Zogby International
President Bush’s televised address to the nation produced no noticeable bounce in his approval numbers, with his job approval rating slipping a point from a week ago, to 43%, in the latest Zogby International poll. And, in a sign of continuing polarization, more than two-in-five voters (42%) say they would favor impeachment proceedings if it is found the President misled the nation about his reasons for going to war with Iraq.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
IT WAS ROVE! So the genius WAS evil!
Looks like Karl Rove will be going to the Nucular Chair for his bad behavior...
MSNBC Analyst, Says Cooper Documents Reveal Karl Rove as Source in Plame Case
Here is the transcript of O'Donnell's remarks:
"What we're going to go to now in the next stage, when Matt Cooper's e-mails, within Time Magazine, are handed over to the grand jury, the ultimate revelation, probably within the week of who his source is.
"And I know I'm going to get pulled into the grand jury for saying this but the source of...for Matt Cooper was Karl Rove, and that will be revealed in this document dump that Time magazine's going to do with the grand jury."
MSNBC Analyst, Says Cooper Documents Reveal Karl Rove as Source in Plame Case
Here is the transcript of O'Donnell's remarks:
"What we're going to go to now in the next stage, when Matt Cooper's e-mails, within Time Magazine, are handed over to the grand jury, the ultimate revelation, probably within the week of who his source is.
"And I know I'm going to get pulled into the grand jury for saying this but the source of...for Matt Cooper was Karl Rove, and that will be revealed in this document dump that Time magazine's going to do with the grand jury."
Friday, July 01, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
What is blogging?
"Is blogging self-expression, personal publishing, a diary, amateur journalism, the biggest disruptive technology since e-mail, an online community, alternative media, curriculum for students, a customer relations strategy, knowledge management, navel-gazing, a solution to boredom, a dream job, a style of writing, e-mail to everyone, a fad, the answer to illiteracy, an online persona, social networking, resume fodder, phonecam pictures, or something to hide from your mother? It's all of these and more."
"A blog is a collection of digital content that, when examined over a period of time, exposes the intellectual soul of its author and authors. Blogging is the act of creating, composing, and publishing this content; and a blogger is the person behind the curtain. Part social software and part web building, blogging is peer-to-peer publishing -- the future of our connected lives."
-Biz Stone, "Who Let the Blogs Out?"
Memorize this, so that the next time someone asks you what blogging is, you can just say self-expression, personal publishing, a diary, amateur journalism, the biggest disruptive technology since e-mail, an online community, alternative media, curriculum for students, a customer relations strategy, knowledge management, navel-gazing, a solution to boredom, a dream job, a style of writing, e-mail to everyone, a fad, the answer to illiteracy, an online persona, social networking, resume fodder, phonecam pictures... a collection of digital content that, when examined over a period of time, exposes the intellectual soul of its author and authors...the act of creating, composing, and publishing this content; peer-to-peer publishing -- the future of our connected lives. And they will hand over the money. Both dimes.
But seriously, people memorize schpiels (how is that schpelt again?), perorations, litanae, librettae, rap lyrics, and grace all the time. They might even know that "No place like yours to study history wisely" is a mnemonic for the succession of English kings, from Norman, Plantagenet, Lancaster, York, Tudor, Stuart, Hanover, to Windsor. Or maybe they have memorized The Tale of Genji, Finnegans Wake or Proust. Perhaps they have even taken the time to learn how to underarm-fart Blue Rondo a la Turk. This would not surprise me. Were it real...now that would surprise me. Although I woundn't stick around to hear the 4/4 transition. Not unless it were my own. Sorry. I did hesitate. And was, of course, joking.
Al Franken wins rare radio award for his breakthrough work
MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | The truth about lies
"I really do see the serious corrupting effect Fox, talk radio and many commentators on the right have on America. A lot of people in the mainstream media think it's beneath them to debunk it. And it's not. These people need to be subjected to scorn and ridicule. Someone has got to be willing to get down in the weeds and fight them.'"
"Rush is a talented radio guy. It's just that he has no fidelity to the truth at all."
When Franken began accusing Bush of lying, it was, he recalls, "a big deal". But that's changed. "Now people are much more willing to say the government was lying, for instance, over the war."
"I really do see the serious corrupting effect Fox, talk radio and many commentators on the right have on America. A lot of people in the mainstream media think it's beneath them to debunk it. And it's not. These people need to be subjected to scorn and ridicule. Someone has got to be willing to get down in the weeds and fight them.'"
"Rush is a talented radio guy. It's just that he has no fidelity to the truth at all."
When Franken began accusing Bush of lying, it was, he recalls, "a big deal". But that's changed. "Now people are much more willing to say the government was lying, for instance, over the war."
Charlotte's Billy Graham is the exemplar
Forget all those fakes. Billy is the real deal, and he apparently showed it in New York. And it wasn't George W. Bush Inc. who was by his side. It was a loving couple, one of whom is an ex-President, and the other, perhaps, a future President.
