kerry and coalition.

Get this boring man out of my white house!

Sorry, but this man really sucks.
What was his name?

God damn what a long speech...
Freedom indeed!


Zhoodah : i've never seen such UGLY women in my life

Lord, Here Comes The Flood...'ll be those who gave their island to survive.

Frances marches toward Zell Miller...

Listen to Ed Cone at noon today...

WUNC 91.5fm the state of things:

"News Round-up: Election day is exactly two months away. Much of the attention this week is on the Republican National Convention in NY, but here at home in North Carolina, races for Governor and Senator are heating up. Host Melinda Penkava talks about political issues and the news of the day with Paul O'Connor, columnist for the Winston-Salem Journal; Ed Cone, who writes the weblog and contributes an opinion column to the Greensboro News & Record; and Mike Munger, Chair of the Political Science Department at Duke University. "

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Is Zell Miller Satan?

What a redneck hothead! What a lover of life-killing weapons! What a non-Democrat!
Is he going the inherit the wind now brewing in the ocean? Does Frances have Zell's name on it?

I see no bright future for this angry low-class hothead, this Benedict Arnold.

Deliverance was filmed in Zell country.

Cheney is speaking as I write. So far he has class. Zell was the epitome of the lack thereof.

I, for one, would gladly leave him.



Friday, August 27, 2004


as told to Anonymoses Hyperlincoln III

Once upon a time, there existed a man, and the man was a cone. But not that kind of cone. He was a Cone. And this was, decidedly, a good thing, for tis better to be a surname than to live in Surinam, and both are far better than being a shape...unless, that is, that shape is not unlike that possessed of your humble narrator and guide, Anonymoses the Archon.

At any rate, this good Mister Cone was talking to a good mister David Hoggard, and it occurred in their joint mind, that Buberian I-thouness that transcends time and space, to, maybe, create a happening, yes, and one centered around blogging, and bloggers, as they had suddenly become the stewards into whose hands the fate of the world had been entrusted...strange though it may seem at first.

And sure as eggs is eggs, their vision became reality, and their reality drew crafty and deipnosophical blogsmiths from throughout the land...which of course ends at Virginia, South Carolina and Tennessee. Some carpooled from our beloved capital, Raleigh, wherefrom my own grandparents hailed. Others came from that great center of culture, and home to America's first public university, Chapel Hill. And yet others came from lowly Charlotte, home of NASCAR and ketchup consumption*.

Most, however, came from their beloved Greensboro...named for collard greens, since everyone there ate them with great relish and sound. Well, let me amend that to read, "pretty good relish". I never really understood why it should be cooked with pork parts. Probly goes back to Isaac or sump'm. Hell, ask them! I'm from Charlotte! We got Wendy's!

And speaking of "got Wendy's", I got wind the other day that the mighty Piedmont Bloggers were taking their show on tour, and that they were, in essence, a new model for society, partly based on the knowledge gained at Black Mountain College, but coupled with all that the Internet can bring to bear upon the issues confronting bipeds in Bushworld.

There is even talk of a radio and television network, along with movies, broadway shows, the Beijing Opera, Dai Rakuda Kan, Live from the Roof of the White House, and other marvelous venues, but need we have anything to do with them? No. So why do I bring them up?

Now, you know that if I tell you, I will also have to sell you an automobile. Oh you do! Good!

Well, I will tell you why I bring it up, but not until the fifthteenth chapter, by which time you will have completely lost interest, and the fact that I write it in Hittite makes it all the less likely that you'll find out that, indeed, I have forgotten why I brought this up. Product-placement, maybe. Or maybe the Armagnac. These things are yet to be discovered.

So yes, Piedmont Bloggers. Who were they again, Margie? Oh yeah. Archons of the Blogosphere. Big phucking deal. Bet ya caint say that on ABCNNBCBS!

