Friday, June 17, 2005

Juan Cole on the Rise of the Blog Estate

Informed Comment

The gatekeepers at the New York Times and the Washington Post can no longer decide whether a leak is a story or a non-story. The public decides what a story is.

Imagine News without bloggers or the internets. Lordy, Lordy! Talk about a koolade moustache spanning the collective mug of Man (only used for alliteration) -- what an unhealthful, retrogressive pack of cheesefood that would be! Individually wrapped in sanitary keep truth out...just the type of bogus nourishment needed to keep them gathering at the trough.
Content with any happy noninvasive fiction.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Exuberance Found Hidden in Bunker

"The originators, the exuberant men, are extinct and in their place subsists and modestly flourishes a generation notable for elegance and variety of contrivance." - Evelyn Waugh

"So how can you laugh when your own mother's hungry, and how can you smile when
the reasons for smiling are wrong?"
- Jethro Tull

"Aw shucks!" - Jethro Borodin

Carolina Blog Consultants

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Carolina Blog Consultants

If you are a seasoned blogger and would like to be considered for inclusion within the consultancy, please drop us a line and/or a link to some of your best blogs...

Why a blog consultancy?

You may or may not know it yet, but there is a revolution afoot in the world, and it is being fueled by blogs. Not only are more and more individuals waking up to find that they are a blogger, but so are companies, newspapers, radio and TV stations, organizations, schools, local government agencies, CEOs, and yes...barber shops.

Only the quick of head get the best names

There are a host of reasons for these dynamic societal and technological advances, which you will find out, as well as a host of reasons why you should realize that blogs are today what websites were in 1994 or 5...which is to say that they are something that nearly all people and businesses will have, but only the quick of head get there first, and thus snatch up the best names.

In 1994 or 5, one was able to secure a name like "" or "", while slower competitors, years later, would wind up with names like ""... or worse..."", where you would have to through the extra work of also saying "get is spelled with an 'i' and the last two words are fused. It is also a dotnet, not a dotcom."

The same is true, today, for blogs. Want a good name? You better jump in, right now, and get it, because the good names are not going to be there forever. In fact, they are not going to be there very long at all. Millions of names have already been scooped up. But...if you think you will be satisfied with "Dawgheadpundit37xpf" or "Thelastonetoknowbloggg", go ahead and wait around for the next wake-up call.

Everyone needs help

Last night, I was visiting a particularly gifted digital artist. Over the years, he has been able to create thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of wondrous works of art.

He was telling me about a graphic trick, a shortcut, he had only recently learned...which takes about two seconds to do. Prior to learning this trick, he was doing that same thing longhand, if you will. In other words, instead of two seconds, it might take several minutes. At times, fifteen or more. In a few cases, it would take nearly an hour.

Doing the math, I realized that had he learned this "trick" or shortcut years before, he would have save thousands of hours.

Everyone needs help. No one knows how to do it all. But some people have enough experience that they can prevent you from wasting thousands of hours.

This is one reason why we are creating a blog consultancy. We have the experience to save you thousands of hours, and show you how best to create and maintain your blog at the highest level possible.

As seen on CNN...Iddybud!

My first blog student, Jude, makes it onto CNN's "Inside the Blogs". Congratulations to the student that has far exceeded her "teacher".

Kurtz on the Pussilanimous Mainstream Media (MSM)

Backlash on the Left

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Reading The Burgess 99

Anthony Burgess

About the Burgess 99
In 1984, Anthony Burgess put together a list of the ninety-nine best English language novels of the previous forty-five years.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Harvard Commencement 2005

354th Harvard Commencement
Thursday, June 9, 2005

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Dr. Emilio Lizardo to speak
to the monkeyboys and girls

Live video stream of Commencement events to begin at 9:00 am, Thursday, June 9. (Link will be made live prior to broadcast.)

Portrait of a Blogfather as a Young Man

Young Ed Cone

Funniest lifeform ever,
Mr. Sun, presents his latest offering: Nerd Up. The chronico-strange tale of the blogfather as a channelfount to current forces. In this case, Mr. Sun.

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Ed Cone with extra hair migrated to chin

The King of Cambodia's blog

Welcome to my Web site

(thanks to Jack for alerting me to this, apparently on NPR)

ConvergeSouth: Bigger Than The Beetles!

Carolina Art Blog

Yes, you heard right! Bigger Than The Beetles has agreed to perform at ConvergeSouth 2005, and the Carolina Art world will never be the same. Granted, it would have never been the same anyway. But let that not diminish the sheer grooviness (to be perhaps overly clinical) of this good fortune, rather let the flow of good tiding keep you in good stead, knowing that, alas, you do have a bright future, at least until the conclave of bloggerly souls rolls in its final carpet, and the future is tossed to the next good steward for our better angel's good keeping.

For more from and about Bigger, you may look here and here and here.

