Monday, July 02, 2007

Scooter Freed! Cheney to Serve Sentence Instead!

Our trustworthy president, the Reverend Mister Bush, glazed with his usual ability to make the wrong decision, decided to spend the last nickle of political capital on a free ride for the grown-up called Scooter -- a man, I might add, whose judgement is so flawed that he thought it perfectly reasonable to subordinate himself to Dick Cheney.

Should Javier have pardoned Jean Valjean? Mais bien sur! But Libby is no Valjean, although Bush may well be Javier, had he only an addiction to the law, cool hair and a voice to die for. Well, maybe he does have a voice to die for. Many are doing it, and he is still talking. Well, I think you call it talk. I call it the new dictation.


The new dictators receive their dictation not from God, but from the top of the money pyramid, whose eye seduces with promise of riches and continued existence, and whose dictation can be worn on the back, beneath your suit. (Reference Bush's debates for pictures of said devices.)

What folks are saying:

"Only a president clinically incapable of understanding that mistakes have consequences could take the action he did today. President Bush has just sent exactly the wrong signal to the country and the world." - former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C.

"Accountability has been in short supply in the Bush administration, and this commutation fits that pattern." - Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-VT

"The president said he would hold accountable anyone involved in the Valerie Plame leak case. By his action today, the president shows his word is not to be believed." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

"It is time for the American people to be heard - I call for all Americans to flood the White House with phone calls tomorrow expressing their outrage over this blatant disregard for the rule of law." - Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del.

Our trustworthy president, the Reverend Mister Bush, glazed with his usual ability to make the wrong decision, decided to spend the last nickle of political capital on a pardon for the grown-up called Scooter -- a man, I might add, whose judgement is so flawed that he thought it perfectly reasonable to subordinate himself to Dick Cheney. - anonyMoses, D-NC

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Symphonic Music by David Beckwith

Not long ago it dawned on me to stitch together some of my more memorable symphonic works into what the young'uns might call a CD, were they given that opportunity. And so here it is... Symphonic Music by David K Beckwith. (There are an astonishing number of other David Beckwiths out there, hence the K. And no, I'm not David Kaye, although I appreciate his contributions to the world.)

I'm having a problem settling on names for some of the tunes, and would certain love to hear suggestions. Some songs, like "God Breathing" and "How God Evolves" are likely to stay put, since they so nearly hit the mark, but all the others are open for change. Moreover, the songs themselves are open for collaboration. If you want to lay tracks over it...feel free. Most of the music was channeled anyway. Once I get the ego out of the way, then the so-called spirit of music, the muses, or what-have-you, come to play, using my fingers to do their dance. It is a flowing snapshot, for the ear, of the moment. Eternity packaged in a droplet. Soundtrack of the River of Life. Music at its most bla bla bla...


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bloggers Mourn the Passing of Ruth Graham

Bloggers around the world mourn the passing of Ruth Graham, the beloved wife of Rev. Billy Graham of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Our heart goes out to Billy and his family.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Anais Mitchell - "1984"

The Joys of YouTube

While looking up this gem:

I found this gem:

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sundry thoughts on the debates

After watching the Democrats and Republicans debate, a few notions arise, or at least they did in me. It is doubtful that much difference has been made as yet, and that "things on the ground" will probably play a much larger role as the election time nears.

Surely the most troubling moment in both debates came when Duncan Hunter talked about preemptive nuclear war. This is clearly the opposite of how we need to be thinking about our future role in the world, since it is, essentially, George W. Bush on steroids -- digging the hole much faster and deeper than the speed of life can sustain. Backward, backward and did I say backward? And I'm talking caveman backward.

Speaking of about all those admittedly unevolved hominids on the Republican ticket? Nature, you will recall, evolves us human beings to a certain point, after which we must consciously evolve ourselves...but some of these risible atavists even go so far as to deny the very process -- thinking, incorrectly, that it somehow disallows the existence of God. Democrats should not be burdened by such clabber and keep evolving their and our minds and beings.

Look. REpublicans are REactionary. Some are even REprobates. But they will now admit that the current administration was and is sorely lacking in the idea or vision department. And without ideas or is only reactionary.

But look at the Democrats. While the Republicans continue their fear mongering while banging the tired and overspent war drum, the Democrats are creating the future, which is, at first, but a vision. But a vision is, alas, what a nation most needs, for without one it will perish. Just ask the Bible. Solomon, I believe. It's been a while. I also like the one that says: "I shall not want." I like Davids.

It is refreshing to hear Republicans talking about alternative energy, and I believe one or two can see that creating "the new way" can mean thousands of new, currently nonexistent, jobs. It will also, in many instances, decrease our impact on global warming.

Chances are any number of the candidates, on either side, would be better than the current officeholders. The question is: Who has the clearest vision for leading us out of the Hell that we have foisted upon the world.

The Democrats certainly have the friendlier vision.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Meet the new Scrutiny Hooligans!

'Twould like to direct our reader to the new and improved Scrutiny Hooligans web-log (or whatever they call those thangs). It is located at:

...and, as always, is as entertaining as a site can get...thanks to the creativity and inspiration living in Asheville inspires. Long live Asheville and their sublime bloggers!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Woods Wins Wachovia

I had a long talk with my fair city of Charlotte, and she agrees. Tiger Woods should move to Charlotte. At least buy a house here. We got golf. Plenty of golf. And good golf! In fact the whole state has golf, just not in the counties that parade their illustrious hog waste lagoons. Mecklenburg is not one of those.

As a Charlottean, I'd like to congratulate Mister Woods on his fine victory, which happened to occur one year after his beloved father had made his way to deeper greens...which, incidentally was why he could not attend last year's Wachovia tournament.

So Tiger, I implore you. Put an anchor down here in this fair city and state. I swear you will not regret it. And if your bud, Michael Jordan has not yet seized an anchor, why not invite him too. In fact, you can invite Vijay, Phil and the other fine players to do the same. Surely you have the funds. And there are scores of wondrous estates from which to choose. Many within walking distance of the Quail Hollow club.

I think you will find, if you haven't already, that Charlotte's elites are good people, in the main. Practically as good as us common folk. They are also charitable and progressive, with a real sense of stewardship. Much like yourself, I should think.

Again, you and all the players. And thanks for bringing a little magic to Charlotte.


Tom Sorensen on Tiger Woods' victory.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Week of the Ho

First it was nappy-headed ho, then it was Don Ho, and finally, we hope, it was Cho. What is the ho key?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

MrWondrous Presents...