No, Jethro. I cannot. And I'd rather YOU didn't either. Besides, I haven't told the good folks who have had the karma (I shant make value judgements!) to be reading these words of wisdom, that Collardboro, rather greensboro, (oops! should I capitalize upon the moment?) is the erstwhither home of one William Sydney Porter, if my memory joins me, or better known as the candybar, Oh Henry! ... and where a lot of people spilt blood during the Revolutionary War.

Now some time in between the two, this Porter feller goes and changes his name to "O. Henry" of all thangs, and proceeds to write some of the most clever and beloved stories in America's history. And he was from this great city where the initial meeting of the great Piedmont Bloggers held their meeting of the minds. And just look around at the results!

Heaven on Earth. And you thought it couldn't be done. Not in your lifetime. Not in your lazy, couch-potato, good-for-nothing lifetime. But there it is! And you cannot doubt your eyes. Or your president. Not since the Ashcroft Dictates were handed down.

"Ah! 'The New Dictation!'. Haven't had time to absorb that one, yet, Sahib."

So why bring it up? Again. Chapter 15.

*SUBJECT: Charlotte, N.C. - Ketchup Consumption CALL NO.: CR917 N87 1976-89REEL NO.: 4 VOL. NO.: 13 PAGE(S): 240


And then it happened...

It was a warm Saturday August morning in Greensboro, North Carolina, and the sun was shining. Shiny, happy people gathered in an art museum and began sharing ideas, bagels and coffee.

Greeting each Piedmont Blogger as they entered the Sanctum Sanctorum, was Mister Cone, himself, looking much more awake than I felt, and a good deal younger and more sprightly than in his online portrait. David Duchovny with a beard, maybe. At any rate, he made everyone feel welcome, thus facilitating further introductions and conversations that seemed to not want to it was eventually carried down the street and into a Thai restaurant on the groovy Tate Street...on which the author once lived lo those many years ago, and also where the blog conference was held. Do I hear the Twilight Zone theme?

No. It was actually Pictures of Matchstick Men. Very similar though!

And so it was that the brave Piedmond Bloggers forced their way into the mind of Anonymoses.

Chapter 3

So who were these other characters? You've only mentioned a few names. What are you, stupid?

To answer that question, I have devised a series of self-guided self-observational meditations, based on the poetry of Rumi and Spacius, only translated into Cobol, then back into Tocharian B, then transliterated into math symbols read by Steven Hawking. Well, not really, but I could! Instead, I turned to resident blogger-poet, Billy Jones, who was the master of virtual ceremonies. His skill set includes the ability to expand the size of a blog ten thousand fold. And he does it with his hands. Quite remarkable really, when you consider that in just one day, his productivity was 600,000%. And this is why he is not a lackbeard.

Chapter 4

Legend has it that Matt Gross had come down from blogger heaven to add gravitas, wit and guidance to the celebration, and I, for one, want to corroborate that would-be urban legend. And he was not only there, he was trustworthy, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, brave, and clean.

Matt was the man who is largely responsible for Howard Dean's meteoric rise early on, when no one thought he had a chance in Hell. And now he is helping to shape Erskine Bowles' campaign into a winning campaign. Matt has had a bright past, and is sure to have an even brighter future. I guarantee it.

Also adding gravitas to what was quickformed in weeks, and not in exotic Palo Alto, where BloggerCon III was to transpire at the lovely Stanford campus, or in the ancient halls of Harvard, two places known for attracting blognoscenti and the bloggerati, but rather in a mid-sized city in North Carolina which, although relatively unknown, promises to not always be so --and I smell victory -- was the great legend, Jerry Whatsisname? Just kidding! The one and only Jerry Bledsoe, author of many a 5-star book, and delighter and instructor of Carolinians far and wide, with his journalistic contributions.

And adding not gravitas, but a sort of levitogravitas, or gravitolevity, although properly called jocoseriosity, was the inevitable AND inimitable Bradford von Krantzenstein, or Brad Krantz for Bermuda short. And Mister Krantz was not long before he dropped the proverbial stinkbomb by insinuating that writing is not of worth if it not sold. But Mister Krantz perhaps deliberately left out the fact that a gift when converted into a commodity renders the bearer of the gift susceptible to losing that gift. Or as Schopenhouer warned, "writing for money has spelled the death of literature." But of course, the risible Mister Krantz was being his rascal self, and, his nudging was fuel for the group to rachet it up a notch. So we thank him for doing what he does best...get people to thinking. This is why he is one of the Legends of which I report.