Oh. That's right. She is hated! And I suppose we Americans have to kowtow to haters now? Methinks the reign of hate of running out of gas. (See below.)
Oh. That's right. She is hated! And I suppose we Americans have to kowtow to haters now? Methinks the reign of hate of running out of gas. (See below.)
Elect a Republican and see what you get
Think twice before you vote. You may be contributing to this...
(Don't worry. There are no sex pictures.)
(Don't worry. There are no sex pictures.)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Rumsfeld says: "There is no question but that"
from Anonymoses Archives - March 23, 2003
Rumspeak made its way onto FOX, NBC and ABC today, which made me think of a post I did a couple of years ago on the matter. When he says "there is no question but that..." does he mean "There is no question that" or "There is no question except that"? Cleverly ambiguous. Whenever he says it, I assume he is not being forthright.
What's with all the "but that"s?
"There's no question but that Germany is an important contributor in the global war on terrorism. "
- Rummy (not Rumi)
"There’s no question but that the strike on that leadership headquarters was successful."
- Rummy
""There is no question but that regime is not going to be there in the future."
- Rummy
"“The read we get on the people of Iraq is there’s no question but that they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein."
- Dick Cheney
There is no question but that we are very close to the end."
-Colin Powell (Not Powell too!)
"There is no question but that anyone who looks at the threat matrix every day knows that there are threats all over the world..."
"There's no question but that you have Saddam Hussein who's been there and has not responded to political diplomacy... "
"there's no question but that there are risks to acting, and they're real risks..."
...and then there is the use of nexus. Another day perhaps...
\E*quiv`o*ca"tion\, n. The use of expressions susceptible of a double signification, with a purpose to mislead.
Syn: Prevarication; ambiguity; shuffling; evasion; guibbling. See Equivocal, a., and Prevaricate, v. i.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
n 1: a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth [syn: evasion] 2: intentionally vague or ambiguous [syn: prevarication, evasiveness] 3: deliberate vagueness or ambiguity [syn: evasiveness] 4: falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language [syn: tergiversation]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
Rumspeak made its way onto FOX, NBC and ABC today, which made me think of a post I did a couple of years ago on the matter. When he says "there is no question but that..." does he mean "There is no question that" or "There is no question except that"? Cleverly ambiguous. Whenever he says it, I assume he is not being forthright.
What's with all the "but that"s?
"There's no question but that Germany is an important contributor in the global war on terrorism. "
- Rummy (not Rumi)
"There’s no question but that the strike on that leadership headquarters was successful."
- Rummy
""There is no question but that regime is not going to be there in the future."
- Rummy
"“The read we get on the people of Iraq is there’s no question but that they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein."
- Dick Cheney
There is no question but that we are very close to the end."
-Colin Powell (Not Powell too!)
"There is no question but that anyone who looks at the threat matrix every day knows that there are threats all over the world..."
"There's no question but that you have Saddam Hussein who's been there and has not responded to political diplomacy... "
"there's no question but that there are risks to acting, and they're real risks..."
...and then there is the use of nexus. Another day perhaps...
\E*quiv`o*ca"tion\, n. The use of expressions susceptible of a double signification, with a purpose to mislead.
Syn: Prevarication; ambiguity; shuffling; evasion; guibbling. See Equivocal, a., and Prevaricate, v. i.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
n 1: a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth [syn: evasion] 2: intentionally vague or ambiguous [syn: prevarication, evasiveness] 3: deliberate vagueness or ambiguity [syn: evasiveness] 4: falsification by means of vague or ambiguous language [syn: tergiversation]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
Monday, June 20, 2005
Mistersugar's Tarheel Tavern is up
...and I hate that I missed it!
Jude told me at about 7pm on Saturday
that the deadline was 6pm. Just my luck!
Go check it out!
Jude told me at about 7pm on Saturday
that the deadline was 6pm. Just my luck!
Go check it out!
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Thoughts on a Father's Day
I am not rich. That would be overkill. Compensation is for those who are lacking. I am not one of those.
When it comes to all other joys, my cup runneth over. Chief among my joys are my gentle and wondrous parents, who have been an education and an inspiration for as long as I can remember. Their partnership has been so strong for so long, it is hard to separate them out. They are like a force. For good, I might add. When they were travelling around China and the Soviet Union studying medical practices, for instance, I had the feeling that the people they encountered felt better about Americans just from having seen intellectually curious, non-arrogant, normal folks. And the smiles they said they encountered were surely a healing medicine, as were the stories they brought back.
Now in his 80s, Papa rarely if ever hears that he reminds anyone of Gregory Peck or a brown-eyed Paul Newman, although an occasional Prince Ranier might be posited...so as one of the eternally youthful souls, he might be taken aback by such camparisons. But like these fine folks, Dad was and is always the gentleman. I suppose I could count the times he raised his voice in anger on one hand, or a couple of fingers. I wish I had his patience.