Bigger Than The Beetles, Jamzoo, Jimy Jamz, Naked Karma, and JaWW are all pseudonyms of Woody Williams, the world's most unusual man, and musician, composer, artist, poet, entertainer and alien. His music was #1 on MP3 for North Carolina for months and months, if not years, and he was in the top 100 nationally. I have personally enjoyed his astonishing talents for nearly 30 years. His musical styles range from folk to country to techno to trance to experimental electronic to vocal tone poems and lands safely in polka, where many people have the squitters and do not even realize it, or, sadly, care. A one-of-a-kind musical genius, he also does all his own art, which, as you will see, is also of high originality.

Woody hopes to be able to contribute music and art to the ConvergeSouth celebration, and urges other artists to donate their time and good name for this excellent educational event.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Whistle Blower deified and given One Billion Dollars

Pandemic of Whistle Blowing grows as Payouts Top One Trillion Dollars

Well, maybe that's not the message we want to send...

Another Book Meme!

Last Book I Bought:
The Bible

Last Book I Read:
The Bible

Five Books That Mean A Lot To Me:
The Bible.
A Bible.
An Bible.
This Bible.
Kiss My Left Behind.

Now which bloggers to tag? Hmm... John Edwards? Howard Rheingold? Arianna Huffington? Prince Albert Gore Vidal Sassoon? Osama ben Franklin Roosevelt Greer Garson Kanin Abel? George Michael Jackson Browne? You be the judge.

OK. OK. I'll try harder next time.

Guess Who's Coming to ConvergeSouth 2005?

ConvergeSouth 2005

Guess who's coming to ConvergeSouth?

Amanda Congdon - Rocketboom
Michael Bowen - Cobb
Dave Winer - Scripting News
Ed Cone -
Jimmy Wales - Wikipedia
Tiffany Brown - BlackFeminism.Org
Billy (the Blogging Poet) Jones -
Ben Hwang -
Jay Ovittore -
So far!!!

It is even rumored that anonyMoses...naaa...impossible...well maybe?! Could it be? The excitement builds. What pipes and timbrels! What wild ecstasy!

Vote for me and I'll set you free...

The Art of Business Blog Writing

Rap on, brother, rap on...

Sunday, June 05, 2005 - Tarheel Tavern Open For Business

Supper's Ready

Walk, no, run to your nearest Tarheel Tavern, where jocularity meets ribaldry, and they bowl a few matches, inwardly, then cacophonize with the pitchbend, only to realize they are none the wiser for their serendipitude. That said, a monkeyboy WILL wax territorial when foisted upon the plank of their own phyrric defeat, wobbly from the fount, cornheaded and lipless, moonglade blindness, the death of Baba Ghanooj. All within the outfangthief of our Taverner, John, his whale, his Hovhanessian, Khachaturianistic Rubiyat, opened to page one, candle blown, flashes of lightning.

Enter the tavern.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Aliens Ate My Blogosphere

(for Billy Jones)

The Blogosphere prior to being eaten

I am really pissed at those aliens. I was just sitting there, crying in my grits, Jean Valjean yawping "Bring him Home" over the telly, hot tears streaming from my face, when the phone call arrives. "The blogosphere is gone", a little voice over the wires came leaping. Now honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns, and so when the news came of this strange disappearance, mon semblable, mon frère -- clanging, clanging upon my heart as upon an anvil -- short was the time for me to act on my disbelief and dare to disturb the universe.

"Open Sesame!", I shout to the refrigerator door then clap twice loudly. The door springs open revealing a dozen cans of Pabst, a half-eaten can of Veenerweeners, and...Pandora's Box...only to brook yet another rivulet of confusion, where mind and matter glide swift into the vortex of immensity. Howls the sublime, and softly sleeps the calm Ideal, in the whispering chambers of Imagination.

"All is dross that is not the blogosphere.", I thought to myself as I popped the can and performed gravitational experiments upon the ablutive. "What wild ecstasy must be drunkening the minds of those mimsy borogoves. What headmusick drives these misdaisies? "

- "Anon they move in perfect phalanx to the Dorian mode of flutes and soft recorders."

"Well I would not have guessed that!" I said to my doppelgangstress. "I would've thought Phrygian, or even Locrian, considering the gravity of the matter. And maybe sackbuts and melotrons."

And so the search for the blogosphere went on in this soft morning city and in Edwardian Blogsboro. Until a blip, and the TV returns, lighting up the hungry eyes, redrawing the koolaid moustaches on all her little children.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Downing Street: How many new dead? How many new killers?

Big Brass Alliance

A friend and I were talking tonight about the Downing Street memo and its implications, and was lamenting the future needless dead. I lamented the future needless killers.

If America attacked Iraq, not out of self-defense, but just because that was Bush's notion and desire...does that mean our soldiers are simply killing people for another man's notion? Will the psychological effects on the surviving soldiers equal that of those suffered by the friends and families of those who do not survive?

What good can come out of a project that is little more than a killer-maker machine? And what can be said of the inventors of this machine?

Our soldiers can be forgiven, as they were sold a bill of goods, and told that things were other than they really are. But what of those who have created so much Hell in the world?

How can we carry on, when the survivors are just as broken as the dead?

It is not polite to make others do your dirty work. It is not a gentlemenly thing to do. When will gentlemen separate themselves of such people? When will the real peacemakers be allowed to mend the wounds and begin weaving a little Heaven back into the fabric of life in the world?