Chapter 5

Two legends that didn't make it, and may not have even known about the Conference, since they didn't get my email in time, are Charlotte talk show host, Mike Collins, and the lovely producer of the show, Wendy Braatz...both of whom I only just met today, the day after the Convention, because they had an Open House at the WFAE studios, which bring such great things to Charlotte as "Charlotte Talks" and NPR. I had the added pleasure of hearing Michael Reno Harrell, who was entertaining the guests, and who graced me with the great ballad, "The Nickle", about a girl from Syracuse who comes South.

Mister Edward Cone might like to know that Mister Collins is not unlike Mister Christopher Lydon, whose respectable work he is already familiar, since he was once a guest on his A-list rolodex watch. No wait. Something like that, or suckmycat, if you are from the deep south.

Anyway, I told Mike and Wendy that I was going to convince them to interview Mister Cone, if he would be so kind, and maybe Misters Gross or Hoggard, should their hands not already be full -- not assuming, mind, that Mister Cone's hands are idle. Of course they are not, so lay off! It's just that he was the host of the most recent conference (unconference), and has the added advantage of having been interviewed before. Not that the others haven't mind. Oh, never mind!

Chapter 6

Among the blognoscenti was the good and young man, Jay Ovittore, who had to bear my calling him Joe, but whose forebearance was a deep well indeed. One of the younger Legends, Joe said to Anonymoses during post-prandial chit-chit that he had no interest in selling his ideas, but rather wanted to give them freely. Will this limit his abilities? I don't think so. And neither did (referring back to a previous conversation) Mister Cone or Ms Sinreich, both of whom actual do sell some of their work, but, because of their magnanimity, are not in fear of losing it.

Such magnanimity should be the coin of the realm, especially in the world of politics...which too often corrupts into just another way for someone to boost their wealth or power. But, as Lin Yu Tang, from his perch created by having been the only Chinese Nobel Prize winner, tells us: People are largely motivated by fear. The desire for wealth is but a fear of poverty. The desire for power is but a fear of impotence. The desire for Fame is but a fear of obscurity. And the desire for "Success" is but a combination of the three other fears...and a fear of failure therewith.

But Piedmont Blogger-politicians are not like this. They are fearless bodhisattvas guided by love and caring. Among the fearless bodhisattvas were Sally Greene, Jeff Thigpen, Mike Barber, Kirk Perkins, and Don Vaughan. But, as Gerry Goulder of Guilford GOP News, who is also a mighty Piedmont Blogger, points out:

Republicans are losing on the Internet. I attended the Piedmont Bloggers Conference this weekend. I may have been the only Republican political blogger present. Many local Democrat politicians were present, and they introduced me to a plethora of Democrat blogger web sites...Blogs increase participation, build a community, extend beyond campaign season, and build a strong bond between office holders/candidates and the voting public.

To fix the problem, all that need be done is to shut down blogs and the internet. Either that, or open it up to all people, and encourage and facilitate its use. At least that's what my plumber tells me. And he has a master's degree. In Science.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Remind America that Jesus taught us to be peacemakers, advocates for the poor, and defenders of justice.

God is not a Republican.

"Sign our petition and send a message to America that God is not a Republican, or a Democrat and that the Religious Right does not speak for you. Remind America that Jesus taught us to be peacemakers, advocates for the poor, and defenders of justice."

Monday, August 23, 2004

Swillbowl Bedouins "For Truth"

I ran across an interesting word today: "Swillbowl". It means "a drunk".
And I submit many of these Swiftboat veterans have devolved into Swillbowl Bedouins.
Drunk on money and their newfound power and fame, but wandering through a desert of uncouth untruth.