Progressive Music

ELP performing Tarkus (Eruption) Tokyo 1972

yes - close to the edge pt. 2

ROBERT FRIPP - Frippertronics Demo (1979)

Dead Can Dance w/Lisa Gerrard- Sanvean

Dead Can Dance w/Lisa Gerrard - Cantara (Live)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Disc Golf and Bloggers

Disc Golf on Wikipedia
Disc Golf in NC

Disc Golf in Charlotte
Charlotte Area Courses
Sample "Virtual Tour" (Veterans Park)

18 Hole CDGC-Maintained Courses
Hornet's Nest Park
Kilborne Park
Reedy Creek Park
Renaissance Park Pro Players Course
Sugaw Creek Park
9 Hole CDGC-Maintained Courses
Veterans Park -
Other Area Courses
Bailey Road Park - Cornelius (map to park).
Boyd Hill
Cam Yards
Chuck Morehead Memorial Park
Davidson University (Map to tee 1)
Doral Apartments
Dorton Park
Dickerson Park -
Fewell Park
Frazier Park
Glenn C. Hilton
Mint Hill Park
Stumpy Creek
Winthrop U.


Comfortable Number

(for Tarheel Tavern) and Hool...

I eat numbers for breakfast. Well, brunch. They suck. I wouldn't try it.
Instead run out and git yoreself a gol-dern numerologist. You know, a number specialist, as His Homeliness might say.
The reasons for your having done so will become apparent as the flow of time begins to alter the pace of your everyday life to the point where new information may be imprinted, and life can go on as usual.

To start with, I was born on the 13th, so I became acquainted with numbers having personalities and meanings early on. Triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number 13, still infects the minds of hominids today. Subsequently, I have found pregnancy in 1 (ace), 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 22, 23, and, of course, 24. And 25, because of Christmas.

When I was but a boy, attending Camp Thunderbird, I found myself stationed at the #3 shelter, which I found to be most appropriate, since there wasn't a 13.
According to Sacred Symbols of the Ancients, my birth card is the Ace of Spades, meaning "secrets" and "ancient knowledge", hence 1 is a personal number. Princess Diana was an Ace of Spades. My planetary ruler card is 9 of Clubs, meaning "universal knowledge". Princes William and Harry are 9 of Clubs.

Looking at the birthdays of my ancestors, I noticed that there were more than a few 6 of clubs. Of 7, let me just say that I feel a friendship with the number. 8 and 9 were prevalent in the 1990s, one then the other. A story of endings.

The Mayans make note of 11 and 12, or 1111 and 1212. These are also the times I take my meds, depending on whether or not it is Daylight Savings Time. I often see these configs on digital clocks. When I see 12:34, I read it as "my ducks are in a row". Perfect sequence. 12:35 happens when things are out of sequence, or I am late for something. Yesterday, I looked at the clock and it was 12:35. This reminded me that I had forgotten to eat my brekkies.

I once read in a book on Numerology that 11 and 22 are special numbers. Then I ciphered that my first and last name were 11 and 22, which only threw fuel on my long-held belief that I fell to earth as an avatar who somehow forgot what he was supposed to report.

The twin towers formed an 11. 9 has long represented Death. My 9/10/01 flight out of Manhattan was cancelled due to lightning and bad weather.
7734 is Hell upended.

23 keeps popping into view, synchronicitously, and 24 is once again raising heartrates. At times I wax the borderline acalculiac, a numbskull atavistic throwback hangers-on I'd just as soon discard. Perhaps by uttering my few examples, the jesus of numbers will climb the cross once more, sacrifice, like soldiers, for my financial well-being. But alas that would be jaded, a candidate for bumfodder.

"Dance before the numbers with all your might!" saith ye Metatron.
"I shant affix meaning. This is the non-authorial style."
The Chums of Chance, and folks who can walk a mile.
The aroma of pleroma.
Art Zydeco.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Is Memory Evil?

Granted, It has been a while since we have spoken, and it could be argued: Why start now?
Rest assured that I am not in full possession of the correct answer, although I did once win in a game of tic-tac-toe. But I hedge. Let me dissolve to the chase.

Memory. What the hell is it? How can you make it go away? And why would you want to?
We will be doing a 12-part series on the question: Is Memory Evil? And if so, should it become part of the axis of evil? How about the hatchets of evil? And how about that Anna Nicole Smith and bald Britney? Apotropaic enough for Johnny?

Personally, I am psyched about this week's Tarhell Tavern. Oops. Did I say Tarhell? Sashimi!

Screw is hatching a plot involving numbers, numerology, maff. And Science seems to be contra-indicating that much more than 23 vowels remain expendible on this lofty pursuit, so shine! Loose your tongue from its pivots. Train your eyes upon this week's Tarheel Tavern, 'cause look! You are already involved. Surrender.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Scrutinize your Tarheel Tavern

Asheville's Scrutiny Hooligans tackles the Tarheel Tavern. The subject: Transformative Joy.

Utter Transformative Joy - The Tarheel Tavern #103

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Transformational Joy of Music

There are many sucky things about life. Music ain't necessarily one of them. In fact music can be one of life's higher medicines. It's a shame so many people never veer beyond the official "top 40" and discover the exotic medicinals that lie beyond.

An example of what I mean can be heard in the work of Gorecki, who is cool even if only because his name contains Gore, who was, as everyone knows, the first hero of the 21st century.

But check out Gorecki's 3rd symphony...the "sorrowful symphony". You may want to skip right to the 2nd and 3rd movements, which, I think, are the most sublime. I have found, over repeated listenings, that around 6 minutes into the 3rd movement, my psyche experiences a transformation, and yes, a joyful transformation -- A release almost, from the sorrow that preceded it. I suspect others have also felt this.

I have also felt this transformative power in the works of Arvo Part, Lisa Gerrard, Andrea Bocelli, Mark Isham, Ennio Morrocone, Phillip Glass, Roberta Flack, Sibelius, and others.

When coupled with images, this transformative music can really cause a spirit to soar, offer repose, or induce all manner of magics. The love theme in "Life is Beautiful", the final climax of climaxes scene in "Cinema Paradiso", the epiphany in "Truman Show" where Truman cracks his own cosmic egg, as it were, and begins beating against that final prison wall, crying out for freedom.
Without the music these scenes could never be so transformative.

I'd be interested in hearing of the favorite scenes of other Taverners.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Oprah, "The Secret" and the Charlotte connection


On Thursday, Oprah Winfrey's TV show was covering a phenomenon called "The Secret", which is fast taking over the world, and will soon be taking over Mars and Venus, radiating out. The book "The Secret" has recently been made into a DVD hosted by the reverend Dr. Michael Beckwith, who, in his day job runs the Agape community in California with his wife, Ricki Byers Beckwith of Charlotte.

The philosophy behind "The Secret" has been touched upon by others throughout the millennia, and has recently found its way into the works of Robert Fritz (a pioneer in the study of creativity and vision) and Peter Senge of "The Fifth Discipline" and "Metanoia" fame. I've had the good fortune of studying with both, and look forward to meeting Michael and Ricki, with whom I already feel a spiritual kinship.

One reason I am going to vote for John Edwards is that I can see that he too is keen on the power of creativity and vision, and is also willing to use these faculties in the service of humanity. By contrast, Dubya was only "clever" at helping the expense of humanity. We need a BIG change.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Oprah to bring "The Secret" to TV

(CBS 11 News) FORT WORTH "It's something that has existed since the beginning of time. It's been hunted down, stolen and bought for vast sums of money." Those are the first words in the new DVD "The Secret."

