Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blue Vision Fund: The Possible America

America is stuck in a ditch.
We need visionaries to get us out.
Blue Visionaries, like John Edwards.
Visionaries who are not content with merely keeping up with “competitors”,
but who are actively creating the future.
The POSSIBLE America.

John Edwards is such a visionary.
But he needs our help.
He needs our support, and he could certainly use your donations.

John Edwards knows that America’s greatest inventions have been Social Innovations, like the Internet, transportations systems, advanced forms of peace…and is eager to foster the research and development of new and green ways of doing things, including tomorrow’s evolutionary technologies.
And he wants to include all people in the development of these new tools, lifestyles and environments.

Look at Cirque du Soleil or Disney World. did someone ask for all those wondrous worlds they created there? No! They were not satisfied with merely giving people what they said they wanted. They were visionary. Still are. They wanted to take it to the limits of possibility, and create the possible show. And they are constantly creating more and more wondrous worlds, manifesting remarkable visions. Blue visions.

Blue Vision Fund: The Possible America is about rewarding this exciting work. But it is also about ending poverty and AIDS, improving and evolving our infrastructure, ending the war, spreading peace and education, ending our dependence on oil and other outmoded forms of energy. It is about using the Internet to give every American child, or adult, a world-class education, and using other online tools, such as blogs and social networking sites to advance democracy, by giving everyone a voice, and by giving everyone the vast world of information.

Please give what you can to ensure that the future is a friend, a garden, good feng shui, and a blessing to hand off to our children and their children for generations to come.

Please make a contribution to this critical cause. Please support John Edwards for the President of the United States of America.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

FOXnews: "Doom for African-American Males"

On Friday, September 28, 2007, FOXnews had this on their website:

Doom for African-American Males

Need I say more?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hillary, Lieberman & Bush: Their Push for War with Iran is Tipping Point

Strange bedfellows

John Edwards said it best. He and Hillary learned entirely different lessons from the Iraq War. And now that Hillary has joined Lieberman, Bush and the PNAC neo-cons to take those first steps toward war with Iran...her departure from real Americans is complete. And Obama's failure to even vote may well serve as a tipping point for him too.


RUSSERT: Senator, are you suggesting that these candidates
suspend their campaigns, go back to Washington, and for 40 consecutive
days vote on the war?

GRAVEL: If it stops the killing, my God, yes, do it.

And, Tim, you're really missing something. This is fantasy land.
We are talking about ending the war. My God, we're just starting a
war right today. There was a vote in the Senate today. Joe
Lieberman, who authored the Iraq resolution, has offered another
resolution and it is essentially a fig leaf to let George Bush go to
war with Iran.

I want to congratulate Biden for voting against it, Dodd for
voting against it.

And I am ashamed of you, Hillary, for voting for it. You're not
going to get another shot at this because what happens if this war
ensues, we invade, and they're looking for an excuse to do it. And
Obama was not even there to vote.

RUSSERT: Senator Clinton, I want to give you a chance to


CLINTON: I don't know where to start.

RUSSERT: Please take 30 seconds.


CLINTON: Yes. Let me respond.

My understanding of the Revolutionary Guard in Iran is that it is
promoting terrorism. It is manufacturing weapons that are used
against our troops in Iraq. It is certainly the main agent of support
for Hezbollah, Hamas and others.

And in what we voted for today, we will have an opportunity to
designate it as a terrorist organization which gives us the options to
be able to impose sanctions on the primary leaders to try to begin to
put some teeth into all this talk about dealing with Iran.

We wouldn't be where we are today if the Bush administration
hadn't outsourced our diplomacy with respect to Iran and ignored Iran
and called it part of the axis of evil. Now we've got to make up for
lost time and lost ground...

EDWARDS: But I want to come back to a discussion that took place a few
minutes ago to make everyone understands what Senator Gravel is
talking and Senator Clinton was talking about. Because there was a
very important vote cast in the United States Senate today. And it
was, basically, in a resolution calling the Iranian Revolutionary
Guard a terrorist organization.

I voted for this war in Iraq, and I was wrong to vote for this
war. And I accept responsibility for that. Senator Clinton also
voted for this war.

We learned a very different lesson from that. I have
no intention of giving George Bush the authority to take the first
step on a road to war with Iran.

And I think that vote today, which Senator Biden and Senator Dodd
voted against, and they were correct to vote against it, is a clear
indication of the approach that all of us would take with the
situation in Iran because what I learned in my vote on Iraq was you
cannot give this president the authority and you can't even give him
the first step in that authority because he cannot be trusted. And
that resolution that was voted on today was a very clear indication...

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Anonymoses David Beckwith showing Elizabeth the book he calls "How to Win the White House Without Being Evil" -- a gentle reminder to "stay out the darkness". I'm sure they will keep reaching for, and bring us, the light. Photo by CarolinaGirl.

Photo by CarolinaGirl, Photoshop by Anonymoses.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Democratic Response to the one-trick-pony president by John Edwards

Mister Bush once again proved that there is no evolution, or, if there is, he is not privy to it, by, once again, uttering that most stupid of non-words, "nucular". these people just will not learn, and the sad thing is that their cheerleaders don't even care.