I say: Hold them to their mission. If they are truly "for Truth"...load them down with it.
Make sure they get the real truth, and make sure they correct their own untruth, in their fervent "search for truth".

Or are they really just more lying liars?

John Edwards Joins Black Sabbath

Senator John Edwards attends a black congregation in risible Charlotte, North Carolina.

New Home for Stage Left

Stage Left has moved.
HERE is their new and improved site.

"The GOP Hits New York" by Madeleine Begun Kane

The GOP Hits New York
(Sing to "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again")
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The GOP bash will soon be here.
Oh, no! Oh, no!
Won't give 'em a hearty welcome cheer.
Oh, no! Oh, no!
They'll swarm our bars and they'll crowd our streets.
They'll praise and laud their nominees.
And we won't feel gay when The GOP hits New York.



You've heard the word. You've even said it. But what does it mean?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: adj. Atoning for extreme and delicate beauty while highly educable.

expiali=to atone for

(from Mrs Byrne's Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words)


Christ Rose: "Liberty Bound"
Kerry, Bush and BCCI

Saturday, August 21, 2004

The Word Spy - The Top 100

The Word Spy - The Top 100

Onions & Opinions: The Humor of Tom Burka

First there was The Onion, then there was Birdfinger, then was wasn't Birdfinger. Now there is Opinions You Should Have...the risible blog of record by Tom Burka.

Find yourself shy of opinions? Tom Burka has them for you. Go now.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Bush's Dubious Connections to Swiftboat Liars

Here is how they are connected.

Deserter: George Bush's War on Military Families, Veterans and His Past

A BuzzFlash Premium

John Kerry comes to Charlotte

Charlotte welcomes Mr. Kerry

Here's how it all came to pass...

Yesterday I heard that tickets to the event could be got by going to so-and-so URL. I signed up, only to get a response that one needed to call instead. When I did that, all I got was a busy signal.

A few hours later, I heard it was sold out. So instead, I did other mundane things, had some conversations, composed some hypermusic, and went to sleep in what is called "a bed". Before long, my soul had detached from its mortal coil, and I was free to dream.

In short order, the alarm rang, which is a rare occurence around this decidedly leisure-infested domicile, and I eventually dragged myself from the ether, poured myself back into my body, and raised myself to an upright position. As usual, I turned on the computer and NPR.

Before long, Darryl called and told me that the Kerry speech was being covered by WBT Radio. Darryl is a very bright gentleman who wants to change the world by changing the way the world does energy. I am hoping he heard the speech, as Mister Kerry talked about doing the same kind of thing, and would probably be more useful in helping him launch his vision.

Before long, I had cafiennated myself to the point where I could, if desired, go out into the universe beyond my door. So boldly, I did. But to little avail, except for parking quite a few blocks away from the venue to which I wanted to attend...namely proximitous rallies and such.

Only one was to make itself known, and it was at a corner of Memorial Stadium, adjacent to Central Piedmont Community College, or UCLA.

There, I saw people holding various, even competing, signs. And I heard some ladies cacking about Kerry's war record, I could not prevent myself from walking up and asking those nearby: "Could you tell me where the White Deserters for Bush Contingent is located?"

A few Dems pointed at the Bushford Wives.

A very nice young man, who looked remarkably like Josh Groban, and I talked about a variety of topics, and he told me of his band, The Alleys (see below), and there was general merriment among all those on our small corner of the globe. Of the 15 odd folks that appeared there, one was a woman carrying a Kerry sign, and several firemen carrying Bush signs. "Hey you were the guys who put the fire out at my house!", the woman said, as she recognized the firemen.

"When it comes to work, politics doesn't matter", one of the firemen said, exemplifying what is best about government work.

There was even a woman breast-feeding her child, but I'll not talk about that.

Before too long, a parade of cops on motorcycles began pouring from around the stadium and past where we sat and stood, followed by black SUVs and Press buses. From one of the SUVs, John Kerry waved his fond farewell, and we bid adieu and disbanded.

Not a bad morning. Not a bad morning at all.