It's a compilation of the insights of some of the greatest minds the world has ever known (Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Einstein, Emerson, etc.) and modern-day thinkers and philosophers such as author Jack Canfield, world renowned spiritual guru Dr. Michael Beckwith and more, revealing the secret to ultimate personal power.

We'll keep you posted...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Microphilanthropy: Help Mike Young

Dear friends and readers,

I am trying to help my friend Carolyn pay the mounting bills, and ease the worry that comes with her philanthropy. They are only asking one or two dollars, but certainly if you can give more, I'm sure that would truly make their day. Lord knows they coul use some surprises...

I'll just let Mike share his story:

I'm Mike Young
I am 46 years old. I am Mentally Challenged because of a hunting accident when I was 14 years old. I was shot in the head
and spent over a year in the hospital. During my recovery I underwent many surgeries and rehabilitative therapies.

I have lived and been cared for by my Aunt Carolyn since 1995 and she does a GREAT job. My mom and dad passed away within months of each other. My mom, on her death bed asked her sister (Aunt Carolyn) to care for me before she died. Being close sisters and always there for each other my aunt Carolyn did not think twice about saying
yes. With hardly any financial support she has been taking care of me.


Please give what you can.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Colbert wins Culture War with Bill O'Reilly


The chivalric Steven Colbert slices and dices...using only his tongue and wit. Meanwhile the arrogant, self-obsessed bully still hasn't learned to speak in moderated tones, but instead keeps trying to start a civil war here at home.

Each appeared on the other's show. Colbert brought uncontrollable laughter to O'Reilly's otherwise moribund show. And he took their microwave. (You'll find out.)

On Colbert's show, Steven prepared us all with a description of the outcome of the thinking of people like himself. A world turned to Hell.

The first thing O'Reilly had to do was to point out that Colbert was a French name, because the demographic of "people who hate" is among his largest. After wasting time on ridiculous misanthropic generalizations, he tried to paint his as a backwoods imposter. Just one petty attempt after another to besmirch his name.

Apparently he hasn't heard of Claudia Colbert.

In the end it turned out to be a rather friendly exchange. People left of center
prefer love and peace over hate and war, truth and caritas to spin and deceit.

Colbert, last night, showed the path.
Now is no time to be in war mode. In no way can we afford it.
Time to heal, mate!

[tags] detumescent dirigible O'Reilly Colbert champion[tags]

Arianna to attend important gathering of minds, visionaries, leaders

The page will bring together and organize blogs, videos, photos, news articles, and reader comments related to Davos. Plus, the page will attempt to connect the voice of the people with the voice of those gathered at the conference through a video bridge that will allow anyone in the world to submit a video question to a Davos participant -- and, perhaps, get a video reply. - AR

Davos Notes: HuffPost Brings You Your All-Access Pass
(HATTIP TO the supreme cogitatrix)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Bush needs 2 more years of killing so he avoid responsibility

One would hope that the doctor is hoping for a quick healing.
Thank God George W. Bush is not a doctor, because he is praying that the illness of war gets worse, and gets worse...for years. The opposite of a doctor. The opposite of a healer. The opposite of peacemaker. Behold "The Prince of War". No Jesus.

To save his one ass, Nojesus is willing to sacrifice a million others, most of whom are higher quality people. But will the new congress stop this madman? Or will they prove themselves to be madmen?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Shiny Happy People

North Carolinian

My philosopher/nurse nephew, The Philoblogger, enjoys a day in the mountains.

Shiny, Happy People enjoying the Cone Estate.

Visitors to the North Carolina mountains should not miss the estate of Moses Cone. One can rest the head and feed the mind and stomach at nearby Blowing Rock.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Secrets of Heathen Time-Keeping and other discoveries of Garrick Wells

Secrets of Heathen Time-Keeping and other discoveries of Garrick Wells

Charlotte-based intellectual, Garrick Wells (also known as the literary character, Ammonium) will not let your mind rest. Indeed, he will not let his own mind rest, so why give you that luxury? We are fortunate that he focuses on unusual matters...

Mr. Wells, founder of the Charlotte Astronomical Society, writes:

Conclusion: I have reconstructed the extinct calendar of the heathen that astronomical and historical evidence seems to substantiate and without any need for the Roman calendars. The calendar explains the enigmatic old Winter's day and the once lost thing period. I have illustrated the religious purpose of the calendar.
I have introduced the Golden Latitude.
This might explain why some major cities founded by Northmen exist where they do. The great heathen center: Lejre in Denmark is on this latitude.
Today anyone can make a runic calendar stick and restart this ancient calendar by finding the years of the closest full moon to 2/8 or 11/1. Actually 2001 had a full moon on 11/1, so the golden number is 1. For the Odinic rite, the last holy year was 2004 and the interval will continue octennially.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Prelude to a Blogger President: Edwards & the Democratic Future

The Future is your Friend...

Read more about John Edwards at these fine resorts in the blogosphere:
Iddybud Journal
Benny's World

Random Thoughts from Reno
The Real Paul Jones
skippy the bush kangaroo
Blue Girl, Red State
Bark Bark Woof Woof
Edwards 08
Billy the Blogging Poet
The Nation blog
Exile on Jones Street

(Thanks to Bora at Science & Politics for these, and the other great work he is doing, and Jude for her continuing to dazzle us with her astute observations.)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It's Official! John Edwards is in the Race!

"He is one we've been waiting for."

The Real Deal

Odd that on a day when we remember President Ford who is now dead, we say hello to a gentleman not unlike Gerald Ford in his demeanor and athleticism. So maybe it's not so odd. Maybe John Edwards will, like Ford before him, serve to heal the nation of harshness and corruption, and set an example of how like Atticus Finch is the true character of Americans.

We've got to change the face of America. John Edwards is a good start.

Reopen the World that The Bush hath clamped shut with his Americo-
and Texocentric policies and other intellectual poverties.

Welcome to the Neo-Edwardian Age.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Democrats want to thank the Republicans who stayed at home

Sometimes the best way to get something done is to do nothing at all. And I have heard from quite a number of Republicans who made a political statement by simply staying at home this voting season, and others who voted for the Democrat. Sometimes this is necessary, especially when those in power are micranimous and self-serving. For these folks I especially hope the Democratic congress earn your vote. I also hope they don't succumb to arrogance, greed, ambition or blind obedience to custom. As Deepak Chopra once wisely said: One experiences a sea-change when one shifts one's orientation from "What's in it for me?" to "How can I help?"

May the Democrats prove truly and universally helpful.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nixon or Haggard?

Parody of

(thanks to Sir Rah Bourbon)

Monday, November 06, 2006

See Rock City AND the new Iddybud Journal

Iddybud hanging out with General Wesley Clark

Iddybud Journal

Sunday, November 05, 2006

LET us vote then, you and I

LET us vote then, you and I,
When the evening news is spreading lies
to the patients etherised upon a fable;
Let us go, through a certain half-deserted mind,
The muttering unkind
A mindless knight in one-night crack-ho tails
And cornpone restaurants with taco-shells:
Sheep that follow like a tedious dittohead
Of insidious portent
To feed you all a dose of healthy koolaid...
Oh, do not ask, "What is it?"
Let us go and drink this sh*t...
From the boom we men come aglow
Walking from Los Alamo.