Anyway, he yabbed his typical puppetry tonight about Iraq. Bla bla bla. Hand the problem over to the Democrats (eight years to freaking late!) and let them fix it. Heck, we're stupid!

Anyway, John Edwards responded...

Monday, September 10, 2007

CSPAN-3: Too little mic, too much mic

While watching the David Petraeus Report on C-SPAN 3(not unlike the Colbert Report) there was some difficulty getting the good general's microphone to work. So while waiting, Chairman Skelton, who must've forgotten that his OWN mic was ON...said (about some demonstrators); "That really pisses me off, Hunter." to which Duncan Hunter said: "What", to whom Skelton replied "Those assholes".
C-SPAN is not so boring...

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Alex Jones arrested in NYC

Jones predicted the 9/11 attack in a July 2001 television taping when he warned that the Globalists were going to attack New York and blame it on their asset Osama bin Laden. View the clip here.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Republican debate: Is Fred Thompson a Transcendent God?

Face it. Everybody knows that the urge to war is what the Bible calls "The Satanic Urge", and that most of the Republicans are infected with it. Ron Paul is the laudible exception. But alas, he is not so smallweenied as his wan semaphors and toothshiners, who, at best, are lazy on Peace.


So why are the Republicans lazy on Peace? Is it related to the Satanic Urge? Or is it more a matter of the profits they are making off of the acting out of the Satanic Urge?

Last night, while Ron Paul was winning the debate, Fred Thompson was fast asleep, having finished his job at Leno, where he disrespected Jay by walking off the stage in front of him, before the proper time. And why was he hunched over like a cave man? Is he really just a product placement for the new cavemen TV series? Let's ask Chompsky...

GNOME CHOMPSKY: Yes, Nonny, and thank you for asking. Fred Thompson IS a product placement for Cavemen, and we know what those syntactic structures can lead to. By representing the atavists and the simians, Metatron Thompson hovers under, not over, his Republican inferiors, and taunts them with every grunt, which echoes through their hindbrains like Craig and the daily embarrassment.

When all is said and done, "The Republicans who are not Ron Paul" will look back and wish they had the cahones to speak the full truth. Watching them fail to do so is the ongoing tragedy. Thank God for Ron Paul. Long live the Democratic Party!

Luciano More: The Death of Pavarotti

I'm sad to hear that a great man has died today. Luciano Pavarotti, the most famous tenor in the world, and one of the greatest of humanitarians. Before there was Andrea Bocelli, there was Luciano the Light.

Pavarotti annually hosted the "Pavarotti and Friends" charity concerts in his home town of Modena in Italy, joining with singers from all parts of the music industry to raise money for several worthy UN causes. Concerts were held for War Child, and victims of war and civil unrest in Bosnia, Guatemala, Kosovo and Iraq. After the war in Bosnia, he financed and established the Pavarotti Music Center in the southern city of Mostar to offer Bosnia's artists the opportunity to develop their skills. For these contributions, the city of Sarajevo named him an honorary citizen in 2006.[14]
He performed at benefit concerts to raise money for victims of tragedies such as an earthquake in December 1988 that killed 25,000 people in northern Armenia.[15]
He was a close friend of Diana, Princess of Wales. They raised money for the elimination of land mines worldwide. He was invited to sing at her funeral service, but declined, as he felt he could not sing well "with his grief in his throat".
In 1998, he was appointed the United Nation's Messenger of Peace, using his fame to raise awareness of UN issues, including the
Millennium Development Goals, HIV/AIDS, child rights, urban slums and poverty.[16]
In 2001, Pavarotti received the Nansen Medal from the UN High Commission for Refugees for his efforts raising money on behalf of refugees worldwide. Through benefit concerts and volunteer work, he has raised more than US$1.5 million, more than any other individual.[17]

His 1982 Movie, "Yes, Georgio" happened to be the first movie I got to be in (I wind up as an extra in this, Black Rainbow, Toy Soldiers, and I think one more -- lotsa fun, you oughtta try it!) Anyway, in "Yes, Georgio", my role was to be an audience member at one of Georgio's concerts, which happened to occur at Boston's Hatch Shell -- named after Orrin and Richard Hatch, the Nudist Survivor. I suspect that if you get an electron microscope, you might be able to spot me in the crowd. I was near Fiedler's Head, although I'm not sure it was even there at the time. If it WAS there, it too was enjoying the music and festive jocularity. That is, if Arthur's spirit had any say in the matter, which, according to Science, it does.

May Luciano's spirit soar higher than the music he has brought to our thirsty earth, and may he rest among kindred spirits.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Man from Hemp


Bill Clinton was known as The Man from Hope, as that was where he grew Hope, Arkansas. John Edwards is The Man from Hemp...and no, I don't mean marijuana. I mean Hemp...a small town in North Carolina whose current name happens to be Robbins.