The Alleys

The Alleys

I had the pleasure of meeting Dustin from the band, The Alleys, at the Kerry speech here in Charlotte. Look forward to seeing and hearing his band soon. In related news, we will be launching a local music blog soon, with hopes that blogger/musicians will support each other, attend each other's shows, etc...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Anonymoses predicts: Purple states turn blue

The Blueing of America

Here are the purple (swing) states that will put their hopes on Kerry and Edwards and turn a pretty blue:

North Carolina
New Hampshire
West Virginia
New Mexico

That's all of them? So it is!

Zell Miller: The Company He Keeps

Poor Zell Miller. Poor Republican Party. When it comes to the company you keep, from Ken Lay to Lester leave a lot to be desired.

I didn't even know, for example, the Zell Miller used to work for white supremacist, Lester Maddox, and yet I see on Iddybud that indeed he did. Well, as Molly Ivins once said, the main reason to be a Democrat in the Race. The walls still divide, but the Democrats are the bridge.

And Zell Miller is no bridge. He burns bridges. Glad to see he has finally discovered who he really is. Good luck in Whiteville! But remember the wise words of Dr. Richard Schultes...

"Monoculture breeds disease."

I think you've got it. Enjoy your quarantine.

Gulf of Tonkin, Iran Style

Those goofy right wingers! The only way they're gonna save their ass is to create the conditions for a war with Iran. World we come!

Too bad that we're already stretched too thin. Maybe it is time for the fellows in suits to armor up, and hit the battlefield...

Roll out The New Product! Just in time for autumn...and the elections.

Is this not Satanic? Is this not insanity?

Vote these assholes out before they destroy the world.

Lester Maddox to give Keynote Speech at GOP Convention

Dixiecrat Zell Miller embodies the spirit of his predecessor, Lester Maddox

The man who couldn't make it as a Democrat, Zell Miller, is not trying to make it as a Republican...and what better time The Republicans are as bad as they have ever been. He will be in good, white, even racist, company.

Thank God Jesse Helms retired. Now Georgia can be the laughingstock.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Piedmont Bloggers Conference: List of Attendees

Ed Cone is compiling a useful page on the upcoming conference in Greensboro, North Carolina. Included is a list of attendees.

Martin Raskovsky: Genius Search Winner

Several years ago, I had a website called "Genius Search", which was dedicated to seeking out bright lights around the cybersphere, and rewarding them for their excellence. One of them was Dr. Martin Raskovsky, who was, and is, doing wondrous things with words and art. Here is one of his sites.

Flemming Funch

Flemming Funch, founder of New Civilization Network

Flemming Funch was doing some great work back in the mid-90s, with New Civilization Network and other formidable websites. Through Doc Searls, I see that he is still as protean as ever.

His articles on Microcontent are of particular interest...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Ever the Gentleman, Sen. John Warner defends John Kerry

In previous catechisms, I have extolled the virtues of Senator John Warner, and once again, he shows of what higher stuff he is made...

WASHINGTON - The Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said yesterday that John Kerry "deserved" his combat medals for heroism in Vietnam, which some vets have disputed.
Sen. John Warner, an ex-Navy secretary under President Richard Nixon, particularly defended the process by which Kerry won his highest honor, the Silver Star.
"I'd stand by the process that awarded that medal, and I think we best acknowledge that his heroism did gain that recognition," Warner (R-Va.) told CNN's "Late Edition."
Kerry was awarded a Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Hearts as a Navy Swift boat commander in the Mekong Delta in February and March 1969.
"We did extraordinary, careful checking on that type of medal [the Silver Star], a very high one, when it goes through the secretary," Warner said. "I feel that he deserved it."