The yellow blog that wipes its back upon our window pains,
The yellow news that rubs our nose in blue dress stains,
Licked its lips upon the money of the evening news,
Lingered upon the fools that stand to gain,
Let fall upon his face the pretzel that falls from skies,
Slipped by the congress, made of sullen lies,
And seeing that it was a soft September morn,
Turned around the plane, and fell to Sleep...

And indeed there will be time
For the yellow dust that billows down the street,
Wiping its ass upon the window-panes;
There will be Time, there will be War-
To prepare a place to meet the presses that you meet;
There will be time for Russ and Rush to bloviate,
And time for all the worthless ways of glands
That lift and drop a dollop on your fate;
Time for Dick and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred distortions and revisions,
Before making toast of Cheney.

In the gloom the warmen come aglow
Talking of Guantanamo

And indeed there will be time
To wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I care?"
Time to turn my back and nude-descend the stair,
With a bald spot in the middle of my chair--
[They will say: "How his chair is growing thin!"]
My morning coke, my dollar mounting firmly to boy Ken,
My bolo is immodest, but inserted by a marking pen--
[They will say: "But how his arms of war are sin!"]

Do I dare
Destroy the universe?

In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minuteman will reverse.

For I have blown them all already, blown them up:--
Have known the evening, mourning, darkest noons,
I have mangled up my life with cocaine spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying thup!
Beneath the building from a farther plume.
So what should I consume?

And I have known the ayes already, known them all--
The ayes that fix you in a formulaic phase,
And when I am formulaic, scrawling with a pen,
When I am penned and scribbling on the wall,
Then how should I begin
To spit on all the but wholes of my days and ways?
And who should I consume?

And I have known the arms already, known them all--
Arms that are daisy-cut and grossly unfair,
[Caught in the gunlight, downed without a care!]
Is it blue stains on a dress
That makes me so digress?
Arms that lie are sold at table, with talk of shock and awe.
And should I then consume?
And when should I begin?
. . . . .

Shall I say, I have gunned at dusk through narrow streets
And watched the smoke that rises from the ruins
Of lonely kids in tatters, pouring out of windows...

I am just a pair of ragged shoes
Scuttling across the floors of silent news.

. . . . .

And the afternoon, the evening, creeps so peacelessly!
Scorched by hot zingers,
Asleep ... wired ... or country singers,
Stretched on the floor, here beside you Cheney.
Should I, after koolade, coke and icees,
Have the strength to force the world to its crises?
But though I'm inept and blasted, inept and crazed,
Though I have seen many heads [grown slightly shorn] brought in upon a platter,
I am no prophet--and I'm no mad hatter;
I have seen the speeches of that city slicker,
And I have seen the eternal Bushman hold my coat, and Snicker,
And in shorts, I was DeLayed.

And would it have been worth it, after Oil,
After the kegs, the candy bar, the T,
Hugging the porcelain, a lonesome walk with you and me,
Would it have been worth while,
To have snapped at the batter with a towel,
To have squeezed the universe into a booger
To roll it toward some overstating question,
To say: "I am Nazareth, book of the dead,
Come back to sell you all, I shall smell you all"--
If one, settling a pillow by her head,
Should say: "That is not how I vote at all.
That is not it, at all."

And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the fun set and the shipyards and the wrinkled sheets,
After the novel, after the hiccups, after the nose that trails along the floors--
And Kos, and Media Whores--
It is impossible to know just why I'm mean!
But as if a manic slattern slew the pervs on ladders in a screed:
Would it have been with child
If one, settling a pillow or throwing up on call,
And turning toward the window, should spew:
"That is not it at all,
That is not how I vote, at all."
. . . . .
No! I am no ham omelette, nor was meant to be;
Petrol attendant, bored, one that will screw
To stifle progress, start a war or two,
Advise the Dick; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to disabuse,
Lunatic, caustic, and supercilious;
Full of false sentence, can't define "obtuse";
The times, indeed, almost ridiculous--
I am, for you, the Fool.

I grow old ... I grow old ...
I prefer my money rolled.

Shall I kiss your left behind? Do I dare to be impeached?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and strut upon the stage.
I have heard Travolta singing, to my age.

I do not think that he will sing of me.

I have seen them hiding leeward in the caves
Bombing the dark hair of the slaves blown back
With my thoughts forever white and black.

We have lingered in the chambers of the star
By star-whores wreathed with seafoam green and crown
Till human votes awake them, and we drown.

War Song of G. Dubya Bushrock
(reprinted from November 2004)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Neocons cut and run...from the President and his legacy of incompetence.

Ask Perle, Adelman or Frum what they think of the competence of the Bush White House, and you will no longer get happy talk. They failed, and thus the Neocons also failed. Now they have cut and run from both Iraq, and the man who put us there.

Looking for a Swiftboat

When the GOP is in need of a purchases a swiftboat. At the moment, they are swiftboating Harold Ford.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Purple Heart's Kerry Reddens Faces with Anger, While Bush Reddens Faces with Blood

Who is worse? A bad jokester who tells an inconvenint truth, or a bad president who sends American soldiers to their deaths in a war that should never have happened?

Kerry made a goof and apologized. Bush made a goof and keeps on making the goof over and over. The causes for war turned out to be non-existent...and yet our killer president keeps throwing our sons and daughters into the fire just to save his political ass, and keep him from seeming less cowboy. He is an idiot, and an evil one at that. I mean...600,000 people is a lot to kill...don't you think?
Even worse than screwing up a joke...

Real Men Can Handle the Truth : Soldiers ARE dropouts, killers and rapists.

American soldiers are on the top shelf of humanity. They are your Gandhis, your Martin Luther Kings, your Immanuel Kants. They are as great as Rumi and Lao T'se. They invent things, write great novels and compose the world's greatest symphonies. They have PhDs from Harvard and Berkeley and Chapel Hill. They are the world's greatest healers. No one is smarter than an American Soldier. No one has a bigger heart.

On the other hand, there are always anomalies. As such there are also American soldiers who are the opposite of the above. Only recently did the military discuss lowering the standards and accepting drop-outs. Largely because of fact that people are less willing to walk into a fire (unless of course you are a Hero...who can also fly, stop time and so on) recruiters are accepting lower standards, thus, themselves, perpetuating the egregious lowering of standards. But the standards were sadly low from the top and beginning. It's what they call "trickle-down" or "drink this".

Kerry was stupid because, unlike the more clever George, he didn't simply say, when service called, ""Could you take care of this for me?", leave the task to willing dupes like the great Prince Albert Gore Vidal Sassoon, and his evil-twin Osama bin Franklin Roosevelt Greer Garson Kanin Abel Baruch...Sassoon, of course.