I'm reminded of my first day at high school. It was the first year of busing, and I was assigned to a formerly all-black high school across town...and many people were panicking to get re-assigned. Some moved, some merely said they moved. All in order stay in whiteville, so to speak. At our house, there was no panic. Of course I would go, and when the time came, I was the only kid on my bus. It apparently made national news.
As years passed, I would often bring home friends from different religions, cultures, countries, and never did they show xenophobia, and rarely did my friends fail to form a bond of affection for the old dears. And as more years passed, "the folks" (as they are called) would plop themselves down in strange environs, and be treated with equal acceptance, while I was beginning to explore America.
It is interesting to note that many of those who moved to avoid busing, went on to live similarly sheltered lives, and in some cases, still live in a sphere no bigger than a few streets.
I could go on, so I will. But right now I just want to thank my father for being exactly as he is. And acknowledge all good fathers living and past. There is a reason why our elders are called The Greatest Generation. We have big shoes to fill, tall shoulders to stand on. May we have the wisdom to learn their best lessons.
Love ya, Papa! Always have. Always will.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Juan Cole on the Rise of the Blog Estate
Informed Comment
The gatekeepers at the New York Times and the Washington Post can no longer decide whether a leak is a story or a non-story. The public decides what a story is.
Imagine News without bloggers or the internets. Lordy, Lordy! Talk about a koolade moustache spanning the collective mug of Man (only used for alliteration) -- what an unhealthful, retrogressive pack of cheesefood that would be! Individually wrapped in sanitary plastic...to keep truth out...just the type of bogus nourishment needed to keep them gathering at the trough.
Content with any happy noninvasive fiction.
The gatekeepers at the New York Times and the Washington Post can no longer decide whether a leak is a story or a non-story. The public decides what a story is.
Imagine News without bloggers or the internets. Lordy, Lordy! Talk about a koolade moustache spanning the collective mug of Man (only used for alliteration) -- what an unhealthful, retrogressive pack of cheesefood that would be! Individually wrapped in sanitary plastic...to keep truth out...just the type of bogus nourishment needed to keep them gathering at the trough.
Content with any happy noninvasive fiction.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Exuberance Found Hidden in Bunker
"The originators, the exuberant men, are extinct and in their place subsists and modestly flourishes a generation notable for elegance and variety of contrivance." - Evelyn Waugh
"So how can you laugh when your own mother's hungry, and how can you smile when
the reasons for smiling are wrong?" - Jethro Tull
"Aw shucks!" - Jethro Borodin
Carolina Blog Consultants
Carolina Blog Consultants
If you are a seasoned blogger and would like to be considered for inclusion within the consultancy, please drop us a line and/or a link to some of your best blogs...
Why a blog consultancy?
You may or may not know it yet, but there is a revolution afoot in the world, and it is being fueled by blogs. Not only are more and more individuals waking up to find that they are a blogger, but so are companies, newspapers, radio and TV stations, organizations, schools, local government agencies, CEOs, and yes...barber shops.
Only the quick of head get the best names
There are a host of reasons for these dynamic societal and technological advances, which you will find out, as well as a host of reasons why you should realize that blogs are today what websites were in 1994 or 5...which is to say that they are something that nearly all people and businesses will have, but only the quick of head get there first, and thus snatch up the best names.
In 1994 or 5, one was able to secure a name like "weather.com" or "genealogy.com", while slower competitors, years later, would wind up with names like "whydidittakesolongformetogetit.com"... or worse..."why-did-it-take-so-long-4-me-2-gitit.net", where you would have to through the extra work of also saying "get is spelled with an 'i' and the last two words are fused. It is also a dotnet, not a dotcom."
The same is true, today, for blogs. Want a good name? You better jump in, right now, and get it, because the good names are not going to be there forever. In fact, they are not going to be there very long at all. Millions of names have already been scooped up. But...if you think you will be satisfied with "Dawgheadpundit37xpf" or "Thelastonetoknowbloggg", go ahead and wait around for the next wake-up call.
Everyone needs help
Last night, I was visiting a particularly gifted digital artist. Over the years, he has been able to create thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of wondrous works of art.
He was telling me about a graphic trick, a shortcut, he had only recently learned...which takes about two seconds to do. Prior to learning this trick, he was doing that same thing longhand, if you will. In other words, instead of two seconds, it might take several minutes. At times, fifteen or more. In a few cases, it would take nearly an hour.
Doing the math, I realized that had he learned this "trick" or shortcut years before, he would have save thousands of hours.
Everyone needs help. No one knows how to do it all. But some people have enough experience that they can prevent you from wasting thousands of hours.
This is one reason why we are creating a blog consultancy. We have the experience to save you thousands of hours, and show you how best to create and maintain your blog at the highest level possible.
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