Piedmont Bloggers Conference: Greensboro, NC

Piedmont Bloggers Conference
: Discussion of weblogs and politics, weblogs and media, weblogs and...
When: Saturday, August 28, 2004, 9 AM
Where: 620 South Elm Street, Greensboro, NC
Who: Candidates, bloggers, media, readers...moderators include Matt Gross, Ruby Sinreich,
David Hoggard, and Ed Cone
How much: Free

Dick Cheney: He'll be tough with somebody else's blood

"When I hear this coming from Dick Cheney, who was a coward, who would not serve during the Vietnam War, it makes my blood boil," Harkin said. "Those of us who served and those of us who went in the military don't like it when someone like a Dick Cheney comes out and he wants to be tough. Yeah, he'll be tough. He'll be tough with somebody else's blood, somebody else's kids. But not when it was his turn to go." - Senator Tom Harkin, former Navy jet pilot

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debate Schedule

Let the games begin!

Fourcast's Megan Beckwith

Kerry vs Bush

Sept. 30 at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Fla
with moderator Jim Lehrer

Oct. 8 at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo
with moderator Charlie Gibson

Oct. 13 at Arizona State University in Tempe, Ariz
with moderator Bob Schieffer

Edwards vs Cheney

Oct. 5 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland
with moderator Gwen Ifill

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Audrey Hepburn: Fair & Balanced (Really!)

The Fairest Lady

Google...don't be evil!

Don't go evil on us, Google!

When Google's founders developed a new approach to navigating the Internet in their Stanford University dorm room, they coined a company catch phrase: "Don't be evil." The saying was meant to be an insider's dig at Microsoft, the corporate giant that they felt had abandoned the principles of "creativity and challenge" on which Google is based. In its rapid growth and drive for profits, Google seems to be in danger of forgetting its own mission, to "make the world's information universally accessible and useful." The consumers who turned "google" into a synonym for search should remind Google that the Internet was meant to be about access to more information, more perspectives and more speech. As one of the most dominant forces on the Internet today, Google has the power to make sure it stays that way.

Live Cam: Atop Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

Cape Hatteras, North Carolina

Friday, August 13, 2004

Flee Charlie, or hunker ye down!

Aug 13, 3:39 PM (ET)

PUNTA GORDA, Fla. (AP) - Hurricane Charley unexpectedly grew into a dangerous Category 4 storm Friday as it stored toward the coast of populous west-central Florida with 145 mph wind and a surge of water up to 20 feet high.


DaVinci Code: "Olive-green eyes"

From THE DAVINCI CODE by Dan Brown...

"Langdon took her soft palm in his and felt himself momentarily fixed in her stronggaze. Her eyes were olive-green, incisive and clear."

"Sophie's olive gaze was keen."

"The docent recoiled, a look of bewilderment in his olive-green eyes." Dan Brown saying that the desposyni, or descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, have olive-green eyes? Just asking?


Dan Brown implies that the Plantard and St.Clair family are the only descendants of the Merovingians. But later in the book, he says they are the most prominent. Which is it?
And...the Merovingians were not the only descendants of Jesus et Maria. They are the descendants of Merovech. But between Merovech and Jesus, there were others who also had prolific offspring...Pharamond's son, Fredemundus, comes to mind, as he was quite fertile.

[Talk amongst yourselves]

More Endowed on Ream Show

The Maureen Dowd

More Endowed

You don't want to be in this hurricane

Hurricane CHARLEY approaches Florida coast.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Getting to know Drudge

So...who is this Drudge upon whom the world has bestoyed her fate?
Turns out he is just a regular, slow-to-mature, bumpkin with agoraphobic tendencies, who works from his home, and has a soft spot for fetuses.

Some of his thoughts from an interview with some Ayn Rand wannabe...

DRUDGE: What I represent, if I see it correctly, is an independent voice who's willing to take on presidents and networks, and reveal ratings they don't want you to see.
DRUDGE: Well, in any case, I think it's my job to be critical of whoever is in power....So to hide behind the World Trade Center to start going into our hard drives is a complete folly, and the Bush administration will pay the price with votes.
DRUDGE: I was actually very on the fence on the war. It put me in a difficult position. If you've noticed, I thought I did a pretty clever job of at least sharing with readers what the U.K. Mirror, the Independent, all these antiwar outlets were doing. Probably it was perceived as just mischief-making, but it reflected my own lack of clarity about the war issue. I don't have to be clear, though. I'm not a politician.
PAGLIA: You're antiestablishment down the line, except when it comes to your politics. Do you really consider yourself a conservative?