Limbaugh, on Cloud 1, claims to have not parodied Michael J. Fox.
Apparently he didn't realize that in becoming, temporarily, someone clearly superior in every way, Rush got to raise his Being significantly before having to go back inside the bowling alley bar of his Mammonical and selfish little life of Me, Me, Me.

I Ching say "Ego take wrong message and run wrong way."

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Rush Limbaugh admits to being a nothing, yet lectures Senator Kerry (a veteran and a somebody) on military service

The Fat Man's Messiah, the drug and lie addict, the dropout cut and runner, Rush Limbaugh is hyperventilating with such desperation today that one gets the feeling that many of his listeners have dropped him for the vastly superior Michael J. Fox. I guess you can't fool all the people...

The best Rush can do is to say that he has a cousin who attended and taugh at West Point. Yet he thinks that gives him the diploma to lecture Kerry.

The sounds, nay squeaks, of decline.

Why Republicans Suck at Government

The Republicans take the reins of government, drag it to it's knees, rob it of money, and make a supreme mess of it...and then say: "See, I told you government is no good."
But they can't be trusted with business either.
I personally think that much of their problem is egocentrism. Greed, bragging, and so on. Many Democrats are involved in ego-transcendence. Governments work better when they are altruistic.

"Can I use my 30 seconds?" : Dole's Swan Song?

While the Sunday talk shows try to outbore each other -- Tim wasting his hour on state senate debates, George forgetting to invite the truly bright Robert Reich, Chris... just another Bill Krystol -- risible nuggets of pregnancy cannot help but be extruded when it comes to politicians. And yesterday Elizabeth Dole was one of the shining examples. (There were yet others.) I like Mrs. Dole alright, but either she, or her handlers, are, well, whacked out...and may require medical attention. Here is what happened:

Dole, representing the Republicans, was to (sort of) debate Senator Shumer, representing the Democrats. During almost every exchange, Dole monopolized the time, and, as is often the case with Republicans (sorry, but it's true -- much to the chagrin of Democrats who really want to know) answers with whatever she wants to convey, instead of answering the question proffered. But the piece de resistance was when Chris admonished them both to answer the next (and final) question within 30 seconds.

Mr. Shumer used his full 30 seconds. Mrs Dole, much like this sentence, and using the English language, decided, or was told, that it was more important to attack Harold Ford (as I recall) and forget answering any question asked by one of her juniors...who, to his credit, contradicted her -- feeling apparently confident that it is now smart to fly Democrat -- and then, after a minute or two, the now ludibund Mrs Dole, after being cut off by Mr Wallace says: "Can I use my 30 seconds?"

I guess this is what happens when a regime is crumbling.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Impartial, Flawless, Fail-Safe, Tamper-Proof Voting System

In my spare time, I think I will go ahead and create an impartial, flawless, fail-safe, tamper-proof voting system. I can almost smell the fear coming out of the Diebold headquarters, currently in a closet in the Oval Office.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Rizzleweb: Where intelligence and politics meet.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Frankly Rush, You're No Michael J. Fox

I love Michael J. Fox. I will go ahead ahead and admit that. And I have no respect for Rush Limbaugh. I will freely admit that too. But today, when Rush Limbaugh accused Fox of acting and exaggerating his bodily movements...and then proceeded to imitate those respect for Rush fell to a new low. 1000 below. Lower than whale shit. And frankly Mister permanent adolescent are no Michael J. Fox. You are not even a Michael J. Pollard. Well, on the other hand, maybe you ARE a Michael J. Pollard. Or at least the perverse and opprobrious characters he used to play. And you can forget Jack Kennedy, whom Mike Fox more resembles. While Fox fights tirelessly, with limited ability and energy, for those who are suffering, and living beyond his own suffering, you wallow in your luxury and brag about wasting gas.

I hereby demand a public apology by Rush Limbaugh to Michael J. Fox. And for public service, dedicate your outsized mouth to helping those who actually need help -- not protecting and milking those at the other extreme.

anonyMoses: One Degree From Greatness

Jude and John

I may not have material riches, but Lord Almighty! I have met and been in the company of the greatest minds of our generation...including the above. There is no amount of money for which I would make a trade.

DEMOCRATS: "We promise to not go weird on you."


Democrats listen to country music, own guns, go to church, enjoy sports, and like lower taxes. Democrats fight in our wars. Democrats love Christmas.


Chicken George : "Cut and Run in 12 to 18 Months"

Chicken George is too much of a coward to stay the course in Iraq, allowing our killing machines to stay in Iraq forever, and now he admits he will cut and run in 12 to 18 months.

Gore-Edwards-Obama : The future is your friend

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Converge South, Greensboro once again make blogging history

No Place for Wompsters

Hoffman as Scoble

wompster - noun Someone who thumps or pounds something, usually a bible or other sacred text.

The great and good blogger, Robert Scoble, his lovely wife, Maryam, and the remarkable Elizabeth Edwards, helped to make this year's Converge South a memorable and historic success. Legends of the blogosphere converged on A & T University in Greensboro, North Carolina on a cool and beautiful October day to establish, reestablish and celebrate the fellowship which seems endemic to the blogging family. Just like in the first of North Carolina's blogger conference, Ed Cone, David Hoggard, Sue Polinsky, Billy the Blogging Poet, Jay Ovittore, Patrick Eakes, Citizen Will R, and yet other archons of the blogosphere whose mere countenences rend ringent the slackjawed lookers-on who may only p-p-pray for such station in this amazing life we call anonyMoses, but participate in as if it were anything but, sadly. And let it be said that we at anonyMoses are sad and disappointed that we didn't get to meet Mister Scoble, but enjoyed the darshan, and his (and his wife's) most pleasant personalities, notwithstanding. I'm sure we'd be great friends, and probably are.

Great to see Bora has showed up from Chapel Hill. Fec Stench was also there, and in top form. Hell, every was excellent. Must have been magic. Other legendary attendees include Lex Alexander , Jude Nagurney Camwell, Sandy Carmany, Zack Exley, Ben Hwang, Matt Gross, Stewart Pittman, Robert Reddick, Roch Smith Jr., Pam Spaulding, Mark Tosczak, David Wharton, BlueNC and others I will surely add as my mind returns.

Here’s Daniel Conover’s Xark notes and Anton Zuiker’s notes.

EEBuzz - from Benny's World

as told to Anonymoses Hyperlincoln III
[from NC's first Bloggercon]

Iddybud, Anonymoses and Senator Edwards in Concord on Friday 13.

More of the occasion from Carolina Girl over at OneAmerican Blog.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Chris Wallace to Bill Krystol: "I seldom disagree with you"

Right Wing Nutcase

Fair and balanced? Hire someone who seldom disagrees with Juan WIlliams...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sexual Congress: A New Page

Holy Moly Mr. Foley!