Hemp was not the first name of Robbins though. The town of Robbins began in 1795 when Alexander Kennedy, a revolutionary war soldier (who happens to be my 5th great-grandfather, and the son of John Kennedy, the immigrant), settled in the area and established what would become the largest gun factory in the South. The promise of jobs drew others to the area, which became known as Mechanics Hill. In 1838, the gun factory closed and the townspeople cleared the land for agricultural purposes. It was during this time that gold was discovered in the area, and the town experienced a minor gold rush.


"At the turn of the twentieth century, the Durham-Charlotte railroad came through, and a depot was built in the town. In 1900, the town registered its name as Elise, in honor of the daughter of the president of the railroad. The railroad brought many more jobs and people to the town. In 1904, Elise Academy, now Elise Middle School, was established to educate the children of Elise. It was at this time that the townspeople applied for an official U.S. post office; they were notified that there was already a town in North Carolina with the name Elise. The post office assigned the town the name of Hemp, and after much argument among the townspeople, the new name was begrudgingly adopted in 1915. However, many people continued to refer to the town as Elise for years to come. In 1935, Hemp was incorporated as a town."

"During the 1920's, the town experienced industrial growth. Hemp was supplied with power in 1923, and the following year, Moore Mills Textile plant, the first textile mill, was established. The mill was purchased by Karl Robbins in 1930 and renamed the Robbins Silk Mill. The textile industry continued to play a significant role in the town until 1990. "

I believe it is this mill that John Edwards' father worked in.

ECONOMY: Kennedys, Guns & Gold

"The economy of Robbins has been marked by periods of growth and decline. In 1795, the Kennedy family opened the largest gun factory in the south in an effort to supply revolutionary war soldiers with rifles. The Kennedy gun factory created 75-100 jobs for the area; the factory continued to grow through the early 1800s, employing 150 people at its peak (Changing the Name of Hemp, 1943). When the gun factory closed in 1838 the land was cleared for agriculture. It was at this time that gold was discovered (City Government of Robbins, n.d.). Mining kept the town alive through the transitions in major industries. The gold mines are now being utilized to mine for talc."

My family still has ties and land in Moore County, where not only one may find Robbins, Elise, Hemp and Mechanics Hill (which are the same place), but one may drive to the southern end of the county and play fine golf at Pinehurst. It is a testament to the American Spirit that a small-town boy can, through hard and good work, rise to become the de facto leader of the world. I, for one, think the world would be well served.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ConvergeSouth 2007: Where Bloggers Meet and Share

We at anonyMoses Blog Manumissives are extremely pleased to note the approach of this year's blog bash called ConvergeSouth. In order to remind myself, it is quite likely that i will post a few items regardingthe venerable event, so do not be alarmed. Rather sign up before it gets too full. You have waited long enough...

friday theme: "The Fifth Estate"
Owning the news - the challenges of moving from old media to new.
Panelist: Dan Conover
Panelist: Will Bunch
Moderator: Joe Killian
Interactive Panel: WE DO AGREE TO DISAGREE
How community-driven nontraditional news sites have changed the
way we perceive what is news or newsworthy
Panelist: Ruby Sinreich
Panelist: Chris Rabb
Panelist: TBA
Moderator: Ed Cone

To Be Announced
Dr. Abdul Alkalimat
Legal Issues Online
Eric Fink

Affiliate Marketing, Web 2.0 and Social Media
Sam Harrelson
Science Blogging
Bora Zivkovic

We Don't Need No Titles
Billy Jones
Get Your Political Foot in the Door
E.C. Huey

saturday theme: "The Making of the fifth estate"
Creative people and groups are
providing new context to the world around them
Panelist: Anil Dash
Panelist: TBA
Moderator: Sean Coon


Podcasting and Beyond

HOW-TO (part 1)
How to make a Current pod, demo pods, answer questions and take pitches

Videos that Don't Suck

Better Blogging

HOW-TO (part 2)
How to make a Current pod, demo pods, answer questions and take pitches

Riffing an Existence with Lenslinger
PRESENTER: Stewart Pittman

Sustainable Journalism


Hosted dinners throughout downtown Greensboro

Music downtown

Thursday, August 16, 2007

David Beckham's First Goal for America

Becks brings them to their feet with his famously bent futbol.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

AFL-CIO Debate, Chicago, Aug.7, 2007

Here is the entire debate from last night, which was shown to MSNBC customers. The first clip shows Carolina's own, Senator Edwards, as he arrives at the debate.

Senator Edwards connecting with seniors of Iowa

From The Des Moines Register

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Web 2.008 Campaign

By Edward Cone

Web video and social networks are two of the hottest technologies for Campaign '08. Video is ready for prime time, social networking is a relative unknown...


Friday, August 03, 2007

OUTFOXED: Why Democrats Needn't Appear on FOX News

Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism


Exhibit A

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Edwardian Age: John Edwards TV

Start it up, and one video will flow into the next. You can put down your mouse, relax, and enjoy...

The Virtual Bohemia Channel

The Virtual Bohemia Channel