DRUDGE: Oh, yeah. I'm a prolife conservative who doesn't want the government to tax me. There are issues that I'm so frightened of—1.2 million abortions a year scares the hell out of me. Oftentimes when I see these superstorms forming, you know, sometimes—I wouldn't be honest if I didn't think it was retribution. I also am opposed to big government. Now, you would argue: Well, how could you support a government interfering with the rights of a woman over her own body? But I would argue: No. That all life is sacred. Abortion is the issue that really motivates me.
DRUDGE: In any case I no longer do the Clinton beat. Or cover any politicians who are out of office.
DRUDGE: You could probably call me a –new-age Jew. I'm really into meditation. I have been meditating since I was five years old. I love reading Jesus. I am open to a lot of different things. Again, it's a formula for my personal self that I've come up with. I don't go to shul, I don't go to church every Sunday. But the older I get, the closer I feel to a creator.

How did it all begin?
Matt Drudge was born in Washington and, in his own words, "didn't go to the right schools, never enjoyed any school, as a matter of fact, didn't come from a well-known family". "Burning I may have been," he recalls, "but I was sophisticated enough to know I would never be granted any access, obtain any credentials ... or work with 'Newsweek' magazine.
There wasn't a likelihood for upward mobility in my swing-shift position at 711 (a street corner grocery chain)." So, he followed that classic piece of advice: he moved West, out to Hollywood where he found a job at CBS - not in the news division but the gift shop - where he wrapped T-shirts and souvenir coffee mugs. His father, overcoming his fear of flying, came over, failed to persuade him to return and went back but not without first buying him a home computer. "Oh, yeah, and what am I going to do with that?" the son asked.
Famous words because that PC marked the birth of 'The Drudge Report'. He started playing with the thing and liked it. He also kept his ear open at the CBS gift shop for any gossip or tidbits. He also collected a few e-mail addresses of interest. Someone suggested that he start a mailing list, so he set one up calling it 'The Drudge Report'. He also began to post interesting messages and news on his site. In his words, "One reader turned into five, then turned into 100. And faster than you could say, 'I never had sex with that woman.' it was 1,000 - 5,000, 100,000 people. The ensuing website practically launched itself."
So what happened? Matt explains. "Well, clearly, there is a hunger for unedited information, absent corporate considerations. As the first guy who made a name for himself on the Internet, I've been invited to more and more high-toned gatherings ... and I mention this not to blow my own horn, but to make a point. Exalted minds ... didn't appear to have a clue what this Internet is going to do; what we are going to make of it, what this is all going to turn into ... We have entered an era vibrating with the din of small voices. Every citizen can be a reporter, can take on the powers that be. The difference between the Internet, television and radio, magazines, newspapers is the two-way communication. The Net gives as much voice to a 31-year old computer geek like me (this was in 1998) as to a CEO or Speaker of the House. We've all become equal. And you would be amazed what the ordinary guy knows."
Matt Drudge lives in a rented $600 a month apartment in Hollywood with a computer, a six-toed cat and he consistently breaks big stories for which he is indebted to what he calls his "network of ordinary guys".

IRAQ: "the uprising is just beginning"

A first-hand account by the only Western reporter in Najaf as major fighting broke out this week.
"the heaviest fighting since the fall of Saddam Hussein"

Bush-induced Suicide?

U.S. Soldier Dies in Non-Combat Related Incident, Military Says - from

Why are so many of our soldiers committing suicide? This is not good. What are they trying to tell us, signalling from the flames?

If guaranteed a job back home, our soldiers would race toward home, like a bird who flies, yes, but always toward home.

Had we just waited or the UN inspectors to do their work, these soldiers would never have been put into such dire straits that suicide would be a typical thought.

For them is on the way. Hang in there, buddy!