Mr. Family Values

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


War on Terror No Longer Necessary

George W. Bush has done such a splendid job of killing off the world's terrorists, it is no longer necessary to continue with the war. And while some detractors claim that Bush's war has created MORE terrorists, Mister Bush acknowledged that this is just "naive".

One can expect a dismantling of the infrastructure of war, now that it is basically over, and our soldiers should be returning home to enjoy the peace dividend.

Studio 60: Systematically Raising the Standards

Aaron Sorkin

Aaron Sorkin has higher standards. In maybe more than one way. And he seems determined to reverse what Woody Allen once warned us about when he said "TV is systematically lowering the standards of the America public." I, for one, hope he succeeds. So far, so good. The climax of the second show -- when they finally introduce the show-within-a-show (also called Studio 60, and resembling Saturday Night Night) -- we are treated to television of the highest order...far surpassing anything ever done of SNL. I cannot wait to see what comes next.

It is not by accident that the show is of such a high order. The president of NBS (Jordan McDeere, played by Amanda Peet) decrees that it will be so, and solicits Danny Tripp (Bradley Whitford) and Matt Albie (Matthew Perry) to get them there...and they make it happen. Well, actually Aaron Sorkin and Tommy Schlamme make it happen.

Perhaps evolution IS real...

The show airs on Monday nights at 10pm on NBC.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Clinton Global Initiative: Iddybud Chosen to Report on World Elite

Small Group of Excellent Bloggers Attend Future-Creating Event

"The best way to predict the future is the create it."

First Lady Laura Bush and former President Bill Clinton

Jude Camwell, the blogger known as "Iddybud" was among a mere handful of bloggers, including Barbara O'Brien (Mahablog) and Peter Daou of's Daou Report, chosen to attend and report on the Clinton Global Initiative in Manhattan this week. The 3-day event has gathered a collection of leaders and thinkers most rare in human history. Along with many world kings and queens are such business and government leaders as First Lady Laura Bush, President Pervez Musharraf, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, President Hamid Karzai, King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, Elie Wiesel, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Secretary-General Kofi Annan, The Right Honorable Gordon Brown, Al Gore, former presidents Jimmy Carter and (of course) Bill Clinton (with Hillary also playing an important role), President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres, The Honorable Dr. Javier Solana, Gerry Adams, Dr. Madeleine K. Albright, Wesley Clark, Thomas L. Friedman, David Freeman, Vartan Gregorian, Robert Edward Rubin, Jeffrey Sachs, media giants such as Tom Brokaw, Diane Sawyer, Judy Woodruff, Fareed Zakaria, George Stephanopoulos, Laura Rozen and Katie Couric, and many more. Kudos to Jude and fellow bloggers, as well as the Initiative which Jude says is a most positive ray of hope in an otherwise dark future.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Simple Solutions: "Restless Leg Syndrome"

SOLUTION: Kill the ants with the push pins.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Un Mark Karr

As you may have noticed, we at anonyMoses Scientific have avoided covering the John Mark Karr subterfuge. This is because we want to emphasize just how puerile and irresponsible the paedophiliac Mainstream Media really is.
Imagine. Top story for weeks at FOX, MSNBC, and even the once-respectable CNN, which, without Ted, is West Wing without Aaron -- a fossil of a once-living dynamo. At least ABCBSNBC limited the coverage by virtue of their limited news.
And then, after squeezing the sin of omission to the limit...poof! Case thrown out.

This is all anonyMoses Scientific will say on the matter. We value your mind.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

McCain & Lieberman to launch "Arrogant Has-Been Party"

David Brooks dying to jump from sinking GOP ship
David Brooks: 'McCain-Lieberman Party' still emerging
According to New York Times columnist David Brooks, the
"three major parties in America" are "the Democratic Party, the Republican Party
and the McCain-Lieberman Party," and "all were on display Tuesday night."
"The Democratic Party was represented by its rising force -- Ned Lamont on a
victory platform with the net roots exulting before him and Al Sharpton smiling
just behind," Brooks opines in Thursday's edition of The Times. "The Republican
Party was represented by its collapsing old guard -- scandal-tainted Tom DeLay
trying to get his name removed from the November ballot."

"And the McCain-Lieberman Party was represented by Joe
Lieberman himself, giving a concession speech that explained why polarized
primary voters shouldn't be allowed to define the choices in American politics,"
Brooks continues.

If this is all the imagination Mr. Brooks can muster, I'm sorry but no thanks. Moderate Republicans need to realize that the immoderate Republicans are corrupt, jaded, mediocre, hateful, incompetent, bloodthirsty, Mammoniacal, greedy, self-righteous, ego-centric, micranimous, war-profiteering, war-mongering, murderous, liars and thieves. And many of them can't wait for WWIII. I guess they hate children as well.
Moderate Republicans need to sit on their hands this election, and help restore some goodness and principle to the system. Don't let your party be taken over by evil fools like Hagee and Limbaugh, who are paid royally to lie lie lie...and stir up hatred. Moderate Republicans are better than that. Time to prove it before it, and you, are too late.

David Brooks, whom I like and respect, is also better than a watered down middling faux center party. Lieberman is a Rightwing ideologue who loves money way too much. Come on David. Face it. The Democrats are better people. Instead of licking the boot of some worshipped superior in hopes for more and more dollars, Democrats look out for those less fortunate, and can easily tell the bribesmiths to go shove it. In other words Democrats are more like Jesus, Gandhi, Abraham, Martin and John... while the Immoderate Republicans are only like Abramoff, Hagee and Rush.

Democrats are the stewards of the earth, like Gore. And stewards of the poor, like Edwards.
Princes of Peace, not Presidents of War.

Lieberman once said: "If you want to live like a Republican, you need to vote like a Democrat."
I take it he wants to live like a Republican. I guess he is impressed by the corrupt, jaded, mediocre, bloodthirsty, Mammoniacal, greedy, selfish, ego-centric, micranimous, war-profiteering, war-mongering liars and thieves.

Who knows. Maybe he was talking about moderate Republicans, but there is a reek of obsolescence among this diminishing sect.

Why is George hiding? II

Well I guess my intuition was not on high alert for nought. Mr Fear hath raised his ugly head again, but remember...there is nothing to fear but Mr. Fear himself. And he can't be everywhere at once. As you will recall, fear causes people to do irrational and stupid, even evil, things. Screw fear.

After 9/11, a lot of people said there was a "failure of imagination". Okay then...let's use our imagination...

Yesterday, Tony Snow says: "A Vote For Lamont Is A Vote For Another 9/11"...and then what happens today? Oh shit! Big terror plot foiled. Red Alert! Red Alert! "We are at war"...
In other words...don't go anti-war on us!

But the timing? Right after the right-winger gets the boot? Of course. This is BushWorld. It is how terrorist governments operate. Oops! Did I apply too much imagination? Well, the administration told us, in so many words, that we need to use it more.

I know that Tony Snow realizes that he is lying. You can hear it in his voice. Maybe he wishes he could have worked for Clinton, who didn't try to scare Americans, but rather tried to lift us up...and did. Peace. Great economy. Internet. As opposed to what? War. Stagflation. Self-terrorism.

But back to the timing...
England knew about these operations (they say) for months. Why act now? Was it in order for Tony Snow to recall 9/11? It has happened before.

Juan Cole says that Bush has to do his war on Syria and Iran before this November, since the Democrats are not likely to fund such nonsense when the power changes hands.

I guess the point is...don't get fooled again.

U.K. Terror Plot Foiled Just a Day after Lieberman's
Defeat. Coincidence?


The pattern continues. A terrorist plot is uncovered just as the masses start to question national security strategy. The day after Senate Democrats brought a vote to pull out of Iraq, we catch a few idiots in Miami who were supposedly trying to blow up the Sears Tower, despite the fact that they lacked the means and ability to do so. Then there were the guys busted for supposedly plotting to blow up a New York subway exactly a year after the London bus bombings. And don't forget the release of new Osama bin Laden tapes just before the 2004 election as well as the very day after the Supreme Court decision striking down the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals. And now today, a few men in England were arrested for a plan to blow up planes flying to America, just a day after Connecticut voters flatly rejected Joe Lieberman and the war in Iraq.

We certainly can't deny that there may have indeed been plans
to commit these acts. But the timings of the arrest announcements are awfully
suspicious. All three were still in the works and had been monitored for several
months by very capable intelligence agencies. While the exact nature of today's
arrests is still unclear, none of the plans seemed to have been immediate or
imminent threats. The decision of when to intervene has been arbitrary, making
the coincidental timings pretty convenient. (And the question of whether some of
them are "real threats," such as the Liberty City "Insane Clown Posse" remain to
be seen.)

Imagine a conversation late Tuesday night between Bush and his
British Prime Minister lapdog, just as Ned Lamont declares victory. "Yo, Blair,"
Bush says while scarfing down a dinner role. "I gotta to do something about this
sh*t. Can you finally arrest those suspected terrorists you told me about? This
election business is ruining my vacation! I know you're chillin' in the
Caribbean yourself right now, but it sure would be great if you could make a few
calls for me ASAP."

Don't buy it? Consider this quote from a Reuters article on the story: "President George W. Bush had known about the investigation for several days, was briefed about it regularly and knew the arrests were coming, a senior administration official said." Both countries are surely monitoring several terrorist leads that could lead to arrests at any time. The British group would have been stopped
eventually, but there has been absolutely no indication why it had to be


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Asked what steps he recommended for the current hostilities to be brought to an end and a lasting peace established, the well-know thinker responded..

"The basic steps are well understood: a cease-fire and exchange of prisoners; withdrawal of occupying forces; continuation of the 'national dialogue' within Lebanon; and acceptance of the very broad international consensus on a two-state settlement for Israel-Palestine, which has been unilaterally blocked by the United States and Israel for thirty years. There is, as always, much more to say, but those are the essentials."

More of the views on Israel, Lebanon and Palestine by Professor Noam Chomsky

Why is George hiding in Texas? (Think 9/11) : The week the world ended

Prior to the 2004 election, I posted this warning:

Democrats Win! World Erupts in Celebration!
Celebration, relief and good cheer spread across the globe, as war-happy madman is replaced by sane and beautiful leaders who respect all peoples.


Republicans win. America goes to war with Iran.
Foolwells get their Armageddon. Millions die needlessly. A handful of suits reap windfall profits.

Well, Republicans are having a tough go at it, and it IS, after all, an election year, and Pigboy Hagee keeps screaming about Armageddon, and George keeps talking about root causes (insinuating Syria and Iran, you know those evil people, as opposed to us good people) you know what? I have felt like I have been hallucinating lately -- probably the cold medicine -- but things feel all eerie like. Sorta like that fateful September, only earlier in the month.

My intuition was spot on back then. A week before the incident, I wrote a post called, "The week the world ended". And no, I had no inside knowledge. Only a fairly keen intuition.

I certainly hope that hiding out in Texas, George isn't going to allow more bad things to happen to our country. Things are bad enough already, thank you very much. But today I hear that Syria is looking forward to a larger war, and that President Logan, I mean Olmert, has basically said they were going to war with Iran and Syria.

I am ashamed of our country and the leadership. Surely God is not on our side, no matter what Pigboy might yell to the contrary. Pigboy is just our Taliban. God is Love, remember. Not hate. Prince of Peace, not War. Where are our own hearts and minds?

What ever happened to "Thou shalt not kill"? Was that a joke? Well, I, for one, still believe it, even though George and his oil raiders have long abandoned it.

Everyone will die, but only the sad and evil few die having murdered. If there must be Amerigeddon, may the truly evil people be swept up, and the innocent children of God left out of it.


A plot to blow up planes in flight from the UK to the US and commit "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Domesday Book is now online!


Loserman Paying for Kissing Bush Ass

I guess no one ever told Joe that if you pull on your face, it will become droopy. Or that if you pull on your pants and find your balls have undescended, it may be time to take a break from the Democratic Party, Stewards of Truth and Peace.

I sorta feel sorry for Joe, but lookit. Surely he has squirrel away some of that PAC money, and surely he can bask in former greatness. But, like Cokie Roberts, he is so yesterday. And his hindbrain support of the war is, well, embarrassing. Who removed this man's trendbone?

Ned Lamont is somewhat wooden, but at least he has a library at Harvard named after his family. Can't be too bad. Even has it's own Henry Moore! opposition party is a good thing. Especially when the opposition is so incompetent, backward, wrongheaded, bloodthirsty, greedy, mediocre, and Texan.

Bloggers bring you down? So sorry!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

How we squandered the world...and our souls

Many industrialized nations are becoming more and more removed from
nature, as money and material success become their "Gods"...while Indigenous
Peoples around the world still maintain their reverence for the Earth. And, like
the Native American Indians, their relationship to the Earth is part of their
everyday life. I strongly suspect that man's escalation of unhealthy minds,
greed, prejudice, and wars is in direct correlation to man's steady descent from
his innate spiritual connection to the Earth.
~ Patty Ann Smith

Friday, July 28, 2006

How to Cause the World to NOT End

It's a whole new world...
It's an entirely diffident point of view.

In the very very secret and very unique and interesting "World Maintenence Manual", there are a number of things that Juan may do in order to prevent the world from ending, which is considered, by some, to be mauvaise foi and entirely unfun. I disagree, but not with that.

Included in the list:

- Make war, itself, a crime. Arrest and incarcerate all those who participate.

- Truth in advertising. Call "War" by its real names: "Mass Murder" and "Serial Killing", and consider all those involved mass murderers and serial killers.
As Chaplin noted, "numbers sanctify". Not good. If one man kills, he is a murderer, but if a thousand kill, they are heroes. Desanctify number. Truth in advertising.

- When you find a leader who consistently makes the wrong decision (like George W. Bush)...use him! Ask him his view on the problem, and then do THE OPPOSITE of what he says. If, for example, he says "no ceasefire", know that the correct answer is "yes ceasefire". Most smart people know this already, but just look at the buffoons who still "stay the course" with every daft dictum of the dafter dictator, ever-dialed into Dick the Dastard: Dark Deity.

- Realize that the Foolwells of the world are literally banking on Armageddon. Deny them their Satanic visions. Create a a long, flexible tube wide enough for, say, Rush Limbaugh or Jerry Foolwell, and then put one end in the vacuum of Space: the final frontier. Then simply suck these Foolwells out into space. It may be the only sucking they've received in their ugly waste of a life. Very good for world maintenence, since these thumping egos are but shills for those who profit from the earth's rapine and destruction. What we call tree fuckers. See also: Exxon/Mobil, Halliburton

- Empower all the world's women. Men have devolved to the point where their mass-murdering wiles freely include women and children. No woman would stand for this. Women have to carpe the diem... and millennium.

- Elect wise leaders with a record of world maintenence, like Al Gore, John Edwards, Robert Redford, Constance Rice or The Yogurthead Man. Sex-changes are easy these days, even fun! (I've done it three times now, and am now working on my second species change. Genus is next.)

So you see, it is not too late. You don't have to give up and lose everything just because a moron from Texas is so power-crazed that he wants to bring it all down with him. Let HIM go down instead, then laugh at him derisively for having such evil and adolescent notions. Send in the clowns, and lock up the serial killing mass murderers.

Future and Fun begin with "f. u..."
So tell your president "F. U." next time you see him.
This will cause the world to not end.

(Cross-posted on The American Street)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Us against the World : Who wants Ceasefire?

(hattip to Reports from Poisonville)


Siding With the Republicans
by BooManWed Jul 26th, 2006 at 09:27:30 AM EST
This is probably this first time in my life where I have been 100% behind the Republicans on an issue. I am ashamed of the Democrats' efforts to prevent Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki from addressing Congress.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Monday, July 24, 2006

Josh Bolten: Mini Dick

Dick and Mini-Dick

Watching Josh Bolten on Meet the Press one thing becomes clear. Josh Bolten is Mini-Dick, and no, I'm not talking about the size of his tallywhacker. I'm talking about the fact that he looks and acts in such a manner as to make one realize that he is so obsessed with Dick Cheney that he is becoming Dick Cheney.
His boss, George W. is also adept at shape shifting, and would often shift into Pat Robertson, Karen Hughes and Paul Wolfowitz. Josh Bolten is a one-man shifter, and his man is Dick.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

India Arie

India Arie

...and speaking of electricity, Charlotte electricians are predicting a heavy hurricane season, so set up an appointment for an assessment of YOUR home or business. Are YOU prepared for another Katrina or Hugo?

Collective Punishment : Amerigeddon

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How to Profit from the Current Middle East Crisis

(Excerpts from the anonyMoses speech given to the Academy of Multimedia Arts and Sciences*)


...This is a time for divergent thinking. While some seem to think that this crisis will spark World War III, I choose to deny that dark vision. In it's place I see the crisis sparking World Peace I. But to get there, from here, it will take vision, sacrifice, love, respect, generosity, magnanimity, and the entire panoply of higher human traits and abilities, including the one perhaps most difficult to attain...impartiality. For how can one be impartial when it comes to the death of friends and family? This is why I call the coming age, The Age of Radical Forgiveness. This Herculean effort will result in a breaking of the chain of causation that has allowed the now organic hatred to pass from generation to generation.

A sacrifice of the higher element that produces an increase of the lower is
called an out-and-out increase: it indicates the spirit that alone has power to
help the world.
Sacrifice on the part of those above for the increase of those below fills the people with a sense of joy and gratitude that is extremely valuable for the flowering of the commonwealth. When people are thus devoted to their leaders, undertakings are possible, and even difficult and dangerous enterprises will succeed. Therefore in such times of progress and successful development it is necessary to work and make the best use of the time. This time resembles that of the marriage of heaven and earth, when the earth partakes of the creative power of heaven, forming and bringing forth living beings. The time of INCREASE does not endure, therefore it must be utilized while it lasts.
Increase. Profit. What we have here is a new way of looking at profit...written thousands of years ago.
Thus the superior man:
If he sees good, he imitates it;
If he has faults, he rids himself of them.

While observing how thunder and wind increase and strengthen each other, a man can note the way to self-increase and self-improvement. When he discovers good in others, he should imitate it and thus make everything on earth his own. If he perceives something bad in himself, let him rid himself of it. In this way he becomes free of evil.
This ethical change represents the most important increase of personality.
Increase. Profit. Benefitting from the current Middle East crisis. Each person and leader mining their own personality for that which is best, and removing that which is worst. The war is not with other people. It is within yourself. You must conquer your own evil, and make flourish your highest angels.

True kindness does not count upon nor ask about merit and gratitude but acts
from inner necessity. And such a truly kind heart finds itself rewarded in being
recognized, and thus the beneficent influence will spread unhindered.

* Woody's House

ABC's "The One: Making a Music Star" outshines "American Idol"

"The One: Making a Music Star"

The lineup of 11 talented and attractive young stars includes a young Sir Elton (Austin Carroll), a Jude Law-looking Mick Jagger (Michael Cole), a rocking Kellie Pickler (Aubrey Collins), Keanu Reeves with dreadlocks (Adam McInnis), two singing Orlando Blooms (Jeremiah Richie and Nick Brownell), and more. Were I to cast my vote for "The One" (at this early stage) I would have to say that The One will come from those mentioned in this paragraph.

The show will be repeated tonight, followed by the Results Show.

Nick Brownell
Austin Carroll
Michael Cole

Aubrey Collins
Caitlin Evanson
Scotty Granger
Jadyn Maria
Adam McInnis
Jackie Mendez
Syesha Mercado
Jeremiah Richey

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Syd Barret is dead: Shine on you crazy diamond!

Pink Floyd's original genius has flown...

Syd Barrett

(Thanks to Zhonphus for the tip)

Monday, July 10, 2006

This cover entered the world as a clay sculpture circa 1984...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

France's Zidane Headbutts his way to Infamy at World Cup Finals

Watch the video clip and ask yourself if you'd let this man prepare your croissant...

I personally was pulling for France until I saw this egregious act, at which point my allegiance went entirely toward Italy. I suspect Zidane lost France a good deal more than just my vote...

Mais pourquoi?

Congratulations Italy! Well fought!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Frank Gehry Melon Balls

Get them while they're hot!

Right-wing pundits in Internet ratings freefall

Ce n'est pas un drapeau brûlant

Many well-known right-wing media figures -- including Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly -- are losing their Internet audiences, according to an analysis of Web site ratings by IPD Group and U.S. Politics Today.
On the other hand, traffic for has risen.
On Thursday,
Shakespeare's Sister checked other sites from the right and left at the same tracking service,, used in the analysis.
According to the blogger, Free Republic, Hugh Hewitt, World Net Daily, and Pajamas Media have all suffered at least a 19 percent decline, while the traffic at Raw Story, Crooks and Liars, and Think Progress has risen.